Base class for nodes in a visual shader graph. Visual shader graphs consist of various nodes. Each node in the graph is a separate object and they are represented as a rectangular boxes with title and a set of properties. Each node has also connection ports that allow to connect it to another nodes and control the flow of the shader. $DOCS_URL/tutorials/shaders/visual_shaders.html Clears the default input ports value. Returns an [Array] containing default values for all of the input ports of the node in the form [code][index0, value0, index1, value1, ...][/code]. Returns the default value of the input [param port]. Removes the default value of the input [param port]. Sets the default input ports values using an [Array] of the form [code][index0, value0, index1, value1, ...][/code]. For example: [code][0, Vector3(0, 0, 0), 1, Vector3(0, 0, 0)][/code]. Sets the default [param value] for the selected input [param port]. Sets the output port index which will be showed for preview. If set to [code]-1[/code] no port will be open for preview. Floating-point scalar. Translated to [code]float[/code] type in shader code. Integer scalar. Translated to [code]int[/code] type in shader code. Unsigned integer scalar. Translated to [code]uint[/code] type in shader code. 2D vector of floating-point values. Translated to [code]vec2[/code] type in shader code. 3D vector of floating-point values. Translated to [code]vec3[/code] type in shader code. 4D vector of floating-point values. Translated to [code]vec4[/code] type in shader code. Boolean type. Translated to [code]bool[/code] type in shader code. Transform type. Translated to [code]mat4[/code] type in shader code. Sampler type. Translated to reference of sampler uniform in shader code. Can only be used for input ports in non-uniform nodes. Represents the size of the [enum PortType] enum.