Base script that can be used to add extension functions to the editor. Scripts extending this class and implementing its [method _run] method can be executed from the Script Editor's [b]File > Run[/b] menu option (or by pressing [kbd]Ctrl + Shift + X[/kbd]) while the editor is running. This is useful for adding custom in-editor functionality to Godot. For more complex additions, consider using [EditorPlugin]s instead. [b]Note:[/b] Extending scripts need to have [code]tool[/code] mode enabled. [b]Example script:[/b] [codeblocks] [gdscript] @tool extends EditorScript func _run(): print("Hello from the Godot Editor!") [/gdscript] [csharp] using Godot; using System; [Tool] public class HelloEditor : EditorScript { public override void _Run() { GD.Print("Hello from the Godot Editor!"); } } [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] The script is run in the Editor context, which means the output is visible in the console window started with the Editor (stdout) instead of the usual Godot [b]Output[/b] dock. [b]Note:[/b] EditorScript is [RefCounted], meaning it is destroyed when nothing references it. This can cause errors during asynchronous operations if there are no references to the script. This method is executed by the Editor when [b]File > Run[/b] is used. Adds [param node] as a child of the root node in the editor context. [b]Warning:[/b] The implementation of this method is currently disabled. Returns the [EditorInterface] singleton instance. Returns the Editor's currently active scene.