2D sprite node in 3D world, that can use multiple 2D textures for animation. [AnimatedSprite3D] is similar to the [Sprite3D] node, except it carries multiple textures as animation [member sprite_frames]. Animations are created using a [SpriteFrames] resource, which allows you to import image files (or a folder containing said files) to provide the animation frames for the sprite. The [SpriteFrames] resource can be configured in the editor via the SpriteFrames bottom panel. $DOCS_URL/tutorials/2d/2d_sprite_animation.html Returns the actual playing speed of current animation or [code]0[/code] if not playing. This speed is the [member speed_scale] property multiplied by [code]custom_speed[/code] argument specified when calling the [method play] method. Returns a negative value if the current animation is playing backwards. Returns [code]true[/code] if an animation is currently playing (even if [member speed_scale] and/or [code]custom_speed[/code] are [code]0[/code]). Pauses the currently playing animation. The [member frame] and [member frame_progress] will be kept and calling [method play] or [method play_backwards] without arguments will resume the animation from the current playback position. See also [method stop]. Plays the animation with key [param name]. If [param custom_speed] is negative and [param from_end] is [code]true[/code], the animation will play backwards (which is equivalent to calling [method play_backwards]). If this method is called with that same animation [param name], or with no [param name] parameter, the assigned animation will resume playing if it was paused. Plays the animation with key [param name] in reverse. This method is a shorthand for [method play] with [code]custom_speed = -1.0[/code] and [code]from_end = true[/code], so see its description for more information. The setter of [member frame] resets the [member frame_progress] to [code]0.0[/code] implicitly, but this method avoids that. This is useful when you want to carry over the current [member frame_progress] to another [member frame]. [b]Example:[/b] [codeblocks] [gdscript] # Change the animation with keeping the frame index and progress. var current_frame = animated_sprite.get_frame() var current_progress = animated_sprite.get_frame_progress() animated_sprite.play("walk_another_skin") animated_sprite.set_frame_and_progress(current_frame, current_progress) [/gdscript] [/codeblocks] Stops the currently playing animation. The animation position is reset to [code]0[/code] and the [code]custom_speed[/code] is reset to [code]1.0[/code]. See also [method pause]. The current animation from the [member sprite_frames] resource. If this value is changed, the [member frame] counter and the [member frame_progress] are reset. The key of the animation to play when the scene loads. The displayed animation frame's index. Setting this property also resets [member frame_progress]. If this is not desired, use [method set_frame_and_progress]. The progress value between [code]0.0[/code] and [code]1.0[/code] until the current frame transitions to the next frame. If the animation is playing backwards, the value transitions from [code]1.0[/code] to [code]0.0[/code]. The speed scaling ratio. For example, if this value is [code]1[/code], then the animation plays at normal speed. If it's [code]0.5[/code], then it plays at half speed. If it's [code]2[/code], then it plays at double speed. If set to a negative value, the animation is played in reverse. If set to [code]0[/code], the animation will not advance. The [SpriteFrames] resource containing the animation(s). Allows you the option to load, edit, clear, make unique and save the states of the [SpriteFrames] resource. Emitted when [member animation] changes. Emitted when the animation reaches the end, or the start if it is played in reverse. When the animation finishes, it pauses the playback. Emitted when the animation loops. Emitted when [member frame] changes. Emitted when [member sprite_frames] changes.