Abstract base class for 3D game objects affected by physics. [PhysicsBody3D] is an abstract base class for 3D game objects affected by physics. All 3D physics bodies inherit from it. [b]Warning:[/b] With a non-uniform scale, this node will likely not behave as expected. It is advised to keep its scale the same on all axes and adjust its collision shape(s) instead. $DOCS_URL/tutorials/physics/physics_introduction.html Adds a body to the list of bodies that this body can't collide with. Returns [code]true[/code] if the specified linear or rotational [param axis] is locked. Returns an array of nodes that were added as collision exceptions for this body. Moves the body along the vector [param motion]. In order to be frame rate independent in [method Node._physics_process] or [method Node._process], [param motion] should be computed using [code]delta[/code]. The body will stop if it collides. Returns a [KinematicCollision3D], which contains information about the collision when stopped, or when touching another body along the motion. If [param test_only] is [code]true[/code], the body does not move but the would-be collision information is given. [param safe_margin] is the extra margin used for collision recovery (see [member CharacterBody3D.safe_margin] for more details). If [param recovery_as_collision] is [code]true[/code], any depenetration from the recovery phase is also reported as a collision; this is used e.g. by [CharacterBody3D] for improving floor detection during floor snapping. [param max_collisions] allows to retrieve more than one collision result. Removes a body from the list of bodies that this body can't collide with. Locks or unlocks the specified linear or rotational [param axis] depending on the value of [param lock]. Checks for collisions without moving the body. In order to be frame rate independent in [method Node._physics_process] or [method Node._process], [param motion] should be computed using [code]delta[/code]. Virtually sets the node's position, scale and rotation to that of the given [Transform3D], then tries to move the body along the vector [param motion]. Returns [code]true[/code] if a collision would stop the body from moving along the whole path. [param collision] is an optional object of type [KinematicCollision3D], which contains additional information about the collision when stopped, or when touching another body along the motion. [param safe_margin] is the extra margin used for collision recovery (see [member CharacterBody3D.safe_margin] for more details). If [param recovery_as_collision] is [code]true[/code], any depenetration from the recovery phase is also reported as a collision; this is useful for checking whether the body would [i]touch[/i] any other bodies. [param max_collisions] allows to retrieve more than one collision result. Lock the body's rotation in the X axis. Lock the body's rotation in the Y axis. Lock the body's rotation in the Z axis. Lock the body's linear movement in the X axis. Lock the body's linear movement in the Y axis. Lock the body's linear movement in the Z axis.