/**************************************************************************/ /* text_server_adv.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef TEXT_SERVER_ADV_H #define TEXT_SERVER_ADV_H /*************************************************************************/ /* ICU/HarfBuzz/Graphite backed Text Server implementation with BiDi, */ /* shaping and advanced font features support. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "script_iterator.h" #ifdef GDEXTENSION // Headers for building as GDExtension plug-in. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace godot; #elif defined(GODOT_MODULE) // Headers for building as built-in module. #include "core/extension/ext_wrappers.gen.inc" #include "core/object/worker_thread_pool.h" #include "core/templates/hash_map.h" #include "core/templates/rid_owner.h" #include "scene/resources/image_texture.h" #include "servers/text/text_server_extension.h" #include "modules/modules_enabled.gen.h" // For freetype, msdfgen, svg. #endif // Thirdparty headers. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include FT_TRUETYPE_TABLES_H #include FT_STROKER_H #include FT_ADVANCES_H #include FT_MULTIPLE_MASTERS_H #include FT_BBOX_H #include FT_MODULE_H #include FT_CONFIG_OPTIONS_H #if !defined(FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_BROTLI) && !defined(_MSC_VER) #warning FreeType is configured without Brotli support, built-in fonts will not be available. #endif #include #include #endif #include #include /*************************************************************************/ class TextServerAdvanced : public TextServerExtension { GDCLASS(TextServerAdvanced, TextServerExtension); _THREAD_SAFE_CLASS_ struct NumSystemData { HashSet lang; String digits; String percent_sign; String exp; }; Vector num_systems; struct FeatureInfo { StringName name; Variant::Type vtype = Variant::INT; bool hidden = false; }; HashMap feature_sets; HashMap feature_sets_inv; void _insert_num_systems_lang(); void _insert_feature_sets(); _FORCE_INLINE_ void _insert_feature(const StringName &p_name, int32_t p_tag, Variant::Type p_vtype = Variant::INT, bool p_hidden = false); // ICU support data. static bool icu_data_loaded; static PackedByteArray icu_data; mutable USet *allowed = nullptr; mutable USpoofChecker *sc_spoof = nullptr; mutable USpoofChecker *sc_conf = nullptr; // Font cache data. #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED mutable FT_Library ft_library = nullptr; #endif const int rect_range = 1; struct FontTexturePosition { int32_t index = -1; int32_t x = 0; int32_t y = 0; FontTexturePosition() {} FontTexturePosition(int32_t p_id, int32_t p_x, int32_t p_y) : index(p_id), x(p_x), y(p_y) {} }; struct Shelf { int32_t x = 0; int32_t y = 0; int32_t w = 0; int32_t h = 0; FontTexturePosition alloc_shelf(int32_t p_id, int32_t p_w, int32_t p_h) { if (p_w > w || p_h > h) { return FontTexturePosition(-1, 0, 0); } int32_t xx = x; x += p_w; w -= p_w; return FontTexturePosition(p_id, xx, y); } Shelf() {} Shelf(int32_t p_x, int32_t p_y, int32_t p_w, int32_t p_h) : x(p_x), y(p_y), w(p_w), h(p_h) {} }; struct ShelfPackTexture { int32_t texture_w = 1024; int32_t texture_h = 1024; Ref image; Ref texture; bool dirty = true; List shelves; FontTexturePosition pack_rect(int32_t p_id, int32_t p_h, int32_t p_w) { int32_t y = 0; int32_t waste = 0; Shelf *best_shelf = nullptr; int32_t best_waste = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (Shelf &E : shelves) { y += E.h; if (p_w > E.w) { continue; } if (p_h == E.h) { return E.alloc_shelf(p_id, p_w, p_h); } if (p_h > E.h) { continue; } if (p_h < E.h) { waste = (E.h - p_h) * p_w; if (waste < best_waste) { best_waste = waste; best_shelf = &E; } } } if (best_shelf) { return best_shelf->alloc_shelf(p_id, p_w, p_h); } if (p_h <= (texture_h - y) && p_w <= texture_w) { List::Element *E = shelves.push_back(Shelf(0, y, texture_w, p_h)); return E->get().alloc_shelf(p_id, p_w, p_h); } return FontTexturePosition(-1, 0, 0); } ShelfPackTexture() {} ShelfPackTexture(int32_t p_w, int32_t p_h) : texture_w(p_w), texture_h(p_h) {} }; struct FontGlyph { bool found = false; int texture_idx = -1; Rect2 rect; Rect2 uv_rect; Vector2 advance; }; struct FontForSizeAdvanced { double ascent = 0.0; double descent = 0.0; double underline_position = 0.0; double underline_thickness = 0.0; double scale = 1.0; double oversampling = 1.0; Vector2i size; Vector textures; HashMap inv_glyph_map; HashMap glyph_map; HashMap kerning_map; hb_font_t *hb_handle = nullptr; #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED FT_Face face = nullptr; FT_StreamRec stream; #endif ~FontForSizeAdvanced() { if (hb_handle != nullptr) { hb_font_destroy(hb_handle); } #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED if (face != nullptr) { FT_Done_Face(face); } #endif } }; struct FontAdvancedLinkedVariation { RID base_font; int extra_spacing[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; float baseline_offset = 0.0; }; struct FontAdvanced { Mutex mutex; TextServer::FontAntialiasing antialiasing = TextServer::FONT_ANTIALIASING_GRAY; bool disable_embedded_bitmaps = true; bool mipmaps = false; bool msdf = false; int msdf_range = 14; FixedSizeScaleMode fixed_size_scale_mode = FIXED_SIZE_SCALE_DISABLE; int msdf_source_size = 48; int fixed_size = 0; bool allow_system_fallback = true; bool force_autohinter = false; TextServer::Hinting hinting = TextServer::HINTING_LIGHT; TextServer::SubpixelPositioning subpixel_positioning = TextServer::SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO; Dictionary variation_coordinates; double oversampling = 0.0; double embolden = 0.0; Transform2D transform; BitField style_flags = 0; String font_name; String style_name; int weight = 400; int stretch = 100; int extra_spacing[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; float baseline_offset = 0.0; HashMap cache; bool face_init = false; HashSet supported_scripts; Dictionary supported_features; Dictionary supported_varaitions; Dictionary feature_overrides; // Language/script support override. HashMap language_support_overrides; HashMap script_support_overrides; PackedByteArray data; const uint8_t *data_ptr; size_t data_size; int face_index = 0; ~FontAdvanced() { for (const KeyValue &E : cache) { memdelete(E.value); } cache.clear(); } }; _FORCE_INLINE_ FontTexturePosition find_texture_pos_for_glyph(FontForSizeAdvanced *p_data, int p_color_size, Image::Format p_image_format, int p_width, int p_height, bool p_msdf) const; #ifdef MODULE_MSDFGEN_ENABLED _FORCE_INLINE_ FontGlyph rasterize_msdf(FontAdvanced *p_font_data, FontForSizeAdvanced *p_data, int p_pixel_range, int p_rect_margin, FT_Outline *p_outline, const Vector2 &p_advance) const; #endif #ifdef MODULE_FREETYPE_ENABLED _FORCE_INLINE_ FontGlyph rasterize_bitmap(FontForSizeAdvanced *p_data, int p_rect_margin, FT_Bitmap p_bitmap, int p_yofs, int p_xofs, const Vector2 &p_advance, bool p_bgra) const; #endif _FORCE_INLINE_ bool _ensure_glyph(FontAdvanced *p_font_data, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ bool _ensure_cache_for_size(FontAdvanced *p_font_data, const Vector2i &p_size) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ void _font_clear_cache(FontAdvanced *p_font_data); static void _generateMTSDF_threaded(void *p_td, uint32_t p_y); _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2i _get_size(const FontAdvanced *p_font_data, int p_size) const { if (p_font_data->msdf) { return Vector2i(p_font_data->msdf_source_size, 0); } else if (p_font_data->fixed_size > 0) { return Vector2i(p_font_data->fixed_size, 0); } else { return Vector2i(p_size, 0); } } _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2i _get_size_outline(const FontAdvanced *p_font_data, const Vector2i &p_size) const { if (p_font_data->msdf) { return Vector2i(p_font_data->msdf_source_size, 0); } else if (p_font_data->fixed_size > 0) { return Vector2i(p_font_data->fixed_size, MIN(p_size.y, 1)); } else { return p_size; } } _FORCE_INLINE_ double _get_extra_advance(RID p_font_rid, int p_font_size) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ Variant::Type _get_tag_type(int64_t p_tag) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ bool _get_tag_hidden(int64_t p_tag) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ int _font_get_weight_by_name(const String &p_sty_name) const { String sty_name = p_sty_name.replace(" ", "").replace("-", ""); if (sty_name.contains("thin") || sty_name.contains("hairline")) { return 100; } else if (sty_name.contains("extralight") || sty_name.contains("ultralight")) { return 200; } else if (sty_name.contains("light")) { return 300; } else if (sty_name.contains("semilight")) { return 350; } else if (sty_name.contains("regular")) { return 400; } else if (sty_name.contains("medium")) { return 500; } else if (sty_name.contains("semibold") || sty_name.contains("demibold")) { return 600; } else if (sty_name.contains("bold")) { return 700; } else if (sty_name.contains("extrabold") || sty_name.contains("ultrabold")) { return 800; } else if (sty_name.contains("black") || sty_name.contains("heavy")) { return 900; } else if (sty_name.contains("extrablack") || sty_name.contains("ultrablack")) { return 950; } return 400; } _FORCE_INLINE_ int _font_get_stretch_by_name(const String &p_sty_name) const { String sty_name = p_sty_name.replace(" ", "").replace("-", ""); if (sty_name.contains("ultracondensed")) { return 50; } else if (sty_name.contains("extracondensed")) { return 63; } else if (sty_name.contains("condensed")) { return 75; } else if (sty_name.contains("semicondensed")) { return 87; } else if (sty_name.contains("semiexpanded")) { return 113; } else if (sty_name.contains("expanded")) { return 125; } else if (sty_name.contains("extraexpanded")) { return 150; } else if (sty_name.contains("ultraexpanded")) { return 200; } return 100; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool _is_ital_style(const String &p_sty_name) const { return p_sty_name.contains("italic") || p_sty_name.contains("oblique"); } // Shaped text cache data. struct TrimData { int trim_pos = -1; int ellipsis_pos = -1; Vector ellipsis_glyph_buf; }; struct ShapedTextDataAdvanced { Mutex mutex; /* Source data */ RID parent; // Substring parent ShapedTextData. int start = 0; // Substring start offset in the parent string. int end = 0; // Substring end offset in the parent string. String text; String custom_punct; TextServer::Direction direction = DIRECTION_LTR; // Desired text direction. TextServer::Orientation orientation = ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL; struct Span { int start = -1; int end = -1; Array fonts; int font_size = 0; Variant embedded_key; String language; Dictionary features; Variant meta; }; Vector spans; struct EmbeddedObject { int start = -1; int end = -1; InlineAlignment inline_align = INLINE_ALIGNMENT_CENTER; Rect2 rect; double baseline = 0; }; HashMap objects; /* Shaped data */ TextServer::Direction para_direction = DIRECTION_LTR; // Detected text direction. int base_para_direction = UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR; bool valid = false; // String is shaped. bool line_breaks_valid = false; // Line and word break flags are populated (and virtual zero width spaces inserted). bool justification_ops_valid = false; // Virtual elongation glyphs are added to the string. bool sort_valid = false; bool text_trimmed = false; bool preserve_invalid = true; // Draw hex code box instead of missing characters. bool preserve_control = false; // Draw control characters. double ascent = 0.0; // Ascent for horizontal layout, 1/2 of width for vertical. double descent = 0.0; // Descent for horizontal layout, 1/2 of width for vertical. double width = 0.0; // Width for horizontal layout, height for vertical. double width_trimmed = 0.0; int extra_spacing[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; double upos = 0.0; double uthk = 0.0; char32_t el_char = 0x2026; TrimData overrun_trim_data; bool fit_width_minimum_reached = false; Vector glyphs; Vector glyphs_logical; /* Intermediate data */ Char16String utf16; Vector bidi_iter; Vector bidi_override; ScriptIterator *script_iter = nullptr; hb_buffer_t *hb_buffer = nullptr; HashMap jstops; HashMap breaks; PackedInt32Array chars; int break_inserts = 0; bool break_ops_valid = false; bool js_ops_valid = false; bool chars_valid = false; ~ShapedTextDataAdvanced() { for (int i = 0; i < bidi_iter.size(); i++) { if (bidi_iter[i]) { ubidi_close(bidi_iter[i]); } } if (script_iter) { memdelete(script_iter); } if (hb_buffer) { hb_buffer_destroy(hb_buffer); } } }; // Common data. double oversampling = 1.0; mutable RID_PtrOwner font_var_owner; mutable RID_PtrOwner font_owner; mutable RID_PtrOwner shaped_owner; _FORCE_INLINE_ FontAdvanced *_get_font_data(const RID &p_font_rid) const { RID rid = p_font_rid; FontAdvancedLinkedVariation *fdv = font_var_owner.get_or_null(rid); if (unlikely(fdv)) { rid = fdv->base_font; } return font_owner.get_or_null(rid); } struct SystemFontKey { String font_name; TextServer::FontAntialiasing antialiasing = TextServer::FONT_ANTIALIASING_GRAY; bool disable_embedded_bitmaps = true; bool italic = false; bool mipmaps = false; bool msdf = false; bool force_autohinter = false; int weight = 400; int stretch = 100; int msdf_range = 14; int msdf_source_size = 48; int fixed_size = 0; TextServer::Hinting hinting = TextServer::HINTING_LIGHT; TextServer::SubpixelPositioning subpixel_positioning = TextServer::SUBPIXEL_POSITIONING_AUTO; Dictionary variation_coordinates; double oversampling = 0.0; double embolden = 0.0; Transform2D transform; int extra_spacing[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; float baseline_offset = 0.0; bool operator==(const SystemFontKey &p_b) const { return (font_name == p_b.font_name) && (antialiasing == p_b.antialiasing) && (italic == p_b.italic) && (disable_embedded_bitmaps == p_b.disable_embedded_bitmaps) && (mipmaps == p_b.mipmaps) && (msdf == p_b.msdf) && (force_autohinter == p_b.force_autohinter) && (weight == p_b.weight) && (stretch == p_b.stretch) && (msdf_range == p_b.msdf_range) && (msdf_source_size == p_b.msdf_source_size) && (fixed_size == p_b.fixed_size) && (hinting == p_b.hinting) && (subpixel_positioning == p_b.subpixel_positioning) && (variation_coordinates == p_b.variation_coordinates) && (oversampling == p_b.oversampling) && (embolden == p_b.embolden) && (transform == p_b.transform) && (extra_spacing[SPACING_TOP] == p_b.extra_spacing[SPACING_TOP]) && (extra_spacing[SPACING_BOTTOM] == p_b.extra_spacing[SPACING_BOTTOM]) && (extra_spacing[SPACING_SPACE] == p_b.extra_spacing[SPACING_SPACE]) && (extra_spacing[SPACING_GLYPH] == p_b.extra_spacing[SPACING_GLYPH]) && (baseline_offset == p_b.baseline_offset); } SystemFontKey(const String &p_font_name, bool p_italic, int p_weight, int p_stretch, RID p_font, const TextServerAdvanced *p_fb) { font_name = p_font_name; italic = p_italic; weight = p_weight; stretch = p_stretch; antialiasing = p_fb->_font_get_antialiasing(p_font); disable_embedded_bitmaps = p_fb->_font_get_disable_embedded_bitmaps(p_font); mipmaps = p_fb->_font_get_generate_mipmaps(p_font); msdf = p_fb->_font_is_multichannel_signed_distance_field(p_font); msdf_range = p_fb->_font_get_msdf_pixel_range(p_font); msdf_source_size = p_fb->_font_get_msdf_size(p_font); fixed_size = p_fb->_font_get_fixed_size(p_font); force_autohinter = p_fb->_font_is_force_autohinter(p_font); hinting = p_fb->_font_get_hinting(p_font); subpixel_positioning = p_fb->_font_get_subpixel_positioning(p_font); variation_coordinates = p_fb->_font_get_variation_coordinates(p_font); oversampling = p_fb->_font_get_oversampling(p_font); embolden = p_fb->_font_get_embolden(p_font); transform = p_fb->_font_get_transform(p_font); extra_spacing[SPACING_TOP] = p_fb->_font_get_spacing(p_font, SPACING_TOP); extra_spacing[SPACING_BOTTOM] = p_fb->_font_get_spacing(p_font, SPACING_BOTTOM); extra_spacing[SPACING_SPACE] = p_fb->_font_get_spacing(p_font, SPACING_SPACE); extra_spacing[SPACING_GLYPH] = p_fb->_font_get_spacing(p_font, SPACING_GLYPH); baseline_offset = p_fb->_font_get_baseline_offset(p_font); } }; struct SystemFontCacheRec { RID rid; int index = 0; }; struct SystemFontCache { Vector var; int max_var = 0; }; struct SystemFontKeyHasher { _FORCE_INLINE_ static uint32_t hash(const SystemFontKey &p_a) { uint32_t hash = p_a.font_name.hash(); hash = hash_murmur3_one_32(p_a.variation_coordinates.hash(), hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_32(p_a.weight, hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_32(p_a.stretch, hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_32(p_a.msdf_range, hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_32(p_a.msdf_source_size, hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_32(p_a.fixed_size, hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_double(p_a.oversampling, hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_double(p_a.embolden, hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_real(p_a.transform[0].x, hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_real(p_a.transform[0].y, hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_real(p_a.transform[1].x, hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_real(p_a.transform[1].y, hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_32(p_a.extra_spacing[SPACING_TOP], hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_32(p_a.extra_spacing[SPACING_BOTTOM], hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_32(p_a.extra_spacing[SPACING_SPACE], hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_32(p_a.extra_spacing[SPACING_GLYPH], hash); hash = hash_murmur3_one_double(p_a.baseline_offset, hash); return hash_fmix32(hash_murmur3_one_32(((int)p_a.mipmaps) | ((int)p_a.msdf << 1) | ((int)p_a.italic << 2) | ((int)p_a.force_autohinter << 3) | ((int)p_a.hinting << 4) | ((int)p_a.subpixel_positioning << 8) | ((int)p_a.antialiasing << 12) | ((int)p_a.disable_embedded_bitmaps << 14), hash)); } }; mutable HashMap system_fonts; mutable HashMap system_font_data; void _update_chars(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd) const; void _realign(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd) const; int64_t _convert_pos(const String &p_utf32, const Char16String &p_utf16, int64_t p_pos) const; int64_t _convert_pos(const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int64_t p_pos) const; int64_t _convert_pos_inv(const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int64_t p_pos) const; bool _shape_substr(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_new_sd, const ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int64_t p_start, int64_t p_length) const; void _shape_run(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, int64_t p_start, int64_t p_end, hb_script_t p_script, hb_direction_t p_direction, TypedArray p_fonts, int64_t p_span, int64_t p_fb_index, int64_t p_prev_start, int64_t p_prev_end, RID p_prev_font); Glyph _shape_single_glyph(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_sd, char32_t p_char, hb_script_t p_script, hb_direction_t p_direction, const RID &p_font, int64_t p_font_size); _FORCE_INLINE_ RID _find_sys_font_for_text(const RID &p_fdef, const String &p_script_code, const String &p_language, const String &p_text); _FORCE_INLINE_ void _add_featuers(const Dictionary &p_source, Vector &r_ftrs); Mutex ft_mutex; // HarfBuzz bitmap font interface. static hb_font_funcs_t *funcs; struct bmp_font_t { TextServerAdvanced::FontForSizeAdvanced *face = nullptr; bool unref = false; /* Whether to destroy bm_face when done. */ }; static bmp_font_t *_bmp_font_create(TextServerAdvanced::FontForSizeAdvanced *p_face, bool p_unref); static void _bmp_font_destroy(void *p_data); static hb_bool_t _bmp_get_nominal_glyph(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_codepoint_t p_unicode, hb_codepoint_t *r_glyph, void *p_user_data); static hb_position_t _bmp_get_glyph_h_advance(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_codepoint_t p_glyph, void *p_user_data); static hb_position_t _bmp_get_glyph_v_advance(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_codepoint_t p_glyph, void *p_user_data); static hb_position_t _bmp_get_glyph_h_kerning(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_codepoint_t p_left_glyph, hb_codepoint_t p_right_glyph, void *p_user_data); static hb_bool_t _bmp_get_glyph_v_origin(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_codepoint_t p_glyph, hb_position_t *r_x, hb_position_t *r_y, void *p_user_data); static hb_bool_t _bmp_get_glyph_extents(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_codepoint_t p_glyph, hb_glyph_extents_t *r_extents, void *p_user_data); static hb_bool_t _bmp_get_font_h_extents(hb_font_t *p_font, void *p_font_data, hb_font_extents_t *r_metrics, void *p_user_data); static void _bmp_create_font_funcs(); static void _bmp_free_font_funcs(); static void _bmp_font_set_funcs(hb_font_t *p_font, TextServerAdvanced::FontForSizeAdvanced *p_face, bool p_unref); static hb_font_t *_bmp_font_create(TextServerAdvanced::FontForSizeAdvanced *p_face, hb_destroy_func_t p_destroy); hb_font_t *_font_get_hb_handle(const RID &p_font, int64_t p_font_size) const; struct GlyphCompare { // For line breaking reordering. _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator()(const Glyph &l, const Glyph &r) const { if (l.start == r.start) { if (l.count == r.count) { return (l.flags & TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) < (r.flags & TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL); } return l.count > r.count; // Sort first glyph with count & flags, order of the rest are irrelevant. } else { return l.start < r.start; } } }; protected: static void _bind_methods(){}; void full_copy(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_shaped); void invalidate(ShapedTextDataAdvanced *p_shaped, bool p_text = false); public: MODBIND1RC(bool, has_feature, Feature); MODBIND0RC(String, get_name); MODBIND0RC(int64_t, get_features); MODBIND1(free_rid, const RID &); MODBIND1R(bool, has, const RID &); MODBIND1R(bool, load_support_data, const String &); MODBIND0RC(String, get_support_data_filename); MODBIND0RC(String, get_support_data_info); MODBIND1RC(bool, save_support_data, const String &); MODBIND1RC(bool, is_locale_right_to_left, const String &); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, name_to_tag, const String &); MODBIND1RC(String, tag_to_name, int64_t); /* Font interface */ MODBIND0R(RID, create_font); MODBIND1R(RID, create_font_linked_variation, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_data, const RID &, const PackedByteArray &); MODBIND3(font_set_data_ptr, const RID &, const uint8_t *, int64_t); MODBIND2(font_set_face_index, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, font_get_face_index, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, font_get_face_count, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_style, const RID &, BitField); MODBIND1RC(BitField, font_get_style, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_style_name, const RID &, const String &); MODBIND1RC(String, font_get_style_name, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_weight, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, font_get_weight, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_stretch, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, font_get_stretch, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_name, const RID &, const String &); MODBIND1RC(String, font_get_name, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(Dictionary, font_get_ot_name_strings, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_antialiasing, const RID &, TextServer::FontAntialiasing); MODBIND1RC(TextServer::FontAntialiasing, font_get_antialiasing, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_disable_embedded_bitmaps, const RID &, bool); MODBIND1RC(bool, font_get_disable_embedded_bitmaps, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_generate_mipmaps, const RID &, bool); MODBIND1RC(bool, font_get_generate_mipmaps, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field, const RID &, bool); MODBIND1RC(bool, font_is_multichannel_signed_distance_field, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_msdf_pixel_range, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, font_get_msdf_pixel_range, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_msdf_size, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, font_get_msdf_size, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_fixed_size, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, font_get_fixed_size, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_fixed_size_scale_mode, const RID &, FixedSizeScaleMode); MODBIND1RC(FixedSizeScaleMode, font_get_fixed_size_scale_mode, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_allow_system_fallback, const RID &, bool); MODBIND1RC(bool, font_is_allow_system_fallback, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_force_autohinter, const RID &, bool); MODBIND1RC(bool, font_is_force_autohinter, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_subpixel_positioning, const RID &, SubpixelPositioning); MODBIND1RC(SubpixelPositioning, font_get_subpixel_positioning, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_embolden, const RID &, double); MODBIND1RC(double, font_get_embolden, const RID &); MODBIND3(font_set_spacing, const RID &, SpacingType, int64_t); MODBIND2RC(int64_t, font_get_spacing, const RID &, SpacingType); MODBIND2(font_set_baseline_offset, const RID &, float); MODBIND1RC(float, font_get_baseline_offset, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_transform, const RID &, const Transform2D &); MODBIND1RC(Transform2D, font_get_transform, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_variation_coordinates, const RID &, const Dictionary &); MODBIND1RC(Dictionary, font_get_variation_coordinates, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_hinting, const RID &, TextServer::Hinting); MODBIND1RC(TextServer::Hinting, font_get_hinting, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_oversampling, const RID &, double); MODBIND1RC(double, font_get_oversampling, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(TypedArray, font_get_size_cache_list, const RID &); MODBIND1(font_clear_size_cache, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_remove_size_cache, const RID &, const Vector2i &); MODBIND3(font_set_ascent, const RID &, int64_t, double); MODBIND2RC(double, font_get_ascent, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND3(font_set_descent, const RID &, int64_t, double); MODBIND2RC(double, font_get_descent, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND3(font_set_underline_position, const RID &, int64_t, double); MODBIND2RC(double, font_get_underline_position, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND3(font_set_underline_thickness, const RID &, int64_t, double); MODBIND2RC(double, font_get_underline_thickness, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND3(font_set_scale, const RID &, int64_t, double); MODBIND2RC(double, font_get_scale, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND2RC(int64_t, font_get_texture_count, const RID &, const Vector2i &); MODBIND2(font_clear_textures, const RID &, const Vector2i &); MODBIND3(font_remove_texture, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t); MODBIND4(font_set_texture_image, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t, const Ref &); MODBIND3RC(Ref, font_get_texture_image, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t); MODBIND4(font_set_texture_offsets, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t, const PackedInt32Array &); MODBIND3RC(PackedInt32Array, font_get_texture_offsets, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t); MODBIND2RC(PackedInt32Array, font_get_glyph_list, const RID &, const Vector2i &); MODBIND2(font_clear_glyphs, const RID &, const Vector2i &); MODBIND3(font_remove_glyph, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t); MODBIND3RC(Vector2, font_get_glyph_advance, const RID &, int64_t, int64_t); MODBIND4(font_set_glyph_advance, const RID &, int64_t, int64_t, const Vector2 &); MODBIND3RC(Vector2, font_get_glyph_offset, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t); MODBIND4(font_set_glyph_offset, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t, const Vector2 &); MODBIND3RC(Vector2, font_get_glyph_size, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t); MODBIND4(font_set_glyph_size, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t, const Vector2 &); MODBIND3RC(Rect2, font_get_glyph_uv_rect, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t); MODBIND4(font_set_glyph_uv_rect, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t, const Rect2 &); MODBIND3RC(int64_t, font_get_glyph_texture_idx, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t); MODBIND4(font_set_glyph_texture_idx, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t, int64_t); MODBIND3RC(RID, font_get_glyph_texture_rid, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t); MODBIND3RC(Size2, font_get_glyph_texture_size, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t); MODBIND3RC(Dictionary, font_get_glyph_contours, const RID &, int64_t, int64_t); MODBIND2RC(TypedArray, font_get_kerning_list, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND2(font_clear_kerning_map, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND3(font_remove_kerning, const RID &, int64_t, const Vector2i &); MODBIND4(font_set_kerning, const RID &, int64_t, const Vector2i &, const Vector2 &); MODBIND3RC(Vector2, font_get_kerning, const RID &, int64_t, const Vector2i &); MODBIND4RC(int64_t, font_get_glyph_index, const RID &, int64_t, int64_t, int64_t); MODBIND3RC(int64_t, font_get_char_from_glyph_index, const RID &, int64_t, int64_t); MODBIND2RC(bool, font_has_char, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND1RC(String, font_get_supported_chars, const RID &); MODBIND4(font_render_range, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t, int64_t); MODBIND3(font_render_glyph, const RID &, const Vector2i &, int64_t); MODBIND6C(font_draw_glyph, const RID &, const RID &, int64_t, const Vector2 &, int64_t, const Color &); MODBIND7C(font_draw_glyph_outline, const RID &, const RID &, int64_t, int64_t, const Vector2 &, int64_t, const Color &); MODBIND2RC(bool, font_is_language_supported, const RID &, const String &); MODBIND3(font_set_language_support_override, const RID &, const String &, bool); MODBIND2R(bool, font_get_language_support_override, const RID &, const String &); MODBIND2(font_remove_language_support_override, const RID &, const String &); MODBIND1R(PackedStringArray, font_get_language_support_overrides, const RID &); MODBIND2RC(bool, font_is_script_supported, const RID &, const String &); MODBIND3(font_set_script_support_override, const RID &, const String &, bool); MODBIND2R(bool, font_get_script_support_override, const RID &, const String &); MODBIND2(font_remove_script_support_override, const RID &, const String &); MODBIND1R(PackedStringArray, font_get_script_support_overrides, const RID &); MODBIND2(font_set_opentype_feature_overrides, const RID &, const Dictionary &); MODBIND1RC(Dictionary, font_get_opentype_feature_overrides, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(Dictionary, font_supported_feature_list, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(Dictionary, font_supported_variation_list, const RID &); MODBIND0RC(double, font_get_global_oversampling); MODBIND1(font_set_global_oversampling, double); /* Shaped text buffer interface */ MODBIND2R(RID, create_shaped_text, Direction, Orientation); MODBIND1(shaped_text_clear, const RID &); MODBIND2(shaped_text_set_direction, const RID &, Direction); MODBIND1RC(Direction, shaped_text_get_direction, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(Direction, shaped_text_get_inferred_direction, const RID &); MODBIND2(shaped_text_set_bidi_override, const RID &, const Array &); MODBIND2(shaped_text_set_custom_punctuation, const RID &, const String &); MODBIND1RC(String, shaped_text_get_custom_punctuation, const RID &); MODBIND2(shaped_text_set_custom_ellipsis, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, shaped_text_get_custom_ellipsis, const RID &); MODBIND2(shaped_text_set_orientation, const RID &, Orientation); MODBIND1RC(Orientation, shaped_text_get_orientation, const RID &); MODBIND2(shaped_text_set_preserve_invalid, const RID &, bool); MODBIND1RC(bool, shaped_text_get_preserve_invalid, const RID &); MODBIND2(shaped_text_set_preserve_control, const RID &, bool); MODBIND1RC(bool, shaped_text_get_preserve_control, const RID &); MODBIND3(shaped_text_set_spacing, const RID &, SpacingType, int64_t); MODBIND2RC(int64_t, shaped_text_get_spacing, const RID &, SpacingType); MODBIND7R(bool, shaped_text_add_string, const RID &, const String &, const TypedArray &, int64_t, const Dictionary &, const String &, const Variant &); MODBIND6R(bool, shaped_text_add_object, const RID &, const Variant &, const Size2 &, InlineAlignment, int64_t, double); MODBIND5R(bool, shaped_text_resize_object, const RID &, const Variant &, const Size2 &, InlineAlignment, double); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, shaped_get_span_count, const RID &); MODBIND2RC(Variant, shaped_get_span_meta, const RID &, int64_t); MODBIND5(shaped_set_span_update_font, const RID &, int64_t, const TypedArray &, int64_t, const Dictionary &); MODBIND3RC(RID, shaped_text_substr, const RID &, int64_t, int64_t); MODBIND1RC(RID, shaped_text_get_parent, const RID &); MODBIND3R(double, shaped_text_fit_to_width, const RID &, double, BitField); MODBIND2R(double, shaped_text_tab_align, const RID &, const PackedFloat32Array &); MODBIND1R(bool, shaped_text_shape, const RID &); MODBIND1R(bool, shaped_text_update_breaks, const RID &); MODBIND1R(bool, shaped_text_update_justification_ops, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, shaped_text_get_trim_pos, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, shaped_text_get_ellipsis_pos, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(const Glyph *, shaped_text_get_ellipsis_glyphs, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, shaped_text_get_ellipsis_glyph_count, const RID &); MODBIND3(shaped_text_overrun_trim_to_width, const RID &, double, BitField); MODBIND1RC(bool, shaped_text_is_ready, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(const Glyph *, shaped_text_get_glyphs, const RID &); MODBIND1R(const Glyph *, shaped_text_sort_logical, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(int64_t, shaped_text_get_glyph_count, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(Vector2i, shaped_text_get_range, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(Array, shaped_text_get_objects, const RID &); MODBIND2RC(Rect2, shaped_text_get_object_rect, const RID &, const Variant &); MODBIND2RC(Vector2i, shaped_text_get_object_range, const RID &, const Variant &); MODBIND2RC(int64_t, shaped_text_get_object_glyph, const RID &, const Variant &); MODBIND1RC(Size2, shaped_text_get_size, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(double, shaped_text_get_ascent, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(double, shaped_text_get_descent, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(double, shaped_text_get_width, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(double, shaped_text_get_underline_position, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(double, shaped_text_get_underline_thickness, const RID &); MODBIND1RC(PackedInt32Array, shaped_text_get_character_breaks, const RID &); MODBIND2RC(String, format_number, const String &, const String &); MODBIND2RC(String, parse_number, const String &, const String &); MODBIND1RC(String, percent_sign, const String &); MODBIND3RC(PackedInt32Array, string_get_word_breaks, const String &, const String &, int64_t); MODBIND2RC(PackedInt32Array, string_get_character_breaks, const String &, const String &); MODBIND2RC(int64_t, is_confusable, const String &, const PackedStringArray &); MODBIND1RC(bool, spoof_check, const String &); MODBIND1RC(String, strip_diacritics, const String &); MODBIND1RC(bool, is_valid_identifier, const String &); MODBIND1RC(bool, is_valid_letter, char32_t); MODBIND2RC(String, string_to_upper, const String &, const String &); MODBIND2RC(String, string_to_lower, const String &, const String &); MODBIND2RC(String, string_to_title, const String &, const String &); MODBIND0(cleanup); TextServerAdvanced(); ~TextServerAdvanced(); }; #endif // TEXT_SERVER_ADV_H