#!/usr/bin/env python Import("env") Import("env_modules") env_tinyexr = env_modules.Clone() # Thirdparty source files thirdparty_obj = [] # Not unbundled for now as they are not commonly available as shared library thirdparty_dir = "#thirdparty/tinyexr/" thirdparty_sources = [ "tinyexr.cc", ] thirdparty_sources = [thirdparty_dir + file for file in thirdparty_sources] env_tinyexr.Prepend(CPPPATH=[thirdparty_dir]) # Enable threaded loading with C++11. env_tinyexr.Append(CPPDEFINES=["TINYEXR_USE_THREAD"]) # miniz is an external dependency, we could add it but we can instead rely # on our existing bundled zlib. env_tinyexr.Append(CPPDEFINES=[("TINYEXR_USE_MINIZ", 0)]) env_thirdparty = env_tinyexr.Clone() env_thirdparty.disable_warnings() env_thirdparty.add_source_files(thirdparty_obj, thirdparty_sources) env.modules_sources += thirdparty_obj # Godot source files module_obj = [] env_tinyexr.add_source_files(module_obj, "*.cpp") env.modules_sources += module_obj # Needed to force rebuilding the module files when the thirdparty library is updated. env.Depends(module_obj, thirdparty_obj)