/*************************************************************************/ /* gdscript_extend_parser.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "gdscript_extend_parser.h" #include "../gdscript.h" #include "core/io/json.h" #include "gdscript_language_protocol.h" #include "gdscript_workspace.h" void ExtendGDScriptParser::update_diagnostics() { diagnostics.clear(); if (has_error()) { lsp::Diagnostic diagnostic; diagnostic.severity = lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::Error; diagnostic.message = get_error(); diagnostic.source = "gdscript"; diagnostic.code = -1; lsp::Range range; lsp::Position pos; int line = LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(get_error_line()); const String &line_text = get_lines()[line]; pos.line = line; pos.character = line_text.length() - line_text.strip_edges(true, false).length(); range.start = pos; range.end = range.start; range.end.character = line_text.strip_edges(false).length(); diagnostic.range = range; diagnostics.push_back(diagnostic); } const List &warnings = get_warnings(); for (const List::Element *E = warnings.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const GDScriptWarning &warning = E->get(); lsp::Diagnostic diagnostic; diagnostic.severity = lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::Warning; diagnostic.message = warning.get_message(); diagnostic.source = "gdscript"; diagnostic.code = warning.code; lsp::Range range; lsp::Position pos; int line = LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(warning.line); const String &line_text = get_lines()[line]; pos.line = line; pos.character = line_text.length() - line_text.strip_edges(true, false).length(); range.start = pos; range.end = pos; range.end.character = line_text.strip_edges(false).length(); diagnostic.range = range; diagnostics.push_back(diagnostic); } } void ExtendGDScriptParser::update_symbols() { members.clear(); const GDScriptParser::Node *head = get_parse_tree(); if (const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *gdclass = dynamic_cast(head)) { parse_class_symbol(gdclass, class_symbol); for (int i = 0; i < class_symbol.children.size(); i++) { const lsp::DocumentSymbol &symbol = class_symbol.children[i]; members.set(symbol.name, &symbol); // cache level one inner classes if (symbol.kind == lsp::SymbolKind::Class) { ClassMembers inner_class; for (int j = 0; j < symbol.children.size(); j++) { const lsp::DocumentSymbol &s = symbol.children[j]; inner_class.set(s.name, &s); } inner_classes.set(symbol.name, inner_class); } } } } void ExtendGDScriptParser::update_document_links(const String &p_code) { document_links.clear(); GDScriptTokenizerText tokenizer; FileAccessRef fs = FileAccess::create(FileAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES); tokenizer.set_code(p_code); while (true) { GDScriptTokenizerText::Token token = tokenizer.get_token(); if (token == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_EOF || token == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_ERROR) { break; } else if (token == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CONSTANT) { const Variant &const_val = tokenizer.get_token_constant(); if (const_val.get_type() == Variant::STRING) { String path = const_val; bool exists = fs->file_exists(path); if (!exists) { path = get_path().get_base_dir() + "/" + path; exists = fs->file_exists(path); } if (exists) { String value = const_val; lsp::DocumentLink link; link.target = GDScriptLanguageProtocol::get_singleton()->get_workspace()->get_file_uri(path); link.range.start.line = LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(tokenizer.get_token_line()); link.range.end.line = link.range.start.line; link.range.end.character = LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(tokenizer.get_token_column()); link.range.start.character = link.range.end.character - value.length(); document_links.push_back(link); } } } tokenizer.advance(); } } void ExtendGDScriptParser::parse_class_symbol(const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, lsp::DocumentSymbol &r_symbol) { const String uri = get_uri(); r_symbol.uri = uri; r_symbol.script_path = path; r_symbol.children.clear(); r_symbol.name = p_class->name; if (r_symbol.name.empty()) r_symbol.name = path.get_file(); r_symbol.kind = lsp::SymbolKind::Class; r_symbol.deprecated = false; r_symbol.range.start.line = LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(p_class->line); r_symbol.range.start.character = p_class->column; r_symbol.range.end.line = LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(p_class->end_line); r_symbol.selectionRange.start.line = r_symbol.range.start.line; r_symbol.detail = "class " + r_symbol.name; bool is_root_class = &r_symbol == &class_symbol; r_symbol.documentation = parse_documentation(is_root_class ? 0 : LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(p_class->line), is_root_class); for (int i = 0; i < p_class->variables.size(); ++i) { const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &m = p_class->variables[i]; lsp::DocumentSymbol symbol; symbol.name = m.identifier; symbol.kind = lsp::SymbolKind::Variable; symbol.deprecated = false; const int line = LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(m.line); symbol.range.start.line = line; symbol.range.start.character = lines[line].length() - lines[line].strip_edges(true, false).length(); symbol.range.end.line = line; symbol.range.end.character = lines[line].length(); symbol.selectionRange.start.line = symbol.range.start.line; if (m._export.type != Variant::NIL) { symbol.detail += "export "; } symbol.detail += "var " + m.identifier; if (m.data_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED) { symbol.detail += ": " + m.data_type.to_string(); } if (m.default_value.get_type() != Variant::NIL) { symbol.detail += " = " + JSON::print(m.default_value); } symbol.documentation = parse_documentation(line); symbol.uri = uri; symbol.script_path = path; r_symbol.children.push_back(symbol); } for (int i = 0; i < p_class->_signals.size(); ++i) { const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Signal &signal = p_class->_signals[i]; lsp::DocumentSymbol symbol; symbol.name = signal.name; symbol.kind = lsp::SymbolKind::Event; symbol.deprecated = false; const int line = LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(signal.line); symbol.range.start.line = line; symbol.range.start.character = lines[line].length() - lines[line].strip_edges(true, false).length(); symbol.range.end.line = symbol.range.start.line; symbol.range.end.character = lines[line].length(); symbol.selectionRange.start.line = symbol.range.start.line; symbol.documentation = parse_documentation(line); symbol.uri = uri; symbol.script_path = path; symbol.detail = "signal " + signal.name + "("; for (int j = 0; j < signal.arguments.size(); j++) { if (j > 0) { symbol.detail += ", "; } symbol.detail += signal.arguments[j]; } symbol.detail += ")"; r_symbol.children.push_back(symbol); } for (Map::Element *E = p_class->constant_expressions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { lsp::DocumentSymbol symbol; const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Constant &c = E->value(); const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *node = dynamic_cast(c.expression); ERR_FAIL_COND(!node); symbol.name = E->key(); symbol.kind = lsp::SymbolKind::Constant; symbol.deprecated = false; const int line = LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(E->get().expression->line); symbol.range.start.line = line; symbol.range.start.character = E->get().expression->column; symbol.range.end.line = symbol.range.start.line; symbol.range.end.character = lines[line].length(); symbol.selectionRange.start.line = symbol.range.start.line; symbol.documentation = parse_documentation(line); symbol.uri = uri; symbol.script_path = path; symbol.detail = "const " + symbol.name; if (c.type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED) { symbol.detail += ": " + c.type.to_string(); } String value_text; if (node->value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) { RES res = node->value; if (res.is_valid() && !res->get_path().empty()) { value_text = "preload(\"" + res->get_path() + "\")"; if (symbol.documentation.empty()) { if (Map::Element *S = GDScriptLanguageProtocol::get_singleton()->get_workspace()->scripts.find(res->get_path())) { symbol.documentation = S->get()->class_symbol.documentation; } } } else { value_text = JSON::print(node->value); } } else { value_text = JSON::print(node->value); } if (!value_text.empty()) { symbol.detail += " = " + value_text; } r_symbol.children.push_back(symbol); } for (int i = 0; i < p_class->functions.size(); ++i) { const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *func = p_class->functions[i]; lsp::DocumentSymbol symbol; parse_function_symbol(func, symbol); r_symbol.children.push_back(symbol); } for (int i = 0; i < p_class->static_functions.size(); ++i) { const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *func = p_class->static_functions[i]; lsp::DocumentSymbol symbol; parse_function_symbol(func, symbol); r_symbol.children.push_back(symbol); } for (int i = 0; i < p_class->subclasses.size(); ++i) { const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *subclass = p_class->subclasses[i]; lsp::DocumentSymbol symbol; parse_class_symbol(subclass, symbol); r_symbol.children.push_back(symbol); } } void ExtendGDScriptParser::parse_function_symbol(const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *p_func, lsp::DocumentSymbol &r_symbol) { const String uri = get_uri(); r_symbol.name = p_func->name; r_symbol.kind = lsp::SymbolKind::Function; r_symbol.detail = "func " + p_func->name + "("; r_symbol.deprecated = false; const int line = LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(p_func->line); r_symbol.range.start.line = line; r_symbol.range.start.character = p_func->column; r_symbol.range.end.line = MAX(p_func->body->end_line - 2, r_symbol.range.start.line); r_symbol.range.end.character = lines[r_symbol.range.end.line].length(); r_symbol.selectionRange.start.line = r_symbol.range.start.line; r_symbol.documentation = parse_documentation(line); r_symbol.uri = uri; r_symbol.script_path = path; String arguments; for (int i = 0; i < p_func->arguments.size(); i++) { lsp::DocumentSymbol symbol; symbol.kind = lsp::SymbolKind::Variable; symbol.name = p_func->arguments[i]; symbol.range.start.line = LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(p_func->body->line); symbol.range.start.character = p_func->body->column; symbol.range.end = symbol.range.start; symbol.uri = uri; symbol.script_path = path; r_symbol.children.push_back(symbol); if (i > 0) { arguments += ", "; } arguments += String(p_func->arguments[i]); if (p_func->argument_types[i].kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED) { arguments += ": " + p_func->argument_types[i].to_string(); } int default_value_idx = i - (p_func->arguments.size() - p_func->default_values.size()); if (default_value_idx >= 0) { const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *const_node = dynamic_cast(p_func->default_values[default_value_idx]); if (const_node == NULL) { const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *operator_node = dynamic_cast(p_func->default_values[default_value_idx]); if (operator_node) { const_node = dynamic_cast(operator_node->next); } } if (const_node) { String value = JSON::print(const_node->value); arguments += " = " + value; } } } r_symbol.detail += arguments + ")"; if (p_func->return_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED) { r_symbol.detail += " -> " + p_func->return_type.to_string(); } for (const Map::Element *E = p_func->body->variables.front(); E; E = E->next()) { lsp::DocumentSymbol symbol; const GDScriptParser::LocalVarNode *var = E->value(); symbol.name = E->key(); symbol.kind = lsp::SymbolKind::Variable; symbol.range.start.line = LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(E->get()->line); symbol.range.start.character = E->get()->column; symbol.range.end.line = symbol.range.start.line; symbol.range.end.character = lines[symbol.range.end.line].length(); symbol.uri = uri; symbol.script_path = path; symbol.detail = "var " + symbol.name; if (var->datatype.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED) { symbol.detail += ": " + var->datatype.to_string(); } symbol.documentation = parse_documentation(line); r_symbol.children.push_back(symbol); } } String ExtendGDScriptParser::parse_documentation(int p_line, bool p_docs_down) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, lines.size(), String()); List doc_lines; if (!p_docs_down) { // inline comment String inline_comment = lines[p_line]; int comment_start = inline_comment.find("#"); if (comment_start != -1) { inline_comment = inline_comment.substr(comment_start, inline_comment.length()).strip_edges(); if (inline_comment.length() > 1) { doc_lines.push_back(inline_comment.substr(1, inline_comment.length())); } } } int step = p_docs_down ? 1 : -1; int start_line = p_docs_down ? p_line : p_line - 1; for (int i = start_line; true; i += step) { if (i < 0 || i >= lines.size()) break; String line_comment = lines[i].strip_edges(true, false); if (line_comment.begins_with("#")) { line_comment = line_comment.substr(1, line_comment.length()); if (p_docs_down) { doc_lines.push_back(line_comment); } else { doc_lines.push_front(line_comment); } } else { break; } } String doc; for (List::Element *E = doc_lines.front(); E; E = E->next()) { doc += E->get() + "\n"; } return doc; } String ExtendGDScriptParser::get_text_for_completion(const lsp::Position &p_cursor) const { String longthing; int len = lines.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i == p_cursor.line) { longthing += lines[i].substr(0, p_cursor.character); longthing += String::chr(0xFFFF); //not unicode, represents the cursor longthing += lines[i].substr(p_cursor.character, lines[i].size()); } else { longthing += lines[i]; } if (i != len - 1) longthing += "\n"; } return longthing; } String ExtendGDScriptParser::get_text_for_lookup_symbol(const lsp::Position &p_cursor, const String &p_symbol, bool p_func_requred) const { String longthing; int len = lines.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i == p_cursor.line) { String line = lines[i]; String first_part = line.substr(0, p_cursor.character); String last_part = line.substr(p_cursor.character + 1, lines[i].length()); if (!p_symbol.empty()) { String left_cursor_text; for (int c = p_cursor.character - 1; c >= 0; c--) { left_cursor_text = line.substr(c, p_cursor.character - c); if (p_symbol.begins_with(left_cursor_text)) { first_part = line.substr(0, c); first_part += p_symbol; break; } } } longthing += first_part; longthing += String::chr(0xFFFF); //not unicode, represents the cursor if (p_func_requred) { longthing += "("; // tell the parser this is a function call } longthing += last_part; } else { longthing += lines[i]; } if (i != len - 1) longthing += "\n"; } return longthing; } String ExtendGDScriptParser::get_identifier_under_position(const lsp::Position &p_position, Vector2i &p_offset) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_position.line, lines.size(), ""); String line = lines[p_position.line]; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_position.character, line.size(), ""); int start_pos = p_position.character; for (int c = p_position.character; c >= 0; c--) { start_pos = c; CharType ch = line[c]; bool valid_char = (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == '_'; if (!valid_char) { break; } } int end_pos = p_position.character; for (int c = p_position.character; c < line.length(); c++) { CharType ch = line[c]; bool valid_char = (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || ch == '_'; if (!valid_char) { break; } end_pos = c; } if (start_pos < end_pos) { p_offset.x = start_pos - p_position.character; p_offset.y = end_pos - p_position.character; return line.substr(start_pos + 1, end_pos - start_pos); } return ""; } String ExtendGDScriptParser::get_uri() const { return GDScriptLanguageProtocol::get_singleton()->get_workspace()->get_file_uri(path); } const lsp::DocumentSymbol *ExtendGDScriptParser::search_symbol_defined_at_line(int p_line, const lsp::DocumentSymbol &p_parent) const { const lsp::DocumentSymbol *ret = NULL; if (p_line < p_parent.range.start.line) { return ret; } else if (p_parent.range.start.line == p_line) { return &p_parent; } else { for (int i = 0; i < p_parent.children.size(); i++) { ret = search_symbol_defined_at_line(p_line, p_parent.children[i]); if (ret) { break; } } } return ret; } Error ExtendGDScriptParser::get_left_function_call(const lsp::Position &p_position, lsp::Position &r_func_pos, int &r_arg_index) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_position.line, lines.size(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); int bracket_stack = 0; int index = 0; bool found = false; for (int l = p_position.line; l >= 0; --l) { String line = lines[l]; int c = line.length() - 1; if (l == p_position.line) { c = MIN(c, p_position.character - 1); } while (c >= 0) { const CharType &charactor = line[c]; if (charactor == ')') { ++bracket_stack; } else if (charactor == '(') { --bracket_stack; if (bracket_stack < 0) { found = true; } } if (bracket_stack <= 0 && charactor == ',') { ++index; } --c; if (found) { r_func_pos.character = c; break; } } if (found) { r_func_pos.line = l; r_arg_index = index; return OK; } } return ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND; } const lsp::DocumentSymbol *ExtendGDScriptParser::get_symbol_defined_at_line(int p_line) const { if (p_line <= 0) { return &class_symbol; } return search_symbol_defined_at_line(p_line, class_symbol); } const lsp::DocumentSymbol *ExtendGDScriptParser::get_member_symbol(const String &p_name, const String &p_subclass) const { if (p_subclass.empty()) { const lsp::DocumentSymbol *const *ptr = members.getptr(p_name); if (ptr) { return *ptr; } } else { if (const ClassMembers *_class = inner_classes.getptr(p_subclass)) { const lsp::DocumentSymbol *const *ptr = _class->getptr(p_name); if (ptr) { return *ptr; } } } return NULL; } const List &ExtendGDScriptParser::get_document_links() const { return document_links; } const Array &ExtendGDScriptParser::get_member_completions() { if (member_completions.empty()) { const String *name = members.next(NULL); while (name) { const lsp::DocumentSymbol *symbol = members.get(*name); lsp::CompletionItem item = symbol->make_completion_item(); item.data = JOIN_SYMBOLS(path, *name); member_completions.push_back(item.to_json()); name = members.next(name); } const String *_class = inner_classes.next(NULL); while (_class) { const ClassMembers *inner_class = inner_classes.getptr(*_class); const String *member_name = inner_class->next(NULL); while (member_name) { const lsp::DocumentSymbol *symbol = inner_class->get(*member_name); lsp::CompletionItem item = symbol->make_completion_item(); item.data = JOIN_SYMBOLS(path, JOIN_SYMBOLS(*_class, *member_name)); member_completions.push_back(item.to_json()); member_name = inner_class->next(member_name); } _class = inner_classes.next(_class); } } return member_completions; } Dictionary ExtendGDScriptParser::dump_function_api(const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *p_func) const { Dictionary func; ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(p_func, func); func["name"] = p_func->name; func["return_type"] = p_func->return_type.to_string(); func["rpc_mode"] = p_func->rpc_mode; Array arguments; for (int i = 0; i < p_func->arguments.size(); i++) { Dictionary arg; arg["name"] = p_func->arguments[i]; arg["type"] = p_func->argument_types[i].to_string(); int default_value_idx = i - (p_func->arguments.size() - p_func->default_values.size()); if (default_value_idx >= 0) { const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *const_node = dynamic_cast(p_func->default_values[default_value_idx]); if (const_node == NULL) { const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *operator_node = dynamic_cast(p_func->default_values[default_value_idx]); if (operator_node) { const_node = dynamic_cast(operator_node->next); } } if (const_node) { arg["default_value"] = const_node->value; } } arguments.push_back(arg); } if (const lsp::DocumentSymbol *symbol = get_symbol_defined_at_line(LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(p_func->line))) { func["signature"] = symbol->detail; func["description"] = symbol->documentation; } func["arguments"] = arguments; return func; } Dictionary ExtendGDScriptParser::dump_class_api(const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class) const { Dictionary class_api; ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(p_class, class_api); class_api["name"] = String(p_class->name); class_api["path"] = path; Array extends_class; for (int i = 0; i < p_class->extends_class.size(); i++) { extends_class.append(String(p_class->extends_class[i])); } class_api["extends_class"] = extends_class; class_api["extends_file"] = String(p_class->extends_file); class_api["icon"] = String(p_class->icon_path); if (const lsp::DocumentSymbol *symbol = get_symbol_defined_at_line(LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(p_class->line))) { class_api["signature"] = symbol->detail; class_api["description"] = symbol->documentation; } Array subclasses; for (int i = 0; i < p_class->subclasses.size(); i++) { subclasses.push_back(dump_class_api(p_class->subclasses[i])); } class_api["sub_classes"] = subclasses; Array constants; for (Map::Element *E = p_class->constant_expressions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Constant &c = E->value(); const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *node = dynamic_cast(c.expression); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!node, class_api); Dictionary api; api["name"] = E->key(); api["value"] = node->value; api["data_type"] = node->datatype.to_string(); if (const lsp::DocumentSymbol *symbol = get_symbol_defined_at_line(LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(node->line))) { api["signature"] = symbol->detail; api["description"] = symbol->documentation; } constants.push_back(api); } class_api["constants"] = constants; Array members; for (int i = 0; i < p_class->variables.size(); ++i) { const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &m = p_class->variables[i]; Dictionary api; api["name"] = m.identifier; api["data_type"] = m.data_type.to_string(); api["default_value"] = m.default_value; api["setter"] = String(m.setter); api["getter"] = String(m.getter); api["export"] = m._export.type != Variant::NIL; if (const lsp::DocumentSymbol *symbol = get_symbol_defined_at_line(LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(m.line))) { api["signature"] = symbol->detail; api["description"] = symbol->documentation; } members.push_back(api); } class_api["members"] = members; Array signals; for (int i = 0; i < p_class->_signals.size(); ++i) { const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Signal &signal = p_class->_signals[i]; Dictionary api; api["name"] = signal.name; Array args; for (int j = 0; j < signal.arguments.size(); j++) { args.append(signal.arguments[j]); } api["arguments"] = args; if (const lsp::DocumentSymbol *symbol = get_symbol_defined_at_line(LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(signal.line))) { api["signature"] = symbol->detail; api["description"] = symbol->documentation; } signals.push_back(api); } class_api["signals"] = signals; Array methods; for (int i = 0; i < p_class->functions.size(); ++i) { methods.append(dump_function_api(p_class->functions[i])); } class_api["methods"] = methods; Array static_functions; for (int i = 0; i < p_class->static_functions.size(); ++i) { static_functions.append(dump_function_api(p_class->functions[i])); } class_api["static_functions"] = static_functions; return class_api; } Dictionary ExtendGDScriptParser::generate_api() const { Dictionary api; const GDScriptParser::Node *head = get_parse_tree(); if (const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *gdclass = dynamic_cast(head)) { api = dump_class_api(gdclass); } return api; } Error ExtendGDScriptParser::parse(const String &p_code, const String &p_path) { path = p_path; lines = p_code.split("\n"); Error err = GDScriptParser::parse(p_code, p_path.get_base_dir(), false, p_path, false, NULL, false); update_diagnostics(); update_symbols(); update_document_links(p_code); return err; }