/* clang-format off */ #[modes] mode_base_pass = mode_blend_pass = #define MODE_BLEND_PASS #[specializations] MODE_2D = true USE_BLEND_SHAPES = false USE_SKELETON = false USE_NORMAL = false USE_TANGENT = false FINAL_PASS = false USE_EIGHT_WEIGHTS = false #[vertex] #include "stdlib_inc.glsl" #ifdef MODE_2D #define VFORMAT vec2 #else #define VFORMAT vec3 #endif #ifdef FINAL_PASS #define OFORMAT vec2 #else #define OFORMAT uvec2 #endif // These come from the source mesh and the output from previous passes. layout(location = 0) in highp VFORMAT in_vertex; #ifdef MODE_BLEND_PASS #ifdef USE_NORMAL layout(location = 1) in highp uvec2 in_normal; #endif #ifdef USE_TANGENT layout(location = 2) in highp uvec2 in_tangent; #endif #else // MODE_BLEND_PASS #ifdef USE_NORMAL layout(location = 1) in highp vec2 in_normal; #endif #ifdef USE_TANGENT layout(location = 2) in highp vec2 in_tangent; #endif #endif // MODE_BLEND_PASS #ifdef USE_SKELETON #ifdef USE_EIGHT_WEIGHTS layout(location = 10) in highp uvec4 in_bone_attrib; layout(location = 11) in highp uvec4 in_bone_attrib2; layout(location = 12) in mediump vec4 in_weight_attrib; layout(location = 13) in mediump vec4 in_weight_attrib2; #else layout(location = 10) in highp uvec4 in_bone_attrib; layout(location = 11) in mediump vec4 in_weight_attrib; #endif uniform mediump sampler2D skeleton_texture; // texunit:0 #endif /* clang-format on */ #ifdef MODE_BLEND_PASS layout(location = 3) in highp VFORMAT blend_vertex; #ifdef USE_NORMAL layout(location = 4) in highp vec2 blend_normal; #endif #ifdef USE_TANGENT layout(location = 5) in highp vec2 blend_tangent; #endif #endif // MODE_BLEND_PASS out highp VFORMAT out_vertex; //tfb: #ifdef USE_NORMAL flat out highp OFORMAT out_normal; //tfb:USE_NORMAL #endif #ifdef USE_TANGENT flat out highp OFORMAT out_tangent; //tfb:USE_TANGENT #endif #ifdef USE_BLEND_SHAPES uniform highp float blend_weight; uniform lowp float blend_shape_count; #endif #ifdef USE_SKELETON uniform mediump vec2 skeleton_transform_x; uniform mediump vec2 skeleton_transform_y; uniform mediump vec2 skeleton_transform_offset; uniform mediump vec2 inverse_transform_x; uniform mediump vec2 inverse_transform_y; uniform mediump vec2 inverse_transform_offset; #endif vec2 signNotZero(vec2 v) { return mix(vec2(-1.0), vec2(1.0), greaterThanEqual(v.xy, vec2(0.0))); } vec3 oct_to_vec3(vec2 oct) { oct = oct * 2.0 - 1.0; vec3 v = vec3(oct.xy, 1.0 - abs(oct.x) - abs(oct.y)); if (v.z < 0.0) { v.xy = (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * signNotZero(v.xy); } return normalize(v); } vec2 vec3_to_oct(vec3 e) { e /= abs(e.x) + abs(e.y) + abs(e.z); vec2 oct = e.z >= 0.0f ? e.xy : (vec2(1.0f) - abs(e.yx)) * signNotZero(e.xy); return oct * 0.5f + 0.5f; } vec4 oct_to_tang(vec2 oct_sign_encoded) { // Binormal sign encoded in y component vec2 oct = vec2(oct_sign_encoded.x, abs(oct_sign_encoded.y) * 2.0 - 1.0); return vec4(oct_to_vec3(oct), sign(oct_sign_encoded.y)); } vec2 tang_to_oct(vec4 base) { vec2 oct = vec3_to_oct(base.xyz); // Encode binormal sign in y component oct.y = oct.y * 0.5f + 0.5f; oct.y = base.w >= 0.0f ? oct.y : 1.0 - oct.y; return oct; } // Our original input for normals and tangents is 2 16-bit floats. // Transform Feedback has to write out 32-bits per channel. // Octahedral compression requires normalized vectors, but we need to store // non-normalized vectors until the very end. // Therefore, we will compress our normals into 16 bits using signed-normalized // fixed point precision. This works well, because we know that each normal // is no larger than |1| so we can normalize by dividing by the number of blend // shapes. uvec2 vec4_to_vec2(vec4 p_vec) { return uvec2(packSnorm2x16(p_vec.xy), packSnorm2x16(p_vec.zw)); } vec4 vec2_to_vec4(uvec2 p_vec) { return vec4(unpackSnorm2x16(p_vec.x), unpackSnorm2x16(p_vec.y)); } void main() { #ifdef MODE_2D out_vertex = in_vertex; #ifdef USE_BLEND_SHAPES #ifdef MODE_BLEND_PASS out_vertex = in_vertex + blend_vertex * blend_weight; #else out_vertex = in_vertex * blend_weight; #endif #ifdef FINAL_PASS out_vertex = normalize(out_vertex); #endif #endif // USE_BLEND_SHAPES #ifdef USE_SKELETON #define TEX(m) texelFetch(skeleton_texture, ivec2(m % 256u, m / 256u), 0) #define GET_BONE_MATRIX(a, b, w) mat2x4(TEX(a), TEX(b)) * w uvec4 bones = in_bone_attrib * uvec4(2u); uvec4 bones_a = bones + uvec4(1u); highp mat2x4 m = GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.x, bones_a.x, in_weight_attrib.x); m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.y, bones_a.y, in_weight_attrib.y); m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.z, bones_a.z, in_weight_attrib.z); m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.w, bones_a.w, in_weight_attrib.w); mat4 skeleton_matrix = mat4(vec4(skeleton_transform_x, 0.0, 0.0), vec4(skeleton_transform_y, 0.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(skeleton_transform_offset, 0.0, 1.0)); mat4 inverse_matrix = mat4(vec4(inverse_transform_x, 0.0, 0.0), vec4(inverse_transform_y, 0.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(inverse_transform_offset, 0.0, 1.0)); mat4 bone_matrix = mat4(m[0], m[1], vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); bone_matrix = skeleton_matrix * transpose(bone_matrix) * inverse_matrix; out_vertex = (bone_matrix * vec4(out_vertex, 0.0, 1.0)).xy; #endif // USE_SKELETON #else // MODE_2D #ifdef USE_BLEND_SHAPES #ifdef MODE_BLEND_PASS out_vertex = in_vertex + blend_vertex * blend_weight; #ifdef USE_NORMAL vec3 normal = vec2_to_vec4(in_normal).xyz * blend_shape_count; vec3 normal_blend = oct_to_vec3(blend_normal) * blend_weight; #ifdef FINAL_PASS out_normal = vec3_to_oct(normalize(normal + normal_blend)); #else out_normal = vec4_to_vec2(vec4(normal + normal_blend, 0.0) / blend_shape_count); #endif #endif // USE_NORMAL #ifdef USE_TANGENT vec4 tangent = vec2_to_vec4(in_tangent) * blend_shape_count; vec4 tangent_blend = oct_to_tang(blend_tangent) * blend_weight; #ifdef FINAL_PASS out_tangent = tang_to_oct(vec4(normalize(tangent.xyz + tangent_blend.xyz), tangent.w)); #else out_tangent = vec4_to_vec2(vec4((tangent.xyz + tangent_blend.xyz) / blend_shape_count, tangent.w)); #endif #endif // USE_TANGENT #else // MODE_BLEND_PASS out_vertex = in_vertex * blend_weight; #ifdef USE_NORMAL vec3 normal = oct_to_vec3(in_normal); out_normal = vec4_to_vec2(vec4(normal * blend_weight / blend_shape_count, 0.0)); #endif #ifdef USE_TANGENT vec4 tangent = oct_to_tang(in_tangent); out_tangent = vec4_to_vec2(vec4(tangent.rgb * blend_weight / blend_shape_count, tangent.w)); #endif #endif // MODE_BLEND_PASS #else // USE_BLEND_SHAPES // Make attributes available to the skeleton shader if not written by blend shapes. out_vertex = in_vertex; #ifdef USE_NORMAL out_normal = in_normal; #endif #ifdef USE_TANGENT out_tangent = in_tangent; #endif #endif // USE_BLEND_SHAPES #ifdef USE_SKELETON #define TEX(m) texelFetch(skeleton_texture, ivec2(m % 256u, m / 256u), 0) #define GET_BONE_MATRIX(a, b, c, w) mat4(TEX(a), TEX(b), TEX(c), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) * w uvec4 bones = in_bone_attrib * uvec4(3); uvec4 bones_a = bones + uvec4(1); uvec4 bones_b = bones + uvec4(2); highp mat4 m; m = GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.x, bones_a.x, bones_b.x, in_weight_attrib.x); m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.y, bones_a.y, bones_b.y, in_weight_attrib.y); m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.z, bones_a.z, bones_b.z, in_weight_attrib.z); m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.w, bones_a.w, bones_b.w, in_weight_attrib.w); #ifdef USE_EIGHT_WEIGHTS bones = in_bone_attrib2 * uvec4(3); bones_a = bones + uvec4(1); bones_b = bones + uvec4(2); m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.x, bones_a.x, bones_b.x, in_weight_attrib2.x); m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.y, bones_a.y, bones_b.y, in_weight_attrib2.y); m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.z, bones_a.z, bones_b.z, in_weight_attrib2.z); m += GET_BONE_MATRIX(bones.w, bones_a.w, bones_b.w, in_weight_attrib2.w); #endif // Reverse order because its transposed. out_vertex = (vec4(out_vertex, 1.0) * m).xyz; #ifdef USE_NORMAL vec3 vertex_normal = oct_to_vec3(out_normal); out_normal = vec3_to_oct(normalize((vec4(vertex_normal, 0.0) * m).xyz)); #endif // USE_NORMAL #ifdef USE_TANGENT vec4 vertex_tangent = oct_to_tang(out_tangent); out_tangent = tang_to_oct(vec4(normalize((vec4(vertex_tangent.xyz, 0.0) * m).xyz), vertex_tangent.w)); #endif // USE_TANGENT #endif // USE_SKELETON #endif // MODE_2D } /* clang-format off */ #[fragment] void main() { } /* clang-format on */