A tab used to edit properties of the selected node. The editor inspector is by default located on the right-hand side of the editor. It's used to edit the properties of the selected node. For example, you can select a node such as the Sprite2D then edit its transform through the inspector tool. The editor inspector is an essential tool in the game development workflow. [b]Note:[/b] This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using [method EditorInterface.get_inspector]. Emitted when the object being edited by the inspector has changed. Emitted when the Edit button of an [Object] has been pressed in the inspector. This is mainly used in the remote scene tree inspector. Emitted when a property is removed from the inspector. Emitted when a property is edited in the inspector. Emitted when a property is keyed in the inspector. Properties can be keyed by clicking the "key" icon next to a property when the Animation panel is toggled. Emitted when a property is selected in the inspector. Emitted when a boolean property is toggled in the inspector. [b]Note:[/b] This signal is never emitted if the internal [code]autoclear[/code] property enabled. Since this property is always enabled in the editor inspector, this signal is never emitted by the editor itself. Emitted when a resource is selected in the inspector. Emitted when a property that requires a restart to be applied is edited in the inspector. This is only used in the Project Settings and Editor Settings.