A singleton for saving [Resource]s to the filesystem. A singleton for saving resource types to the filesystem. It uses the many [ResourceFormatSaver] classes registered in the engine (either built-in or from a plugin) to save resource data to text-based (e.g. [code].tres[/code] or [code].tscn[/code]) or binary files (e.g. [code].res[/code] or [code].scn[/code]). Registers a new [ResourceFormatSaver]. The ResourceSaver will use the ResourceFormatSaver as described in [method save]. This method is performed implicitly for ResourceFormatSavers written in GDScript (see [ResourceFormatSaver] for more information). Returns the list of extensions available for saving a resource of a given type. Unregisters the given [ResourceFormatSaver]. Saves a resource to disk to the given path, using a [ResourceFormatSaver] that recognizes the resource object. If [param path] is empty, [ResourceSaver] will try to use [member Resource.resource_path]. The [param flags] bitmask can be specified to customize the save behavior using [enum SaverFlags] flags. Returns [constant OK] on success. [b]Note:[/b] When the project is running, any generated UID associated with the resource will not be saved as the required code is only executed in editor mode. No resource saving option. Save the resource with a path relative to the scene which uses it. Bundles external resources. Changes the [member Resource.resource_path] of the saved resource to match its new location. Do not save editor-specific metadata (identified by their [code]__editor[/code] prefix). Save as big endian (see [member FileAccess.big_endian]). Compress the resource on save using [constant FileAccess.COMPRESSION_ZSTD]. Only available for binary resource types. Take over the paths of the saved subresources (see [method Resource.take_over_path]).