# This file contains a list of Git commit hashes that should be hidden from the # regular Git history. Typically, this includes commits involving mass auto-formatting # or other normalizations. Commit hashes *must* use the full 40-character notation. # To apply the ignore list in your local Git client, you must run: # # git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs # # This file is automatically used by GitHub.com's blame view. # A Whole New World (clang-format edition) 5dbf1809c6e3e905b94b8764e99491e608122261 # Style: clang-format: Disable KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks 0be6d925dc3c6413bce7a3ccb49631b8e4a6e67a # Style: clang-format: Disable AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine e956e80c1fa1cc8aefcb1533e5acf5cf3c8ffdd9