/**************************************************************************/ /* engine_update_label.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "engine_update_label.h" #include "core/io/json.h" #include "core/os/time.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "editor/editor_string_names.h" #include "editor/themes/editor_scale.h" #include "scene/gui/box_container.h" #include "scene/gui/button.h" #include "scene/main/http_request.h" bool EngineUpdateLabel::_can_check_updates() const { return int(EDITOR_GET("network/connection/network_mode")) == EditorSettings::NETWORK_ONLINE && UpdateMode(int(EDITOR_GET("network/connection/engine_version_update_mode"))) != UpdateMode::DISABLED; } void EngineUpdateLabel::_check_update() { checked_update = true; _set_status(UpdateStatus::BUSY); http->request("https://godotengine.org/versions.json"); } void EngineUpdateLabel::_http_request_completed(int p_result, int p_response_code, const PackedStringArray &p_headers, const PackedByteArray &p_body) { if (p_result != OK) { _set_status(UpdateStatus::ERROR); _set_message(vformat(TTR("Failed to check for updates. Error: %d."), p_result), theme_cache.error_color); return; } if (p_response_code != 200) { _set_status(UpdateStatus::ERROR); _set_message(vformat(TTR("Failed to check for updates. Response code: %d."), p_response_code), theme_cache.error_color); return; } Array version_array; { String s; const uint8_t *r = p_body.ptr(); s.parse_utf8((const char *)r, p_body.size()); Variant result = JSON::parse_string(s); if (result == Variant()) { _set_status(UpdateStatus::ERROR); _set_message(TTR("Failed to parse version JSON."), theme_cache.error_color); return; } if (result.get_type() != Variant::ARRAY) { _set_status(UpdateStatus::ERROR); _set_message(TTR("Received JSON data is not a valid version array."), theme_cache.error_color); return; } version_array = result; } UpdateMode update_mode = UpdateMode(int(EDITOR_GET("network/connection/engine_version_update_mode"))); bool stable_only = update_mode == UpdateMode::NEWEST_STABLE || update_mode == UpdateMode::NEWEST_PATCH; const Dictionary current_version_info = Engine::get_singleton()->get_version_info(); int current_major = current_version_info.get("major", 0); int current_minor = current_version_info.get("minor", 0); int current_patch = current_version_info.get("patch", 0); for (const Variant &data_bit : version_array) { const Dictionary version_info = data_bit; const String base_version_string = version_info.get("name", ""); const PackedStringArray version_bits = base_version_string.split("."); if (version_bits.size() < 2) { continue; } int minor = version_bits[1].to_int(); if (version_bits[0].to_int() != current_major || minor < current_minor) { continue; } int patch = 0; if (version_bits.size() >= 3) { patch = version_bits[2].to_int(); } if (minor == current_minor && patch < current_patch) { continue; } if (update_mode == UpdateMode::NEWEST_PATCH && minor > current_minor) { continue; } const Array releases = version_info.get("releases", Array()); if (releases.is_empty()) { continue; } const Dictionary newest_release = releases[0]; const String release_string = newest_release.get("name", "unknown"); int release_index; VersionType release_type = _get_version_type(release_string, &release_index); if (minor > current_minor || patch > current_patch) { if (stable_only && release_type != VersionType::STABLE) { continue; } available_newer_version = vformat("%s-%s", base_version_string, release_string); break; } int current_version_index; VersionType current_version_type = _get_version_type(current_version_info.get("status", "unknown"), ¤t_version_index); if (int(release_type) > int(current_version_type)) { break; } if (int(release_type) == int(current_version_type) && release_index <= current_version_index) { break; } available_newer_version = vformat("%s-%s", base_version_string, release_string); break; } if (!available_newer_version.is_empty()) { _set_status(UpdateStatus::UPDATE_AVAILABLE); _set_message(vformat(TTR("Update available: %s."), available_newer_version), theme_cache.update_color); } else if (available_newer_version.is_empty()) { _set_status(UpdateStatus::UP_TO_DATE); } } void EngineUpdateLabel::_set_message(const String &p_message, const Color &p_color) { if (is_disabled()) { add_theme_color_override("font_disabled_color", p_color); } else { add_theme_color_override(SceneStringName(font_color), p_color); } set_text(p_message); } void EngineUpdateLabel::_set_status(UpdateStatus p_status) { status = p_status; if (status == UpdateStatus::BUSY || status == UpdateStatus::UP_TO_DATE) { // Hide the label to prevent unnecessary distraction. hide(); return; } else { show(); } switch (status) { case UpdateStatus::OFFLINE: { set_disabled(false); if (int(EDITOR_GET("network/connection/network_mode")) == EditorSettings::NETWORK_OFFLINE) { _set_message(TTR("Offline mode, update checks disabled."), theme_cache.disabled_color); } else { _set_message(TTR("Update checks disabled."), theme_cache.disabled_color); } set_tooltip_text(""); break; } case UpdateStatus::ERROR: { set_disabled(false); set_tooltip_text(TTR("An error has occurred. Click to try again.")); } break; case UpdateStatus::UPDATE_AVAILABLE: { set_disabled(false); set_tooltip_text(TTR("Click to open download page.")); } break; default: { } } } EngineUpdateLabel::VersionType EngineUpdateLabel::_get_version_type(const String &p_string, int *r_index) const { VersionType type = VersionType::UNKNOWN; String index_string; static HashMap type_map; if (type_map.is_empty()) { type_map["stable"] = VersionType::STABLE; type_map["rc"] = VersionType::RC; type_map["beta"] = VersionType::BETA; type_map["alpha"] = VersionType::ALPHA; type_map["dev"] = VersionType::DEV; } for (const KeyValue &kv : type_map) { if (p_string.begins_with(kv.key)) { index_string = p_string.trim_prefix(kv.key); type = kv.value; break; } } if (r_index) { if (index_string.is_empty()) { *r_index = DEV_VERSION; } else { *r_index = index_string.to_int(); } } return type; } String EngineUpdateLabel::_extract_sub_string(const String &p_line) const { int j = p_line.find("\"") + 1; return p_line.substr(j, p_line.find("\"", j) - j); } void EngineUpdateLabel::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case EditorSettings::NOTIFICATION_EDITOR_SETTINGS_CHANGED: { if (!EditorSettings::get_singleton()->check_changed_settings_in_group("network/connection")) { break; } if (_can_check_updates()) { if (!checked_update) { _check_update(); } else { // This will be wrong when user toggles online mode twice when update is available, but it's not worth handling. _set_status(UpdateStatus::UP_TO_DATE); } } else { _set_status(UpdateStatus::OFFLINE); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { theme_cache.default_color = get_theme_color(SceneStringName(font_color), "Button"); theme_cache.disabled_color = get_theme_color("font_disabled_color", "Button"); theme_cache.error_color = get_theme_color("error_color", EditorStringName(Editor)); theme_cache.update_color = get_theme_color("warning_color", EditorStringName(Editor)); } break; case NOTIFICATION_READY: { if (_can_check_updates()) { _check_update(); } else { _set_status(UpdateStatus::OFFLINE); } } break; } } void EngineUpdateLabel::_bind_methods() { ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("offline_clicked")); } void EngineUpdateLabel::pressed() { switch (status) { case UpdateStatus::OFFLINE: { emit_signal("offline_clicked"); } break; case UpdateStatus::ERROR: { _check_update(); } break; case UpdateStatus::UPDATE_AVAILABLE: { OS::get_singleton()->shell_open("https://godotengine.org/download/archive/" + available_newer_version); } break; default: { } } } EngineUpdateLabel::EngineUpdateLabel() { set_underline_mode(UNDERLINE_MODE_ON_HOVER); http = memnew(HTTPRequest); http->set_https_proxy(EDITOR_GET("network/http_proxy/host"), EDITOR_GET("network/http_proxy/port")); http->set_timeout(10.0); add_child(http); http->connect("request_completed", callable_mp(this, &EngineUpdateLabel::_http_request_completed)); }