/**************************************************************************/ /* godot_space_2d.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "godot_space_2d.h" #include "godot_collision_solver_2d.h" #include "godot_physics_server_2d.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "core/templates/pair.h" #define TEST_MOTION_MARGIN_MIN_VALUE 0.0001 #define TEST_MOTION_MIN_CONTACT_DEPTH_FACTOR 0.05 _FORCE_INLINE_ static bool _can_collide_with(GodotCollisionObject2D *p_object, uint32_t p_collision_mask, bool p_collide_with_bodies, bool p_collide_with_areas) { if (!(p_object->get_collision_layer() & p_collision_mask)) { return false; } if (p_object->get_type() == GodotCollisionObject2D::TYPE_AREA && !p_collide_with_areas) { return false; } if (p_object->get_type() == GodotCollisionObject2D::TYPE_BODY && !p_collide_with_bodies) { return false; } return true; } int GodotPhysicsDirectSpaceState2D::intersect_point(const PointParameters &p_parameters, ShapeResult *r_results, int p_result_max) { if (p_result_max <= 0) { return 0; } Rect2 aabb; aabb.position = p_parameters.position - Vector2(0.00001, 0.00001); aabb.size = Vector2(0.00002, 0.00002); int amount = space->broadphase->cull_aabb(aabb, space->intersection_query_results, GodotSpace2D::INTERSECTION_QUERY_MAX, space->intersection_query_subindex_results); int cc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { if (!_can_collide_with(space->intersection_query_results[i], p_parameters.collision_mask, p_parameters.collide_with_bodies, p_parameters.collide_with_areas)) { continue; } if (p_parameters.exclude.has(space->intersection_query_results[i]->get_self())) { continue; } const GodotCollisionObject2D *col_obj = space->intersection_query_results[i]; if (p_parameters.pick_point && !col_obj->is_pickable()) { continue; } if (col_obj->get_canvas_instance_id() != p_parameters.canvas_instance_id) { continue; } int shape_idx = space->intersection_query_subindex_results[i]; GodotShape2D *shape = col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx); Vector2 local_point = (col_obj->get_transform() * col_obj->get_shape_transform(shape_idx)).affine_inverse().xform(p_parameters.position); if (!shape->contains_point(local_point)) { continue; } if (cc >= p_result_max) { continue; } r_results[cc].collider_id = col_obj->get_instance_id(); if (r_results[cc].collider_id.is_valid()) { r_results[cc].collider = ObjectDB::get_instance(r_results[cc].collider_id); } r_results[cc].rid = col_obj->get_self(); r_results[cc].shape = shape_idx; cc++; } return cc; } bool GodotPhysicsDirectSpaceState2D::intersect_ray(const RayParameters &p_parameters, RayResult &r_result) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(space->locked, false); Vector2 begin, end; Vector2 normal; begin = p_parameters.from; end = p_parameters.to; normal = (end - begin).normalized(); int amount = space->broadphase->cull_segment(begin, end, space->intersection_query_results, GodotSpace2D::INTERSECTION_QUERY_MAX, space->intersection_query_subindex_results); //todo, create another array that references results, compute AABBs and check closest point to ray origin, sort, and stop evaluating results when beyond first collision bool collided = false; Vector2 res_point, res_normal; int res_shape = -1; const GodotCollisionObject2D *res_obj = nullptr; real_t min_d = 1e10; for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { if (!_can_collide_with(space->intersection_query_results[i], p_parameters.collision_mask, p_parameters.collide_with_bodies, p_parameters.collide_with_areas)) { continue; } if (p_parameters.exclude.has(space->intersection_query_results[i]->get_self())) { continue; } const GodotCollisionObject2D *col_obj = space->intersection_query_results[i]; int shape_idx = space->intersection_query_subindex_results[i]; Transform2D inv_xform = col_obj->get_shape_inv_transform(shape_idx) * col_obj->get_inv_transform(); Vector2 local_from = inv_xform.xform(begin); Vector2 local_to = inv_xform.xform(end); const GodotShape2D *shape = col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx); Vector2 shape_point, shape_normal; if (shape->contains_point(local_from)) { if (p_parameters.hit_from_inside) { // Hit shape at starting point. min_d = 0; res_point = begin; res_normal = Vector2(); res_shape = shape_idx; res_obj = col_obj; collided = true; break; } else { // Ignore shape when starting inside. continue; } } if (shape->intersect_segment(local_from, local_to, shape_point, shape_normal)) { Transform2D xform = col_obj->get_transform() * col_obj->get_shape_transform(shape_idx); shape_point = xform.xform(shape_point); real_t ld = normal.dot(shape_point); if (ld < min_d) { min_d = ld; res_point = shape_point; res_normal = inv_xform.basis_xform_inv(shape_normal).normalized(); res_shape = shape_idx; res_obj = col_obj; collided = true; } } } if (!collided) { return false; } ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(res_obj, false); // Shouldn't happen but silences warning. r_result.collider_id = res_obj->get_instance_id(); if (r_result.collider_id.is_valid()) { r_result.collider = ObjectDB::get_instance(r_result.collider_id); } r_result.normal = res_normal; r_result.position = res_point; r_result.rid = res_obj->get_self(); r_result.shape = res_shape; return true; } int GodotPhysicsDirectSpaceState2D::intersect_shape(const ShapeParameters &p_parameters, ShapeResult *r_results, int p_result_max) { if (p_result_max <= 0) { return 0; } GodotShape2D *shape = GodotPhysicsServer2D::godot_singleton->shape_owner.get_or_null(p_parameters.shape_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(shape, 0); Rect2 aabb = p_parameters.transform.xform(shape->get_aabb()); aabb = aabb.merge(Rect2(aabb.position + p_parameters.motion, aabb.size)); //motion aabb = aabb.grow(p_parameters.margin); int amount = space->broadphase->cull_aabb(aabb, space->intersection_query_results, GodotSpace2D::INTERSECTION_QUERY_MAX, space->intersection_query_subindex_results); int cc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { if (cc >= p_result_max) { break; } if (!_can_collide_with(space->intersection_query_results[i], p_parameters.collision_mask, p_parameters.collide_with_bodies, p_parameters.collide_with_areas)) { continue; } if (p_parameters.exclude.has(space->intersection_query_results[i]->get_self())) { continue; } const GodotCollisionObject2D *col_obj = space->intersection_query_results[i]; int shape_idx = space->intersection_query_subindex_results[i]; if (!GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(shape, p_parameters.transform, p_parameters.motion, col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx), col_obj->get_transform() * col_obj->get_shape_transform(shape_idx), Vector2(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, p_parameters.margin)) { continue; } r_results[cc].collider_id = col_obj->get_instance_id(); if (r_results[cc].collider_id.is_valid()) { r_results[cc].collider = ObjectDB::get_instance(r_results[cc].collider_id); } r_results[cc].rid = col_obj->get_self(); r_results[cc].shape = shape_idx; cc++; } return cc; } bool GodotPhysicsDirectSpaceState2D::cast_motion(const ShapeParameters &p_parameters, real_t &p_closest_safe, real_t &p_closest_unsafe) { GodotShape2D *shape = GodotPhysicsServer2D::godot_singleton->shape_owner.get_or_null(p_parameters.shape_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(shape, false); Rect2 aabb = p_parameters.transform.xform(shape->get_aabb()); aabb = aabb.merge(Rect2(aabb.position + p_parameters.motion, aabb.size)); //motion aabb = aabb.grow(p_parameters.margin); int amount = space->broadphase->cull_aabb(aabb, space->intersection_query_results, GodotSpace2D::INTERSECTION_QUERY_MAX, space->intersection_query_subindex_results); real_t best_safe = 1; real_t best_unsafe = 1; for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { if (!_can_collide_with(space->intersection_query_results[i], p_parameters.collision_mask, p_parameters.collide_with_bodies, p_parameters.collide_with_areas)) { continue; } if (p_parameters.exclude.has(space->intersection_query_results[i]->get_self())) { continue; //ignore excluded } const GodotCollisionObject2D *col_obj = space->intersection_query_results[i]; int shape_idx = space->intersection_query_subindex_results[i]; Transform2D col_obj_xform = col_obj->get_transform() * col_obj->get_shape_transform(shape_idx); //test initial overlap, does it collide if going all the way? if (!GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(shape, p_parameters.transform, p_parameters.motion, col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx), col_obj_xform, Vector2(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, p_parameters.margin)) { continue; } //test initial overlap, ignore objects it's inside of. if (GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(shape, p_parameters.transform, Vector2(), col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx), col_obj_xform, Vector2(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, p_parameters.margin)) { continue; } Vector2 mnormal = p_parameters.motion.normalized(); //just do kinematic solving real_t low = 0.0; real_t hi = 1.0; real_t fraction_coeff = 0.5; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { //steps should be customizable.. real_t fraction = low + (hi - low) * fraction_coeff; Vector2 sep = mnormal; //important optimization for this to work fast enough bool collided = GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(shape, p_parameters.transform, p_parameters.motion * fraction, col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx), col_obj_xform, Vector2(), nullptr, nullptr, &sep, p_parameters.margin); if (collided) { hi = fraction; if ((j == 0) || (low > 0.0)) { // Did it not collide before? // When alternating or first iteration, use dichotomy. fraction_coeff = 0.5; } else { // When colliding again, converge faster towards low fraction // for more accurate results with long motions that collide near the start. fraction_coeff = 0.25; } } else { low = fraction; if ((j == 0) || (hi < 1.0)) { // Did it collide before? // When alternating or first iteration, use dichotomy. fraction_coeff = 0.5; } else { // When not colliding again, converge faster towards high fraction // for more accurate results with long motions that collide near the end. fraction_coeff = 0.75; } } } if (low < best_safe) { best_safe = low; best_unsafe = hi; } } p_closest_safe = best_safe; p_closest_unsafe = best_unsafe; return true; } bool GodotPhysicsDirectSpaceState2D::collide_shape(const ShapeParameters &p_parameters, Vector2 *r_results, int p_result_max, int &r_result_count) { if (p_result_max <= 0) { return false; } GodotShape2D *shape = GodotPhysicsServer2D::godot_singleton->shape_owner.get_or_null(p_parameters.shape_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(shape, 0); Rect2 aabb = p_parameters.transform.xform(shape->get_aabb()); aabb = aabb.merge(Rect2(aabb.position + p_parameters.motion, aabb.size)); //motion aabb = aabb.grow(p_parameters.margin); int amount = space->broadphase->cull_aabb(aabb, space->intersection_query_results, GodotSpace2D::INTERSECTION_QUERY_MAX, space->intersection_query_subindex_results); bool collided = false; r_result_count = 0; GodotPhysicsServer2D::CollCbkData cbk; cbk.max = p_result_max; cbk.amount = 0; cbk.passed = 0; cbk.ptr = r_results; GodotCollisionSolver2D::CallbackResult cbkres = GodotPhysicsServer2D::_shape_col_cbk; GodotPhysicsServer2D::CollCbkData *cbkptr = &cbk; for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { if (!_can_collide_with(space->intersection_query_results[i], p_parameters.collision_mask, p_parameters.collide_with_bodies, p_parameters.collide_with_areas)) { continue; } const GodotCollisionObject2D *col_obj = space->intersection_query_results[i]; if (p_parameters.exclude.has(col_obj->get_self())) { continue; } int shape_idx = space->intersection_query_subindex_results[i]; cbk.valid_dir = Vector2(); cbk.valid_depth = 0; if (GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(shape, p_parameters.transform, p_parameters.motion, col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx), col_obj->get_transform() * col_obj->get_shape_transform(shape_idx), Vector2(), cbkres, cbkptr, nullptr, p_parameters.margin)) { collided = cbk.amount > 0; } } r_result_count = cbk.amount; return collided; } struct _RestCallbackData2D { const GodotCollisionObject2D *object = nullptr; const GodotCollisionObject2D *best_object = nullptr; int local_shape = 0; int best_local_shape = 0; int shape = 0; int best_shape = 0; Vector2 best_contact; Vector2 best_normal; real_t best_len = 0.0; Vector2 valid_dir; real_t valid_depth = 0.0; real_t min_allowed_depth = 0.0; }; static void _rest_cbk_result(const Vector2 &p_point_A, const Vector2 &p_point_B, void *p_userdata) { _RestCallbackData2D *rd = static_cast<_RestCallbackData2D *>(p_userdata); Vector2 contact_rel = p_point_B - p_point_A; real_t len = contact_rel.length(); if (len < rd->min_allowed_depth) { return; } if (len <= rd->best_len) { return; } Vector2 normal = contact_rel / len; if (rd->valid_dir != Vector2()) { if (len > rd->valid_depth) { return; } if (rd->valid_dir.dot(normal) > -CMP_EPSILON) { return; } } rd->best_len = len; rd->best_contact = p_point_B; rd->best_normal = normal; rd->best_object = rd->object; rd->best_shape = rd->shape; rd->best_local_shape = rd->local_shape; } bool GodotPhysicsDirectSpaceState2D::rest_info(const ShapeParameters &p_parameters, ShapeRestInfo *r_info) { GodotShape2D *shape = GodotPhysicsServer2D::godot_singleton->shape_owner.get_or_null(p_parameters.shape_rid); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(shape, 0); real_t margin = MAX(p_parameters.margin, TEST_MOTION_MARGIN_MIN_VALUE); Rect2 aabb = p_parameters.transform.xform(shape->get_aabb()); aabb = aabb.merge(Rect2(aabb.position + p_parameters.motion, aabb.size)); //motion aabb = aabb.grow(margin); int amount = space->broadphase->cull_aabb(aabb, space->intersection_query_results, GodotSpace2D::INTERSECTION_QUERY_MAX, space->intersection_query_subindex_results); _RestCallbackData2D rcd; // Allowed depth can't be lower than motion length, in order to handle contacts at low speed. real_t motion_length = p_parameters.motion.length(); real_t min_contact_depth = margin * TEST_MOTION_MIN_CONTACT_DEPTH_FACTOR; rcd.min_allowed_depth = MIN(motion_length, min_contact_depth); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { if (!_can_collide_with(space->intersection_query_results[i], p_parameters.collision_mask, p_parameters.collide_with_bodies, p_parameters.collide_with_areas)) { continue; } const GodotCollisionObject2D *col_obj = space->intersection_query_results[i]; if (p_parameters.exclude.has(col_obj->get_self())) { continue; } int shape_idx = space->intersection_query_subindex_results[i]; rcd.valid_dir = Vector2(); rcd.object = col_obj; rcd.shape = shape_idx; rcd.local_shape = 0; bool sc = GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(shape, p_parameters.transform, p_parameters.motion, col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx), col_obj->get_transform() * col_obj->get_shape_transform(shape_idx), Vector2(), _rest_cbk_result, &rcd, nullptr, margin); if (!sc) { continue; } } if (rcd.best_len == 0 || !rcd.best_object) { return false; } r_info->collider_id = rcd.best_object->get_instance_id(); r_info->shape = rcd.best_shape; r_info->normal = rcd.best_normal; r_info->point = rcd.best_contact; r_info->rid = rcd.best_object->get_self(); if (rcd.best_object->get_type() == GodotCollisionObject2D::TYPE_BODY) { const GodotBody2D *body = static_cast(rcd.best_object); Vector2 rel_vec = r_info->point - (body->get_transform().get_origin() + body->get_center_of_mass()); r_info->linear_velocity = Vector2(-body->get_angular_velocity() * rel_vec.y, body->get_angular_velocity() * rel_vec.x) + body->get_linear_velocity(); } else { r_info->linear_velocity = Vector2(); } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int GodotSpace2D::_cull_aabb_for_body(GodotBody2D *p_body, const Rect2 &p_aabb) { int amount = broadphase->cull_aabb(p_aabb, intersection_query_results, INTERSECTION_QUERY_MAX, intersection_query_subindex_results); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { bool keep = true; if (intersection_query_results[i] == p_body) { keep = false; } else if (intersection_query_results[i]->get_type() == GodotCollisionObject2D::TYPE_AREA) { keep = false; } else if (!p_body->collides_with(static_cast(intersection_query_results[i]))) { keep = false; } else if (static_cast(intersection_query_results[i])->has_exception(p_body->get_self()) || p_body->has_exception(intersection_query_results[i]->get_self())) { keep = false; } if (!keep) { if (i < amount - 1) { SWAP(intersection_query_results[i], intersection_query_results[amount - 1]); SWAP(intersection_query_subindex_results[i], intersection_query_subindex_results[amount - 1]); } amount--; i--; } } return amount; } bool GodotSpace2D::test_body_motion(GodotBody2D *p_body, const PhysicsServer2D::MotionParameters &p_parameters, PhysicsServer2D::MotionResult *r_result) { //give me back regular physics engine logic //this is madness //and most people using this function will think //what it does is simpler than using physics //this took about a week to get right.. //but is it right? who knows at this point.. if (r_result) { r_result->collider_id = ObjectID(); r_result->collider_shape = 0; } Rect2 body_aabb; bool shapes_found = false; for (int i = 0; i < p_body->get_shape_count(); i++) { if (p_body->is_shape_disabled(i)) { continue; } if (!shapes_found) { body_aabb = p_body->get_shape_aabb(i); shapes_found = true; } else { body_aabb = body_aabb.merge(p_body->get_shape_aabb(i)); } } if (!shapes_found) { if (r_result) { *r_result = PhysicsServer2D::MotionResult(); r_result->travel = p_parameters.motion; } return false; } real_t margin = MAX(p_parameters.margin, TEST_MOTION_MARGIN_MIN_VALUE); // Undo the currently transform the physics server is aware of and apply the provided one body_aabb = p_parameters.from.xform(p_body->get_inv_transform().xform(body_aabb)); body_aabb = body_aabb.grow(margin); static const int max_excluded_shape_pairs = 32; ExcludedShapeSW excluded_shape_pairs[max_excluded_shape_pairs]; int excluded_shape_pair_count = 0; real_t min_contact_depth = margin * TEST_MOTION_MIN_CONTACT_DEPTH_FACTOR; real_t motion_length = p_parameters.motion.length(); Vector2 motion_normal = p_parameters.motion / motion_length; Transform2D body_transform = p_parameters.from; bool recovered = false; { //STEP 1, FREE BODY IF STUCK const int max_results = 32; int recover_attempts = 4; Vector2 sr[max_results * 2]; real_t priorities[max_results]; do { GodotPhysicsServer2D::CollCbkData cbk; cbk.max = max_results; cbk.amount = 0; cbk.passed = 0; cbk.ptr = sr; cbk.invalid_by_dir = 0; excluded_shape_pair_count = 0; //last step is the one valid GodotPhysicsServer2D::CollCbkData *cbkptr = &cbk; GodotCollisionSolver2D::CallbackResult cbkres = GodotPhysicsServer2D::_shape_col_cbk; int priority_amount = 0; bool collided = false; int amount = _cull_aabb_for_body(p_body, body_aabb); for (int j = 0; j < p_body->get_shape_count(); j++) { if (p_body->is_shape_disabled(j)) { continue; } GodotShape2D *body_shape = p_body->get_shape(j); Transform2D body_shape_xform = body_transform * p_body->get_shape_transform(j); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { const GodotCollisionObject2D *col_obj = intersection_query_results[i]; if (p_parameters.exclude_bodies.has(col_obj->get_self())) { continue; } if (p_parameters.exclude_objects.has(col_obj->get_instance_id())) { continue; } int shape_idx = intersection_query_subindex_results[i]; Transform2D col_obj_shape_xform = col_obj->get_transform() * col_obj->get_shape_transform(shape_idx); if (body_shape->allows_one_way_collision() && col_obj->is_shape_set_as_one_way_collision(shape_idx)) { cbk.valid_dir = col_obj_shape_xform.columns[1].normalized(); real_t owc_margin = col_obj->get_shape_one_way_collision_margin(shape_idx); cbk.valid_depth = MAX(owc_margin, margin); //user specified, but never less than actual margin or it won't work cbk.invalid_by_dir = 0; if (col_obj->get_type() == GodotCollisionObject2D::TYPE_BODY) { const GodotBody2D *b = static_cast(col_obj); if (b->get_mode() == PhysicsServer2D::BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC || b->get_mode() == PhysicsServer2D::BODY_MODE_RIGID) { //fix for moving platforms (kinematic and dynamic), margin is increased by how much it moved in the given direction Vector2 lv = b->get_linear_velocity(); //compute displacement from linear velocity Vector2 motion = lv * last_step; real_t motion_len = motion.length(); motion.normalize(); cbk.valid_depth += motion_len * MAX(motion.dot(-cbk.valid_dir), 0.0); } } } else { cbk.valid_dir = Vector2(); cbk.valid_depth = 0; cbk.invalid_by_dir = 0; } int current_passed = cbk.passed; //save how many points passed collision bool did_collide = false; GodotShape2D *against_shape = col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx); if (GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(body_shape, body_shape_xform, Vector2(), against_shape, col_obj_shape_xform, Vector2(), cbkres, cbkptr, nullptr, margin)) { did_collide = cbk.passed > current_passed; //more passed, so collision actually existed } while (cbk.amount > priority_amount) { priorities[priority_amount] = col_obj->get_collision_priority(); priority_amount++; } if (!did_collide && cbk.invalid_by_dir > 0) { //this shape must be excluded if (excluded_shape_pair_count < max_excluded_shape_pairs) { ExcludedShapeSW esp; esp.local_shape = body_shape; esp.against_object = col_obj; esp.against_shape_index = shape_idx; excluded_shape_pairs[excluded_shape_pair_count++] = esp; } } if (did_collide) { collided = true; } } } if (!collided) { break; } real_t inv_total_weight = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < cbk.amount; i++) { inv_total_weight += priorities[i]; } inv_total_weight = Math::is_zero_approx(inv_total_weight) ? 1.0 : (real_t)cbk.amount / inv_total_weight; recovered = true; Vector2 recover_motion; for (int i = 0; i < cbk.amount; i++) { Vector2 a = sr[i * 2 + 0]; Vector2 b = sr[i * 2 + 1]; // Compute plane on b towards a. Vector2 n = (a - b).normalized(); real_t d = n.dot(b); // Compute depth on recovered motion. real_t depth = n.dot(a + recover_motion) - d; if (depth > min_contact_depth + CMP_EPSILON) { // Only recover if there is penetration. recover_motion -= n * (depth - min_contact_depth) * 0.4 * priorities[i] * inv_total_weight; } } if (recover_motion == Vector2()) { collided = false; break; } body_transform.columns[2] += recover_motion; body_aabb.position += recover_motion; recover_attempts--; } while (recover_attempts); } real_t safe = 1.0; real_t unsafe = 1.0; int best_shape = -1; { // STEP 2 ATTEMPT MOTION Rect2 motion_aabb = body_aabb; motion_aabb.position += p_parameters.motion; motion_aabb = motion_aabb.merge(body_aabb); int amount = _cull_aabb_for_body(p_body, motion_aabb); for (int body_shape_idx = 0; body_shape_idx < p_body->get_shape_count(); body_shape_idx++) { if (p_body->is_shape_disabled(body_shape_idx)) { continue; } GodotShape2D *body_shape = p_body->get_shape(body_shape_idx); // Colliding separation rays allows to properly snap to the ground, // otherwise it's not needed in regular motion. if (!p_parameters.collide_separation_ray && (body_shape->get_type() == PhysicsServer2D::SHAPE_SEPARATION_RAY)) { // When slide on slope is on, separation ray shape acts like a regular shape. if (!static_cast(body_shape)->get_slide_on_slope()) { continue; } } Transform2D body_shape_xform = body_transform * p_body->get_shape_transform(body_shape_idx); bool stuck = false; real_t best_safe = 1; real_t best_unsafe = 1; for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { const GodotCollisionObject2D *col_obj = intersection_query_results[i]; if (p_parameters.exclude_bodies.has(col_obj->get_self())) { continue; } if (p_parameters.exclude_objects.has(col_obj->get_instance_id())) { continue; } int col_shape_idx = intersection_query_subindex_results[i]; GodotShape2D *against_shape = col_obj->get_shape(col_shape_idx); bool excluded = false; for (int k = 0; k < excluded_shape_pair_count; k++) { if (excluded_shape_pairs[k].local_shape == body_shape && excluded_shape_pairs[k].against_object == col_obj && excluded_shape_pairs[k].against_shape_index == col_shape_idx) { excluded = true; break; } } if (excluded) { continue; } Transform2D col_obj_shape_xform = col_obj->get_transform() * col_obj->get_shape_transform(col_shape_idx); //test initial overlap, does it collide if going all the way? if (!GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(body_shape, body_shape_xform, p_parameters.motion, against_shape, col_obj_shape_xform, Vector2(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0)) { continue; } //test initial overlap if (GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(body_shape, body_shape_xform, Vector2(), against_shape, col_obj_shape_xform, Vector2(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0)) { if (body_shape->allows_one_way_collision() && col_obj->is_shape_set_as_one_way_collision(col_shape_idx)) { Vector2 direction = col_obj_shape_xform.columns[1].normalized(); if (motion_normal.dot(direction) < 0) { continue; } } stuck = true; break; } //just do kinematic solving real_t low = 0.0; real_t hi = 1.0; real_t fraction_coeff = 0.5; for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { //steps should be customizable.. real_t fraction = low + (hi - low) * fraction_coeff; Vector2 sep = motion_normal; //important optimization for this to work fast enough bool collided = GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(body_shape, body_shape_xform, p_parameters.motion * fraction, against_shape, col_obj_shape_xform, Vector2(), nullptr, nullptr, &sep, 0); if (collided) { hi = fraction; if ((k == 0) || (low > 0.0)) { // Did it not collide before? // When alternating or first iteration, use dichotomy. fraction_coeff = 0.5; } else { // When colliding again, converge faster towards low fraction // for more accurate results with long motions that collide near the start. fraction_coeff = 0.25; } } else { low = fraction; if ((k == 0) || (hi < 1.0)) { // Did it collide before? // When alternating or first iteration, use dichotomy. fraction_coeff = 0.5; } else { // When not colliding again, converge faster towards high fraction // for more accurate results with long motions that collide near the end. fraction_coeff = 0.75; } } } if (body_shape->allows_one_way_collision() && col_obj->is_shape_set_as_one_way_collision(col_shape_idx)) { Vector2 cd[2]; GodotPhysicsServer2D::CollCbkData cbk; cbk.max = 1; cbk.amount = 0; cbk.passed = 0; cbk.ptr = cd; cbk.valid_dir = col_obj_shape_xform.columns[1].normalized(); cbk.valid_depth = 10e20; Vector2 sep = motion_normal; //important optimization for this to work fast enough bool collided = GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(body_shape, body_shape_xform, p_parameters.motion * (hi + contact_max_allowed_penetration), col_obj->get_shape(col_shape_idx), col_obj_shape_xform, Vector2(), GodotPhysicsServer2D::_shape_col_cbk, &cbk, &sep, 0); if (!collided || cbk.amount == 0) { continue; } } if (low < best_safe) { best_safe = low; best_unsafe = hi; } } if (stuck) { safe = 0; unsafe = 0; best_shape = body_shape_idx; //sadly it's the best break; } if (best_safe == 1.0) { continue; } if (best_safe < safe) { safe = best_safe; unsafe = best_unsafe; best_shape = body_shape_idx; } } } bool collided = false; if ((p_parameters.recovery_as_collision && recovered) || (safe < 1)) { if (safe >= 1) { best_shape = -1; //no best shape with cast, reset to -1 } //it collided, let's get the rest info in unsafe advance Transform2D ugt = body_transform; ugt.columns[2] += p_parameters.motion * unsafe; _RestCallbackData2D rcd; // Allowed depth can't be lower than motion length, in order to handle contacts at low speed. rcd.min_allowed_depth = MIN(motion_length, min_contact_depth); body_aabb.position += p_parameters.motion * unsafe; int amount = _cull_aabb_for_body(p_body, body_aabb); int from_shape = best_shape != -1 ? best_shape : 0; int to_shape = best_shape != -1 ? best_shape + 1 : p_body->get_shape_count(); for (int j = from_shape; j < to_shape; j++) { if (p_body->is_shape_disabled(j)) { continue; } Transform2D body_shape_xform = ugt * p_body->get_shape_transform(j); GodotShape2D *body_shape = p_body->get_shape(j); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { const GodotCollisionObject2D *col_obj = intersection_query_results[i]; if (p_parameters.exclude_bodies.has(col_obj->get_self())) { continue; } if (p_parameters.exclude_objects.has(col_obj->get_instance_id())) { continue; } int shape_idx = intersection_query_subindex_results[i]; GodotShape2D *against_shape = col_obj->get_shape(shape_idx); bool excluded = false; for (int k = 0; k < excluded_shape_pair_count; k++) { if (excluded_shape_pairs[k].local_shape == body_shape && excluded_shape_pairs[k].against_object == col_obj && excluded_shape_pairs[k].against_shape_index == shape_idx) { excluded = true; break; } } if (excluded) { continue; } Transform2D col_obj_shape_xform = col_obj->get_transform() * col_obj->get_shape_transform(shape_idx); if (body_shape->allows_one_way_collision() && col_obj->is_shape_set_as_one_way_collision(shape_idx)) { rcd.valid_dir = col_obj_shape_xform.columns[1].normalized(); real_t owc_margin = col_obj->get_shape_one_way_collision_margin(shape_idx); rcd.valid_depth = MAX(owc_margin, margin); //user specified, but never less than actual margin or it won't work if (col_obj->get_type() == GodotCollisionObject2D::TYPE_BODY) { const GodotBody2D *b = static_cast(col_obj); if (b->get_mode() == PhysicsServer2D::BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC || b->get_mode() == PhysicsServer2D::BODY_MODE_RIGID) { //fix for moving platforms (kinematic and dynamic), margin is increased by how much it moved in the given direction Vector2 lv = b->get_linear_velocity(); //compute displacement from linear velocity Vector2 motion = lv * last_step; real_t motion_len = motion.length(); motion.normalize(); rcd.valid_depth += motion_len * MAX(motion.dot(-rcd.valid_dir), 0.0); } } } else { rcd.valid_dir = Vector2(); rcd.valid_depth = 0; } rcd.object = col_obj; rcd.shape = shape_idx; rcd.local_shape = j; bool sc = GodotCollisionSolver2D::solve(body_shape, body_shape_xform, Vector2(), against_shape, col_obj_shape_xform, Vector2(), _rest_cbk_result, &rcd, nullptr, margin); if (!sc) { continue; } } } if (rcd.best_len != 0) { if (r_result) { r_result->collider = rcd.best_object->get_self(); r_result->collider_id = rcd.best_object->get_instance_id(); r_result->collider_shape = rcd.best_shape; r_result->collision_local_shape = rcd.best_local_shape; r_result->collision_normal = rcd.best_normal; r_result->collision_point = rcd.best_contact; r_result->collision_depth = rcd.best_len; r_result->collision_safe_fraction = safe; r_result->collision_unsafe_fraction = unsafe; const GodotBody2D *body = static_cast(rcd.best_object); Vector2 rel_vec = r_result->collision_point - (body->get_transform().get_origin() + body->get_center_of_mass()); r_result->collider_velocity = Vector2(-body->get_angular_velocity() * rel_vec.y, body->get_angular_velocity() * rel_vec.x) + body->get_linear_velocity(); r_result->travel = safe * p_parameters.motion; r_result->remainder = p_parameters.motion - safe * p_parameters.motion; r_result->travel += (body_transform.get_origin() - p_parameters.from.get_origin()); } collided = true; } } if (!collided && r_result) { r_result->travel = p_parameters.motion; r_result->remainder = Vector2(); r_result->travel += (body_transform.get_origin() - p_parameters.from.get_origin()); } return collided; } // Assumes a valid collision pair, this should have been checked beforehand in the BVH or octree. void *GodotSpace2D::_broadphase_pair(GodotCollisionObject2D *A, int p_subindex_A, GodotCollisionObject2D *B, int p_subindex_B, void *p_self) { GodotCollisionObject2D::Type type_A = A->get_type(); GodotCollisionObject2D::Type type_B = B->get_type(); if (type_A > type_B) { SWAP(A, B); SWAP(p_subindex_A, p_subindex_B); SWAP(type_A, type_B); } GodotSpace2D *self = static_cast(p_self); self->collision_pairs++; if (type_A == GodotCollisionObject2D::TYPE_AREA) { GodotArea2D *area = static_cast(A); if (type_B == GodotCollisionObject2D::TYPE_AREA) { GodotArea2D *area_b = static_cast(B); GodotArea2Pair2D *area2_pair = memnew(GodotArea2Pair2D(area_b, p_subindex_B, area, p_subindex_A)); return area2_pair; } else { GodotBody2D *body = static_cast(B); GodotAreaPair2D *area_pair = memnew(GodotAreaPair2D(body, p_subindex_B, area, p_subindex_A)); return area_pair; } } else { GodotBodyPair2D *b = memnew(GodotBodyPair2D(static_cast(A), p_subindex_A, static_cast(B), p_subindex_B)); return b; } } void GodotSpace2D::_broadphase_unpair(GodotCollisionObject2D *A, int p_subindex_A, GodotCollisionObject2D *B, int p_subindex_B, void *p_data, void *p_self) { if (!p_data) { return; } GodotSpace2D *self = static_cast(p_self); self->collision_pairs--; GodotConstraint2D *c = static_cast(p_data); memdelete(c); } const SelfList::List &GodotSpace2D::get_active_body_list() const { return active_list; } void GodotSpace2D::body_add_to_active_list(SelfList *p_body) { active_list.add(p_body); } void GodotSpace2D::body_remove_from_active_list(SelfList *p_body) { active_list.remove(p_body); } void GodotSpace2D::body_add_to_mass_properties_update_list(SelfList *p_body) { mass_properties_update_list.add(p_body); } void GodotSpace2D::body_remove_from_mass_properties_update_list(SelfList *p_body) { mass_properties_update_list.remove(p_body); } GodotBroadPhase2D *GodotSpace2D::get_broadphase() { return broadphase; } void GodotSpace2D::add_object(GodotCollisionObject2D *p_object) { ERR_FAIL_COND(objects.has(p_object)); objects.insert(p_object); } void GodotSpace2D::remove_object(GodotCollisionObject2D *p_object) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!objects.has(p_object)); objects.erase(p_object); } const HashSet &GodotSpace2D::get_objects() const { return objects; } void GodotSpace2D::body_add_to_state_query_list(SelfList *p_body) { state_query_list.add(p_body); } void GodotSpace2D::body_remove_from_state_query_list(SelfList *p_body) { state_query_list.remove(p_body); } void GodotSpace2D::area_add_to_monitor_query_list(SelfList *p_area) { monitor_query_list.add(p_area); } void GodotSpace2D::area_remove_from_monitor_query_list(SelfList *p_area) { monitor_query_list.remove(p_area); } void GodotSpace2D::area_add_to_moved_list(SelfList *p_area) { area_moved_list.add(p_area); } void GodotSpace2D::area_remove_from_moved_list(SelfList *p_area) { area_moved_list.remove(p_area); } const SelfList::List &GodotSpace2D::get_moved_area_list() const { return area_moved_list; } void GodotSpace2D::call_queries() { while (state_query_list.first()) { GodotBody2D *b = state_query_list.first()->self(); state_query_list.remove(state_query_list.first()); b->call_queries(); } while (monitor_query_list.first()) { GodotArea2D *a = monitor_query_list.first()->self(); monitor_query_list.remove(monitor_query_list.first()); a->call_queries(); } } void GodotSpace2D::setup() { contact_debug_count = 0; while (mass_properties_update_list.first()) { mass_properties_update_list.first()->self()->update_mass_properties(); mass_properties_update_list.remove(mass_properties_update_list.first()); } } void GodotSpace2D::update() { broadphase->update(); } void GodotSpace2D::set_param(PhysicsServer2D::SpaceParameter p_param, real_t p_value) { switch (p_param) { case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_RECYCLE_RADIUS: contact_recycle_radius = p_value; break; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_MAX_SEPARATION: contact_max_separation = p_value; break; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_MAX_ALLOWED_PENETRATION: contact_max_allowed_penetration = p_value; break; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_DEFAULT_BIAS: contact_bias = p_value; break; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_BODY_LINEAR_VELOCITY_SLEEP_THRESHOLD: body_linear_velocity_sleep_threshold = p_value; break; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_BODY_ANGULAR_VELOCITY_SLEEP_THRESHOLD: body_angular_velocity_sleep_threshold = p_value; break; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_BODY_TIME_TO_SLEEP: body_time_to_sleep = p_value; break; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_CONSTRAINT_DEFAULT_BIAS: constraint_bias = p_value; break; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_SOLVER_ITERATIONS: solver_iterations = p_value; break; } } real_t GodotSpace2D::get_param(PhysicsServer2D::SpaceParameter p_param) const { switch (p_param) { case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_RECYCLE_RADIUS: return contact_recycle_radius; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_MAX_SEPARATION: return contact_max_separation; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_MAX_ALLOWED_PENETRATION: return contact_max_allowed_penetration; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_DEFAULT_BIAS: return contact_bias; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_BODY_LINEAR_VELOCITY_SLEEP_THRESHOLD: return body_linear_velocity_sleep_threshold; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_BODY_ANGULAR_VELOCITY_SLEEP_THRESHOLD: return body_angular_velocity_sleep_threshold; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_BODY_TIME_TO_SLEEP: return body_time_to_sleep; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_CONSTRAINT_DEFAULT_BIAS: return constraint_bias; case PhysicsServer2D::SPACE_PARAM_SOLVER_ITERATIONS: return solver_iterations; } return 0; } void GodotSpace2D::lock() { locked = true; } void GodotSpace2D::unlock() { locked = false; } bool GodotSpace2D::is_locked() const { return locked; } GodotPhysicsDirectSpaceState2D *GodotSpace2D::get_direct_state() { return direct_access; } GodotSpace2D::GodotSpace2D() { body_linear_velocity_sleep_threshold = GLOBAL_GET("physics/2d/sleep_threshold_linear"); body_angular_velocity_sleep_threshold = GLOBAL_GET("physics/2d/sleep_threshold_angular"); body_time_to_sleep = GLOBAL_GET("physics/2d/time_before_sleep"); solver_iterations = GLOBAL_GET("physics/2d/solver/solver_iterations"); contact_recycle_radius = GLOBAL_GET("physics/2d/solver/contact_recycle_radius"); contact_max_separation = GLOBAL_GET("physics/2d/solver/contact_max_separation"); contact_max_allowed_penetration = GLOBAL_GET("physics/2d/solver/contact_max_allowed_penetration"); contact_bias = GLOBAL_GET("physics/2d/solver/default_contact_bias"); constraint_bias = GLOBAL_GET("physics/2d/solver/default_constraint_bias"); broadphase = GodotBroadPhase2D::create_func(); broadphase->set_pair_callback(_broadphase_pair, this); broadphase->set_unpair_callback(_broadphase_unpair, this); direct_access = memnew(GodotPhysicsDirectSpaceState2D); direct_access->space = this; } GodotSpace2D::~GodotSpace2D() { memdelete(broadphase); memdelete(direct_access); }