/**************************************************************************/ /* editor_command_palette.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "editor/editor_command_palette.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "editor/editor_string_names.h" #include "editor/gui/editor_toaster.h" #include "editor/themes/editor_scale.h" #include "scene/gui/control.h" #include "scene/gui/margin_container.h" #include "scene/gui/tree.h" EditorCommandPalette *EditorCommandPalette::singleton = nullptr; static Rect2i prev_rect = Rect2i(); static bool was_showed = false; float EditorCommandPalette::_score_path(const String &p_search, const String &p_path) { float score = 0.9f + .1f * (p_search.length() / (float)p_path.length()); // Positive bias for matches close to the beginning of the file name. int pos = p_path.findn(p_search); if (pos != -1) { return score * (1.0f - 0.1f * (float(pos) / p_path.length())); } // Positive bias for matches close to the end of the path. pos = p_path.rfindn(p_search); if (pos != -1) { return score * (0.8f - 0.1f * (float(p_path.length() - pos) / p_path.length())); } // Remaining results belong to the same class of results. return score * 0.69f; } void EditorCommandPalette::_update_command_search(const String &search_text) { ERR_FAIL_COND(commands.is_empty()); HashMap sections; TreeItem *first_section = nullptr; // Filter possible candidates. Vector entries; for (const KeyValue &E : commands) { CommandEntry r; r.key_name = E.key; r.display_name = E.value.name; r.shortcut_text = E.value.shortcut_text; r.last_used = E.value.last_used; bool is_subsequence_of_key_name = search_text.is_subsequence_ofn(r.key_name); bool is_subsequence_of_display_name = search_text.is_subsequence_ofn(r.display_name); if (is_subsequence_of_key_name || is_subsequence_of_display_name) { if (!search_text.is_empty()) { float key_name_score = is_subsequence_of_key_name ? _score_path(search_text, r.key_name.to_lower()) : .0f; float display_name_score = is_subsequence_of_display_name ? _score_path(search_text, r.display_name.to_lower()) : .0f; r.score = MAX(key_name_score, display_name_score); } entries.push_back(r); } } TreeItem *root = search_options->get_root(); root->clear_children(); if (entries.is_empty()) { get_ok_button()->set_disabled(true); return; } if (!search_text.is_empty()) { SortArray sorter; sorter.sort(entries.ptrw(), entries.size()); } else { SortArray sorter; sorter.sort(entries.ptrw(), entries.size()); } const int entry_limit = MIN(entries.size(), 300); for (int i = 0; i < entry_limit; i++) { String section_name = entries[i].key_name.get_slice("/", 0); TreeItem *section; if (sections.has(section_name)) { section = sections[section_name]; } else { section = search_options->create_item(root); if (!first_section) { first_section = section; } String item_name = section_name.capitalize(); section->set_text(0, item_name); section->set_selectable(0, false); section->set_selectable(1, false); section->set_custom_bg_color(0, get_theme_color(SNAME("prop_subsection"), EditorStringName(Editor))); section->set_custom_bg_color(1, get_theme_color(SNAME("prop_subsection"), EditorStringName(Editor))); sections[section_name] = section; } TreeItem *ti = search_options->create_item(section); String shortcut_text = entries[i].shortcut_text == "None" ? "" : entries[i].shortcut_text; ti->set_text(0, entries[i].display_name); ti->set_metadata(0, entries[i].key_name); ti->set_text_alignment(1, HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT); ti->set_text(1, shortcut_text); Color c = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"), EditorStringName(Editor)) * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5); ti->set_custom_color(1, c); } TreeItem *to_select = first_section->get_first_child(); to_select->select(0); to_select->set_as_cursor(0); search_options->ensure_cursor_is_visible(); } void EditorCommandPalette::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_command", "command_name", "key_name", "binded_callable", "shortcut_text"), &EditorCommandPalette::_add_command, DEFVAL("None")); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_command", "key_name"), &EditorCommandPalette::remove_command); } void EditorCommandPalette::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED: { if (!is_visible()) { prev_rect = Rect2i(get_position(), get_size()); was_showed = true; } } break; case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { command_search_box->set_right_icon(get_editor_theme_icon(SNAME("Search"))); } break; case EditorSettings::NOTIFICATION_EDITOR_SETTINGS_CHANGED: { if (!EditorSettings::get_singleton()->check_changed_settings_in_group("shortcuts")) { break; } for (KeyValue &kv : commands) { Command &c = kv.value; if (c.shortcut.is_valid()) { c.shortcut_text = c.shortcut->get_as_text(); } } } break; } } void EditorCommandPalette::_sbox_input(const Ref &p_ie) { Ref k = p_ie; if (k.is_valid()) { switch (k->get_keycode()) { case Key::UP: case Key::DOWN: case Key::PAGEUP: case Key::PAGEDOWN: { search_options->gui_input(k); } break; default: break; } } } void EditorCommandPalette::_confirmed() { TreeItem *selected_option = search_options->get_selected(); const String command_key = selected_option != nullptr ? selected_option->get_metadata(0) : ""; if (!command_key.is_empty()) { hide(); callable_mp(this, &EditorCommandPalette::execute_command).call_deferred(command_key); } } void EditorCommandPalette::open_popup() { if (was_showed) { popup(prev_rect); } else { popup_centered_clamped(Size2(600, 440) * EDSCALE, 0.8f); } command_search_box->clear(); command_search_box->grab_focus(); search_options->scroll_to_item(search_options->get_root()); } void EditorCommandPalette::get_actions_list(List *p_list) const { for (const KeyValue &E : commands) { p_list->push_back(E.key); } } void EditorCommandPalette::remove_command(String p_key_name) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!commands.has(p_key_name), "The Command '" + String(p_key_name) + "' doesn't exists. Unable to remove it."); commands.erase(p_key_name); } void EditorCommandPalette::add_command(String p_command_name, String p_key_name, Callable p_action, Vector arguments, const Ref &p_shortcut) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(commands.has(p_key_name), "The Command '" + String(p_command_name) + "' already exists. Unable to add it."); const Variant **argptrs = (const Variant **)alloca(sizeof(Variant *) * arguments.size()); for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) { argptrs[i] = &arguments[i]; } Command command; command.name = p_command_name; command.callable = p_action.bindp(argptrs, arguments.size()); if (p_shortcut.is_null()) { command.shortcut_text = "None"; } else { command.shortcut = p_shortcut; command.shortcut_text = p_shortcut->get_as_text(); } commands[p_key_name] = command; } void EditorCommandPalette::_add_command(String p_command_name, String p_key_name, Callable p_binded_action, String p_shortcut_text) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(commands.has(p_key_name), "The Command '" + String(p_command_name) + "' already exists. Unable to add it."); Command command; command.name = p_command_name; command.callable = p_binded_action; command.shortcut_text = p_shortcut_text; // Commands added from plugins don't exist yet when the history is loaded, so we assign the last use time here if it was recorded. Dictionary command_history = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_metadata("command_palette", "command_history", Dictionary()); if (command_history.has(p_key_name)) { command.last_used = command_history[p_key_name]; } commands[p_key_name] = command; } void EditorCommandPalette::execute_command(const String &p_command_key) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!commands.has(p_command_key), p_command_key + " not found."); commands[p_command_key].last_used = OS::get_singleton()->get_unix_time(); _save_history(); Variant ret; Callable::CallError ce; const Callable &callable = commands[p_command_key].callable; callable.callp(nullptr, 0, ret, ce); if (ce.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) { EditorToaster::get_singleton()->popup_str(vformat(TTR("Failed to execute command \"%s\":\n%s."), p_command_key, Variant::get_callable_error_text(callable, nullptr, 0, ce)), EditorToaster::SEVERITY_ERROR); } } void EditorCommandPalette::register_shortcuts_as_command() { for (const KeyValue>> &E : unregistered_shortcuts) { String command_name = E.value.first; Ref shortcut = E.value.second; Ref ev; ev.instantiate(); ev->set_shortcut(shortcut); add_command(command_name, E.key, callable_mp(EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_viewport(), &Viewport::push_input), varray(ev, false), shortcut); } unregistered_shortcuts.clear(); // Load command use history. Dictionary command_history = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_metadata("command_palette", "command_history", Dictionary()); Array history_entries = command_history.keys(); for (int i = 0; i < history_entries.size(); i++) { const String &history_key = history_entries[i]; if (commands.has(history_key)) { commands[history_key].last_used = command_history[history_key]; } } } Ref EditorCommandPalette::add_shortcut_command(const String &p_command, const String &p_key, Ref p_shortcut) { if (is_inside_tree()) { Ref ev; ev.instantiate(); ev->set_shortcut(p_shortcut); add_command(p_command, p_key, callable_mp(EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_viewport(), &Viewport::push_input), varray(ev, false), p_shortcut); } else { const String key_name = String(p_key); const String command_name = String(p_command); Pair pair = Pair(command_name, p_shortcut); unregistered_shortcuts[key_name] = pair; } return p_shortcut; } void EditorCommandPalette::_save_history() const { Dictionary command_history; for (const KeyValue &E : commands) { if (E.value.last_used > 0) { command_history[E.key] = E.value.last_used; } } EditorSettings::get_singleton()->set_project_metadata("command_palette", "command_history", command_history); } EditorCommandPalette *EditorCommandPalette::get_singleton() { if (singleton == nullptr) { singleton = memnew(EditorCommandPalette); } return singleton; } EditorCommandPalette::EditorCommandPalette() { set_hide_on_ok(false); connect("confirmed", callable_mp(this, &EditorCommandPalette::_confirmed)); VBoxContainer *vbc = memnew(VBoxContainer); add_child(vbc); command_search_box = memnew(LineEdit); command_search_box->set_placeholder(TTR("Filter Commands")); command_search_box->connect(SceneStringName(gui_input), callable_mp(this, &EditorCommandPalette::_sbox_input)); command_search_box->connect("text_changed", callable_mp(this, &EditorCommandPalette::_update_command_search)); command_search_box->set_v_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); command_search_box->set_clear_button_enabled(true); MarginContainer *margin_container_csb = memnew(MarginContainer); margin_container_csb->add_child(command_search_box); vbc->add_child(margin_container_csb); register_text_enter(command_search_box); search_options = memnew(Tree); search_options->connect("item_activated", callable_mp(this, &EditorCommandPalette::_confirmed)); search_options->connect("item_selected", callable_mp((BaseButton *)get_ok_button(), &BaseButton::set_disabled).bind(false)); search_options->connect("nothing_selected", callable_mp((BaseButton *)get_ok_button(), &BaseButton::set_disabled).bind(true)); search_options->create_item(); search_options->set_hide_root(true); search_options->set_columns(2); search_options->set_v_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); search_options->set_h_size_flags(Control::SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); search_options->set_column_custom_minimum_width(0, int(8 * EDSCALE)); vbc->add_child(search_options, true); } Ref ED_SHORTCUT_AND_COMMAND(const String &p_path, const String &p_name, Key p_keycode, String p_command_name) { if (p_command_name.is_empty()) { p_command_name = p_name; } Ref shortcut = ED_SHORTCUT(p_path, p_name, p_keycode); EditorCommandPalette::get_singleton()->add_shortcut_command(p_command_name, p_path, shortcut); return shortcut; } Ref ED_SHORTCUT_ARRAY_AND_COMMAND(const String &p_path, const String &p_name, const PackedInt32Array &p_keycodes, String p_command_name) { if (p_command_name.is_empty()) { p_command_name = p_name; } Ref shortcut = ED_SHORTCUT_ARRAY(p_path, p_name, p_keycodes); EditorCommandPalette::get_singleton()->add_shortcut_command(p_command_name, p_path, shortcut); return shortcut; }