/**************************************************************************/ /* graph_edit.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef GRAPH_EDIT_H #define GRAPH_EDIT_H #include "scene/gui/box_container.h" #include "scene/gui/graph_frame.h" #include "scene/gui/graph_node.h" class Button; class GraphEdit; class GraphEditArranger; class HScrollBar; class Label; class Line2D; class PanelContainer; class SpinBox; class ViewPanner; class VScrollBar; class GraphEditFilter : public Control { GDCLASS(GraphEditFilter, Control); friend class GraphEdit; friend class GraphEditMinimap; GraphEdit *ge = nullptr; virtual bool has_point(const Point2 &p_point) const override; public: GraphEditFilter(GraphEdit *p_edit); }; class GraphEditMinimap : public Control { GDCLASS(GraphEditMinimap, Control); friend class GraphEdit; friend class GraphEditFilter; GraphEdit *ge = nullptr; Vector2 minimap_padding; Vector2 minimap_offset; Vector2 graph_proportions = Vector2(1, 1); Vector2 graph_padding = Vector2(0, 0); Vector2 camera_position = Vector2(100, 50); Vector2 camera_size = Vector2(200, 200); bool is_pressing = false; bool is_resizing = false; struct ThemeCache { Ref panel; Ref node_style; Ref camera_style; Ref resizer; Color resizer_color; } theme_cache; Vector2 _get_render_size(); Vector2 _get_graph_offset(); Vector2 _get_graph_size(); Vector2 _convert_from_graph_position(const Vector2 &p_position); Vector2 _convert_to_graph_position(const Vector2 &p_position); virtual void gui_input(const Ref &p_ev) override; void _adjust_graph_scroll(const Vector2 &p_offset); protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual CursorShape get_cursor_shape(const Point2 &p_pos = Point2i()) const override; void update_minimap(); Rect2 get_camera_rect(); GraphEditMinimap(GraphEdit *p_edit); }; class GraphEdit : public Control { GDCLASS(GraphEdit, Control); public: struct Connection : RefCounted { StringName from_node; StringName to_node; int from_port = 0; int to_port = 0; float activity = 0.0; private: struct Cache { bool dirty = true; Vector2 from_pos; // In graph space. Vector2 to_pos; // In graph space. Color from_color; Color to_color; Rect2 aabb; // In local screen space. Line2D *line = nullptr; // In local screen space. } _cache; friend class GraphEdit; }; // Should be in sync with ControlScheme in ViewPanner. enum PanningScheme { SCROLL_ZOOMS, SCROLL_PANS, }; enum GridPattern { GRID_PATTERN_LINES, GRID_PATTERN_DOTS }; private: struct ConnectionType { union { struct { uint32_t type_a; uint32_t type_b; }; uint64_t key = 0; }; static uint32_t hash(const ConnectionType &p_conn) { return hash_one_uint64(p_conn.key); } bool operator==(const ConnectionType &p_type) const { return key == p_type.key; } ConnectionType(uint32_t a = 0, uint32_t b = 0) { type_a = a; type_b = b; } }; Label *zoom_label = nullptr; Button *zoom_minus_button = nullptr; Button *zoom_reset_button = nullptr; Button *zoom_plus_button = nullptr; Button *toggle_snapping_button = nullptr; SpinBox *snapping_distance_spinbox = nullptr; Button *toggle_grid_button = nullptr; Button *minimap_button = nullptr; Button *arrange_button = nullptr; HScrollBar *h_scrollbar = nullptr; VScrollBar *v_scrollbar = nullptr; Ref panner; bool warped_panning = true; bool show_menu = true; bool show_zoom_label = false; bool show_grid_buttons = true; bool show_zoom_buttons = true; bool show_minimap_button = true; bool show_arrange_button = true; bool snapping_enabled = true; int snapping_distance = 20; bool show_grid = true; GridPattern grid_pattern = GRID_PATTERN_LINES; bool connecting = false; StringName connecting_from_node; bool connecting_from_output = false; int connecting_type = 0; Color connecting_color; Vector2 connecting_to_point; // In local screen space. bool connecting_target_valid = false; StringName connecting_target_node; int connecting_from_port_index = 0; int connecting_target_port_index = 0; bool just_disconnected = false; bool connecting_valid = false; Vector2 click_pos; PanningScheme panning_scheme = SCROLL_ZOOMS; bool dragging = false; bool just_selected = false; bool moving_selection = false; Vector2 drag_accum; float zoom = 1.0; float zoom_step = 1.2; // Proper values set in constructor. float zoom_min = 0.0; float zoom_max = 0.0; bool box_selecting = false; bool box_selection_mode_additive = false; Point2 box_selecting_from; Point2 box_selecting_to; Rect2 box_selecting_rect; List prev_selected; bool setting_scroll_offset = false; bool right_disconnects = false; bool updating = false; bool awaiting_scroll_offset_update = false; List> connections; HashMap>> connection_map; Ref hovered_connection; float lines_thickness = 4.0f; float lines_curvature = 0.5f; bool lines_antialiased = true; PanelContainer *menu_panel = nullptr; HBoxContainer *menu_hbox = nullptr; Control *connections_layer = nullptr; GraphEditFilter *top_connection_layer = nullptr; // Draws a dragged connection. Necessary since the connection line shader can't be applied to the whole top layer. Line2D *dragged_connection_line = nullptr; Control *top_layer = nullptr; // Used for drawing the box selection rect. Contains the minimap, menu panel and the scrollbars. GraphEditMinimap *minimap = nullptr; static Ref default_connections_shader; Ref connections_shader; Ref arranger; HashSet valid_connection_types; HashSet valid_left_disconnect_types; HashSet valid_right_disconnect_types; struct ThemeCache { float base_scale = 1.0; Ref panel; Color grid_major; Color grid_minor; Color activity_color; Color connection_hover_tint_color; Color connection_valid_target_tint_color; Color connection_rim_color; Color selection_fill; Color selection_stroke; Ref menu_panel; Ref zoom_in; Ref zoom_out; Ref zoom_reset; Ref snapping_toggle; Ref grid_toggle; Ref minimap_toggle; Ref layout; float port_hotzone_inner_extent = 0.0; float port_hotzone_outer_extent = 0.0; } theme_cache; // This separates the children in two layers to ensure the order // of both background nodes (e.g frame nodes) and foreground nodes (connectable nodes). int background_nodes_separator_idx = 0; HashMap> frame_attached_nodes; HashMap linked_parent_map; void _pan_callback(Vector2 p_scroll_vec, Ref p_event); void _zoom_callback(float p_zoom_factor, Vector2 p_origin, Ref p_event); void _zoom_minus(); void _zoom_reset(); void _zoom_plus(); void _update_zoom_label(); void _graph_element_selected(Node *p_node); void _graph_element_deselected(Node *p_node); void _graph_element_resize_request(const Vector2 &p_new_minsize, Node *p_node); void _graph_frame_autoshrink_changed(const Vector2 &p_new_minsize, GraphFrame *p_frame); void _graph_element_moved(Node *p_node); void _graph_node_slot_updated(int p_index, Node *p_node); void _graph_node_rect_changed(GraphNode *p_node); void _ensure_node_order_from_root(const StringName &p_node); void _ensure_node_order_from(Node *p_node); void _update_scroll(); void _update_scroll_offset(); void _scroll_moved(double); virtual void gui_input(const Ref &p_ev) override; void _top_connection_layer_input(const Ref &p_ev); float _get_shader_line_width(); void _draw_minimap_connection_line(const Vector2 &p_from_graph_position, const Vector2 &p_to_graph_position, const Color &p_from_color, const Color &p_to_color); void _invalidate_connection_line_cache(); void _update_top_connection_layer(); void _update_connections(); void _top_layer_draw(); void _minimap_draw(); void _draw_grid(); bool is_in_port_hotzone(const Vector2 &p_pos, const Vector2 &p_mouse_pos, const Vector2i &p_port_size, bool p_left); TypedArray _get_connection_list() const; Dictionary _get_closest_connection_at_point(const Vector2 &p_point, float p_max_distance = 4.0) const; TypedArray _get_connections_intersecting_with_rect(const Rect2 &p_rect) const; Rect2 _compute_shrinked_frame_rect(const GraphFrame *p_frame); void _set_drag_frame_attached_nodes(GraphFrame *p_frame, bool p_drag); void _set_position_of_frame_attached_nodes(GraphFrame *p_frame, const Vector2 &p_pos); friend class GraphEditFilter; bool _filter_input(const Point2 &p_point); void _snapping_toggled(); void _snapping_distance_changed(double); void _show_grid_toggled(); friend class GraphEditMinimap; void _minimap_toggled(); bool _check_clickable_control(Control *p_control, const Vector2 &r_mouse_pos, const Vector2 &p_offset); #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED bool _is_arrange_nodes_button_hidden_bind_compat_81582() const; void _set_arrange_nodes_button_hidden_bind_compat_81582(bool p_enable); PackedVector2Array _get_connection_line_bind_compat_86158(const Vector2 &p_from, const Vector2 &p_to); #endif protected: virtual void _update_theme_item_cache() override; virtual void add_child_notify(Node *p_child) override; virtual void remove_child_notify(Node *p_child) override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED static void _bind_compatibility_methods(); #endif virtual bool is_in_input_hotzone(GraphNode *p_graph_node, int p_port_idx, const Vector2 &p_mouse_pos, const Vector2i &p_port_size); virtual bool is_in_output_hotzone(GraphNode *p_graph_node, int p_port_idx, const Vector2 &p_mouse_pos, const Vector2i &p_port_size); GDVIRTUAL2RC(Vector, _get_connection_line, Vector2, Vector2) GDVIRTUAL3R(bool, _is_in_input_hotzone, Object *, int, Vector2) GDVIRTUAL3R(bool, _is_in_output_hotzone, Object *, int, Vector2) GDVIRTUAL4R(bool, _is_node_hover_valid, StringName, int, StringName, int); public: static void init_shaders(); static void finish_shaders(); virtual CursorShape get_cursor_shape(const Point2 &p_pos = Point2i()) const override; PackedStringArray get_configuration_warnings() const override; // This method has to be public (for undo redo). // TODO: Find a better way to do this. void _update_graph_frame(GraphFrame *p_frame); // Connection related methods. Error connect_node(const StringName &p_from, int p_from_port, const StringName &p_to, int p_to_port); bool is_node_connected(const StringName &p_from, int p_from_port, const StringName &p_to, int p_to_port); void disconnect_node(const StringName &p_from, int p_from_port, const StringName &p_to, int p_to_port); void clear_connections(); void force_connection_drag_end(); const List> &get_connection_list() const; virtual PackedVector2Array get_connection_line(const Vector2 &p_from, const Vector2 &p_to) const; Ref get_closest_connection_at_point(const Vector2 &p_point, float p_max_distance = 4.0) const; List> get_connections_intersecting_with_rect(const Rect2 &p_rect) const; virtual bool is_node_hover_valid(const StringName &p_from, int p_from_port, const StringName &p_to, int p_to_port); void set_connection_activity(const StringName &p_from, int p_from_port, const StringName &p_to, int p_to_port, float p_activity); void reset_all_connection_activity(); void add_valid_connection_type(int p_type, int p_with_type); void remove_valid_connection_type(int p_type, int p_with_type); bool is_valid_connection_type(int p_type, int p_with_type) const; // GraphFrame related methods. void attach_graph_element_to_frame(const StringName &p_graph_element, const StringName &p_parent_frame); void detach_graph_element_from_frame(const StringName &p_graph_element); GraphFrame *get_element_frame(const StringName &p_attached_graph_element); TypedArray get_attached_nodes_of_frame(const StringName &p_graph_frame); void set_panning_scheme(PanningScheme p_scheme); PanningScheme get_panning_scheme() const; void set_zoom(float p_zoom); void set_zoom_custom(float p_zoom, const Vector2 &p_center); float get_zoom() const; void set_zoom_min(float p_zoom_min); float get_zoom_min() const; void set_zoom_max(float p_zoom_max); float get_zoom_max() const; void set_zoom_step(float p_zoom_step); float get_zoom_step() const; void set_minimap_size(Vector2 p_size); Vector2 get_minimap_size() const; void set_minimap_opacity(float p_opacity); float get_minimap_opacity() const; void set_minimap_enabled(bool p_enable); bool is_minimap_enabled() const; void set_show_menu(bool p_hidden); bool is_showing_menu() const; void set_show_zoom_label(bool p_hidden); bool is_showing_zoom_label() const; void set_show_grid_buttons(bool p_hidden); bool is_showing_grid_buttons() const; void set_show_zoom_buttons(bool p_hidden); bool is_showing_zoom_buttons() const; void set_show_minimap_button(bool p_hidden); bool is_showing_minimap_button() const; void set_show_arrange_button(bool p_hidden); bool is_showing_arrange_button() const; Control *get_top_layer() const { return top_layer; } GraphEditMinimap *get_minimap() const { return minimap; } void override_connections_shader(const Ref &p_shader); void set_right_disconnects(bool p_enable); bool is_right_disconnects_enabled() const; void add_valid_right_disconnect_type(int p_type); void remove_valid_right_disconnect_type(int p_type); void add_valid_left_disconnect_type(int p_type); void remove_valid_left_disconnect_type(int p_type); void set_scroll_offset(const Vector2 &p_ofs); Vector2 get_scroll_offset() const; void set_selected(Node *p_child); void set_snapping_enabled(bool p_enable); bool is_snapping_enabled() const; void set_snapping_distance(int p_snapping_distance); int get_snapping_distance() const; void set_show_grid(bool p_enable); bool is_showing_grid() const; void set_grid_pattern(GridPattern p_pattern); GridPattern get_grid_pattern() const; void set_connection_lines_curvature(float p_curvature); float get_connection_lines_curvature() const; void set_connection_lines_thickness(float p_thickness); float get_connection_lines_thickness() const; void set_connection_lines_antialiased(bool p_antialiased); bool is_connection_lines_antialiased() const; HBoxContainer *get_menu_hbox(); Ref get_panner(); void set_warped_panning(bool p_warped); void arrange_nodes(); GraphEdit(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(GraphEdit::PanningScheme); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(GraphEdit::GridPattern); #endif // GRAPH_EDIT_H