import os import os.path import re import glob import subprocess from compat import iteritems, isbasestring, decode_utf8 def add_source_files(self, sources, files, warn_duplicates=True): # Convert string to list of absolute paths (including expanding wildcard) if isbasestring(files): # Keep SCons project-absolute path as they are (no wildcard support) if files.startswith('#'): if '*' in files: print("ERROR: Wildcards can't be expanded in SCons project-absolute path: '{}'".format(files)) return files = [files] else: dir_path = self.Dir('.').abspath files = sorted(glob.glob(dir_path + "/" + files)) # Add each path as compiled Object following environment (self) configuration for path in files: obj = self.Object(path) if obj in sources: if warn_duplicates: print("WARNING: Object \"{}\" already included in environment sources.".format(obj)) else: continue sources.append(obj) def disable_warnings(self): # 'self' is the environment if self.msvc: # We have to remove existing warning level defines before appending /w, # otherwise we get: "warning D9025 : overriding '/W3' with '/w'" warn_flags = ['/Wall', '/W4', '/W3', '/W2', '/W1', '/WX'] self.Append(CCFLAGS=['/w']) self.Append(CFLAGS=['/w']) self.Append(CXXFLAGS=['/w']) self['CCFLAGS'] = [x for x in self['CCFLAGS'] if not x in warn_flags] self['CFLAGS'] = [x for x in self['CFLAGS'] if not x in warn_flags] self['CXXFLAGS'] = [x for x in self['CXXFLAGS'] if not x in warn_flags] else: self.Append(CCFLAGS=['-w']) self.Append(CFLAGS=['-w']) self.Append(CXXFLAGS=['-w']) def add_module_version_string(self,s): self.module_version_string += "." + s def update_version(module_version_string=""): build_name = "custom_build" if os.getenv("BUILD_NAME") != None: build_name = os.getenv("BUILD_NAME") print("Using custom build name: " + build_name) import version # NOTE: It is safe to generate this file here, since this is still executed serially f = open("core/version_generated.gen.h", "w") f.write("#define VERSION_SHORT_NAME \"" + str(version.short_name) + "\"\n") f.write("#define VERSION_NAME \"" + str( + "\"\n") f.write("#define VERSION_MAJOR " + str(version.major) + "\n") f.write("#define VERSION_MINOR " + str(version.minor) + "\n") f.write("#define VERSION_PATCH " + str(version.patch) + "\n") f.write("#define VERSION_STATUS \"" + str(version.status) + "\"\n") f.write("#define VERSION_BUILD \"" + str(build_name) + "\"\n") f.write("#define VERSION_MODULE_CONFIG \"" + str(version.module_config) + module_version_string + "\"\n") f.write("#define VERSION_YEAR " + str(version.year) + "\n") f.write("#define VERSION_WEBSITE \"" + str( + "\"\n") f.close() # NOTE: It is safe to generate this file here, since this is still executed serially fhash = open("core/version_hash.gen.h", "w") githash = "" gitfolder = ".git" if os.path.isfile(".git"): module_folder = open(".git", "r").readline().strip() if module_folder.startswith("gitdir: "): gitfolder = module_folder[8:] if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(gitfolder, "HEAD")): head = open(os.path.join(gitfolder, "HEAD"), "r").readline().strip() if head.startswith("ref: "): head = os.path.join(gitfolder, head[5:]) if os.path.isfile(head): githash = open(head, "r").readline().strip() else: githash = head fhash.write("#define VERSION_HASH \"" + githash + "\"") fhash.close() def parse_cg_file(fname, uniforms, sizes, conditionals): fs = open(fname, "r") line = fs.readline() while line: if re.match(r"^\s*uniform", line): res = re.match(r"uniform ([\d\w]*) ([\d\w]*)") type = res.groups(1) name = res.groups(2) uniforms.append(name) if type.find("texobj") != -1: sizes.append(1) else: t = re.match(r"float(\d)x(\d)", type) if t: sizes.append(int(t.groups(1)) * int(t.groups(2))) else: t = re.match(r"float(\d)", type) sizes.append(int(t.groups(1))) if line.find("[branch]") != -1: conditionals.append(name) line = fs.readline() fs.close() def detect_modules(): module_list = [] includes_cpp = "" register_cpp = "" unregister_cpp = "" preregister_cpp = "" files = glob.glob("modules/*") files.sort() # so register_module_types does not change that often, and also plugins are registered in alphabetic order for x in files: if not os.path.isdir(x): continue if not os.path.exists(x + "/"): continue x = x.replace("modules/", "") # rest of world x = x.replace("modules\\", "") # win32 module_list.append(x) try: with open("modules/" + x + "/register_types.h"): includes_cpp += '#include "modules/' + x + '/register_types.h"\n' register_cpp += '#ifdef MODULE_' + x.upper() + '_ENABLED\n' register_cpp += '\tregister_' + x + '_types();\n' register_cpp += '#endif\n' preregister_cpp += '#ifdef MODULE_' + x.upper() + '_ENABLED\n' preregister_cpp += '#ifdef MODULE_' + x.upper() + '_HAS_PREREGISTER\n' preregister_cpp += '\tpreregister_' + x + '_types();\n' preregister_cpp += '#endif\n' preregister_cpp += '#endif\n' unregister_cpp += '#ifdef MODULE_' + x.upper() + '_ENABLED\n' unregister_cpp += '\tunregister_' + x + '_types();\n' unregister_cpp += '#endif\n' except IOError: pass modules_cpp = """// register_module_types.gen.cpp /* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */ #include "register_module_types.h" #include "modules/modules_enabled.gen.h" %s void preregister_module_types() { %s } void register_module_types() { %s } void unregister_module_types() { %s } """ % (includes_cpp, preregister_cpp, register_cpp, unregister_cpp) # NOTE: It is safe to generate this file here, since this is still executed serially with open("modules/register_module_types.gen.cpp", "w") as f: f.write(modules_cpp) return module_list def win32_spawn(sh, escape, cmd, args, env): import subprocess newargs = ' '.join(args[1:]) cmdline = cmd + " " + newargs startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() for e in env: if type(env[e]) != type(""): env[e] = str(env[e]) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, shell=False, env=env) _, err = proc.communicate() rv = proc.wait() if rv: print("=====") print(err) print("=====") return rv def disable_module(self): self.disabled_modules.append(self.current_module) def use_windows_spawn_fix(self, platform=None): if ( != "nt"): return # not needed, only for windows # On Windows, due to the limited command line length, when creating a static library # from a very high number of objects SCons will invoke "ar" once per object file; # that makes object files with same names to be overwritten so the last wins and # the library looses symbols defined by overwritten objects. # By enabling quick append instead of the default mode (replacing), libraries will # got built correctly regardless the invocation strategy. # Furthermore, since SCons will rebuild the library from scratch when an object file # changes, no multiple versions of the same object file will be present. self.Replace(ARFLAGS='q') def mySubProcess(cmdline, env): startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, shell=False, env=env) _, err = proc.communicate() rv = proc.wait() if rv: print("=====") print(err) print("=====") return rv def mySpawn(sh, escape, cmd, args, env): newargs = ' '.join(args[1:]) cmdline = cmd + " " + newargs rv = 0 env = {str(key): str(value) for key, value in iteritems(env)} if len(cmdline) > 32000 and cmd.endswith("ar"): cmdline = cmd + " " + args[1] + " " + args[2] + " " for i in range(3, len(args)): rv = mySubProcess(cmdline + args[i], env) if rv: break else: rv = mySubProcess(cmdline, env) return rv self['SPAWN'] = mySpawn def save_active_platforms(apnames, ap): for x in ap: names = ['logo'] if os.path.isfile(x + "/run_icon.png"): names.append('run_icon') for name in names: pngf = open(x + "/" + name + ".png", "rb") b = str = " /* AUTOGENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */ \n" str += " static const unsigned char _" + x[9:] + "_" + name + "[]={" while len(b) == 1: str += hex(ord(b)) b = if (len(b) == 1): str += "," str += "};\n" pngf.close() # NOTE: It is safe to generate this file here, since this is still executed serially wf = x + "/" + name + ".gen.h" with open(wf, "w") as pngw: pngw.write(str) def no_verbose(sys, env): colors = {} # Colors are disabled in non-TTY environments such as pipes. This means # that if output is redirected to a file, it will not contain color codes if sys.stdout.isatty(): colors['cyan'] = '\033[96m' colors['purple'] = '\033[95m' colors['blue'] = '\033[94m' colors['green'] = '\033[92m' colors['yellow'] = '\033[93m' colors['red'] = '\033[91m' colors['end'] = '\033[0m' else: colors['cyan'] = '' colors['purple'] = '' colors['blue'] = '' colors['green'] = '' colors['yellow'] = '' colors['red'] = '' colors['end'] = '' compile_source_message = '%sCompiling %s==> %s$SOURCE%s' % (colors['blue'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) java_compile_source_message = '%sCompiling %s==> %s$SOURCE%s' % (colors['blue'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) compile_shared_source_message = '%sCompiling shared %s==> %s$SOURCE%s' % (colors['blue'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) link_program_message = '%sLinking Program %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) link_library_message = '%sLinking Static Library %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) ranlib_library_message = '%sRanlib Library %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) link_shared_library_message = '%sLinking Shared Library %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) java_library_message = '%sCreating Java Archive %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) env.Append(CXXCOMSTR=[compile_source_message]) env.Append(CCCOMSTR=[compile_source_message]) env.Append(SHCCCOMSTR=[compile_shared_source_message]) env.Append(SHCXXCOMSTR=[compile_shared_source_message]) env.Append(ARCOMSTR=[link_library_message]) env.Append(RANLIBCOMSTR=[ranlib_library_message]) env.Append(SHLINKCOMSTR=[link_shared_library_message]) env.Append(LINKCOMSTR=[link_program_message]) env.Append(JARCOMSTR=[java_library_message]) env.Append(JAVACCOMSTR=[java_compile_source_message]) def detect_visual_c_compiler_version(tools_env): # tools_env is the variable scons uses to call tools that execute tasks, SCons's env['ENV'] that executes tasks... # (see the SCons documentation for more information on what it does)... # in order for this function to be well encapsulated i choose to force it to receive SCons's TOOLS env (env['ENV'] # and not scons setup environment (env)... so make sure you call the right environment on it or it will fail to detect # the proper vc version that will be called # There is no flag to give to visual c compilers to set the architecture, ie scons bits argument (32,64,ARM etc) # There are many different cl.exe files that are run, and each one compiles & links to a different architecture # As far as I know, the only way to figure out what compiler will be run when Scons calls cl.exe via Program() # is to check the PATH variable and figure out which one will be called first. Code below does that and returns: # the following string values: # "" Compiler not detected # "amd64" Native 64 bit compiler # "amd64_x86" 64 bit Cross Compiler for 32 bit # "x86" Native 32 bit compiler # "x86_amd64" 32 bit Cross Compiler for 64 bit # There are other architectures, but Godot does not support them currently, so this function does not detect arm/amd64_arm # and similar architectures/compilers # Set chosen compiler to "not detected" vc_chosen_compiler_index = -1 vc_chosen_compiler_str = "" # Start with Pre VS 2017 checks which uses VCINSTALLDIR: if 'VCINSTALLDIR' in tools_env: # print("Checking VCINSTALLDIR") # find() works with -1 so big ifs below are needed... the simplest solution, in fact # First test if amd64 and amd64_x86 compilers are present in the path vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env["VCINSTALLDIR"] + "BIN\\amd64;") if(vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index > -1): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "amd64" vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env["VCINSTALLDIR"] + "BIN\\amd64_x86;") if(vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index > -1 and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1 or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index)): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "amd64_x86" # Now check the 32 bit compilers vc_x86_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env["VCINSTALLDIR"] + "BIN;") if(vc_x86_compiler_detection_index > -1 and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1 or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_x86_compiler_detection_index)): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_x86_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "x86" vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env['VCINSTALLDIR'] + "BIN\\x86_amd64;") if(vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index > -1 and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1 or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index)): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "x86_amd64" # and for VS 2017 and newer we check VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR: if 'VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR' in tools_env: # Newer versions have a different path available vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].upper().find(tools_env['VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR'].upper() + "BIN\\HOSTX64\\X64;") if(vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index > -1): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "amd64" vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].upper().find(tools_env['VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR'].upper() + "BIN\\HOSTX64\\X86;") if(vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index > -1 and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1 or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index)): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "amd64_x86" vc_x86_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].upper().find(tools_env['VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR'].upper() + "BIN\\HOSTX86\\X86;") if(vc_x86_compiler_detection_index > -1 and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1 or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_x86_compiler_detection_index)): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_x86_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "x86" vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].upper().find(tools_env['VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR'].upper() + "BIN\\HOSTX86\\X64;") if(vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index > -1 and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1 or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index)): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "x86_amd64" return vc_chosen_compiler_str def find_visual_c_batch_file(env): from import get_default_version, get_host_target, find_batch_file version = get_default_version(env) (host_platform, target_platform, _) = get_host_target(env) return find_batch_file(env, version, host_platform, target_platform)[0] def generate_cpp_hint_file(filename): if os.path.isfile(filename): # Don't overwrite an existing hint file since the user may have customized it. pass else: try: with open(filename, "w") as fd: fd.write("#define GDCLASS(m_class, m_inherits)\n") except IOError: print("Could not write cpp.hint file.") def generate_vs_project(env, num_jobs): batch_file = find_visual_c_batch_file(env) if batch_file: def build_commandline(commands): common_build_prefix = ['cmd /V /C set "plat=$(PlatformTarget)"', '(if "$(PlatformTarget)"=="x64" (set "plat=x86_amd64"))', 'set "tools=yes"', '(if "$(Configuration)"=="release" (set "tools=no"))', 'call "' + batch_file + '" !plat!'] result = " ^& ".join(common_build_prefix + [commands]) return result env.AddToVSProject(env.core_sources) env.AddToVSProject(env.main_sources) env.AddToVSProject(env.modules_sources) env.AddToVSProject(env.scene_sources) env.AddToVSProject(env.servers_sources) env.AddToVSProject(env.editor_sources) # windows allows us to have spaces in paths, so we need # to double quote off the directory. However, the path ends # in a backslash, so we need to remove this, lest it escape the # last double quote off, confusing MSBuild env['MSVSBUILDCOM'] = build_commandline('scons --directory="$(ProjectDir.TrimEnd(\'\\\'))" platform=windows progress=no target=$(Configuration) tools=!tools! -j' + str(num_jobs)) env['MSVSREBUILDCOM'] = build_commandline('scons --directory="$(ProjectDir.TrimEnd(\'\\\'))" platform=windows progress=no target=$(Configuration) tools=!tools! vsproj=yes -j' + str(num_jobs)) env['MSVSCLEANCOM'] = build_commandline('scons --directory="$(ProjectDir.TrimEnd(\'\\\'))" --clean platform=windows progress=no target=$(Configuration) tools=!tools! -j' + str(num_jobs)) # This version information (Win32, x64, Debug, Release, Release_Debug seems to be # required for Visual Studio to understand that it needs to generate an NMAKE # project. Do not modify without knowing what you are doing. debug_variants = ['debug|Win32'] + ['debug|x64'] release_variants = ['release|Win32'] + ['release|x64'] release_debug_variants = ['release_debug|Win32'] + ['release_debug|x64'] variants = debug_variants + release_variants + release_debug_variants debug_targets = ['bin\\'] + ['bin\\'] release_targets = ['bin\\'] + ['bin\\'] release_debug_targets = ['bin\\'] + ['bin\\'] targets = debug_targets + release_targets + release_debug_targets if not env.get('MSVS'): env['MSVS']['PROJECTSUFFIX'] = '.vcxproj' env['MSVS']['SOLUTIONSUFFIX'] = '.sln' env.MSVSProject( target=['#godot' + env['MSVSPROJECTSUFFIX']], incs=env.vs_incs, srcs=env.vs_srcs, runfile=targets, buildtarget=targets, auto_build_solution=1, variant=variants) else: print("Could not locate Visual Studio batch file for setting up the build environment. Not generating VS project.") def precious_program(env, program, sources, **args): program = env.ProgramOriginal(program, sources, **args) env.Precious(program) return program def add_shared_library(env, name, sources, **args): library = env.SharedLibrary(name, sources, **args) env.NoCache(library) return library def add_library(env, name, sources, **args): library = env.Library(name, sources, **args) env.NoCache(library) return library def add_program(env, name, sources, **args): program = env.Program(name, sources, **args) env.NoCache(program) return program def CommandNoCache(env, target, sources, command, **args): result = env.Command(target, sources, command, **args) env.NoCache(result) return result def detect_darwin_sdk_path(platform, env): sdk_name = '' if platform == 'osx': sdk_name = 'macosx' var_name = 'MACOS_SDK_PATH' elif platform == 'iphone': sdk_name = 'iphoneos' var_name = 'IPHONESDK' elif platform == 'iphonesimulator': sdk_name = 'iphonesimulator' var_name = 'IPHONESDK' else: raise Exception("Invalid platform argument passed to detect_darwin_sdk_path") if not env[var_name]: try: sdk_path = decode_utf8(subprocess.check_output(['xcrun', '--sdk', sdk_name, '--show-sdk-path']).strip()) if sdk_path: env[var_name] = sdk_path except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): print("Failed to find SDK path while running xcrun --sdk {} --show-sdk-path.".format(sdk_name)) raise def is_vanilla_clang(env): if not using_clang(env): return False version = decode_utf8(subprocess.check_output([env['CXX'], '--version']).strip()) return not version.startswith("Apple") def get_compiler_version(env): """ Returns an array of version numbers as strings: [major, minor, patch]. The return array should have at least two values (major, minor). """ if using_gcc(env): version = decode_utf8(subprocess.check_output([env['CXX'], '-dumpversion']).strip()) elif using_clang(env): # Not using -dumpversion as it used to return 4.2.1: version = decode_utf8(subprocess.check_output([env['CXX'], '--version']).strip()) else: # TODO: Implement for MSVC return None match ='[0-9]+\.[0-9.]*', version) if match is not None: return'.') else: return None def using_gcc(env): return 'gcc' in os.path.basename(env["CC"]) def using_clang(env): return 'clang' in os.path.basename(env["CC"])