/**************************************************************************/ /* openxr_interface.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef OPENXR_INTERFACE_H #define OPENXR_INTERFACE_H // A note on multithreading and thread safety in OpenXR. // // Most entry points will be called from the main thread in Godot // however a number of entry points will be called from the // rendering thread, potentially while we're already processing // the next frame on the main thread. // // OpenXR itself has been designed with threading in mind including // a high likelihood that the XR runtime runs in separate threads // as well. // Hence all the frame timing information, use of swapchains and // sync functions. // Do note that repeated calls to tracking APIs will provide // increasingly more accurate data for the same timestamp as // tracking data is continuously updated. // // For our code we mostly implement this in our OpenXRAPI class. // We store data accessed from the rendering thread in a separate // struct, setting values through our renderer command queue. // // As some data is setup before we start rendering, and cleaned up // after we've stopped, that is accessed directly from both threads. #include "action_map/openxr_action_map.h" #include "extensions/openxr_hand_tracking_extension.h" #include "openxr_api.h" #include "servers/xr/xr_controller_tracker.h" #include "servers/xr/xr_interface.h" // declare some default strings #define INTERACTION_PROFILE_NONE "/interaction_profiles/none" class OpenXRInterface : public XRInterface { GDCLASS(OpenXRInterface, XRInterface); private: OpenXRAPI *openxr_api = nullptr; bool initialized = false; XRInterface::TrackingStatus tracking_state; // At a minimum we need a tracker for our head Ref head; Transform3D head_transform; Vector3 head_linear_velocity; Vector3 head_angular_velocity; XRPose::TrackingConfidence head_confidence; Transform3D transform_for_view[2]; // We currently assume 2, but could be 4 for VARJO which we do not support yet XRVRS xr_vrs; void _load_action_map(); struct Action { // An action we've registered with OpenXR String action_name; // Name of our action as presented to Godot (can be altered from the action map) OpenXRAction::ActionType action_type; // The action type of this action RID action_rid; // RID of the action registered with our OpenXR API }; struct ActionSet { // An action set we've registered with OpenXR String action_set_name; // Name of our action set bool is_active; // If true this action set is active and we will sync it Vector actions; // List of actions in this action set RID action_set_rid; // RID of the action registered with our OpenXR API }; struct Tracker { // A tracker we've registered with OpenXR String tracker_name; // Name of our tracker (can be altered from the action map) Vector actions; // Actions related to this tracker Ref controller_tracker; // Our positional tracker object that holds our tracker state RID tracker_rid; // RID of the tracker registered with our OpenXR API RID interaction_profile; // RID of the interaction profile bound to this tracker (can be null) }; Vector action_sets; Vector interaction_profiles; Vector trackers; ActionSet *create_action_set(const String &p_action_set_name, const String &p_localized_name, const int p_priority); void free_action_sets(); Action *create_action(ActionSet *p_action_set, const String &p_action_name, const String &p_localized_name, OpenXRAction::ActionType p_action_type, const Vector p_trackers); Action *find_action(const String &p_action_name); void free_actions(ActionSet *p_action_set); Tracker *find_tracker(const String &p_tracker_name, bool p_create = false); void handle_tracker(Tracker *p_tracker); void free_trackers(); void free_interaction_profiles(); void _set_default_pos(Transform3D &p_transform, double p_world_scale, uint64_t p_eye); void handle_hand_tracking(const String &p_path, OpenXRHandTrackingExtension::HandTrackedHands p_hand); protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual StringName get_name() const override; virtual uint32_t get_capabilities() const override; virtual PackedStringArray get_suggested_tracker_names() const override; virtual TrackingStatus get_tracking_status() const override; bool is_hand_tracking_supported(); bool is_hand_interaction_supported() const; bool is_eye_gaze_interaction_supported(); bool initialize_on_startup() const; virtual bool is_initialized() const override; virtual bool initialize() override; virtual void uninitialize() override; virtual Dictionary get_system_info() override; virtual void trigger_haptic_pulse(const String &p_action_name, const StringName &p_tracker_name, double p_frequency, double p_amplitude, double p_duration_sec, double p_delay_sec = 0) override; virtual bool supports_play_area_mode(XRInterface::PlayAreaMode p_mode) override; virtual XRInterface::PlayAreaMode get_play_area_mode() const override; virtual bool set_play_area_mode(XRInterface::PlayAreaMode p_mode) override; virtual PackedVector3Array get_play_area() const override; float get_display_refresh_rate() const; void set_display_refresh_rate(float p_refresh_rate); Array get_available_display_refresh_rates() const; bool is_action_set_active(const String &p_action_set) const; void set_action_set_active(const String &p_action_set, bool p_active); Array get_action_sets() const; double get_render_target_size_multiplier() const; void set_render_target_size_multiplier(double multiplier); bool is_foveation_supported() const; int get_foveation_level() const; void set_foveation_level(int p_foveation_level); bool get_foveation_dynamic() const; void set_foveation_dynamic(bool p_foveation_dynamic); float get_vrs_min_radius() const; void set_vrs_min_radius(float p_vrs_min_radius); float get_vrs_strength() const; void set_vrs_strength(float p_vrs_strength); virtual Size2 get_render_target_size() override; virtual uint32_t get_view_count() override; virtual Transform3D get_camera_transform() override; virtual Transform3D get_transform_for_view(uint32_t p_view, const Transform3D &p_cam_transform) override; virtual Projection get_projection_for_view(uint32_t p_view, double p_aspect, double p_z_near, double p_z_far) override; virtual RID get_color_texture() override; virtual RID get_depth_texture() override; virtual void process() override; virtual void pre_render() override; bool pre_draw_viewport(RID p_render_target) override; virtual Vector post_draw_viewport(RID p_render_target, const Rect2 &p_screen_rect) override; virtual void end_frame() override; virtual bool is_passthrough_supported() override; virtual bool is_passthrough_enabled() override; virtual bool start_passthrough() override; virtual void stop_passthrough() override; /** environment blend mode. */ virtual Array get_supported_environment_blend_modes() override; virtual XRInterface::EnvironmentBlendMode get_environment_blend_mode() const override; virtual bool set_environment_blend_mode(XRInterface::EnvironmentBlendMode mode) override; void on_state_ready(); void on_state_visible(); void on_state_focused(); void on_state_stopping(); void on_state_loss_pending(); void on_state_exiting(); void on_pose_recentered(); void on_refresh_rate_changes(float p_new_rate); void tracker_profile_changed(RID p_tracker, RID p_interaction_profile); /** Hand tracking. */ enum Hand { HAND_LEFT, HAND_RIGHT, HAND_MAX, }; enum HandMotionRange { HAND_MOTION_RANGE_UNOBSTRUCTED, HAND_MOTION_RANGE_CONFORM_TO_CONTROLLER, HAND_MOTION_RANGE_MAX }; void set_motion_range(const Hand p_hand, const HandMotionRange p_motion_range); HandMotionRange get_motion_range(const Hand p_hand) const; enum HandTrackedSource { HAND_TRACKED_SOURCE_UNKNOWN, HAND_TRACKED_SOURCE_UNOBSTRUCTED, HAND_TRACKED_SOURCE_CONTROLLER, HAND_TRACKED_SOURCE_MAX }; HandTrackedSource get_hand_tracking_source(const Hand p_hand) const; enum HandJoints { HAND_JOINT_PALM = 0, HAND_JOINT_WRIST = 1, HAND_JOINT_THUMB_METACARPAL = 2, HAND_JOINT_THUMB_PROXIMAL = 3, HAND_JOINT_THUMB_DISTAL = 4, HAND_JOINT_THUMB_TIP = 5, HAND_JOINT_INDEX_METACARPAL = 6, HAND_JOINT_INDEX_PROXIMAL = 7, HAND_JOINT_INDEX_INTERMEDIATE = 8, HAND_JOINT_INDEX_DISTAL = 9, HAND_JOINT_INDEX_TIP = 10, HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_METACARPAL = 11, HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_PROXIMAL = 12, HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_INTERMEDIATE = 13, HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_DISTAL = 14, HAND_JOINT_MIDDLE_TIP = 15, HAND_JOINT_RING_METACARPAL = 16, HAND_JOINT_RING_PROXIMAL = 17, HAND_JOINT_RING_INTERMEDIATE = 18, HAND_JOINT_RING_DISTAL = 19, HAND_JOINT_RING_TIP = 20, HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_METACARPAL = 21, HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_PROXIMAL = 22, HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_INTERMEDIATE = 23, HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_DISTAL = 24, HAND_JOINT_LITTLE_TIP = 25, HAND_JOINT_MAX = 26, }; enum HandJointFlags { HAND_JOINT_NONE = 0, HAND_JOINT_ORIENTATION_VALID = 1, HAND_JOINT_ORIENTATION_TRACKED = 2, HAND_JOINT_POSITION_VALID = 4, HAND_JOINT_POSITION_TRACKED = 8, HAND_JOINT_LINEAR_VELOCITY_VALID = 16, HAND_JOINT_ANGULAR_VELOCITY_VALID = 32, }; BitField get_hand_joint_flags(Hand p_hand, HandJoints p_joint) const; Quaternion get_hand_joint_rotation(Hand p_hand, HandJoints p_joint) const; Vector3 get_hand_joint_position(Hand p_hand, HandJoints p_joint) const; float get_hand_joint_radius(Hand p_hand, HandJoints p_joint) const; Vector3 get_hand_joint_linear_velocity(Hand p_hand, HandJoints p_joint) const; Vector3 get_hand_joint_angular_velocity(Hand p_hand, HandJoints p_joint) const; virtual RID get_vrs_texture() override; OpenXRInterface(); ~OpenXRInterface(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(OpenXRInterface::Hand) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(OpenXRInterface::HandMotionRange) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(OpenXRInterface::HandTrackedSource) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(OpenXRInterface::HandJoints) VARIANT_BITFIELD_CAST(OpenXRInterface::HandJointFlags) #endif // OPENXR_INTERFACE_H