Six square textures representing the faces of a cube. Commonly used as a skybox. A cubemap is made of 6 textures organized in layers. They are typically used for faking reflections in 3D rendering (see [ReflectionProbe]). It can be used to make an object look as if it's reflecting its surroundings. This usually delivers much better performance than other reflection methods. This resource is typically used as a uniform in custom shaders. Few core Godot methods make use of [Cubemap] resources. To create such a texture file yourself, reimport your image files using the Godot Editor import presets. [b]Note:[/b] Godot doesn't support using cubemaps in a [PanoramaSkyMaterial]. You can use [url=]this tool[/url] to convert a cubemap to an equirectangular sky map. Creates a placeholder version of this resource ([PlaceholderCubemap]).