/*************************************************************************/ /* enet_multiplayer_peer.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "enet_multiplayer_peer.h" #include "core/io/ip.h" #include "core/io/marshalls.h" #include "core/os/os.h" void ENetMultiplayerPeer::set_target_peer(int p_peer) { target_peer = p_peer; } int ENetMultiplayerPeer::get_packet_peer() const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!_is_active(), 1, "The multiplayer instance isn't currently active."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(incoming_packets.size() == 0, 1); return incoming_packets.front()->get().from; } MultiplayerPeer::TransferMode ENetMultiplayerPeer::get_packet_mode() const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!_is_active(), TRANSFER_MODE_RELIABLE, "The multiplayer instance isn't currently active."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(incoming_packets.size() == 0, TRANSFER_MODE_RELIABLE); return incoming_packets.front()->get().transfer_mode; } int ENetMultiplayerPeer::get_packet_channel() const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!_is_active(), 1, "The multiplayer instance isn't currently active."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(incoming_packets.size() == 0, 1); int ch = incoming_packets.front()->get().channel; if (ch >= SYSCH_MAX) { // First 2 channels are reserved. return ch - SYSCH_MAX + 1; } return 0; } Error ENetMultiplayerPeer::create_server(int p_port, int p_max_clients, int p_max_channels, int p_in_bandwidth, int p_out_bandwidth) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(_is_active(), ERR_ALREADY_IN_USE, "The multiplayer instance is already active."); set_refuse_new_connections(false); Ref host; host.instantiate(); Error err = host->create_host_bound(bind_ip, p_port, p_max_clients, 0, p_max_channels > 0 ? p_max_channels + SYSCH_MAX : 0, p_out_bandwidth); if (err != OK) { return err; } active_mode = MODE_SERVER; unique_id = 1; connection_status = CONNECTION_CONNECTED; hosts[0] = host; return OK; } Error ENetMultiplayerPeer::create_client(const String &p_address, int p_port, int p_channel_count, int p_in_bandwidth, int p_out_bandwidth, int p_local_port) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(_is_active(), ERR_ALREADY_IN_USE, "The multiplayer instance is already active."); set_refuse_new_connections(false); Ref host; host.instantiate(); Error err; if (p_local_port) { err = host->create_host_bound(bind_ip, p_local_port, 1, 0, p_in_bandwidth, p_out_bandwidth); } else { err = host->create_host(1, 0, p_in_bandwidth, p_out_bandwidth); } if (err != OK) { return err; } unique_id = generate_unique_id(); Ref peer = host->connect_to_host(p_address, p_port, p_channel_count > 0 ? p_channel_count + SYSCH_MAX : 0, unique_id); if (peer.is_null()) { host->destroy(); ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(ERR_CANT_CREATE, "Couldn't connect to the ENet multiplayer server."); } // Need to wait for CONNECT event. connection_status = CONNECTION_CONNECTING; active_mode = MODE_CLIENT; peers[1] = peer; hosts[0] = host; return OK; } Error ENetMultiplayerPeer::create_mesh(int p_id) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_id <= 0, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "The unique ID must be greater then 0"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(_is_active(), ERR_ALREADY_IN_USE, "The multiplayer instance is already active."); active_mode = MODE_MESH; unique_id = p_id; connection_status = CONNECTION_CONNECTED; return OK; } Error ENetMultiplayerPeer::add_mesh_peer(int p_id, Ref p_host) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_host.is_null(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(active_mode != MODE_MESH, ERR_UNCONFIGURED, "The multiplayer instance is not configured as a mesh. Call 'create_mesh' first."); List> host_peers; p_host->get_peers(host_peers); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(host_peers.size() != 1 || host_peers[0]->get_state() != ENetPacketPeer::STATE_CONNECTED, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "The provided host must have exactly one peer in the connected state."); hosts[p_id] = p_host; peers[p_id] = host_peers[0]; emit_signal(SNAME("peer_connected"), p_id); return OK; } void ENetMultiplayerPeer::_store_packet(int32_t p_source, ENetConnection::Event &p_event) { Packet packet; packet.packet = p_event.packet; packet.channel = p_event.channel_id; packet.from = p_source; if (p_event.packet->flags & ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE) { packet.transfer_mode = TRANSFER_MODE_RELIABLE; } else if (p_event.packet->flags & ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED) { packet.transfer_mode = TRANSFER_MODE_UNRELIABLE; } else { packet.transfer_mode = TRANSFER_MODE_UNRELIABLE_ORDERED; } packet.packet->referenceCount++; incoming_packets.push_back(packet); } void ENetMultiplayerPeer::_disconnect_inactive_peers() { HashSet to_drop; for (const KeyValue> &E : peers) { if (E.value->is_active()) { continue; } to_drop.insert(E.key); } for (const int &P : to_drop) { peers.erase(P); if (hosts.has(P)) { hosts.erase(P); } if (active_mode == MODE_CLIENT) { ERR_CONTINUE(P != TARGET_PEER_SERVER); emit_signal(SNAME("server_disconnected")); } emit_signal(SNAME("peer_disconnected"), P); } } void ENetMultiplayerPeer::poll() { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!_is_active(), "The multiplayer instance isn't currently active."); _pop_current_packet(); _disconnect_inactive_peers(); switch (active_mode) { case MODE_CLIENT: { if (!peers.has(1)) { close(); return; } ENetConnection::Event event; ENetConnection::EventType ret = hosts[0]->service(0, event); do { if (ret == ENetConnection::EVENT_CONNECT) { connection_status = CONNECTION_CONNECTED; emit_signal(SNAME("peer_connected"), 1); emit_signal(SNAME("connection_succeeded")); } else if (ret == ENetConnection::EVENT_DISCONNECT) { if (connection_status == CONNECTION_CONNECTED) { // Client just disconnected from server. emit_signal(SNAME("server_disconnected")); emit_signal(SNAME("peer_disconnected"), 1); } else { emit_signal(SNAME("connection_failed")); } close(); } else if (ret == ENetConnection::EVENT_RECEIVE) { _store_packet(1, event); } else if (ret != ENetConnection::EVENT_NONE) { close(); // Error. } } while (hosts.has(0) && hosts[0]->check_events(ret, event) > 0); } break; case MODE_SERVER: { ENetConnection::Event event; ENetConnection::EventType ret = hosts[0]->service(0, event); do { if (ret == ENetConnection::EVENT_CONNECT) { if (is_refusing_new_connections()) { event.peer->reset(); continue; } // Client joined with invalid ID, probably trying to exploit us. if (event.data < 2 || peers.has((int)event.data)) { event.peer->reset(); continue; } int id = event.data; event.peer->set_meta(SNAME("_net_id"), id); peers[id] = event.peer; emit_signal(SNAME("peer_connected"), id); } else if (ret == ENetConnection::EVENT_DISCONNECT) { int id = event.peer->get_meta(SNAME("_net_id")); if (!peers.has(id)) { // Never fully connected. continue; } emit_signal(SNAME("peer_disconnected"), id); peers.erase(id); } else if (ret == ENetConnection::EVENT_RECEIVE) { int32_t source = event.peer->get_meta(SNAME("_net_id")); _store_packet(source, event); } else if (ret != ENetConnection::EVENT_NONE) { close(); // Error } } while (hosts.has(0) && hosts[0]->check_events(ret, event) > 0); } break; case MODE_MESH: { HashSet to_drop; for (KeyValue> &E : hosts) { ENetConnection::Event event; ENetConnection::EventType ret = E.value->service(0, event); do { if (ret == ENetConnection::EVENT_CONNECT) { event.peer->reset(); } else if (ret == ENetConnection::EVENT_RECEIVE) { _store_packet(E.key, event); } else if (ret == ENetConnection::EVENT_NONE) { break; // Keep polling the others. } else { to_drop.insert(E.key); // Error or disconnect. break; // Keep polling the others. } } while (E.value->check_events(ret, event) > 0); } for (const int &P : to_drop) { if (peers.has(P)) { emit_signal(SNAME("peer_disconnected"), P); peers.erase(P); } hosts.erase(P); } } break; default: return; } } bool ENetMultiplayerPeer::is_server() const { return active_mode == MODE_SERVER; } bool ENetMultiplayerPeer::is_server_relay_supported() const { return active_mode == MODE_SERVER || active_mode == MODE_CLIENT; } void ENetMultiplayerPeer::disconnect_peer(int p_peer, bool p_force) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!_is_active() || !peers.has(p_peer)); peers[p_peer]->peer_disconnect(0); // Will be removed during next poll. if (active_mode == MODE_CLIENT || active_mode == MODE_SERVER) { hosts[0]->flush(); } else { ERR_FAIL_COND(!hosts.has(p_peer)); hosts[p_peer]->flush(); } if (p_force) { peers.erase(p_peer); if (hosts.has(p_peer)) { hosts.erase(p_peer); } if (active_mode == MODE_CLIENT) { hosts.clear(); // Avoid flushing again. close(); } } } void ENetMultiplayerPeer::close() { if (!_is_active()) { return; } _pop_current_packet(); for (KeyValue> &E : peers) { if (E.value.is_valid() && E.value->get_state() == ENetPacketPeer::STATE_CONNECTED) { E.value->peer_disconnect_now(0); } } for (KeyValue> &E : hosts) { E.value->flush(); } active_mode = MODE_NONE; incoming_packets.clear(); peers.clear(); hosts.clear(); unique_id = 0; connection_status = CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED; set_refuse_new_connections(false); } int ENetMultiplayerPeer::get_available_packet_count() const { return incoming_packets.size(); } Error ENetMultiplayerPeer::get_packet(const uint8_t **r_buffer, int &r_buffer_size) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(incoming_packets.size() == 0, ERR_UNAVAILABLE, "No incoming packets available."); _pop_current_packet(); current_packet = incoming_packets.front()->get(); incoming_packets.pop_front(); *r_buffer = (const uint8_t *)(current_packet.packet->data); r_buffer_size = current_packet.packet->dataLength; return OK; } Error ENetMultiplayerPeer::put_packet(const uint8_t *p_buffer, int p_buffer_size) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!_is_active(), ERR_UNCONFIGURED, "The multiplayer instance isn't currently active."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(connection_status != CONNECTION_CONNECTED, ERR_UNCONFIGURED, "The multiplayer instance isn't currently connected to any server or client."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(target_peer != 0 && !peers.has(ABS(target_peer)), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, vformat("Invalid target peer: %d", target_peer)); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(active_mode == MODE_CLIENT && !peers.has(1), ERR_BUG); int packet_flags = 0; int channel = SYSCH_RELIABLE; int tr_channel = get_transfer_channel(); if (tr_channel > 0) { channel = SYSCH_MAX + tr_channel - 1; } else { switch (get_transfer_mode()) { case TRANSFER_MODE_UNRELIABLE: { packet_flags = ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED | ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT; channel = SYSCH_UNRELIABLE; } break; case TRANSFER_MODE_UNRELIABLE_ORDERED: { packet_flags = ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT; channel = SYSCH_UNRELIABLE; } break; case TRANSFER_MODE_RELIABLE: { packet_flags = ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE; channel = SYSCH_RELIABLE; } break; } } #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if ((packet_flags & ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNRELIABLE_FRAGMENT) && p_buffer_size > ENET_HOST_DEFAULT_MTU) { WARN_PRINT_ONCE(vformat("Sending %d bytes unrealiably which is above the MTU (%d), this will result in higher packet loss", p_buffer_size, ENET_HOST_DEFAULT_MTU)); } #endif ENetPacket *packet = enet_packet_create(nullptr, p_buffer_size, packet_flags); memcpy(&packet->data[0], p_buffer, p_buffer_size); if (is_server()) { if (target_peer == 0) { hosts[0]->broadcast(channel, packet); } else if (target_peer < 0) { // Send to all but one and make copies for sending. int exclude = -target_peer; for (KeyValue> &E : peers) { if (E.key == exclude) { continue; } E.value->send(channel, packet); } _destroy_unused(packet); } else { peers[target_peer]->send(channel, packet); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!hosts.has(0), ERR_BUG); hosts[0]->flush(); } else if (active_mode == MODE_CLIENT) { peers[1]->send(channel, packet); // Send to server for broadcast. ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!hosts.has(0), ERR_BUG); hosts[0]->flush(); } else { if (target_peer <= 0) { int exclude = ABS(target_peer); for (KeyValue> &E : peers) { if (E.key == exclude) { continue; } E.value->send(channel, packet); ERR_CONTINUE(!hosts.has(E.key)); hosts[E.key]->flush(); } _destroy_unused(packet); } else { peers[target_peer]->send(channel, packet); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!hosts.has(target_peer), ERR_BUG); hosts[target_peer]->flush(); } } return OK; } int ENetMultiplayerPeer::get_max_packet_size() const { return 1 << 24; // Anything is good } void ENetMultiplayerPeer::_pop_current_packet() { if (current_packet.packet) { current_packet.packet->referenceCount--; _destroy_unused(current_packet.packet); current_packet.packet = nullptr; current_packet.from = 0; current_packet.channel = -1; } } MultiplayerPeer::ConnectionStatus ENetMultiplayerPeer::get_connection_status() const { return connection_status; } int ENetMultiplayerPeer::get_unique_id() const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!_is_active(), 0, "The multiplayer instance isn't currently active."); return unique_id; } void ENetMultiplayerPeer::set_refuse_new_connections(bool p_enabled) { #ifdef GODOT_ENET if (_is_active()) { for (KeyValue> &E : hosts) { E.value->refuse_new_connections(p_enabled); } } #endif MultiplayerPeer::set_refuse_new_connections(p_enabled); } Ref ENetMultiplayerPeer::get_host() const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_is_active(), nullptr); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(active_mode == MODE_MESH, nullptr); return hosts[0]; } Ref ENetMultiplayerPeer::get_peer(int p_id) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_is_active(), nullptr); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!peers.has(p_id), nullptr); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(active_mode == MODE_CLIENT && p_id != 1, nullptr); return peers[p_id]; } void ENetMultiplayerPeer::_destroy_unused(ENetPacket *p_packet) { if (p_packet->referenceCount == 0) { enet_packet_destroy(p_packet); } } void ENetMultiplayerPeer::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("create_server", "port", "max_clients", "max_channels", "in_bandwidth", "out_bandwidth"), &ENetMultiplayerPeer::create_server, DEFVAL(32), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("create_client", "address", "port", "channel_count", "in_bandwidth", "out_bandwidth", "local_port"), &ENetMultiplayerPeer::create_client, DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("create_mesh", "unique_id"), &ENetMultiplayerPeer::create_mesh); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_mesh_peer", "peer_id", "host"), &ENetMultiplayerPeer::add_mesh_peer); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bind_ip", "ip"), &ENetMultiplayerPeer::set_bind_ip); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_host"), &ENetMultiplayerPeer::get_host); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_peer", "id"), &ENetMultiplayerPeer::get_peer); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "host", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "ENetConnection", PROPERTY_USAGE_NONE), "", "get_host"); } ENetMultiplayerPeer::ENetMultiplayerPeer() { bind_ip = IPAddress("*"); } ENetMultiplayerPeer::~ENetMultiplayerPeer() { if (_is_active()) { close(); } } // Sets IP for ENet to bind when using create_server or create_client // if no IP is set, then ENet bind to ENET_HOST_ANY void ENetMultiplayerPeer::set_bind_ip(const IPAddress &p_ip) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!p_ip.is_valid() && !p_ip.is_wildcard(), vformat("Invalid bind IP address: %s", String(p_ip))); bind_ip = p_ip; }