Performs a uniform texture lookup within the visual shader graph. Performs a lookup operation on the texture provided as a uniform for the shader. Sets the default color if no texture is assigned to the uniform. Sets the texture filtering mode. See [enum TextureFilter] for options. Sets the texture repeating mode. See [enum TextureRepeat] for options. Sets the texture source mode. Used for reading from the screen, depth, or normal_roughness texture. See [enum TextureSource] for options. Defines the type of data provided by the source texture. See [enum TextureType] for options. No hints are added to the uniform declaration. Adds [code]source_color[/code] as hint to the uniform declaration for proper sRGB to linear conversion. Adds [code]hint_normal[/code] as hint to the uniform declaration, which internally converts the texture for proper usage as normal map. Adds [code]hint_anisotropy[/code] as hint to the uniform declaration to use for a flowmap. Represents the size of the [enum TextureType] enum. Defaults to fully opaque white color. Defaults to fully opaque black color. Defaults to fully transparent black color. Represents the size of the [enum ColorDefault] enum. Sample the texture using the filter determined by the node this shader is attached to. The texture filter reads from the nearest pixel only. This makes the texture look pixelated from up close, and grainy from a distance (due to mipmaps not being sampled). The texture filter blends between the nearest 4 pixels. This makes the texture look smooth from up close, and grainy from a distance (due to mipmaps not being sampled). The texture filter reads from the nearest pixel and blends between the nearest 2 mipmaps (or uses the nearest mipmap if [member ProjectSettings.rendering/textures/default_filters/use_nearest_mipmap_filter] is [code]true[/code]). This makes the texture look pixelated from up close, and smooth from a distance. Use this for non-pixel art textures that may be viewed at a low scale (e.g. due to [Camera2D] zoom or sprite scaling), as mipmaps are important to smooth out pixels that are smaller than on-screen pixels. The texture filter blends between the nearest 4 pixels and between the nearest 2 mipmaps (or uses the nearest mipmap if [member ProjectSettings.rendering/textures/default_filters/use_nearest_mipmap_filter] is [code]true[/code]). This makes the texture look smooth from up close, and smooth from a distance. Use this for non-pixel art textures that may be viewed at a low scale (e.g. due to [Camera2D] zoom or sprite scaling), as mipmaps are important to smooth out pixels that are smaller than on-screen pixels. The texture filter reads from the nearest pixel and blends between 2 mipmaps (or uses the nearest mipmap if [member ProjectSettings.rendering/textures/default_filters/use_nearest_mipmap_filter] is [code]true[/code]) based on the angle between the surface and the camera view. This makes the texture look pixelated from up close, and smooth from a distance. Anisotropic filtering improves texture quality on surfaces that are almost in line with the camera, but is slightly slower. The anisotropic filtering level can be changed by adjusting [member ProjectSettings.rendering/textures/default_filters/anisotropic_filtering_level]. [b]Note:[/b] This texture filter is rarely useful in 2D projects. [constant FILTER_NEAREST_MIPMAP] is usually more appropriate in this case. The texture filter blends between the nearest 4 pixels and blends between 2 mipmaps (or uses the nearest mipmap if [member ProjectSettings.rendering/textures/default_filters/use_nearest_mipmap_filter] is [code]true[/code]) based on the angle between the surface and the camera view. This makes the texture look smooth from up close, and smooth from a distance. Anisotropic filtering improves texture quality on surfaces that are almost in line with the camera, but is slightly slower. The anisotropic filtering level can be changed by adjusting [member ProjectSettings.rendering/textures/default_filters/anisotropic_filtering_level]. [b]Note:[/b] This texture filter is rarely useful in 2D projects. [constant FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP] is usually more appropriate in this case. Represents the size of the [enum TextureFilter] enum. Sample the texture using the repeat mode determined by the node this shader is attached to. Texture will repeat normally. Texture will not repeat. Represents the size of the [enum TextureRepeat] enum. The texture source is not specified in the shader. The texture source is the screen texture which captures all opaque objects drawn this frame. The texture source is the depth texture from the depth prepass. The texture source is the normal-roughness buffer from the depth prepass. Represents the size of the [enum TextureSource] enum.