Internet protocol (IP) support functions such as DNS resolution. IP contains support functions for the Internet Protocol (IP). TCP/IP support is in different classes (see [StreamPeerTCP] and [TCPServer]). IP provides DNS hostname resolution support, both blocking and threaded. Removes all of a [param hostname]'s cached references. If no [param hostname] is given, all cached IP addresses are removed. Removes a given item [param id] from the queue. This should be used to free a queue after it has completed to enable more queries to happen. Returns all the user's current IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as an array. Returns all network adapters as an array. Each adapter is a dictionary of the form: [codeblock] { "index": "1", # Interface index. "name": "eth0", # Interface name. "friendly": "Ethernet One", # A friendly name (might be empty). "addresses": [""], # An array of IP addresses associated to this interface. } [/codeblock] Returns a queued hostname's IP address, given its queue [param id]. Returns an empty string on error or if resolution hasn't happened yet (see [method get_resolve_item_status]). Returns resolved addresses, or an empty array if an error happened or resolution didn't happen yet (see [method get_resolve_item_status]). Returns a queued hostname's status as a [enum ResolverStatus] constant, given its queue [param id]. Returns a given hostname's IPv4 or IPv6 address when resolved (blocking-type method). The address type returned depends on the [enum Type] constant given as [param ip_type]. Resolves a given hostname in a blocking way. Addresses are returned as an [Array] of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses depending on [param ip_type]. Creates a queue item to resolve a hostname to an IPv4 or IPv6 address depending on the [enum Type] constant given as [param ip_type]. Returns the queue ID if successful, or [constant RESOLVER_INVALID_ID] on error. DNS hostname resolver status: No status. DNS hostname resolver status: Waiting. DNS hostname resolver status: Done. DNS hostname resolver status: Error. Maximum number of concurrent DNS resolver queries allowed, [constant RESOLVER_INVALID_ID] is returned if exceeded. Invalid ID constant. Returned if [constant RESOLVER_MAX_QUERIES] is exceeded. Address type: None. Address type: Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4). Address type: Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6). Address type: Any.