A physics joint that allows for complex movement and rotation between two 3D physics bodies. The [Generic6DOFJoint3D] (6 Degrees Of Freedom) joint allows for implementing custom types of joints by locking the rotation and translation of certain axes. The first 3 DOF represent the linear motion of the physics bodies and the last 3 DOF represent the angular motion of the physics bodies. Each axis can be either locked, or limited. The amount of rotational damping across the X axis. The lower, the longer an impulse from one side takes to travel to the other side. If [code]true[/code], rotation across the X axis is limited. When rotating across the X axis, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower. The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating around the X axis. The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate around the X axis. The amount of rotational restitution across the X axis. The lower, the more restitution occurs. The speed of all rotations across the X axis. The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate around the X axis. The amount of rotational damping across the Y axis. The lower, the more damping occurs. If [code]true[/code], rotation across the Y axis is limited. When rotating across the Y axis, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower. The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating around the Y axis. The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate around the Y axis. The amount of rotational restitution across the Y axis. The lower, the more restitution occurs. The speed of all rotations across the Y axis. The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate around the Y axis. The amount of rotational damping across the Z axis. The lower, the more damping occurs. If [code]true[/code], rotation across the Z axis is limited. When rotating across the Z axis, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower. The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating around the Z axis. The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate around the Z axis. The amount of rotational restitution across the Z axis. The lower, the more restitution occurs. The speed of all rotations across the Z axis. The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate around the Z axis. If [code]true[/code], a rotating motor at the X axis is enabled. Maximum acceleration for the motor at the X axis. Target speed for the motor at the X axis. If [code]true[/code], a rotating motor at the Y axis is enabled. Maximum acceleration for the motor at the Y axis. Target speed for the motor at the Y axis. If [code]true[/code], a rotating motor at the Z axis is enabled. Maximum acceleration for the motor at the Z axis. Target speed for the motor at the Z axis. The amount of damping that happens at the X motion. If [code]true[/code], the linear motion across the X axis is limited. The minimum difference between the pivot points' X axis. The amount of restitution on the X axis movement. The lower, the more momentum gets lost. A factor applied to the movement across the X axis. The lower, the slower the movement. The maximum difference between the pivot points' X axis. The amount of damping that happens at the Y motion. If [code]true[/code], the linear motion across the Y axis is limited. The minimum difference between the pivot points' Y axis. The amount of restitution on the Y axis movement. The lower, the more momentum gets lost. A factor applied to the movement across the Y axis. The lower, the slower the movement. The maximum difference between the pivot points' Y axis. The amount of damping that happens at the Z motion. If [code]true[/code], the linear motion across the Z axis is limited. The minimum difference between the pivot points' Z axis. The amount of restitution on the Z axis movement. The lower, the more momentum gets lost. A factor applied to the movement across the Z axis. The lower, the slower the movement. The maximum difference between the pivot points' Z axis. If [code]true[/code], then there is a linear motor on the X axis. It will attempt to reach the target velocity while staying within the force limits. The maximum force the linear motor can apply on the X axis while trying to reach the target velocity. The speed that the linear motor will attempt to reach on the X axis. If [code]true[/code], then there is a linear motor on the Y axis. It will attempt to reach the target velocity while staying within the force limits. The maximum force the linear motor can apply on the Y axis while trying to reach the target velocity. The speed that the linear motor will attempt to reach on the Y axis. If [code]true[/code], then there is a linear motor on the Z axis. It will attempt to reach the target velocity while staying within the force limits. The maximum force the linear motor can apply on the Z axis while trying to reach the target velocity. The speed that the linear motor will attempt to reach on the Z axis. The minimum difference between the pivot points' axes. The maximum difference between the pivot points' axes. A factor applied to the movement across the axes. The lower, the slower the movement. The amount of restitution on the axes' movement. The lower, the more momentum gets lost. The amount of damping that happens at the linear motion across the axes. The velocity the linear motor will try to reach. The maximum force the linear motor will apply while trying to reach the velocity target. The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate around the axes. The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate around the axes. The speed of all rotations across the axes. The amount of rotational damping across the axes. The lower, the more damping occurs. The amount of rotational restitution across the axes. The lower, the more restitution occurs. The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating around the axes. When rotating across the axes, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower. Target speed for the motor at the axes. Maximum acceleration for the motor at the axes. Represents the size of the [enum Param] enum. If enabled, linear motion is possible within the given limits. If enabled, rotational motion is possible within the given limits. If enabled, there is a rotational motor across these axes. If enabled, there is a linear motor across these axes. Represents the size of the [enum Flag] enum.