Generate an axis-aligned box [PrimitiveMesh]. Generate an axis-aligned box [PrimitiveMesh]. The box's UV layout is arranged in a 3×2 layout that allows texturing each face individually. To apply the same texture on all faces, change the material's UV property to [code]Vector3(3, 2, 1)[/code]. This is equivalent to adding [code]UV *= vec2(3.0, 2.0)[/code] in a vertex shader. [b]Note:[/b] When using a large textured [BoxMesh] (e.g. as a floor), you may stumble upon UV jittering issues depending on the camera angle. To solve this, increase [member subdivide_depth], [member subdivide_height] and [member subdivide_width] until you no longer notice UV jittering. The box's width, height and depth. Number of extra edge loops inserted along the Z axis. Number of extra edge loops inserted along the Y axis. Number of extra edge loops inserted along the X axis.