diff --git a/doc/classes/Basis.xml b/doc/classes/Basis.xml index 41bda1033d6f..322d2ab9d4ae 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Basis.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Basis.xml @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ A [Basis] is composed by 3 axis vectors, each representing a column of the matrix: [member x], [member y], and [member z]. The length of each axis ([method Vector3.length]) influences the basis's scale, while the direction of all axes influence the rotation. Usually, these axes are perpendicular to one another. However, when you rotate any axis individually, the basis becomes sheared. Applying a sheared basis to a 3D model will make the model appear distorted. A [Basis] is [b]orthogonal[/b] if its axes are perpendicular to each other. A basis is [b]normalized[/b] if the length of every axis is [code]1[/code]. A basis is [b]uniform[/b] if all axes share the same length (see [method get_scale]). A basis is [b]orthonormal[/b] if it is both orthogonal and normalized, which allows it to only represent rotations. A basis is [b]conformal[/b] if it is both orthogonal and uniform, which ensures it is not distorted. For a general introduction, see the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/math/matrices_and_transforms.html]Matrices and transforms[/url] tutorial. - [b]Note:[/b] Godot uses a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-hand_rule]right-handed coordinate system[/url], which is a common standard. For directions, the convention for built-in types like [Camera3D] is for -Z to point forward (+X is right, +Y is up, and +Z is back). Other objects may use different direction conventions. For more information, see the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/assets_pipeline/importing_scenes.html#d-asset-direction-conventions]Importing 3D Scenes[/url] tutorial. + [b]Note:[/b] Godot uses a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-hand_rule]right-handed coordinate system[/url], which is a common standard. For directions, the convention for built-in types like [Camera3D] is for -Z to point forward (+X is right, +Y is up, and +Z is back). Other objects may use different direction conventions. For more information, see the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/assets_pipeline/importing_3d_scenes/model_export_considerations.html#d-asset-direction-conventions]3D asset direction conventions[/url] tutorial. [b]Note:[/b] The basis matrices are exposed as [url=https://www.mindcontrol.org/~hplus/graphics/matrix-layout.html]column-major[/url] order, which is the same as OpenGL. However, they are stored internally in row-major order, which is the same as DirectX. diff --git a/doc/classes/Transform3D.xml b/doc/classes/Transform3D.xml index 2a0bbc46afb0..30c141659aa6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Transform3D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Transform3D.xml @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The [Transform3D] built-in [Variant] type is a 3×4 matrix representing a transformation in 3D space. It contains a [Basis], which on its own can represent rotation, scale, and shear. Additionally, combined with its own [member origin], the transform can also represent a translation. For a general introduction, see the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/math/matrices_and_transforms.html]Matrices and transforms[/url] tutorial. - [b]Note:[/b] Godot uses a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-hand_rule]right-handed coordinate system[/url], which is a common standard. For directions, the convention for built-in types like [Camera3D] is for -Z to point forward (+X is right, +Y is up, and +Z is back). Other objects may use different direction conventions. For more information, see the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/assets_pipeline/importing_scenes.html#d-asset-direction-conventions]Importing 3D Scenes[/url] tutorial. + [b]Note:[/b] Godot uses a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-hand_rule]right-handed coordinate system[/url], which is a common standard. For directions, the convention for built-in types like [Camera3D] is for -Z to point forward (+X is right, +Y is up, and +Z is back). Other objects may use different direction conventions. For more information, see the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/assets_pipeline/importing_3d_scenes/model_export_considerations.html#d-asset-direction-conventions]3D asset direction conventions[/url] tutorial. $DOCS_URL/tutorials/math/index.html