diff --git a/doc/classes/@GDScript.xml b/doc/classes/@GDScript.xml index f9b4ec2544c5..bee2cdf38776 100644 --- a/doc/classes/@GDScript.xml +++ b/doc/classes/@GDScript.xml @@ -1138,16 +1138,16 @@ - + Constant that represents how many times the diameter of a circle fits around its perimeter. - + The circle constant, the circumference of the unit circle. - + A positive infinity. (For negative infinity, use -INF). - + Macro constant that expands to an expression of type float that represents a NaN. The NaN values are used to identify undefined or non-representable values for floating-point elements, such as the square root of negative numbers or the result of 0/0. diff --git a/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml b/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml index 69d4e8ad1754..5655578459fd 100644 --- a/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml +++ b/doc/classes/@GlobalScope.xml @@ -81,1311 +81,1311 @@ - + Left margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes. - + Top margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes. - + Right margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes. - + Bottom margin, used usually for [Control] or [StyleBox] derived classes. - + General vertical alignment, used usually for [Separator], [ScrollBar], [Slider], etc. - + General horizontal alignment, used usually for [Separator], [ScrollBar], [Slider], etc. - + Horizontal left alignment, usually for text-derived classes. - + Horizontal center alignment, usually for text-derived classes. - + Horizontal right alignment, usually for text-derived classes. - + Vertical top alignment, usually for text-derived classes. - + Vertical center alignment, usually for text-derived classes. - + Vertical bottom alignment, usually for text-derived classes. - + Scancodes with this bit applied are non printable. - + Escape Key - + Tab Key - + Shift-Tab Key - + Backspace Key - + Return Key (On Main Keyboard) - + Enter Key (On Numpad) - + Insert Key - + Delete Key - + Pause Key - + Printscreen Key - + System Request Key - + Clear Key - + Home Key - + End Key - + Left Arrow Key - + Up Arrow Key - + Right Arrow Key - + Down Arrow Key - + Pageup Key - + Pagedown Key - + Shift Key - + Control Key - + Meta Key - + Alt Key - + Capslock Key - + Numlock Key - + Scrolllock Key - + F1 Key - + F2 Key - + F3 Key - + F4 Key - + F5 Key - + F6 Key - + F7 Key - + F8 Key - + F9 Key - + F10 Key - + F11 Key - + F12 Key - + F13 Key - + F14 Key - + F15 Key - + F16 Key - + Multiply Key on Numpad - + Divide Key on Numpad - + Subtract Key on Numpad - + Period Key on Numpad - + Add Key on Numpad - + Number 0 on Numpad - + Number 1 on Numpad - + Number 2 on Numpad - + Number 3 on Numpad - + Number 4 on Numpad - + Number 5 on Numpad - + Number 6 on Numpad - + Number 7 on Numpad - + Number 8 on Numpad - + Number 9 on Numpad - + Left Super Key (Windows Key) - + Right Super Key (Windows Key) - + Context menu key - + Left Hyper Key - + Right Hyper Key - + Help key - + Left Direction Key - + Right Direction Key - + Back key - + Forward key - + Stop key - + Refresh key - + Volume down key - + Mute volume key - + Volume up key - + Bass Boost Key - + Bass Up Key - + Bass Down Key - + Treble Up Key - + Treble Down Key - + Media play key - + Media stop key - + Previous song key - + Next song key - + Media record key - + Home page key - + Favorites key - + Search key - + Standby Key - + Open URL / Launch Browser Key - + Launch Mail Key - + Launch Media Key - + Launch Shortcut 0 Key - + Launch Shortcut 1 Key - + Launch Shortcut 2 Key - + Launch Shortcut 3 Key - + Launch Shortcut 4 Key - + Launch Shortcut 5 Key - + Launch Shortcut 6 Key - + Launch Shortcut 7 Key - + Launch Shortcut 8 Key - + Launch Shortcut 9 Key - + Launch Shortcut A Key - + Launch Shortcut B Key - + Launch Shortcut C Key - + Launch Shortcut D Key - + Launch Shortcut E Key - + Launch Shortcut F Key - + Unknown Key - + Space Key - + ! key - + " key - + # key - + $ key - + % key - + & key - + ' key - + ( key - + ) key - + * key - + + key - + , key - + - key - + . key - + / key - + Number 0 - + Number 1 - + Number 2 - + Number 3 - + Number 4 - + Number 5 - + Number 6 - + Number 7 - + Number 8 - + Number 9 - + : key - + ; key - + Lower than key - + = key - + Greater than key - + ? key - + @ key - + A Key - + B Key - + C Key - + D Key - + E Key - + F Key - + G Key - + H Key - + I Key - + J Key - + K Key - + L Key - + M Key - + N Key - + O Key - + P Key - + Q Key - + R Key - + S Key - + T Key - + U Key - + V Key - + W Key - + X Key - + Y Key - + Z Key - + [ key - + \ key - + ] key - + ^ key - + _ key - + Left Quote Key - + { key - + | key - + } key - + ~ key - + - + - + ¢ key - + - + - + Yen Key - + ¦ key - + § key - + ¨ key - + © key - + - + « key - + » key - + ‐ key - + ® key - + Macron Key - + ° key - + ± key - + ² key - + ³ key - + ´ key - + µ key - + Paragraph Key - + · key - + ¬ key - + ¹ key - + ♂ key - + » key - + ¼ key - + ½ key - + ¾ key - + ¿ key - + à key - + á key - + â key - + ã key - + ä key - + å key - + æ key - + ç key - + è key - + é key - + ê key - + ë key - + ì key - + í key - + î key - + ë key - + ð key - + ñ key - + ò key - + ó key - + ô key - + õ key - + ö key - + × key - + ø key - + ù key - + ú key - + û key - + ü key - + ý key - + þ key - + ß key - + ÷ key - + ÿ key - + Key Code Mask - + Modifier Key Mask - + Shift Key Mask - + Alt Key Mask - + Meta Key Mask - + CTRL Key Mask - + CMD Key Mask - + Keypad Key Mask - + Group Switch Key Mask - + Left Mouse Button - + Right Mouse Button - + Middle Mouse Button - + Mouse wheel up - + Mouse wheel down - + Mouse wheel left button - + Mouse wheel right button - + Left Mouse Button Mask - + Right Mouse Button Mask - + Middle Mouse Button Mask - + Joypad Button 0 - + Joypad Button 1 - + Joypad Button 2 - + Joypad Button 3 - + Joypad Button 4 - + Joypad Button 5 - + Joypad Button 6 - + Joypad Button 7 - + Joypad Button 8 - + Joypad Button 9 - + Joypad Button 10 - + Joypad Button 11 - + Joypad Button 12 - + Joypad Button 13 - + Joypad Button 14 - + Joypad Button 15 - + Joypad Button 16 - + DUALSHOCK circle button - + DUALSHOCK X button - + DUALSHOCK square button - + DUALSHOCK triangle button - + XBOX controller B button - + XBOX controller A button - + XBOX controller X button - + XBOX controller Y button - + DualShock controller A button - + DualShock controller B button - + DualShock controller X button - + DualShock controller Y button - + Joypad Button Select - + Joypad Button Start - + Joypad DPad Up - + Joypad DPad Down - + Joypad DPad Left - + Joypad DPad Right - + Joypad Left Shoulder Button - + Joypad Left Trigger - + Joypad Left Stick Click - + Joypad Right Shoulder Button - + Joypad Right Trigger - + Joypad Right Stick Click - + Joypad Left Stick Horizontal Axis - + Joypad Left Stick Vertical Axis - + Joypad Right Stick Horizontal Axis - + Joypad Right Stick Vertical Axis - + - + - + Joypad Left Trigger Analog Axis - + Joypad Right Trigger Analog Axis - + - + - + - + Joypad Left Stick Horizontal Axis - + Joypad Left Stick Vertical Axis - + Joypad Right Stick Horizontal Axis - + Joypad Right Stick Vertical Axis - + Joypad Left Analog Trigger - + Joypad Right Analog Trigger - + Functions that return Error return OK when no error occured. Most functions don't return errors and/or just print errors to STDOUT. - + Generic error. - + Unavailable error - + Unconfigured error - + Unauthorized error - + Parameter range error - + Out of memory (OOM) error - + File: Not found error - + File: Bad drive error - + File: Bad path error - + File: No permission error - + File: Already in use error - + File: Can't open error - + File: Can't write error - + File: Can't read error - + File: Unrecognized error - + File: Corrupt error - + File: Missing dependencies error - + File: End of file (EOF) error - + Can't open error - + Can't create error - + Parse error - + Query failed error - + Already in use error - + Locked error - + Timeout error - + Can't acquire resource error - + Invalid data error - + Invalid parameter error - + Already exists error - + Does not exist error - + Database: Read error - + Database: Write error - + Compilation failed error - + Method not found error - + Linking failed error - + Script failed error - + Cycling link (import cycle) error - + Busy error - + Help error - + Bug error - + WTF error (something probably went really wrong) - + No hint for edited property. - + Hints that the string is a range, defined as "min,max" or "min,max,step". This is valid for integers and floats. - + Hints that the string is an exponential range, defined as "min,max" or "min,max,step". This is valid for integers and floats. - + Property hint for an enumerated value, like "Hello,Something,Else". This is valid for integer, float and string properties. - + - + - + - + Property hint for a bitmask description, for bits 0,1,2,3 and 5 the hint would be like "Bit0,Bit1,Bit2,Bit3,,Bit5". Valid only for integers. - + - + - + - + - + String property is a file (so pop up a file dialog when edited). Hint string can be a set of wildcards like "*.doc". - + String property is a directory (so pop up a file dialog when edited). - + - + - + String property is a resource, so open the resource popup menu when edited. - + - + - + Hints that the image is compressed using lossy compression. - + Hints that the image is compressed using lossless compression. - + Property will be used as storage (default). - + Property will be visible in editor (default). - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + Default usage (storage and editor). - + - + - + Flag for normal method - + Flag for editor method - + - + Flag for constant method - + - + Flag for virtual method - + Flag for method from script - + Default method flags - + Variable is of type nil (only applied for null). - + Variable is of type [bool]. - + Variable is of type [int]. - + Variable is of type [float]/real. - + Variable is of type [String]. - + Variable is of type [Vector2]. - + Variable is of type [Rect2]. - + Variable is of type [Vector3]. - + Variable is of type [Transform2D]. - + Variable is of type [Plane]. - + Variable is of type [Quat]. - + Variable is of type [AABB]. - + Variable is of type [Basis]. - + Variable is of type [Transform]. - + Variable is of type [Color]. - + Variable is of type [NodePath]. - + Variable is of type [RID]. - + Variable is of type [Object]. - + Variable is of type [Dictionary]. - + Variable is of type [Array]. - + Variable is of type [PoolByteArray]. - + Variable is of type [PoolIntArray]. - + Variable is of type [PoolRealArray]. - + Variable is of type [PoolStringArray]. - + Variable is of type [PoolVector2Array]. - + Variable is of type [PoolVector3Array]. - + Variable is of type [PoolColorArray]. - + Marker for end of type constants. diff --git a/doc/classes/ARVRInterface.xml b/doc/classes/ARVRInterface.xml index 00d799fe148a..d00b5eeaf498 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ARVRInterface.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ARVRInterface.xml @@ -78,43 +78,43 @@ - + No ARVR capabilities. - + This interface can work with normal rendering output (non-HMD based AR). - + This interface supports stereoscopic rendering. - + This interface support AR (video background and real world tracking). - + This interface outputs to an external device, if the main viewport is used the on screen output is an unmodified buffer of either the left or right eye (stretched if the viewport size is not changed to the same aspect ratio of get_render_targetsize. Using a seperate viewport node frees up the main viewport for other purposes. - + Mono output, this is mostly used internally when retrieving positioning information for our camera node or when stereo scopic rendering is not supported. - + Left eye output, this is mostly used internally when rendering the image for the left eye and obtaining positioning and projection information. - + Right eye output, this is mostly used internally when rendering the image for the right eye and obtaining positioning and projection information. - + Tracking is behaving as expected. - + Tracking is hindered by excessive motion, player is moving faster then tracking can keep up. - + Tracking is hindered by insufficient features, it's too dark (for camera based tracking), player is blocked, etc. - + We don't know the status of the tracking or this interface does not provide feedback. - + Tracking is not functional (camera not plugged in or obscured, lighthouses turned off, etc.) diff --git a/doc/classes/ARVRPositionalTracker.xml b/doc/classes/ARVRPositionalTracker.xml index aa329d56abe6..f171e4fc5a7c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ARVRPositionalTracker.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ARVRPositionalTracker.xml @@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ - + The hand this tracker is held in is unknown or not applicable. - + This tracker is the left hand controller. - + This tracker is the right hand controller. diff --git a/doc/classes/ARVRServer.xml b/doc/classes/ARVRServer.xml index 289a8c022e57..17202c8c2c2f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ARVRServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ARVRServer.xml @@ -136,22 +136,22 @@ - + Our tracker tracks the location of a controller. - + Our tracker tracks the location of a base station. - + Our tracker tracks the location and size of an AR anchor. - + Used internally to filter trackers of any known type. - + Used internally if we haven't set the tracker type yet. - + Used internally to select all trackers. diff --git a/doc/classes/Animation.xml b/doc/classes/Animation.xml index 9e466799cd71..ac547d20b73b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Animation.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Animation.xml @@ -424,31 +424,31 @@ - + Value tracks set values in node properties, but only those which can be Interpolated. - + Transform tracks are used to change node local transforms or skeleton pose bones. Transitions are Interpolated. - + Method tracks call functions with given arguments per key. - + No interpolation (nearest value). - + Linear interpolation. - + Cubic interpolation. - + Update between keyframes. - + Update at the keyframes and hold the value. - + Update at the keyframes. diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimationPlayer.xml b/doc/classes/AnimationPlayer.xml index 3a7651d6abbb..e724f2449830 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AnimationPlayer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AnimationPlayer.xml @@ -332,10 +332,10 @@ - + Process animation during the physics process. This is especially useful when animating physics bodies. - + Process animation during the idle process. diff --git a/doc/classes/AnimationTreePlayer.xml b/doc/classes/AnimationTreePlayer.xml index 584e289ec2df..4fb33eb5a390 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AnimationTreePlayer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AnimationTreePlayer.xml @@ -613,39 +613,39 @@ - + Output node. - + Animation node. - + OneShot node. - + Mix node. - + Blend2 node. - + Blend3 node. - + Blend4 node. - + TimeScale node. - + TimeSeek node. - + Transition node. - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Area.xml b/doc/classes/Area.xml index cbb2d37a0d02..f58aa3cc0a91 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Area.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Area.xml @@ -219,19 +219,19 @@ - + This area does not affect gravity/damping. - + This area adds its gravity/damping values to whatever has been calculated so far (in [code]priority[/code] order). - + This area adds its gravity/damping values to whatever has been calculated so far (in [code]priority[/code] order), ignoring any lower priority areas. - + This area replaces any gravity/damping, even the defaults, ignoring any lower priority areas. - + This area replaces any gravity/damping calculated so far (in [code]priority[/code] order), but keeps calculating the rest of the areas. diff --git a/doc/classes/Area2D.xml b/doc/classes/Area2D.xml index 964275c27dbf..6a3f0e764502 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Area2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Area2D.xml @@ -211,19 +211,19 @@ - + This area does not affect gravity/damping. - + This area adds its gravity/damping values to whatever has been calculated so far (in [code]priority[/code] order). - + This area adds its gravity/damping values to whatever has been calculated so far (in [code]priority[/code] order), ignoring any lower priority areas. - + This area replaces any gravity/damping, even the defaults, ignoring any lower priority areas. - + This area replaces any gravity/damping calculated so far (in [code]priority[/code] order), but keeps calculating the rest of the areas. diff --git a/doc/classes/ArrayMesh.xml b/doc/classes/ArrayMesh.xml index b6098fff05e4..92c4fe2fe7e7 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ArrayMesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ArrayMesh.xml @@ -213,66 +213,66 @@ - + Default value used for index_array_len when no indices are present. - + Amount of weights/bone indices per vertex (always 4). - + Vertex array (array of [Vector3] vertices). - + Normal array (array of [Vector3] normals). - + Tangent array, array of groups of 4 floats. first 3 floats determine the tangent, and the last the binormal direction as -1 or 1. - + Vertex array (array of [Color] colors). - + UV array (array of [Vector3] UVs or float array of groups of 2 floats (u,v)). - + Second UV array (array of [Vector3] UVs or float array of groups of 2 floats (u,v)). - + Array of bone indices, as a float array. Each element in groups of 4 floats. - + Array of bone weights, as a float array. Each element in groups of 4 floats. - + Array of integers, used as indices referencing vertices. No index can be beyond the vertex array size. - + - + Array format will include vertices (mandatory). - + Array format will include normals - + Array format will include tangents - + Array format will include a color array. - + Array format will include UVs. - + Array format will include another set of UVs. - + Array format will include bone indices. - + Array format will include bone weights. - + Index array will be used. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectDistortion.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectDistortion.xml index 4df5e5fda4be..fd77a9157018 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectDistortion.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectDistortion.xml @@ -32,18 +32,18 @@ - + Digital distortion effect which cuts off peaks at the top and bottom of the waveform. - + - + Low-resolution digital distortion effect. You can use it to emulate the sound of early digital audio devices. - + Emulates the warm distortion produced by a field effect transistor, which is commonly used in solid-state musical instrument amplifiers. - + Waveshaper distortions are used mainly by electronic musicians to achieve an extra-abrasive sound. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioEffectFilter.xml b/doc/classes/AudioEffectFilter.xml index 3c3b23dc290c..3e1848f31440 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioEffectFilter.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioEffectFilter.xml @@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioServer.xml b/doc/classes/AudioServer.xml index 2531a8787a7b..1d861d5a4f46 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioServer.xml @@ -341,13 +341,13 @@ - + Two or fewer speakers are detected. - + A 5.1 channel surround setup detected. - + A 7.1 channel surround setup detected. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer.xml b/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer.xml index 2020e25d337a..032473113cc6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer.xml @@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ - + The audio will be played only on the first channel. - + The audio will be played on all surround channels. - + The audio will be played on the second channel, which is usually the center. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer3D.xml b/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer3D.xml index 457f399de33c..21edfd12d59d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer3D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioStreamPlayer3D.xml @@ -106,28 +106,28 @@ - + Linear dampening of loudness according to distance. - + Squared dampening of loudness according to distance. - + Logarithmic dampening of loudness according to distance. - + Mix this audio in, even when it's out of range. - + Pause this audio when it gets out of range. - + Disables doppler tracking. - + Executes doppler tracking in idle step. - + Executes doppler tracking in physics step. diff --git a/doc/classes/AudioStreamSample.xml b/doc/classes/AudioStreamSample.xml index 9bf8c18fdcac..ac8cc7a445ae 100644 --- a/doc/classes/AudioStreamSample.xml +++ b/doc/classes/AudioStreamSample.xml @@ -36,22 +36,22 @@ - + Audio codec 8 bit. - + Audio codec 16 bit. - + Audio codec IMA ADPCM. - + Audio does not loop. - + Audio loops the data between loop_begin and loop_end playing forward only. - + Audio loops the data between loop_begin and loop_end playing back and forth. diff --git a/doc/classes/BackBufferCopy.xml b/doc/classes/BackBufferCopy.xml index 794e8f3dad0d..122e0c7faeaf 100644 --- a/doc/classes/BackBufferCopy.xml +++ b/doc/classes/BackBufferCopy.xml @@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ - + Disables the buffering mode. This means the BackBufferCopy node will directly use the portion of screen it covers. - + BackBufferCopy buffers a rectangular region. - + BackBufferCopy buffers the entire screen. diff --git a/doc/classes/BaseButton.xml b/doc/classes/BaseButton.xml index 3df9f8dcbaeb..7f1aaa682201 100644 --- a/doc/classes/BaseButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/BaseButton.xml @@ -90,22 +90,22 @@ - + The normal state (i.e. not pressed, not hovered, not toggled and enabled) of buttons. - + The state of buttons are pressed. - + The state of buttons are hovered. - + The state of buttons are disabled. - + Require just a press to consider the button clicked. - + Require a press and a subsequent release before considering the button clicked. diff --git a/doc/classes/BoxContainer.xml b/doc/classes/BoxContainer.xml index 23f4a61fdb30..700315838704 100644 --- a/doc/classes/BoxContainer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/BoxContainer.xml @@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ - + Aligns children with the beginning of the container. - + Aligns children with the center of the container. - + Aligns children with the end of the container. diff --git a/doc/classes/Button.xml b/doc/classes/Button.xml index b49e49326d52..854f1cc7c369 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Button.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Button.xml @@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ - + Align the text to the left. - + Align the text to the center. - + Align the text to the right. diff --git a/doc/classes/Camera.xml b/doc/classes/Camera.xml index 50b21a0eb786..5d6c13498cf6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Camera.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Camera.xml @@ -249,25 +249,25 @@ - + Perspective Projection (object's size on the screen becomes smaller when far away). - + Orthogonal Projection (objects remain the same size on the screen no matter how far away they are). - + Try to keep the aspect ratio when scaling the Camera's viewport to the screen. If not possible, preserve the viewport's width by changing the height. Height is [code]sizey[/code] for orthographic projection, [code]fovy[/code] for perspective projection. - + Try to keep the aspect ratio when scaling the Camera's viewport to the screen. If not possible, preserve the viewport's height by changing the width. Width is [code]sizex[/code] for orthographic projection, [code]fovx[/code] for perspective projection. - + Disable Doppler effect simulation (default). - + Simulate Doppler effect by tracking positions of objects that are changed in [code]_process[/code]. Changes in the relative velocity of this Camera compared to those objects affect how Audio is perceived (changing the Audio's [code]pitch shift[/code]). - + Simulate Doppler effect by tracking positions of objects that are changed in [code]_physics_process[/code]. Changes in the relative velocity of this Camera compared to those objects affect how Audio is perceived (changing the Audio's [code]pitch shift[/code]). diff --git a/doc/classes/Camera2D.xml b/doc/classes/Camera2D.xml index d058c5e8066e..86c89bf4ca6c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Camera2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Camera2D.xml @@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/CanvasItem.xml b/doc/classes/CanvasItem.xml index 0f2d3dc0f1ea..d1524074fdee 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CanvasItem.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CanvasItem.xml @@ -477,34 +477,34 @@ - + Mix blending mode. Colors are assumed to be independent of the alpha (opacity) value. - + Additive blending mode. - + Subtractive blending mode. - + Multiplicative blending mode. - + Mix blending mode. Colors are assumed to be premultiplied by the alpha (opacity) value. - + Canvas item transform has changed. Only received if requested. - + CanvasItem is requested to draw. - + Canvas item visibility has changed. - + Canvas item has entered the canvas. - + Canvas item has exited the canvas. diff --git a/doc/classes/CanvasItemMaterial.xml b/doc/classes/CanvasItemMaterial.xml index 0d9c4a9a2439..b30261d5bfd6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CanvasItemMaterial.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CanvasItemMaterial.xml @@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/CollisionPolygon2D.xml b/doc/classes/CollisionPolygon2D.xml index af5bdad2e1d0..995b868f89fb 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CollisionPolygon2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CollisionPolygon2D.xml @@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ - + Collisions will include the polygon and its contained area. - + Collisions will only include the polygon edges. diff --git a/doc/classes/ConeTwistJoint.xml b/doc/classes/ConeTwistJoint.xml index 382935760821..4fcacb6d463b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ConeTwistJoint.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ConeTwistJoint.xml @@ -37,27 +37,27 @@ - + Swing is rotation from side to side, around the axis perpendicular to the twist axis. The swing span defines, how much rotation will not get corrected allong the swing axis. Could be defined as looseness in the [code]ConeTwistJoint[/code]. If below 0.05, this behaviour is locked. Default value: [code]PI/4[/code]. - + Twist is the rotation around the twist axis, this value defined how far the joint can twist. Twist is locked if below 0.05. - + The speed with which the swing or twist will take place. The higher, the faster. - + The ease with which the joint starts to twist. If it's too low, it takes more force to start twisting the joint. - + Defines, how fast the swing- and twist-speed-difference on both sides gets synced. - + End flag of PARAM_* constants, used internally. diff --git a/doc/classes/Container.xml b/doc/classes/Container.xml index 9abe09cd172f..a2aa39414c44 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Container.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Container.xml @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ - + Notification for when sorting the children, it must be obeyed immediately. diff --git a/doc/classes/Control.xml b/doc/classes/Control.xml index 8e0ac2bfb300..6c30a92ed5ff 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Control.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Control.xml @@ -716,172 +716,172 @@ - + The node cannot grab focus. Use with [member set_focus_mode]. - + The node can only grab focus on mouse clicks. Use with [member set_focus_mode]. - + The node can grab focus on mouse click or using the arrows and the Tab keys on the keyboard. Use with [member set_focus_mode]. - + Sent when the node changes size. Use [member rect_size] to get the new size. - + Sent when the mouse pointer enters the node's [code]Rect[/code] area. - + Sent when the mouse pointer exits the node's [code]Rect[/code] area. - + Sent when the node grabs focus. - + Sent when the node loses focus. - + Sent when the node's [member theme] changes, right before Godot redraws the [code]Control[/code]. Happens when you call one of the [code]add_*_override[/code] - + Sent when an open modal dialog closes. See [member show_modal]. - + Show the system's arrow mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. Use with [method set_default_cursor_shape]. - + Show the system's I-beam mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. The I-beam pointer has a shape similar to "I". It tells the user they can highlight or insert text. - + Show the system's pointing hand mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. - + Show the system's cross mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. - + Show the system's wait mouse cursor, often an hourglass, when the user hovers the node. - + Show the system's busy mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. Often an hourglass. - + Show the system's drag mouse cursor, often a closed fist or a cross symbol, when the user hovers the node. It tells the user they're currently dragging an item, like a node in the Scene dock. - + Show the system's drop mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. It can be an open hand. It tells the user they can drop an item they're currently grabbing, like a node in the Scene dock. - + Show the system's forbidden mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. Often a crossed circle. - + Show the system's vertical resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. A double headed vertical arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel vertically. - + Show the system's horizontal resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. A double headed horizontal arrow. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel horizontally. - + Show the system's window resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. The cursor is a double headed arrow that goes from the bottom left to the top right. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically. - + Show the system's window resize mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. The cursor is a double headed arrow that goes from the top left to the bottom right, the opposite of [code]CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE[/code]. It tells the user they can resize the window or the panel both horizontally and vertically. - + Show the system's move mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. It shows 2 double-headed arrows at a 90 degree angle. It tells the user they can move a UI element freely. - + Show the system's vertical split mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. On Windows, it's the same as [code]CURSOR_VSIZE[/code]. - + Show the system's horizontal split mouse cursor when the user hovers the node. On Windows, it's the same as [code]CURSOR_HSIZE[/code]. - + Show the system's help mouse cursor when the user hovers the node, a question mark. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the top-left of the parent container's bounds. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the top-right of the parent container's bounds. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the bottom-left of the parent container's bounds. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the bottom-right of the parent container's bounds. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the center of the left edge of the parent container's bounds. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the center of the top edge of the parent container's bounds. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the center of the right edge of the parent container's bounds. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the center of the bottom edge of the parent container's bounds. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the center of the parent container's bounds. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the left edge of the parent container. The left margin becomes relative to the left edge and the top margin relative to the top left corner of the node's parent. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the top edge of the parent container. The left margin becomes relative to the top left corner, the top margin relative to the top edge, and the right margin relative to the top right corner of the node's parent. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the right edge of the parent container. The right margin becomes relative to the right edge and the top margin relative to the top right corner of the node's parent. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the bottom edge of the parent container. The left margin becomes relative to the bottom left corner, the bottom margin relative to the bottom edge, and the right margin relative to the bottom right corner of the node's parent. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to a vertical line that cuts the parent container in half. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to a horizontal line that cuts the parent container in half. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snap all 4 anchors to the respective corners of the parent container. Set all 4 margins to 0 after you applied this preset and the [code]Control[/code] will fit its parent container. Use with [method set_anchors_preset]. - + - + - + - + - + Tells the parent [Container] to expand the bounds of this node to fill all the available space without pushing any other node. Use with [member size_flags_horizontal] and [member size_flags_vertical]. - + Tells the parent [Container] to let this node take all the available space on the axis you flag. If multiple neighboring nodes are set to expand, they'll share the space based on their stretch ratio. See [member size_flags_stretch_ratio]. Use with [member size_flags_horizontal] and [member size_flags_vertical]. - + Sets the node's size flags to both fill and expand. See the 2 constants above for more information. - + Tells the parent [Container] to center the node in itself. It centers the [code]Control[/code] based on its bounding box, so it doesn't work with the fill or expand size flags. Use with [member size_flags_horizontal] and [member size_flags_vertical]. - + Tells the parent [Container] to align the node with its end, either the bottom or the right edge. It doesn't work with the fill or expand size flags. Use with [member size_flags_horizontal] and [member size_flags_vertical]. - + - + - + - + - + - + Snaps one of the 4 anchor's sides to the origin of the node's [code]Rect[/code], in the top left. Use it with one of the [code]anchor_*[/code] member variables, like [member anchor_left]. To change all 4 anchors at once, use [method set_anchors_preset]. - + Snaps one of the 4 anchor's sides to the end of the node's [code]Rect[/code], in the bottom right. Use it with one of the [code]anchor_*[/code] member variables, like [member anchor_left]. To change all 4 anchors at once, use [method set_anchors_preset]. diff --git a/doc/classes/CubeMap.xml b/doc/classes/CubeMap.xml index 7cc28de9f756..a7857dba789a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/CubeMap.xml +++ b/doc/classes/CubeMap.xml @@ -69,31 +69,31 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Curve.xml b/doc/classes/Curve.xml index 1905584f588d..4c9ced63c82c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Curve.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Curve.xml @@ -185,11 +185,11 @@ - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/DirectionalLight.xml b/doc/classes/DirectionalLight.xml index 4814341c1683..287c98e71522 100644 --- a/doc/classes/DirectionalLight.xml +++ b/doc/classes/DirectionalLight.xml @@ -33,15 +33,15 @@ - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/DynamicFont.xml b/doc/classes/DynamicFont.xml index e1be28d07c2e..eae7a1b02b0a 100644 --- a/doc/classes/DynamicFont.xml +++ b/doc/classes/DynamicFont.xml @@ -84,16 +84,16 @@ - + Spacing at the top. - + Spacing at the bottom. - + Character spacing. - + Space spacing. diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorFileDialog.xml b/doc/classes/EditorFileDialog.xml index 880946995982..e893d92840cc 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorFileDialog.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorFileDialog.xml @@ -169,25 +169,25 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/EditorPlugin.xml b/doc/classes/EditorPlugin.xml index 8dd7adad8f79..50f36c2c8702 100644 --- a/doc/classes/EditorPlugin.xml +++ b/doc/classes/EditorPlugin.xml @@ -354,39 +354,39 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Environment.xml b/doc/classes/Environment.xml index 7931b4b22efd..e252f6777441 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Environment.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Environment.xml @@ -233,73 +233,73 @@ - + Keep on screen every pixel drawn in the background. - + Clear the background using the project's clear color. - + Clear the background using a custom clear color. - + Display a user-defined sky in the background. - + Clear the background using a custom clear color and allows defining a sky for shading and reflection. - + Display a [CanvasLayer] in the background. - + Helper constant keeping track of the enum's size, has no direct usage in API calls. - + Additive glow blending mode. Mostly used for particles, glows (bloom), lens flare, bright sources. - + Screen glow blending mode. Increases brightness, used frequently with bloom. - + Softlight glow blending mode. Modifies contrast, exposes shadows and highlights, vivid bloom. - + Replace glow blending mode. Replaces all pixels' color by the glow value. - + Linear tonemapper operator. Reads the linear data and performs an exposure adjustment. - + Reinhardt tonemapper operator. Performs a variation on rendered pixels' colors by this formula: color = color / (1 + color). - + Filmic tonemapper operator. - + Academy Color Encoding System tonemapper operator. - + Low depth-of-field blur quality. - + Medium depth-of-field blur quality. - + High depth-of-field blur quality. - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/File.xml b/doc/classes/File.xml index d26ae8446721..8c270ece4b2f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/File.xml +++ b/doc/classes/File.xml @@ -394,28 +394,28 @@ - + Opens the file for read operations. - + Opens the file for write operations. Create it if the file does not exist and truncate if it exists. - + Opens the file for read and write operations. Does not truncate the file. - + Opens the file for read and write operations. Create it if the file does not exist and truncate if it exists. - + Uses the FastLZ compression method. - + Uses the Deflate compression method. - + Uses the Zstd compression method. - + Uses the gzip compression method. diff --git a/doc/classes/FileDialog.xml b/doc/classes/FileDialog.xml index 60ec415afe24..7f6fc1375831 100644 --- a/doc/classes/FileDialog.xml +++ b/doc/classes/FileDialog.xml @@ -124,28 +124,28 @@ - + The dialog allows the selection of one, and only one file. - + The dialog allows the selection of multiple files. - + The dialog functions as a folder selector, disallowing the selection of any file. - + The dialog allows the selection of a file or a directory. - + The dialog will warn when a file exists. - + The dialog allows the selection of file and directory. - + The dialog allows access files under [Resource] path(res://) . - + The dialog allows access files in whole file system. diff --git a/doc/classes/GIProbe.xml b/doc/classes/GIProbe.xml index 513e5a5624bd..0644e3f24eaf 100644 --- a/doc/classes/GIProbe.xml +++ b/doc/classes/GIProbe.xml @@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Generic6DOFJoint.xml b/doc/classes/Generic6DOFJoint.xml index a00168e9efaf..e44ae867d475 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Generic6DOFJoint.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Generic6DOFJoint.xml @@ -169,61 +169,61 @@ - + The minimum difference between the pivot points' axes. - + The maximum difference between the pivot points' axes. - + A factor applied to the movement across the axes The lower, the slower the movement. - + The amount of restitution on the axes movement The lower, the more momentum gets lost. - + The amount of damping that happens at the linear motion across the axes. - + The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate arround the axes. - + The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate arround the axes. - + The speed of all rotations across the axes. - + The amount of rotational damping across the axes. The lower, the more dampening occurs. - + The amount of rotational restitution across the axes. The lower, the more restitution occurs. - + The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating arround the axes. - + When rotating across the axes, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower. - + Target speed for the motor at the axes. - + Maximum acceleration for the motor at the axes. - + End flag of PARAM_* constants, used internally. - + If [code]set[/code] there is linear motion possible within the given limits. - + If [code]set[/code] there is rotational motion possible. - + If [code]set[/code] there is a rotational motor across these axes. - + End flag of FLAG_* constants, used internally. diff --git a/doc/classes/GeometryInstance.xml b/doc/classes/GeometryInstance.xml index 89f0779e9b09..93db093c8b67 100644 --- a/doc/classes/GeometryInstance.xml +++ b/doc/classes/GeometryInstance.xml @@ -31,17 +31,17 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/GraphNode.xml b/doc/classes/GraphNode.xml index a484403e2808..c1b18e4cd8c8 100644 --- a/doc/classes/GraphNode.xml +++ b/doc/classes/GraphNode.xml @@ -273,11 +273,11 @@ - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/HTTPClient.xml b/doc/classes/HTTPClient.xml index 024aae5c2b1a..b1526b64c52f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/HTTPClient.xml +++ b/doc/classes/HTTPClient.xml @@ -198,141 +198,141 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/HTTPRequest.xml b/doc/classes/HTTPRequest.xml index 3b5398d7be93..7c3747929572 100644 --- a/doc/classes/HTTPRequest.xml +++ b/doc/classes/HTTPRequest.xml @@ -97,39 +97,39 @@ - + Request successful. - + - + Request failed while connecting. - + Request failed while resolving. - + Request failed due to connection(read/write) error. - + Request failed on SSL handshake. - + Request does not have a response(yet). - + Request exceeded its maximum size limit, see [method set_body_size_limit]. - + Request failed. (unused) - + HTTPRequest couldn't open the download file. - + HTTPRequest couldn't write to the download file. - + Request reached its maximum redirect limit, see [method set_max_redirects]. diff --git a/doc/classes/HingeJoint.xml b/doc/classes/HingeJoint.xml index 9c6fbbda9eb2..4a23f63d5adc 100644 --- a/doc/classes/HingeJoint.xml +++ b/doc/classes/HingeJoint.xml @@ -44,39 +44,39 @@ - + The speed with wich the two bodies get pulled together when they move in different directions. - + The maximum rotation. only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. - + The minimum rotation. only active if [member angular_limit/enable] is [code]true[/code]. - + The speed with which the rotation across the axis perpendicular to the hinge gets corrected. - + - + The lower this value, the more the rotation gets slowed down. - + Target speed for the motor. - + Maximum acceleration for the motor. - + End flag of PARAM_* constants, used internally. - + If [code]true[/code] the hinges maximum and minimum rotation, defined by [member angular_limit/lower] and [member angular_limit/upper] has effects. - + When activated, a motor turns the hinge. - + End flag of FLAG_* constants, used internally. diff --git a/doc/classes/IP.xml b/doc/classes/IP.xml index b8dabebc20f6..09734e746c9c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/IP.xml +++ b/doc/classes/IP.xml @@ -78,25 +78,25 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Image.xml b/doc/classes/Image.xml index 3c6111e9a702..4e905445ed28 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Image.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Image.xml @@ -414,109 +414,109 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/ImageTexture.xml b/doc/classes/ImageTexture.xml index c41f521ac67f..a20af677cb03 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ImageTexture.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ImageTexture.xml @@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ - + [Image] data is stored raw and unaltered. - + [Image] data is compressed with a lossy algorithm. You can set the storage quality with [method set_lossy_storage_quality]. - + [Image] data is compressed with a lossless algorithm. diff --git a/doc/classes/Input.xml b/doc/classes/Input.xml index 61e588940a19..1200ac51703d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Input.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Input.xml @@ -336,16 +336,16 @@ - + Makes the mouse cursor visible if it is hidden. - + Makes the mouse cursor hidden if it is visible. - + Captures the mouse. The mouse will be hidden and unable to leave the game window. But it will still register movement and mouse button presses. - + diff --git a/doc/classes/InputEventGesture.xml b/doc/classes/InputEventGesture.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bf8f9667e3f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/classes/InputEventGesture.xml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/doc/classes/InputEventMagnifyGesture.xml b/doc/classes/InputEventMagnifyGesture.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..796f9e6a2f24 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/classes/InputEventMagnifyGesture.xml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/doc/classes/InputEventPanGesture.xml b/doc/classes/InputEventPanGesture.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a17f5823ba3f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/classes/InputEventPanGesture.xml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/doc/classes/ItemList.xml b/doc/classes/ItemList.xml index c9e90a927ad3..6e9ffb7f3544 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ItemList.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ItemList.xml @@ -386,13 +386,13 @@ - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Label.xml b/doc/classes/Label.xml index 75bc6df5cf4e..089b81164b89 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Label.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Label.xml @@ -86,28 +86,28 @@ - + Align rows to the left (default). - + Align rows centered. - + Align rows to the right (default). - + Expand row whitespaces to fit the width. - + Align the whole text to the top. - + Align the whole text to the center. - + Align the whole text to the bottom. - + Align the whole text by spreading the rows. diff --git a/doc/classes/Light.xml b/doc/classes/Light.xml index 7659dcd4982e..e4f92cc9b3ac 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Light.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Light.xml @@ -39,37 +39,37 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Light2D.xml b/doc/classes/Light2D.xml index 6df03a8190a4..fe1f25ad9e05 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Light2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Light2D.xml @@ -78,34 +78,34 @@ - + Adds the value of pixels corresponding to the Light2D to the values of pixels under it. This is the common behaviour of a light. - + Subtracts the value of pixels corresponding to the Light2D to the values of pixels under it, resulting in inversed light effect. - + Mix the value of pixels corresponding to the Light2D to the values of pixels under it by linear interpolation. - + The light texture of the Light2D is used as a mask, hiding or revealing parts of the screen underneath depending on the value of each pixel of the light (mask) texture. - + No filter applies to the shadow map. See [method shadow_filter]. - + Percentage closer filtering (3 samples) applies to the shadow map. See [method shadow_filter]. - + Percentage closer filtering (5 samples) applies to the shadow map. See [method shadow_filter]. - + Percentage closer filtering (7 samples) applies to the shadow map. See [method shadow_filter]. - + Percentage closer filtering (9 samples) applies to the shadow map. See [method shadow_filter]. - + Percentage closer filtering (13 samples) applies to the shadow map. See [method shadow_filter]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Line2D.xml b/doc/classes/Line2D.xml index 4b3a7aa9a9ed..9455882f0206 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Line2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Line2D.xml @@ -93,28 +93,28 @@ - + The line's joints will be pointy. If [code]sharp_limit[/code] is greater than the rotation of a joint, it becomes a bevel joint instead. - + The line's joints will be bevelled/chamfered. - + The line's joints will be rounded. - + Don't have a line cap. - + Draws the line cap as a box. - + Draws the line cap as a circle. - + Takes the left pixels of the texture and renders it over the whole line. - + Tiles the texture over the line. The texture need to be imported with Repeat Enabled for it to work properly. diff --git a/doc/classes/LineEdit.xml b/doc/classes/LineEdit.xml index 1f0a2277628b..9a03d4e0c185 100644 --- a/doc/classes/LineEdit.xml +++ b/doc/classes/LineEdit.xml @@ -139,39 +139,39 @@ - + Aligns the text on the left hand side of the [LineEdit]. - + Centers the text in the middle of the [LineEdit]. - + Aligns the text on the right hand side of the [LineEdit]. - + Stretches whitespaces to fit the [LineEdit]'s width. - + Cuts (Copies and clears) the selected text. - + Copies the selected text. - + Pastes the clipboard text over the selected text (or at the cursor's position). - + Erases the whole [Linedit] text. - + Selects the whole [Linedit] text. - + Undoes the previous action. - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/LinkButton.xml b/doc/classes/LinkButton.xml index 4fe7cd161851..a6194d129a15 100644 --- a/doc/classes/LinkButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/LinkButton.xml @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + The LinkButton will always show an underline at the bottom of its text - + The LinkButton will show an underline at the bottom of its text when the mouse cursor is over it. - + The LinkButton will never show an underline at the bottom of its text. diff --git a/doc/classes/MainLoop.xml b/doc/classes/MainLoop.xml index dd8d62c88ace..c5a4e5390792 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MainLoop.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MainLoop.xml @@ -114,25 +114,25 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Material.xml b/doc/classes/Material.xml index eb28792c532e..2b2f45e8be0b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Material.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Material.xml @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Mesh.xml b/doc/classes/Mesh.xml index 2b3efda509ee..c681886546bc 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Mesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Mesh.xml @@ -50,94 +50,94 @@ - + Render array as points (one vertex equals one point). - + Render array as lines (every two vertices a line is created). - + Render array as line strip. - + Render array as line loop (like line strip, but closed). - + Render array as triangles (every three vertices a triangle is created). - + Render array as triangle strips. - + Render array as triangle fans. - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/MultiMesh.xml b/doc/classes/MultiMesh.xml index 2b4e525fd23a..ae26641596bb 100644 --- a/doc/classes/MultiMesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/MultiMesh.xml @@ -77,15 +77,15 @@ - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/NavigationMesh.xml b/doc/classes/NavigationMesh.xml index 27d573203534..5563c94b3545 100644 --- a/doc/classes/NavigationMesh.xml +++ b/doc/classes/NavigationMesh.xml @@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml b/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml index f0485f4cd57f..33ffce9cf9b6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.xml @@ -98,21 +98,21 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/NinePatchRect.xml b/doc/classes/NinePatchRect.xml index eece607b3987..b7440137c85e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/NinePatchRect.xml +++ b/doc/classes/NinePatchRect.xml @@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ - + Doesn't do anything at the time of writing. Default value for [code]axis_stretch_horizontal[/code] and [code]axis_stretch_vertical[/code]. - + Doesn't do anything at the time of writing. - + Doesn't do anything at the time of writing. diff --git a/doc/classes/Node.xml b/doc/classes/Node.xml index 276ac9ea7efc..08b761abe8fa 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Node.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Node.xml @@ -768,74 +768,74 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + Notification received every frame when the physics process flag is set (see [method set_physics_process]). - + Notification received every frame when the process flag is set (see [method set_process]). - + Notification received when a node is set as a child of another node. Note that this doesn't mean that a node entered the Scene Tree. - + Notification received when a node is unparented (parent removed it from the list of children). - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + Call a method remotely. - + Call a method both remotely and locally. - + Call a method if the Node is Master. - + Call a method if the Node is Slave. - + Inherits pause mode from parent. For root node, it is equivalent to PAUSE_MODE_STOP. - + Stop processing when SceneTree is paused. - + Continue to process regardless of SceneTree pause state. - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/OS.xml b/doc/classes/OS.xml index 2a0e627fa40d..902bf4ebfaa6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/OS.xml +++ b/doc/classes/OS.xml @@ -828,83 +828,83 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Object.xml b/doc/classes/Object.xml index 64b3686b0547..5d0e51c48157 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Object.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Object.xml @@ -402,19 +402,19 @@ - + Called right when the object is initialized. Not available in script. - + Called before the object is about to be deleted. - + Connect a signal in deferred mode. This way, signal emissions are stored in a queue, then set on idle time. - + Persisting connections are saved when the object is serialized to file. - + One shot connections disconnect themselves after emission. diff --git a/doc/classes/OccluderPolygon2D.xml b/doc/classes/OccluderPolygon2D.xml index 41a1393d07fe..f11f82c7de5b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/OccluderPolygon2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/OccluderPolygon2D.xml @@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ - + Culling mode for the occlusion. Disabled means no culling. See [member cull_mode]. - + Culling mode for the occlusion. Sets the culling to be in clockwise direction. See [member cull_mode]. - + Culling mode for the occlusion. Sets the culling to be in counter clockwise direction. See [member cull_mode]. diff --git a/doc/classes/OmniLight.xml b/doc/classes/OmniLight.xml index 477789e09d6f..f0c5c81a47d3 100644 --- a/doc/classes/OmniLight.xml +++ b/doc/classes/OmniLight.xml @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/PackedScene.xml b/doc/classes/PackedScene.xml index 8412d6dba426..3940995936f6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PackedScene.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PackedScene.xml @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Particles.xml b/doc/classes/Particles.xml index b41318392114..2a5dcb26e8f2 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Particles.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Particles.xml @@ -76,16 +76,16 @@ - + Particles are drawn in the order emitted. - + Particles are drawn in order of remaining lifetime. - + Particles are drawn in order of depth. - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Particles2D.xml b/doc/classes/Particles2D.xml index 8126bab2c6b7..8b908a1fa21c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Particles2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Particles2D.xml @@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ - + Particles are drawn in the order emitted. - + Particles are drawn in order of remaining lifetime. diff --git a/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml b/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml index e75a30818337..42bc1b2d05dd 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ParticlesMaterial.xml @@ -172,64 +172,64 @@ - + Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set initial velocity properties. - + Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set angular velocity properties. - + Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set orbital_velocity properties. - + Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set linear acceleration properties. - + Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set radial acceleration properties. - + Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set tangential acceleration properties. - + Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set damping properties. - + Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set angle properties. - + Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set scale properties. - + Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set hue_variation properties. - + Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set animation speed properties. - + Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set animation offset properties. - + - + Use with [method set_flag] to set [member flag_align_y]. - + Use with [method set_flag] to set [member flag_rotate_y] - + - + All particles will be emitted from a single point. - + Particles will be emitted in the volume of a sphere. - + Particles will be emitted in the volume of a box. - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/PathFollow.xml b/doc/classes/PathFollow.xml index 4270b0d4903d..de7bb8715ce1 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PathFollow.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PathFollow.xml @@ -129,16 +129,16 @@ - + Forbids the PathFollow to rotate. - + Allows the PathFollow to rotate in the Y axis only. - + Allows the PathFollow to rotate in both the X, and Y axes. - + Allows the PathFollow to rotate in any axis. diff --git a/doc/classes/Performance.xml b/doc/classes/Performance.xml index b402952d5bb9..5781d6c604c1 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Performance.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Performance.xml @@ -26,87 +26,87 @@ - + Frames per second. - + Time it took to complete one frame. - + Time it took to complete one physics frame. - + Static memory currently used, in bytes. Not available in release builds. - + Dynamic memory currently used, in bytes. Not available in release builds. - + Available static memory. Not available in release builds. - + Available dynamic memory. Not available in release builds. - + Largest amount of memory the message queue buffer has used, in bytes. The message queue is used for deferred functions calls and notifications. - + Number of objects currently instanced (including nodes). - + Number of resources currently used. - + Number of nodes currently instanced. This also includes the root node, as well as any nodes not in the scene tree. - + 3D objects drawn per frame. - + Vertices drawn per frame. 3D only. - + Material changes per frame. 3D only - + Shader changes per frame. 3D only. - + Render surface changes per frame. 3D only. - + Draw calls per frame. 3D only. - + Video memory used. Includes both texture and vertex memory. - + Texture memory used. - + Vertex memory used. - + - + Number of active [RigidBody2D] nodes in the game. - + Number of collision pairs in the 2D physics engine. - + Number of islands in the 2D physics engine. - + Number of active [RigidBody] and [VehicleBody] nodes in the game. - + Number of collision pairs in the 3D physics engine. - + Number of islands in the 3D physics engine. - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Physics2DServer.xml b/doc/classes/Physics2DServer.xml index 1511679eed93..67f5f84a49dc 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Physics2DServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Physics2DServer.xml @@ -989,183 +989,183 @@ - + Constant to set/get the maximum distance a pair of bodies has to move before their collision status has to be recalculated. - + Constant to set/get the maximum distance a shape can be from another before they are considered separated. - + Constant to set/get the maximum distance a shape can penetrate another shape before it is considered a collision. - + Constant to set/get the threshold linear velocity of activity. A body marked as potentially inactive for both linear and angular velocity will be put to sleep after the time given. - + Constant to set/get the threshold angular velocity of activity. A body marked as potentially inactive for both linear and angular velocity will be put to sleep after the time given. - + Constant to set/get the maximum time of activity. A body marked as potentially inactive for both linear and angular velocity will be put to sleep after this time. - + Constant to set/get the default solver bias for all physics constraints. A solver bias is a factor controlling how much two objects "rebound", after violating a constraint, to avoid leaving them in that state because of numerical imprecision. - + This is the constant for creating line shapes. A line shape is an infinite line with an origin point, and a normal. Thus, it can be used for front/behind checks. - + - + This is the constant for creating segment shapes. A segment shape is a line from a point A to a point B. It can be checked for intersections. - + This is the constant for creating circle shapes. A circle shape only has a radius. It can be used for intersections and inside/outside checks. - + This is the constant for creating rectangle shapes. A rectangle shape is defined by a width and a height. It can be used for intersections and inside/outside checks. - + This is the constant for creating capsule shapes. A capsule shape is defined by a radius and a length. It can be used for intersections and inside/outside checks. - + This is the constant for creating convex polygon shapes. A polygon is defined by a list of points. It can be used for intersections and inside/outside checks. Unlike the method [method CollisionPolygon2D.set_polygon], polygons modified with [method shape_set_data] do not verify that the points supplied form is a convex polygon. - + This is the constant for creating concave polygon shapes. A polygon is defined by a list of points. It can be used for intersections checks, but not for inside/outside checks. - + This constant is used internally by the engine. Any attempt to create this kind of shape results in an error. - + Constant to set/get gravity strength in an area. - + Constant to set/get gravity vector/center in an area. - + Constant to set/get whether the gravity vector of an area is a direction, or a center point. - + Constant to set/get the falloff factor for point gravity of an area. The greater this value is, the faster the strength of gravity decreases with the square of distance. - + This constant was used to set/get the falloff factor for point gravity. It has been superseded by AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_DISTANCE_SCALE. - + Constant to set/get the linear dampening factor of an area. - + Constant to set/get the angular dampening factor of an area. - + Constant to set/get the priority (order of processing) of an area. - + This area does not affect gravity/damp. These are generally areas that exist only to detect collisions, and objects entering or exiting them. - + This area adds its gravity/damp values to whatever has been calculated so far. This way, many overlapping areas can combine their physics to make interesting effects. - + This area adds its gravity/damp values to whatever has been calculated so far. Then stops taking into account the rest of the areas, even the default one. - + This area replaces any gravity/damp, even the default one, and stops taking into account the rest of the areas. - + This area replaces any gravity/damp calculated so far, but keeps calculating the rest of the areas, down to the default one. - + Constant for static bodies. - + Constant for kinematic bodies. - + Constant for rigid bodies. - + Constant for rigid bodies in character mode. In this mode, a body can not rotate, and only its linear velocity is affected by physics. - + Constant to set/get a body's bounce factor. - + Constant to set/get a body's friction. - + Constant to set/get a body's mass. - + Constant to set/get a body's inertia. - + Constant to set/get a body's gravity multiplier. - + Constant to set/get a body's linear dampening factor. - + Constant to set/get a body's angular dampening factor. - + This is the last ID for body parameters. Any attempt to set this property is ignored. Any attempt to get it returns 0. - + Constant to set/get the current transform matrix of the body. - + Constant to set/get the current linear velocity of the body. - + Constant to set/get the current angular velocity of the body. - + Constant to sleep/wake up a body, or to get whether it is sleeping. - + Constant to set/get whether the body can sleep. - + Constant to create pin joints. - + Constant to create groove joints. - + Constant to create damped spring joints. - + Set the resting length of the spring joint. The joint will always try to go to back this length when pulled apart. - + Set the stiffness of the spring joint. The joint applies a force equal to the stiffness times the distance from its resting length. - + Set the damping ratio of the spring joint. A value of 0 indicates an undamped spring, while 1 causes the system to reach equilibrium as fast as possible (critical damping). - + Disables continuous collision detection. This is the fastest way to detect body collisions, but can miss small, fast-moving objects. - + Enables continuous collision detection by raycasting. It is faster than shapecasting, but less precise. - + Enables continuous collision detection by shapecasting. It is the slowest CCD method, and the most precise. - + The value of the first parameter and area callback function receives, when an object enters one of its shapes. - + The value of the first parameter and area callback function receives, when an object exits one of its shapes. - + Constant to get the number of objects that are not sleeping. - + Constant to get the number of possible collisions. - + Constant to get the number of space regions where a collision could occur. diff --git a/doc/classes/PhysicsServer.xml b/doc/classes/PhysicsServer.xml index e45ccdef2e34..eb7c7352775b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PhysicsServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PhysicsServer.xml @@ -1170,365 +1170,365 @@ - + The [Joint] is a [PinJoint]. - + The [Joint] is a [HingeJoint]. - + The [Joint] is a [SliderJoint]. - + The [Joint] is a [ConeTwistJoint]. - + The [Joint] is a [Generic6DOFJoint]. - + The strength with which the pinned objects try to stay in positional relation to each other. The higher, the stronger. - + The strength with which the pinned objects try to stay in velocity relation to each other. The higher, the stronger. - + If above 0, this value is the maximum value for an impulse that this Joint puts on it's ends. - + The speed with wich the two bodies get pulled together when they move in different directions. - + The maximum rotation across the Hinge. - + The minimum rotation across the Hinge. - + The speed with which the rotation across the axis perpendicular to the hinge gets corrected. - + - + The lower this value, the more the rotation gets slowed down. - + Target speed for the motor. - + Maximum acceleration for the motor. - + If [code]true[/code] the Hinge has a maximum and a minimum rotation. - + If [code]true[/code] a motor turns the Hinge - + The maximum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens. - + The minimum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens. - + A factor applied to the movement accross the slider axis once the limits get surpassed. The lower, the slower the movement. - + The amount of restitution once the limits are surpassed. The lower, the more velocityenergy gets lost. - + The amount of damping once the slider limits are surpassed. - + A factor applied to the movement accross the slider axis as long as the slider is in the limits. The lower, the slower the movement. - + The amount of restitution inside the slider limits. - + The amount of damping inside the slider limits. - + A factor applied to the movement accross axes orthogonal to the slider. - + The amount of restitution when movement is accross axes orthogonal to the slider. - + The amount of damping when movement is accross axes orthogonal to the slider. - + The upper limit of rotation in the slider. - + The lower limit of rotation in the slider. - + A factor applied to the all rotation once the limit is surpassed. - + The amount of restitution of the rotation when the limit is surpassed. - + The amount of damping of the rotation when the limit is surpassed. - + A factor that gets applied to the all rotation in the limits. - + The amount of restitution of the rotation in the limits. - + The amount of damping of the rotation in the limits. - + A factor that gets applied to the all rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider. - + The amount of restitution of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider. - + The amount of damping of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider. - + End flag of SLIDER_JOINT_* constants, used internally. - + Swing is rotation from side to side, around the axis perpendicular to the twist axis. The swing span defines, how much rotation will not get corrected allong the swing axis. Could be defined as looseness in the [ConeTwistJoint]. If below 0.05, this behaviour is locked. Default value: [code]PI/4[/code]. - + Twist is the rotation around the twist axis, this value defined how far the joint can twist. Twist is locked if below 0.05. - + The speed with which the swing or twist will take place. The higher, the faster. - + The ease with which the Joint twists, if it's too low, it takes more force to twist the joint. - + Defines, how fast the swing- and twist-speed-difference on both sides gets synced. - + The minimum difference between the pivot points' axes. - + The maximum difference between the pivot points' axes. - + A factor that gets applied to the movement accross the axes. The lower, the slower the movement. - + The amount of restitution on the axes movement. The lower, the more velocity-energy gets lost. - + The amount of damping that happens at the linear motion across the axes. - + The minimum rotation in negative direction to break loose and rotate arround the axes. - + The minimum rotation in positive direction to break loose and rotate arround the axes. - + A factor that gets multiplied onto all rotations accross the axes. - + The amount of rotational damping accross the axes. The lower, the more dampening occurs. - + The amount of rotational restitution accross the axes. The lower, the more restitution occurs. - + The maximum amount of force that can occur, when rotating arround the axes. - + When correcting the crossing of limits in rotation accross the axes, this error tolerance factor defines how much the correction gets slowed down. The lower, the slower. - + Target speed for the motor at the axes. - + Maximum acceleration for the motor at the axes. - + If [code]set[/code] there is linear motion possible within the given limits. - + If [code]set[/code] there is rotational motion possible. - + If [code]set[/code] there is a rotational motor across these axes. - + The [Shape] is a [PlaneShape]. - + The [Shape] is a [RayShape]. - + The [Shape] is a [SphereShape]. - + The [Shape] is a [BoxShape]. - + The [Shape] is a [CapsuleShape]. - + The [Shape] is a [ConvexPolygonShape]. - + The [Shape] is a [ConcavePolygonShape]. - + The [Shape] is a [HeightMapShape]. - + This constant is used internally by the engine. Any attempt to create this kind of shape results in an error. - + Constant to set/get gravity strength in an area. - + Constant to set/get gravity vector/center in an area. - + Constant to set/get whether the gravity vector of an area is a direction, or a center point. - + Constant to set/get the falloff factor for point gravity of an area. The greater this value is, the faster the strength of gravity decreases with the square of distance. - + This constant was used to set/get the falloff factor for point gravity. It has been superseded by AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_DISTANCE_SCALE. - + Constant to set/get the linear dampening factor of an area. - + Constant to set/get the angular dampening factor of an area. - + Constant to set/get the priority (order of processing) of an area. - + This area does not affect gravity/damp. These are generally areas that exist only to detect collisions, and objects entering or exiting them. - + This area adds its gravity/damp values to whatever has been calculated so far. This way, many overlapping areas can combine their physics to make interesting effects. - + This area adds its gravity/damp values to whatever has been calculated so far. Then stops taking into account the rest of the areas, even the default one. - + This area replaces any gravity/damp, even the default one, and stops taking into account the rest of the areas. - + This area replaces any gravity/damp calculated so far, but keeps calculating the rest of the areas, down to the default one. - + Constant for static bodies. - + Constant for kinematic bodies. - + Constant for rigid bodies. - + - + Constant for rigid bodies in character mode. In this mode, a body can not rotate, and only its linear velocity is affected by physics. - + Constant to set/get a body's bounce factor. - + Constant to set/get a body's friction. - + Constant to set/get a body's mass. - + Constant to set/get a body's gravity multiplier. - + Constant to set/get a body's linear dampening factor. - + Constant to set/get a body's angular dampening factor. - + This is the last ID for body parameters. Any attempt to set this property is ignored. Any attempt to get it returns 0. - + Constant to set/get the current transform matrix of the body. - + Constant to set/get the current linear velocity of the body. - + Constant to set/get the current angular velocity of the body. - + Constant to sleep/wake up a body, or to get whether it is sleeping. - + Constant to set/get whether the body can sleep. - + The value of the first parameter and area callback function receives, when an object enters one of its shapes. - + The value of the first parameter and area callback function receives, when an object exits one of its shapes. - + Constant to get the number of objects that are not sleeping. - + Constant to get the number of possible collisions. - + Constant to get the number of space regions where a collision could occur. - + Constant to set/get the maximum distance a pair of bodies has to move before their collision status has to be recalculated. - + Constant to set/get the maximum distance a shape can be from another before they are considered separated. - + Constant to set/get the maximum distance a shape can penetrate another shape before it is considered a collision. - + Constant to set/get the threshold linear velocity of activity. A body marked as potentially inactive for both linear and angular velocity will be put to sleep after the time given. - + Constant to set/get the threshold angular velocity of activity. A body marked as potentially inactive for both linear and angular velocity will be put to sleep after the time given. - + Constant to set/get the maximum time of activity. A body marked as potentially inactive for both linear and angular velocity will be put to sleep after this time. - + - + Constant to set/get the default solver bias for all physics constraints. A solver bias is a factor controlling how much two objects "rebound", after violating a constraint, to avoid leaving them in that state because of numerical imprecision. - + The [Body] can rotate and move freely. - + The [Body] cannot move across x axis can only rotate across x axis. - + The [Body] cannot move across y axis can only rotate across y axis. - + The [Body] cannot move across z axis can only rotate across z axis. diff --git a/doc/classes/PinJoint.xml b/doc/classes/PinJoint.xml index c160d6aa5797..46e3d3c512e2 100644 --- a/doc/classes/PinJoint.xml +++ b/doc/classes/PinJoint.xml @@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ - + The force with wich the pinned objects stay in positional relation to each other. The higher, the stronger. - + The force with wich the pinned objects stay in velocity relation to each other. The higher, the stronger. - + If above 0, this value is the maximum value for an impulse that this Joint produces. diff --git a/doc/classes/Popup.xml b/doc/classes/Popup.xml index 8fc5586eba7b..930e646dee9d 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Popup.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Popup.xml @@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ - + Notification sent right after the popup is shown. - + Notification sent right after the popup is hidden. diff --git a/doc/classes/ProceduralSky.xml b/doc/classes/ProceduralSky.xml index 7a8e37674e36..2abd1104ce36 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ProceduralSky.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ProceduralSky.xml @@ -45,17 +45,17 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/ReflectionProbe.xml b/doc/classes/ReflectionProbe.xml index 46aed5c22c81..21bd087407a2 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ReflectionProbe.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ReflectionProbe.xml @@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/ResourceSaver.xml b/doc/classes/ResourceSaver.xml index fd189e47366f..c1a5921071a9 100644 --- a/doc/classes/ResourceSaver.xml +++ b/doc/classes/ResourceSaver.xml @@ -35,17 +35,17 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml b/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml index d64d81d2764d..5c04d3406e24 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RichTextLabel.xml @@ -345,43 +345,43 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/RigidBody.xml b/doc/classes/RigidBody.xml index b04687e80c26..cfcd0258e72c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RigidBody.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RigidBody.xml @@ -156,25 +156,25 @@ - + Rigid body. This is the "natural" state of a rigid body. It is affected by forces, and can move, rotate, and be affected by user code. - + Static mode. The body behaves like a [StaticBody], and can only move by user code. - + Character body. This behaves like a rigid body, but can not rotate. - + Kinematic body. The body behaves like a [KinematicBody], and can only move by user code. - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/RigidBody2D.xml b/doc/classes/RigidBody2D.xml index 0d9562e42674..c11e118df5c8 100644 --- a/doc/classes/RigidBody2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/RigidBody2D.xml @@ -226,25 +226,25 @@ - + Rigid mode. The body behaves as a physical object. It collides with other bodies and responds to forces applied to it. This is the default mode. - + Static mode. The body behaves like a [StaticBody2D] and does not move. - + Character mode. Similar to [code]MODE_RIGID[/code], but the body can not rotate. - + Kinematic mode. The body behaves like a [KinematicBody2D], and must be moved by code. - + Continuous collision detection disabled. This is the fastest way to detect body collisions, but can miss small, fast-moving objects. - + Continuous collision detection enabled using raycasting. This is faster than shapecasting but less precise. - + Continuous collision detection enabled using shapecasting. This is the slowest CCD method and the most precise. diff --git a/doc/classes/SceneState.xml b/doc/classes/SceneState.xml index f99466d47e3b..20ca43b71a3b 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SceneState.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SceneState.xml @@ -165,11 +165,11 @@ - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml b/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml index 51e7b217bfc0..f3dd953c6f63 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SceneTree.xml @@ -388,29 +388,29 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Shader.xml b/doc/classes/Shader.xml index 11ac23c4d191..543164d92e5f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Shader.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Shader.xml @@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Skeleton.xml b/doc/classes/Skeleton.xml index 84848d08572d..8bcc80de32a8 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Skeleton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Skeleton.xml @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Sky.xml b/doc/classes/Sky.xml index f6bcc71fabbb..34950842c9b4 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Sky.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Sky.xml @@ -15,21 +15,21 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/SliderJoint.xml b/doc/classes/SliderJoint.xml index b8596e5ff216..4c794306e417 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SliderJoint.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SliderJoint.xml @@ -84,73 +84,73 @@ - + The maximum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens. - + The minimum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens. - + A factor applied to the movement accross the slider axis once the limits get surpassed. The lower, the slower the movement. - + The amount of restitution once the limits are surpassed. The lower, the more velocityenergy gets lost. - + The amount of damping once the slider limits are surpassed. - + A factor applied to the movement accross the slider axis as long as the slider is in the limits. The lower, the slower the movement. - + The amount of restitution inside the slider limits. - + The amount of damping inside the slider limits. - + A factor applied to the movement accross axes orthogonal to the slider. - + The amount of restitution when movement is accross axes orthogonal to the slider. - + The amount of damping when movement is accross axes orthogonal to the slider. - + The upper limit of rotation in the slider. - + The lower limit of rotation in the slider. - + A factor applied to the all rotation once the limit is surpassed. - + The amount of restitution of the rotation when the limit is surpassed. - + The amount of damping of the rotation when the limit is surpassed. - + A factor applied to the all rotation in the limits. - + The amount of restitution of the rotation in the limits. - + The amount of damping of the rotation in the limits. - + A factor applied to the all rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider. - + The amount of restitution of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider. - + The amount of damping of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider. - + End flag of PARAM_* constants, used internally. diff --git a/doc/classes/Spatial.xml b/doc/classes/Spatial.xml index 548ecbcdbd80..ea04192a5e66 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Spatial.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Spatial.xml @@ -281,17 +281,17 @@ - + Spatial nodes receives this notification when their global transform changes. This means that either the current or a parent node changed its transform. In order for NOTIFICATION_TRANSFORM_CHANGED to work user first needs to ask for it, with set_notify_transform(true). - + Spatial nodes receives this notification when they are registered to new [World] resource. - + Spatial nodes receives this notification when they are unregistered from current [World] resource. - + Spatial nodes receives this notification when their visibility changes. diff --git a/doc/classes/SpatialMaterial.xml b/doc/classes/SpatialMaterial.xml index 0ca0a879a81e..4e63e6dd1157 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SpatialMaterial.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SpatialMaterial.xml @@ -197,159 +197,159 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/SplitContainer.xml b/doc/classes/SplitContainer.xml index bf3376fcfbe2..835a226a5096 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SplitContainer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SplitContainer.xml @@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ - + The split dragger is visible. - + The split dragger is invisible. - + The split dragger is invisible and collapsed. diff --git a/doc/classes/SpriteBase3D.xml b/doc/classes/SpriteBase3D.xml index 7620157d2ded..580a467d6b3f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/SpriteBase3D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/SpriteBase3D.xml @@ -56,23 +56,23 @@ - + If set, the texture's transparency and the opacity are used to make those parts of the Sprite invisible. - + If set, the Light in the Environment has effects on the Sprite. - + If set, texture can be seen from the back as well, if not, it is invisible when looking at it from behind. - + Used internally to mark the end of the Flags section. - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/StreamPeerSSL.xml b/doc/classes/StreamPeerSSL.xml index 99cf3b2a0206..55cb39e137f8 100644 --- a/doc/classes/StreamPeerSSL.xml +++ b/doc/classes/StreamPeerSSL.xml @@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ - + A status representing a [code]StreamPeerSSL[/code] that is disconnected. - + A status representing a [code]StreamPeerSSL[/code] that is connected to a host. - + An errot status that shows the peer did not present a SSL certificate and validation was requested. - + An error status that shows a mismatch in the SSL certificate domain presented by the host and the domain requested for validation. diff --git a/doc/classes/StreamPeerTCP.xml b/doc/classes/StreamPeerTCP.xml index f335f5e0dbdc..4c9812587af1 100644 --- a/doc/classes/StreamPeerTCP.xml +++ b/doc/classes/StreamPeerTCP.xml @@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ - + The initial status of the [code]StreamPeerTCP[/code], also the status after a disconnect. - + A status representing a [code]StreamPeerTCP[/code] that is connecting to a host. - + A status representing a [code]StreamPeerTCP[/code] that is connected to a host. - + A staus representing a [code]StreamPeerTCP[/code] in error state. diff --git a/doc/classes/StyleBoxTexture.xml b/doc/classes/StyleBoxTexture.xml index e8d7a67965a6..2a7077bbff16 100644 --- a/doc/classes/StyleBoxTexture.xml +++ b/doc/classes/StyleBoxTexture.xml @@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/TabContainer.xml b/doc/classes/TabContainer.xml index ea07754c8f4d..350dd11e4de9 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TabContainer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TabContainer.xml @@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Tabs.xml b/doc/classes/Tabs.xml index 61525ebe8ea6..fbda1aedb494 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Tabs.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Tabs.xml @@ -191,21 +191,21 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/TextEdit.xml b/doc/classes/TextEdit.xml index dd6a73799836..d5afe28eb862 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TextEdit.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TextEdit.xml @@ -393,28 +393,28 @@ - + Match case when searching. - + Match whole words when searching. - + Search from end to beginning. - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Texture.xml b/doc/classes/Texture.xml index c12c266b12dc..855a8f12deeb 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Texture.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Texture.xml @@ -116,25 +116,25 @@ - + Generate mipmaps, to enable smooth zooming out of the texture. - + Repeat (instead of clamp to edge). - + Turn on magnifying filter, to enable smooth zooming in of the texture. - + Default flags. Generate mipmaps, repeat, and filter are enabled. - + - + - + - + Texture is a video surface. diff --git a/doc/classes/TextureButton.xml b/doc/classes/TextureButton.xml index 2ce9b37825dc..9074966f4f3e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TextureButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TextureButton.xml @@ -40,25 +40,25 @@ - + Scale to fit the node's bounding rectangle. - + Tile inside the node's bounding rectangle. - + The texture keeps its original size and stays in the bounding rectangle's top-left corner. - + The texture keeps its original size and stays centered in the node's bounding rectangle. - + Scale the texture to fit the node's bounding rectangle, but maintain the texture's aspect ratio. - + Scale the texture to fit the node's bounding rectangle, center it, and maintain its aspect ratio. - + Scale the texture so that the shorter side fits the bounding rectangle. The other side clips to the node's limits. diff --git a/doc/classes/TextureProgress.xml b/doc/classes/TextureProgress.xml index dcaac83c3019..c3046d7877be 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TextureProgress.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TextureProgress.xml @@ -53,22 +53,22 @@ - + The [member texture_progress] fills from left to right. - + The [member texture_progress] fills from right to left. - + The [member texture_progress] fills from top to bototm. - + The [member texture_progress] fills from bottom to top. - + Turns the node into a radial bar. The [member texture_progress] fills clockwise. See [member radial_center_offset], [member radial_initial_angle] and [member radial_fill_degrees] to refine its behavior. - + Turns the node into a radial bar. The [member texture_progress] fills counter-clockwise. See [member radial_center_offset], [member radial_initial_angle] and [member radial_fill_degrees] to refine its behavior. diff --git a/doc/classes/TextureRect.xml b/doc/classes/TextureRect.xml index bb169de529dd..c1a5902448f6 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TextureRect.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TextureRect.xml @@ -24,28 +24,28 @@ - + Scale to fit the node's bounding rectangle, only if [code]expand[/code] is [code]true[/code]. Default [code]stretch_mode[/code], for backwards compatibility. Until you set [code]expand[/code] to [code]true[/code], the texture will behave like [code]STRETCH_KEEP[/code]. - + Scale to fit the node's bounding rectangle. - + Tile inside the node's bounding rectangle. - + The texture keeps its original size and stays in the bounding rectangle's top-left corner. - + The texture keeps its original size and stays centered in the node's bounding rectangle. - + Scale the texture to fit the node's bounding rectangle, but maintain the texture's aspect ratio. - + Scale the texture to fit the node's bounding rectangle, center it and maintain its aspect ratio. - + Scale the texture so that the shorter side fits the bounding rectangle. The other side clips to the node's limits. diff --git a/doc/classes/Thread.xml b/doc/classes/Thread.xml index 01b3ba180e34..c9b1d872bce8 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Thread.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Thread.xml @@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/TileMap.xml b/doc/classes/TileMap.xml index 647f031baa8c..e58ab3dd2554 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TileMap.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TileMap.xml @@ -278,34 +278,34 @@ - + Returned when a cell doesn't exist. - + Orthogonal orientation mode. - + Isometric orientation mode. - + Custom orientation mode. - + Half offset on the X coordinate. - + Half offset on the Y coordinate. - + Half offset disabled. - + Tile origin at its top-left corner. - + Tile origin at its center. - + diff --git a/doc/classes/TileSet.xml b/doc/classes/TileSet.xml index 885e6e606a81..6a147a9646b9 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TileSet.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TileSet.xml @@ -412,25 +412,25 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Timer.xml b/doc/classes/Timer.xml index 2a69709da8eb..7ea83b0b22bd 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Timer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Timer.xml @@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ - + Update the Timer during the physics step at each frame (fixed framerate processing). - + Update the Timer during the idle time at each frame. diff --git a/doc/classes/TouchScreenButton.xml b/doc/classes/TouchScreenButton.xml index 76d9af232352..776765f84d6f 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TouchScreenButton.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TouchScreenButton.xml @@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ - + Always visible. - + Visible on touch screens only. diff --git a/doc/classes/Tree.xml b/doc/classes/Tree.xml index 6cbff6b79a1f..3d1144e81e15 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Tree.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Tree.xml @@ -407,19 +407,19 @@ - + Allow selection of a single item at a time. - + - + Allow selection of multiple items at the same time. - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/TreeItem.xml b/doc/classes/TreeItem.xml index fd7dae644cac..421185fe5116 100644 --- a/doc/classes/TreeItem.xml +++ b/doc/classes/TreeItem.xml @@ -586,30 +586,30 @@ - + Cell contains a string. - + Cell can be checked. - + Cell contains a range. - + Cell contains a range expression. - + Cell contains an icon. - + - + Align text to the left. See [code]set_text_align()[/code]. - + Center text. See [code]set_text_align()[/code]. - + Align text to the right. See [code]set_text_align()[/code]. diff --git a/doc/classes/Tween.xml b/doc/classes/Tween.xml index 70bac84b3731..a11580860ac0 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Tween.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Tween.xml @@ -406,55 +406,55 @@ - + The [code]Tween[/code] should use [code]_physics_process[/code] for timekeeping when this is enabled. - + The [code]Tween[/code] should use [code]_process[/code] for timekeeping when this is enabled (default). - + Means that the animation is interpolated linearly. - + Means that the animation is interpolated using a sine wave. - + Means that the animation is interpolated with a quinary (to the power of 5) function. - + Means that the animation is interpolated with a quartic (to the power of 4) function. - + Means that the animation is interpolated with a quadratic (to the power of 2) function. - + Means that the animation is interpolated with an exponential (some number to the power of x) function. - + Means that the animation is interpolated with elasticity, wiggling around the edges. - + Means that the animation is interpolated with a cubic (to the power of 3) function. - + Means that the animation is interpolated with a function using square roots. - + Means that the animation is interpolated by bouncing at, but never surpassing, the end. - + Means that the animation is interpolated backing out at edges. - + Signifies that the interpolation should be focused in the beginning. - + Signifies that the interpolation should be focused in the end. - + Signifies that the interpolation should be focused in both ends. - + Signifies that the interpolation should be focused in both ends, but they should be switched (a bit hard to explain, try it for yourself to be sure). diff --git a/doc/classes/UndoRedo.xml b/doc/classes/UndoRedo.xml index 34f3ef7f78f3..f0d69b9b7f83 100644 --- a/doc/classes/UndoRedo.xml +++ b/doc/classes/UndoRedo.xml @@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/Vector3.xml b/doc/classes/Vector3.xml index 91f84a850536..acb41297a72c 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Vector3.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Vector3.xml @@ -241,13 +241,13 @@ - + Enumerated value for the X axis. Returned by functions like max_axis or min_axis. - + Enumerated value for the Y axis. - + Enumerated value for the Z axis. diff --git a/doc/classes/Viewport.xml b/doc/classes/Viewport.xml index b09a8ad69e4c..ad3903d549de 100644 --- a/doc/classes/Viewport.xml +++ b/doc/classes/Viewport.xml @@ -281,78 +281,78 @@ - + Do not update the render target. - + Update the render target once, then switch to [code]UPDATE_DISABLED[/code] - + Update the render target only when it is visible. This is the default value. - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler.xml b/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler.xml index 8796fad90526..67137e1408af 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler.xml @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ - + This enabler will pause [AnimationPlayer] nodes. - + This enabler will freeze [RigidBody] nodes. - + diff --git a/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler2D.xml b/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler2D.xml index 09ba725aed53..45e15eb4b3e3 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler2D.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VisibilityEnabler2D.xml @@ -27,24 +27,24 @@ - + This enabler will pause [AnimationPlayer] nodes. - + This enabler will freeze [RigidBody2D] nodes. - + This enabler will stop [Particles2D] nodes. - + This enabler will stop the parent's _process function. - + This enabler will stop the parent's _physics_process function. - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/VisualServer.xml b/doc/classes/VisualServer.xml index 4c38a494b60c..c84aad26a1bf 100644 --- a/doc/classes/VisualServer.xml +++ b/doc/classes/VisualServer.xml @@ -1798,315 +1798,315 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/doc/classes/XMLParser.xml b/doc/classes/XMLParser.xml index 99722dcff93f..2665e594e09e 100644 --- a/doc/classes/XMLParser.xml +++ b/doc/classes/XMLParser.xml @@ -148,25 +148,25 @@ - + There's no node (no file or buffer opened) - + Element (tag) - + End of element - + Text node - + Comment node - + CDATA content - + Unknown node diff --git a/modules/enet/doc_classes/NetworkedMultiplayerENet.xml b/modules/enet/doc_classes/NetworkedMultiplayerENet.xml index 689a92a09609..25d17542ea45 100644 --- a/modules/enet/doc_classes/NetworkedMultiplayerENet.xml +++ b/modules/enet/doc_classes/NetworkedMultiplayerENet.xml @@ -71,15 +71,15 @@ - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/modules/gridmap/doc_classes/GridMap.xml b/modules/gridmap/doc_classes/GridMap.xml index acca44f14304..8c862b52e80f 100644 --- a/modules/gridmap/doc_classes/GridMap.xml +++ b/modules/gridmap/doc_classes/GridMap.xml @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ - + Invalid cell item that can be used in [method set_cell_item] to clear cells (or represent an empty cell in [method get_cell_item]). diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptBuiltinFunc.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptBuiltinFunc.xml index 1a9dfc333337..9f7d38e95723 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptBuiltinFunc.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptBuiltinFunc.xml @@ -19,192 +19,192 @@ - + Return the sine of the input. - + Return the cosine of the input. - + Return the tangent of the input. - + Return the hyperbolic sine of the input. - + Return the hyperbolic cosine of the input. - + Return the hyperbolic tangent of the input. - + Return the arc sine of the input. - + Return the arc cosine of the input. - + Return the arc tangent of the input. - + Return the arc tangent of the input, using the signs of both parameters to determine the exact angle. - + Return the square root of the input. - + Return the remainder of one input divided by the other, using floating-point numbers. - + Return the positive remainder of one input divided by the other, using floating-point numbers. - + Return the input rounded down. - + Return the input rounded up. - + Return the input rounded to the nearest integer. - + Return the absolute value of the input. - + Return the sign of the input, turning it into 1, -1, or 0. Useful to determine if the input is positive or negative. - + Return the input raised to a given power. - + Return the natural logarithm of the input. Note that this is not the typical base-10 logarithm function calculators use. - + Return [b]e[/b] raised to the power of the input. [b]e[/b] sometimes called "Euler's number" is a mathematical constant whose value is approximately 2.71828. - + Return whether the input is NaN (Not a Number) or not. NaN is usually produced by dividing 0 by 0, though other ways exist. - + Return whether the input is an infinite floating-point number or not. Infinity is usually produced by dividing a number by 0, though other ways exist. - + Easing function, based on exponent. 0 is constant, 1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-out/out in. - + Return the number of digit places after the decimal that the first non-zero digit occurs. - + Return the input snapped to a given step. - + Return a number linearly interpolated between the first two inputs, based on the third input. Uses the formula [code]a + (a - b) * t[/code]. - + - + - + Return the result of 'value' decreased by 'step' * 'amount'. - + Randomize the seed (or the internal state) of the random number generator. Current implementation reseeds using a number based on time. - + Return a random 32 bits integer value. To obtain a random value between 0 to N (where N is smaller than 2^32 - 1), you can use it with the remainder function. - + Return a random floating-point value between 0 and 1. To obtain a random value between 0 to N, you can use it with multiplication. - + Return a random floating-point value between the two inputs. - + Set the seed for the random number generator. - + Return a random value from the given seed, along with the new seed. - + Convert the input from degrees to radians. - + Convert the input from radians to degrees. - + Convert the input from linear volume to decibel volume. - + Convert the input from decibel volume to linear volume. - + Converts a 2D point expressed in the polar coordinate system (a distance from the origin [code]r[/code] and an angle [code]th[/code]) to the cartesian coordinate system (x and y axis). - + Converts a 2D point expressed in the cartesian coordinate system (x and y axis) to the polar coordinate system (a distance from the origin and an angle). - + - + - + Return the greater of the two numbers, also known as their maximum. - + Return the lesser of the two numbers, also known as their minimum. - + Return the input clamped inside the given range, ensuring the result is never outside it. Equivalent to `min(max(input, range_low), range_high)` - + Return the nearest power of 2 to the input. - + Create a [WeakRef] from the input. - + Create a [FuncRef] from the input. - + Convert between types. - + Return the type of the input as an integer. Check [enum Variant.Type] for the integers that might be returned. - + Checks if a type is registered in the [ClassDB]. - + Return a character with the given ascii value. - + Convert the input to a string. - + Print the given string to the output window. - + Print the given string to the standard error output. - + Print the given string to the standard output, without adding a newline. - + Serialize a [Variant] to a string. - + Deserialize a [Variant] from a string serialized using [VAR_TO_STR]. - + Serialize a [Variant] to a [PoolByteArray]. - + Deserialize a [Variant] from a [PoolByteArray] serialized using [VAR_TO_BYTES]. - + Return the [Color] with the given name and alpha ranging from 0 to 1. Note: names are defined in color_names.inc. - + The maximum value the [member function] property can have. diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptCustomNode.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptCustomNode.xml index 100f76bbb78b..c321c616afea 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptCustomNode.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptCustomNode.xml @@ -136,28 +136,28 @@ - + The start mode used the first time when [method _step] is called. - + The start mode used when [method _step] is called after coming back from a STEP_PUSH_STACK_BIT. - + The start mode used when [method _step] is called after resuming from STEP_YIELD_BIT. - + Hint used by [method _step] to tell that control should return to it when there is no other node left to execute. This is used by [VisualScriptCondition] to redirect the sequence to the "Done" port after the true/false branch has finished execution. - + Hint used by [method _step] to tell that control should return back, either hitting a previous STEP_PUSH_STACK_BIT or exiting the function. - + - + Hint used by [method _step] to tell that control should stop and exit the function. - + Hint used by [method _step] to tell that the function should be yielded. Using this requires you to have at least one working memory slot, which is used for the [VisualScriptFunctionState]. diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptFunctionCall.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptFunctionCall.xml index 4f1ddc78c0ed..cc2360fc2e2e 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptFunctionCall.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptFunctionCall.xml @@ -35,25 +35,25 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptInputAction.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptInputAction.xml index 08297ed2ee8f..afe72ba564fc 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptInputAction.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptInputAction.xml @@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ - + - + - + - + diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptMathConstant.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptMathConstant.xml index 8ebea37ff9a9..2cb053ee5fe7 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptMathConstant.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptMathConstant.xml @@ -22,31 +22,31 @@ - + Unity: [code]1[/code] - + Pi: [code]3.141593[/code] - + Pi divided by two: [code]1.570796[/code] - + Tau: [code]6.283185[/code] - + Natural log: [code]2.718282[/code] - + Square root of two: [code]1.414214[/code] - + Infinity: [code]inf[/code] - + Not a number: [code]nan[/code] - + diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptPropertyGet.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptPropertyGet.xml index b2a51b80b1d5..f68f0edeeae2 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptPropertyGet.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptPropertyGet.xml @@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ - + - + - + diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptPropertySet.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptPropertySet.xml index ac91b23dd289..d4305af57f19 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptPropertySet.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptPropertySet.xml @@ -31,35 +31,35 @@ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptYield.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptYield.xml index 26d865f065e1..b42fc027cfa3 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptYield.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptYield.xml @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ - + - + - + diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptYieldSignal.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptYieldSignal.xml index 46cdf9dbc1bf..f69043a68590 100644 --- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptYieldSignal.xml +++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScriptYieldSignal.xml @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ - + - + - +