#!/bin/bash mkdir -p vscode cd vscode || { echo "'vscode' dir not found"; exit 1; } git init -q git remote add origin https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode.git # figure out latest tag by calling MS update API if [ "${INSIDER}" == "1" ]; then UPDATE_INFO=$(curl https://update.code.visualstudio.com/api/update/darwin/insider/lol) export MS_COMMIT=$(echo "${UPDATE_INFO}" | jq -r '.version') export MS_TAG=$(echo "${UPDATE_INFO}" | jq -r '.name') elif [[ -z "${MS_TAG}" ]]; then UPDATE_INFO=$(curl https://update.code.visualstudio.com/api/update/darwin/stable/lol) export MS_COMMIT=$(echo "${UPDATE_INFO}" | jq -r '.version') export MS_TAG=$(echo "${UPDATE_INFO}" | jq -r '.name') else reference=$( git ls-remote --tags | grep -x ".*refs\/tags\/${MS_TAG}" | head -1 ) if [[ -z "${reference}" ]]; then echo "The following tag can't be found: ${MS_TAG}" exit 1 elif [[ "${reference}" =~ ^([[:alnum:]]+)[[:space:]]+refs\/tags\/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)$ ]]; then export MS_COMMIT="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" export MS_TAG="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" else echo "The following reference can't be parsed: ${reference}" exit 1 fi fi echo "Got the MS tag: ${MS_TAG} version: ${MS_COMMIT}" git fetch --depth 1 origin "${MS_COMMIT}" git checkout FETCH_HEAD cd .. # for GH actions if [[ ${GITHUB_ENV} ]]; then echo "MS_TAG=${MS_TAG}" >> "${GITHUB_ENV}" echo "MS_COMMIT=${MS_COMMIT}" >> "${GITHUB_ENV}" fi