#!/bin/bash if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then REPOSITORY=$GITHUB_REPOSITORY else REPOSITORY=${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG:-"VSCodium/vscodium"} fi GITHUB_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" https://api.github.com/repos/$REPOSITORY/releases/tags/$LATEST_MS_TAG) echo "Github response: ${GITHUB_RESPONSE}" VSCODIUM_ASSETS=$(echo $GITHUB_RESPONSE | jq '.assets') echo "VSCodium assets: ${VSCODIUM_ASSETS}" # if we just don't have the github token, get out fast if [ "$GITHUB_TOKEN" != "" ]; then if [ "$VSCODIUM_ASSETS" != "null" ]; then if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then HAVE_MAC=$(echo $VSCODIUM_ASSETS | jq --arg suffix "darwin-$LATEST_MS_TAG.zip" 'map(.name) | contains([$suffix])') if [[ "$HAVE_MAC" != "true" ]]; then echo "Building on Mac because we have no ZIP" export SHOULD_BUILD="yes" fi elif [[ $BUILDARCH == "arm64" ]]; then # HAVE_ARM64_RPM=$(echo $VSCODIUM_ASSETS | jq 'map(.name) | contains(["arm64.rpm"])') HAVE_ARM64_DEB=$(echo $VSCODIUM_ASSETS | jq 'map(.name) | contains(["arm64.deb"])') HAVE_ARM64_TAR=$(echo $VSCODIUM_ASSETS | jq --arg suffix "arm64-$LATEST_MS_TAG.tar.gz" 'map(.name) | contains([$suffix])') # if [[ "$HAVE_ARM64_RPM" != "true" ]]; then # echo "Building on Linux arm64 because we have no RPM" # export SHOULD_BUILD="yes" # fi if [[ "$HAVE_ARM64_DEB" != "true" ]]; then echo "Building on Linux arm64 because we have no DEB" export SHOULD_BUILD="yes" fi if [[ "$HAVE_ARM64_TAR" != "true" ]]; then echo "Building on Linux arm64 because we have no TAR" export SHOULD_BUILD="yes" fi if [[ "$SHOULD_BUILD" != "yes" ]]; then echo "Already have all the Linux arm64 builds" fi elif [[ $BUILDARCH == "arm" ]]; then HAVE_ARM_DEB=$(echo $VSCODIUM_ASSETS | jq 'map(.name) | contains(["armhf.deb"])') HAVE_ARM_TAR=$(echo $VSCODIUM_ASSETS | jq --arg suffix "arm-$LATEST_MS_TAG.tar.gz" 'map(.name) | contains([$suffix])') if [[ "$HAVE_ARM_DEB" != "true" ]]; then echo "Building on Linux arm because we have no DEB" export SHOULD_BUILD="yes" fi if [[ "$HAVE_ARM_TAR" != "true" ]]; then echo "Building on Linux arm because we have no TAR" export SHOULD_BUILD="yes" fi if [[ "$SHOULD_BUILD" != "yes" ]]; then echo "Already have all the Linux arm builds" fi else HAVE_64_RPM=$(echo $VSCODIUM_ASSETS | jq 'map(.name) | contains(["x86_64.rpm"])') HAVE_64_DEB=$(echo $VSCODIUM_ASSETS | jq 'map(.name) | contains(["amd64.deb"])') HAVE_64_TAR=$(echo $VSCODIUM_ASSETS | jq --arg suffix "x64-$LATEST_MS_TAG.tar.gz" 'map(.name) | contains([$suffix])') if [[ "$HAVE_64_RPM" != "true" ]]; then echo "Building on Linux x64 because we have no RPM" export SHOULD_BUILD="yes" fi if [[ "$HAVE_64_DEB" != "true" ]]; then echo "Building on Linux x64 because we have no DEB" export SHOULD_BUILD="yes" fi if [[ "$HAVE_64_TAR" != "true" ]]; then echo "Building on Linux x64 because we have no TAR" export SHOULD_BUILD="yes" fi if [[ "$SHOULD_BUILD" != "yes" ]]; then echo "Already have all the Linux x64 builds" fi fi else echo "Release assets do not exist at all, continuing build" export SHOULD_BUILD="yes" fi if git rev-parse $LATEST_MS_TAG >/dev/null 2>&1 then export TRAVIS_TAG=$LATEST_MS_TAG else git config --local user.name "Travis CI" git config --local user.email "builds@travis-ci.com" git tag $LATEST_MS_TAG fi fi