#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC1091 set -e if [[ "${SHOULD_BUILD}" != "yes" && "${FORCE_UPDATE}" != "true" ]]; then echo "Will not update version JSON because we did not build" exit 0 fi if [[ -z "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" ]]; then echo "Will not update version JSON because no GITHUB_TOKEN defined" exit 0 fi if [[ "${FORCE_UPDATE}" == "true" ]]; then . version.sh fi if [[ -z "${BUILD_SOURCEVERSION}" ]]; then echo "Will not update version JSON because no BUILD_SOURCEVERSION defined" exit 0 fi if [[ "${VSCODE_ARCH}" == "ppc64le" ]] || [[ "${VSCODE_ARCH}" == "riscv64" ]] ; then echo "Skip ppc64le since only reh is published" exit 0 fi # { # "url": "https://az764295.vo.msecnd.net/stable/51b0b28134d51361cf996d2f0a1c698247aeabd8/VSCode-darwin-stable.zip", # "name": "1.33.1", # "version": "51b0b28134d51361cf996d2f0a1c698247aeabd8", # "productVersion": "1.33.1", # "hash": "cb4109f196d23b9d1e8646ce43145c5bb62f55a8", # "timestamp": 1554971059007, # "sha256hash": "ac2a1c8772501732cd5ff539a04bb4dc566b58b8528609d2b34bbf970d08cf01" # } # `url` is URL_BASE + filename of asset e.g. # darwin: https://github.com/${ASSETS_REPOSITORY}/releases/download/${RELEASE_VERSION}/${APP_NAME}-darwin-${RELEASE_VERSION}.zip # `name` is $RELEASE_VERSION # `version` is $BUILD_SOURCEVERSION # `productVersion` is $RELEASE_VERSION # `hash` in .sha1 # `timestamp` is $(node -e 'console.log(Date.now())') # `sha256hash` in .sha256 REPOSITORY_NAME="${VERSIONS_REPOSITORY/*\//}" URL_BASE="https://github.com/${ASSETS_REPOSITORY}/releases/download/${RELEASE_VERSION}" generateJson() { local url name version productVersion sha1hash sha256hash timestamp JSON_DATA="{}" # generate parts url="${URL_BASE}/${ASSET_NAME}" name="${RELEASE_VERSION}" version="${BUILD_SOURCEVERSION}" productVersion="${RELEASE_VERSION}" timestamp=$( node -e 'console.log(Date.now())' ) if [[ ! -f "assets/${ASSET_NAME}" ]]; then echo "Downloading asset '${ASSET_NAME}'" gh release download --repo "${ASSETS_REPOSITORY}" "${RELEASE_VERSION}" --dir "assets" --pattern "${ASSET_NAME}*" fi sha1hash=$( awk '{ print $1 }' "assets/${ASSET_NAME}.sha1" ) sha256hash=$( awk '{ print $1 }' "assets/${ASSET_NAME}.sha256" ) # check that nothing is blank (blank indicates something awry with build) for key in url name version productVersion sha1hash timestamp sha256hash; do if [[ -z "${key}" ]]; then echo "Variable '${key}' is empty; exiting..." exit 1 fi done # generate json JSON_DATA=$( jq \ --arg url "${url}" \ --arg name "${name}" \ --arg version "${version}" \ --arg productVersion "${productVersion}" \ --arg hash "${sha1hash}" \ --arg timestamp "${timestamp}" \ --arg sha256hash "${sha256hash}" \ '. | .url=$url | .name=$name | .version=$version | .productVersion=$productVersion | .hash=$hash | .timestamp=$timestamp | .sha256hash=$sha256hash' \ <<<'{}' ) } updateLatestVersion() { echo "Updating ${VERSION_PATH}/latest.json" # do not update the same version if [[ -f "${REPOSITORY_NAME}/${VERSION_PATH}/latest.json" ]]; then CURRENT_VERSION=$( jq -r '.name' "${REPOSITORY_NAME}/${VERSION_PATH}/latest.json" ) echo "CURRENT_VERSION: ${CURRENT_VERSION}" if [[ "${CURRENT_VERSION}" == "${RELEASE_VERSION}" && "${FORCE_UPDATE}" != "true" ]]; then return 0 fi fi echo "Generating ${VERSION_PATH}/latest.json" mkdir -p "${REPOSITORY_NAME}/${VERSION_PATH}" generateJson echo "${JSON_DATA}" > "${REPOSITORY_NAME}/${VERSION_PATH}/latest.json" echo "${JSON_DATA}" } # init versions repo for later commiting + pushing the json file to it # thank you https://www.vinaygopinath.me/blog/tech/commit-to-master-branch-on-github-using-travis-ci/ git clone "https://github.com/${VERSIONS_REPOSITORY}.git" cd "${REPOSITORY_NAME}" || { echo "'${REPOSITORY_NAME}' dir not found"; exit 1; } git config user.email "$( echo "${GITHUB_USERNAME}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}' )-ci@not-real.com" git config user.name "${GITHUB_USERNAME} CI" git remote rm origin git remote add origin "https://${GITHUB_USERNAME}:${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/${VERSIONS_REPOSITORY}.git" &> /dev/null cd .. if [[ "${OS_NAME}" == "osx" ]]; then ASSET_NAME="${APP_NAME}-darwin-${VSCODE_ARCH}-${RELEASE_VERSION}.zip" VERSION_PATH="${VSCODE_QUALITY}/darwin/${VSCODE_ARCH}" updateLatestVersion elif [[ "${OS_NAME}" == "windows" ]]; then # system installer ASSET_NAME="${APP_NAME}Setup-${VSCODE_ARCH}-${RELEASE_VERSION}.exe" VERSION_PATH="${VSCODE_QUALITY}/win32/${VSCODE_ARCH}/system" updateLatestVersion # user installer ASSET_NAME="${APP_NAME}UserSetup-${VSCODE_ARCH}-${RELEASE_VERSION}.exe" VERSION_PATH="${VSCODE_QUALITY}/win32/${VSCODE_ARCH}/user" updateLatestVersion # windows archive ASSET_NAME="${APP_NAME}-win32-${VSCODE_ARCH}-${RELEASE_VERSION}.zip" VERSION_PATH="${VSCODE_QUALITY}/win32/${VSCODE_ARCH}/archive" updateLatestVersion if [[ "${VSCODE_ARCH}" == "ia32" || "${VSCODE_ARCH}" == "x64" ]]; then # msi ASSET_NAME="${APP_NAME}-${VSCODE_ARCH}-${RELEASE_VERSION}.msi" VERSION_PATH="${VSCODE_QUALITY}/win32/${VSCODE_ARCH}/msi" updateLatestVersion # updates-disabled msi ASSET_NAME="${APP_NAME}-${VSCODE_ARCH}-updates-disabled-${RELEASE_VERSION}.msi" VERSION_PATH="${VSCODE_QUALITY}/win32/${VSCODE_ARCH}/msi-updates-disabled" updateLatestVersion fi else # linux # update service links to tar.gz file # see https://update.code.visualstudio.com/api/update/linux-x64/stable/VERSION # as examples ASSET_NAME="${APP_NAME}-linux-${VSCODE_ARCH}-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.gz" VERSION_PATH="${VSCODE_QUALITY}/linux/${VSCODE_ARCH}" updateLatestVersion fi cd "${REPOSITORY_NAME}" || { echo "'${REPOSITORY_NAME}' dir not found"; exit 1; } git pull origin master # in case another build just pushed git add . CHANGES=$( git status --porcelain ) if [[ -n "${CHANGES}" ]]; then echo "Some changes have been found, pushing them" dateAndMonth=$( date "+%D %T" ) git commit -m "CI update: ${dateAndMonth} (Build ${GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER})" if ! git push origin master --quiet; then git pull origin master git push origin master --quiet fi else echo "No changes" fi cd ..