2020-03-10 14:54:57 +01:00

1212 lines
50 KiB

"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.prepareIslFiles = exports.prepareI18nPackFiles = exports.pullI18nPackFiles = exports.prepareI18nFiles = exports.pullSetupXlfFiles = exports.pullCoreAndExtensionsXlfFiles = exports.findObsoleteResources = exports.pushXlfFiles = exports.createXlfFilesForIsl = exports.createXlfFilesForExtensions = exports.createXlfFilesForCoreBundle = exports.getResource = exports.processNlsFiles = exports.Limiter = exports.XLF = exports.Line = exports.externalExtensionsWithTranslations = exports.extraLanguages = exports.defaultLanguages = void 0;
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const event_stream_1 = require("event-stream");
const File = require("vinyl");
const Is = require("is");
const xml2js = require("xml2js");
const glob = require("glob");
const https = require("https");
const gulp = require("gulp");
const fancyLog = require("fancy-log");
const ansiColors = require("ansi-colors");
const iconv = require("iconv-lite");
function log(message, ...rest) {
fancyLog(ansiColors.green('[i18n]'), message, ...rest);
exports.defaultLanguages = [
{ id: 'zh-tw', folderName: 'cht', translationId: 'zh-hant' },
{ id: 'zh-cn', folderName: 'chs', translationId: 'zh-hans' },
{ id: 'ja', folderName: 'jpn' },
{ id: 'ko', folderName: 'kor' },
{ id: 'de', folderName: 'deu' },
{ id: 'fr', folderName: 'fra' },
{ id: 'es', folderName: 'esn' },
{ id: 'ru', folderName: 'rus' },
{ id: 'it', folderName: 'ita' }
// languages requested by the community to non-stable builds
exports.extraLanguages = [
{ id: 'pt-br', folderName: 'ptb' },
{ id: 'hu', folderName: 'hun' },
{ id: 'tr', folderName: 'trk' }
// non built-in extensions also that are transifex and need to be part of the language packs
exports.externalExtensionsWithTranslations = {
'vscode-chrome-debug': 'msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome',
'vscode-node-debug': 'ms-vscode.node-debug',
'vscode-node-debug2': 'ms-vscode.node-debug2'
var LocalizeInfo;
(function (LocalizeInfo) {
function is(value) {
let candidate = value;
return Is.defined(candidate) && Is.string(candidate.key) && (Is.undef(candidate.comment) || (Is.array(candidate.comment) && candidate.comment.every(element => Is.string(element))));
LocalizeInfo.is = is;
})(LocalizeInfo || (LocalizeInfo = {}));
var BundledFormat;
(function (BundledFormat) {
function is(value) {
if (Is.undef(value)) {
return false;
let candidate = value;
let length = Object.keys(value).length;
return length === 3 && Is.defined(candidate.keys) && Is.defined(candidate.messages) && Is.defined(candidate.bundles);
BundledFormat.is = is;
})(BundledFormat || (BundledFormat = {}));
var PackageJsonFormat;
(function (PackageJsonFormat) {
function is(value) {
if (Is.undef(value) || !Is.object(value)) {
return false;
return Object.keys(value).every(key => {
let element = value[key];
return Is.string(element) || (Is.object(element) && Is.defined(element.message) && Is.defined(element.comment));
PackageJsonFormat.is = is;
})(PackageJsonFormat || (PackageJsonFormat = {}));
class Line {
constructor(indent = 0) {
this.buffer = [];
if (indent > 0) {
this.buffer.push(new Array(indent + 1).join(' '));
append(value) {
return this;
toString() {
return this.buffer.join('');
exports.Line = Line;
class TextModel {
constructor(contents) {
this._lines = contents.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/);
get lines() {
return this._lines;
let XLF = /** @class */ (() => {
class XLF {
constructor(project) {
this.project = project;
this.buffer = [];
this.files = Object.create(null);
this.numberOfMessages = 0;
toString() {
for (let file in this.files) {
this.appendNewLine(`<file original="${file}" source-language="en" datatype="plaintext"><body>`, 2);
for (let item of this.files[file]) {
this.addStringItem(file, item);
this.appendNewLine('</body></file>', 2);
return this.buffer.join('\r\n');
addFile(original, keys, messages) {
if (keys.length === 0) {
console.log('No keys in ' + original);
if (keys.length !== messages.length) {
throw new Error(`Unmatching keys(${keys.length}) and messages(${messages.length}).`);
this.numberOfMessages += keys.length;
this.files[original] = [];
let existingKeys = new Set();
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
let realKey;
let comment;
if (Is.string(key)) {
realKey = key;
comment = undefined;
else if (LocalizeInfo.is(key)) {
realKey = key.key;
if (key.comment && key.comment.length > 0) {
comment = key.comment.map(comment => encodeEntities(comment)).join('\r\n');
if (!realKey || existingKeys.has(realKey)) {
let message = encodeEntities(messages[i]);
this.files[original].push({ id: realKey, message: message, comment: comment });
addStringItem(file, item) {
if (!item.id || item.message === undefined || item.message === null) {
throw new Error(`No item ID or value specified: ${JSON.stringify(item)}. File: ${file}`);
if (item.message.length === 0) {
log(`Item with id ${item.id} in file ${file} has an empty message.`);
this.appendNewLine(`<trans-unit id="${item.id}">`, 4);
this.appendNewLine(`<source xml:lang="en">${item.message}</source>`, 6);
if (item.comment) {
this.appendNewLine(`<note>${item.comment}</note>`, 6);
this.appendNewLine('</trans-unit>', 4);
appendHeader() {
this.appendNewLine('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>', 0);
this.appendNewLine('<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">', 0);
appendFooter() {
this.appendNewLine('</xliff>', 0);
appendNewLine(content, indent) {
let line = new Line(indent);
XLF.parsePseudo = function (xlfString) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let parser = new xml2js.Parser();
let files = [];
parser.parseString(xlfString, function (_err, result) {
const fileNodes = result['xliff']['file'];
fileNodes.forEach(file => {
const originalFilePath = file.$.original;
const messages = {};
const transUnits = file.body[0]['trans-unit'];
if (transUnits) {
transUnits.forEach((unit) => {
const key = unit.$.id;
const val = pseudify(unit.source[0]['_'].toString());
if (key && val) {
messages[key] = decodeEntities(val);
files.push({ messages: messages, originalFilePath: originalFilePath, language: 'ps' });
XLF.parse = function (xlfString) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let parser = new xml2js.Parser();
let files = [];
parser.parseString(xlfString, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
reject(new Error(`XLF parsing error: Failed to parse XLIFF string. ${err}`));
const fileNodes = result['xliff']['file'];
if (!fileNodes) {
reject(new Error(`XLF parsing error: XLIFF file does not contain "xliff" or "file" node(s) required for parsing.`));
fileNodes.forEach((file) => {
const originalFilePath = file.$.original;
if (!originalFilePath) {
reject(new Error(`XLF parsing error: XLIFF file node does not contain original attribute to determine the original location of the resource file.`));
let language = file.$['target-language'];
if (!language) {
reject(new Error(`XLF parsing error: XLIFF file node does not contain target-language attribute to determine translated language.`));
const messages = {};
const transUnits = file.body[0]['trans-unit'];
if (transUnits) {
transUnits.forEach((unit) => {
const key = unit.$.id;
if (!unit.target) {
return; // No translation available
let val = unit.target[0];
if (typeof val !== 'string') {
val = val._;
if (key && val) {
messages[key] = decodeEntities(val);
else {
reject(new Error(`XLF parsing error: XLIFF file ${originalFilePath} does not contain full localization data. ID or target translation for one of the trans-unit nodes is not present.`));
files.push({ messages: messages, originalFilePath: originalFilePath, language: language.toLowerCase() });
return XLF;
exports.XLF = XLF;
class Limiter {
constructor(maxDegreeOfParalellism) {
this.maxDegreeOfParalellism = maxDegreeOfParalellism;
this.outstandingPromises = [];
this.runningPromises = 0;
queue(factory) {
return new Promise((c, e) => {
this.outstandingPromises.push({ factory, c, e });
consume() {
while (this.outstandingPromises.length && this.runningPromises < this.maxDegreeOfParalellism) {
const iLimitedTask = this.outstandingPromises.shift();
const promise = iLimitedTask.factory();
promise.then(() => this.consumed()).catch(() => this.consumed());
consumed() {
exports.Limiter = Limiter;
function sortLanguages(languages) {
return languages.sort((a, b) => {
return a.id < b.id ? -1 : (a.id > b.id ? 1 : 0);
function stripComments(content) {
* First capturing group matches double quoted string
* Second matches single quotes string
* Third matches block comments
* Fourth matches line comments
const regexp = /("(?:[^\\\"]*(?:\\.)?)*")|('(?:[^\\\']*(?:\\.)?)*')|(\/\*(?:\r?\n|.)*?\*\/)|(\/{2,}.*?(?:(?:\r?\n)|$))/g;
let result = content.replace(regexp, (match, _m1, _m2, m3, m4) => {
// Only one of m1, m2, m3, m4 matches
if (m3) {
// A block comment. Replace with nothing
return '';
else if (m4) {
// A line comment. If it ends in \r?\n then keep it.
let length = m4.length;
if (length > 2 && m4[length - 1] === '\n') {
return m4[length - 2] === '\r' ? '\r\n' : '\n';
else {
return '';
else {
// We match a string
return match;
return result;
function escapeCharacters(value) {
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
const ch = value.charAt(i);
switch (ch) {
case '\'':
case '"':
case '\\':
case '\n':
case '\r':
case '\t':
case '\b':
case '\f':
return result.join('');
function processCoreBundleFormat(fileHeader, languages, json, emitter) {
let keysSection = json.keys;
let messageSection = json.messages;
let bundleSection = json.bundles;
let statistics = Object.create(null);
let defaultMessages = Object.create(null);
let modules = Object.keys(keysSection);
modules.forEach((module) => {
let keys = keysSection[module];
let messages = messageSection[module];
if (!messages || keys.length !== messages.length) {
emitter.emit('error', `Message for module ${module} corrupted. Mismatch in number of keys and messages.`);
let messageMap = Object.create(null);
defaultMessages[module] = messageMap;
keys.map((key, i) => {
if (typeof key === 'string') {
messageMap[key] = messages[i];
else {
messageMap[key.key] = messages[i];
let languageDirectory = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'vscode-loc', 'i18n');
if (!fs.existsSync(languageDirectory)) {
log(`No VS Code localization repository found. Looking at ${languageDirectory}`);
log(`To bundle translations please check out the vscode-loc repository as a sibling of the vscode repository.`);
let sortedLanguages = sortLanguages(languages);
sortedLanguages.forEach((language) => {
if (process.env['VSCODE_BUILD_VERBOSE']) {
log(`Generating nls bundles for: ${language.id}`);
statistics[language.id] = 0;
let localizedModules = Object.create(null);
let languageFolderName = language.translationId || language.id;
let i18nFile = path.join(languageDirectory, `vscode-language-pack-${languageFolderName}`, 'translations', 'main.i18n.json');
let allMessages;
if (fs.existsSync(i18nFile)) {
let content = stripComments(fs.readFileSync(i18nFile, 'utf8'));
allMessages = JSON.parse(content);
modules.forEach((module) => {
let order = keysSection[module];
let moduleMessage;
if (allMessages) {
moduleMessage = allMessages.contents[module];
if (!moduleMessage) {
if (process.env['VSCODE_BUILD_VERBOSE']) {
log(`No localized messages found for module ${module}. Using default messages.`);
moduleMessage = defaultMessages[module];
statistics[language.id] = statistics[language.id] + Object.keys(moduleMessage).length;
let localizedMessages = [];
order.forEach((keyInfo) => {
let key = null;
if (typeof keyInfo === 'string') {
key = keyInfo;
else {
key = keyInfo.key;
let message = moduleMessage[key];
if (!message) {
if (process.env['VSCODE_BUILD_VERBOSE']) {
log(`No localized message found for key ${key} in module ${module}. Using default message.`);
message = defaultMessages[module][key];
statistics[language.id] = statistics[language.id] + 1;
localizedModules[module] = localizedMessages;
Object.keys(bundleSection).forEach((bundle) => {
let modules = bundleSection[bundle];
let contents = [
`define("${bundle}.nls.${language.id}", {`
modules.forEach((module, index) => {
contents.push(`\t"${module}": [`);
let messages = localizedModules[module];
if (!messages) {
emitter.emit('error', `Didn't find messages for module ${module}.`);
messages.forEach((message, index) => {
contents.push(`\t\t"${escapeCharacters(message)}${index < messages.length ? '",' : '"'}`);
contents.push(index < modules.length - 1 ? '\t],' : '\t]');
emitter.queue(new File({ path: bundle + '.nls.' + language.id + '.js', contents: Buffer.from(contents.join('\n'), 'utf-8') }));
Object.keys(statistics).forEach(key => {
let value = statistics[key];
log(`${key} has ${value} untranslated strings.`);
sortedLanguages.forEach(language => {
let stats = statistics[language.id];
if (Is.undef(stats)) {
log(`\tNo translations found for language ${language.id}. Using default language instead.`);
function processNlsFiles(opts) {
return event_stream_1.through(function (file) {
let fileName = path.basename(file.path);
if (fileName === 'nls.metadata.json') {
let json = null;
if (file.isBuffer()) {
json = JSON.parse(file.contents.toString('utf8'));
else {
this.emit('error', `Failed to read component file: ${file.relative}`);
if (BundledFormat.is(json)) {
processCoreBundleFormat(opts.fileHeader, opts.languages, json, this);
exports.processNlsFiles = processNlsFiles;
const editorProject = 'vscode-editor', workbenchProject = 'vscode-workbench', extensionsProject = 'vscode-extensions', setupProject = 'vscode-setup';
function getResource(sourceFile) {
let resource;
if (/^vs\/platform/.test(sourceFile)) {
return { name: 'vs/platform', project: editorProject };
else if (/^vs\/editor\/contrib/.test(sourceFile)) {
return { name: 'vs/editor/contrib', project: editorProject };
else if (/^vs\/editor/.test(sourceFile)) {
return { name: 'vs/editor', project: editorProject };
else if (/^vs\/base/.test(sourceFile)) {
return { name: 'vs/base', project: editorProject };
else if (/^vs\/code/.test(sourceFile)) {
return { name: 'vs/code', project: workbenchProject };
else if (/^vs\/workbench\/contrib/.test(sourceFile)) {
resource = sourceFile.split('/', 4).join('/');
return { name: resource, project: workbenchProject };
else if (/^vs\/workbench\/services/.test(sourceFile)) {
resource = sourceFile.split('/', 4).join('/');
return { name: resource, project: workbenchProject };
else if (/^vs\/workbench/.test(sourceFile)) {
return { name: 'vs/workbench', project: workbenchProject };
throw new Error(`Could not identify the XLF bundle for ${sourceFile}`);
exports.getResource = getResource;
function createXlfFilesForCoreBundle() {
return event_stream_1.through(function (file) {
const basename = path.basename(file.path);
if (basename === 'nls.metadata.json') {
if (file.isBuffer()) {
const xlfs = Object.create(null);
const json = JSON.parse(file.contents.toString('utf8'));
for (let coreModule in json.keys) {
const projectResource = getResource(coreModule);
const resource = projectResource.name;
const project = projectResource.project;
const keys = json.keys[coreModule];
const messages = json.messages[coreModule];
if (keys.length !== messages.length) {
this.emit('error', `There is a mismatch between keys and messages in ${file.relative} for module ${coreModule}`);
else {
let xlf = xlfs[resource];
if (!xlf) {
xlf = new XLF(project);
xlfs[resource] = xlf;
xlf.addFile(`src/${coreModule}`, keys, messages);
for (let resource in xlfs) {
const xlf = xlfs[resource];
const filePath = `${xlf.project}/${resource.replace(/\//g, '_')}.xlf`;
const xlfFile = new File({
path: filePath,
contents: Buffer.from(xlf.toString(), 'utf8')
else {
this.emit('error', new Error(`File ${file.relative} is not using a buffer content`));
else {
this.emit('error', new Error(`File ${file.relative} is not a core meta data file.`));
exports.createXlfFilesForCoreBundle = createXlfFilesForCoreBundle;
function createXlfFilesForExtensions() {
let counter = 0;
let folderStreamEnded = false;
let folderStreamEndEmitted = false;
return event_stream_1.through(function (extensionFolder) {
const folderStream = this;
const stat = fs.statSync(extensionFolder.path);
if (!stat.isDirectory()) {
let extensionName = path.basename(extensionFolder.path);
if (extensionName === 'node_modules') {
let _xlf;
function getXlf() {
if (!_xlf) {
_xlf = new XLF(extensionsProject);
return _xlf;
gulp.src([`.build/extensions/${extensionName}/package.nls.json`, `.build/extensions/${extensionName}/**/nls.metadata.json`], { allowEmpty: true }).pipe(event_stream_1.through(function (file) {
if (file.isBuffer()) {
const buffer = file.contents;
const basename = path.basename(file.path);
if (basename === 'package.nls.json') {
const json = JSON.parse(buffer.toString('utf8'));
const keys = Object.keys(json);
const messages = keys.map((key) => {
const value = json[key];
if (Is.string(value)) {
return value;
else if (value) {
return value.message;
else {
return `Unknown message for key: ${key}`;
getXlf().addFile(`extensions/${extensionName}/package`, keys, messages);
else if (basename === 'nls.metadata.json') {
const json = JSON.parse(buffer.toString('utf8'));
const relPath = path.relative(`.build/extensions/${extensionName}`, path.dirname(file.path));
for (let file in json) {
const fileContent = json[file];
getXlf().addFile(`extensions/${extensionName}/${relPath}/${file}`, fileContent.keys, fileContent.messages);
else {
this.emit('error', new Error(`${file.path} is not a valid extension nls file`));
}, function () {
if (_xlf) {
let xlfFile = new File({
path: path.join(extensionsProject, extensionName + '.xlf'),
contents: Buffer.from(_xlf.toString(), 'utf8')
if (counter === 0 && folderStreamEnded && !folderStreamEndEmitted) {
folderStreamEndEmitted = true;
}, function () {
folderStreamEnded = true;
if (counter === 0) {
folderStreamEndEmitted = true;
exports.createXlfFilesForExtensions = createXlfFilesForExtensions;
function createXlfFilesForIsl() {
return event_stream_1.through(function (file) {
let projectName, resourceFile;
if (path.basename(file.path) === 'Default.isl') {
projectName = setupProject;
resourceFile = 'setup_default.xlf';
else {
projectName = workbenchProject;
resourceFile = 'setup_messages.xlf';
let xlf = new XLF(projectName), keys = [], messages = [];
let model = new TextModel(file.contents.toString());
let inMessageSection = false;
model.lines.forEach(line => {
if (line.length === 0) {
let firstChar = line.charAt(0);
switch (firstChar) {
case ';':
// Comment line;
case '[':
inMessageSection = '[Messages]' === line || '[CustomMessages]' === line;
if (!inMessageSection) {
let sections = line.split('=');
if (sections.length !== 2) {
throw new Error(`Badly formatted message found: ${line}`);
else {
let key = sections[0];
let value = sections[1];
if (key.length > 0 && value.length > 0) {
const originalPath = file.path.substring(file.cwd.length + 1, file.path.split('.')[0].length).replace(/\\/g, '/');
xlf.addFile(originalPath, keys, messages);
// Emit only upon all ISL files combined into single XLF instance
const newFilePath = path.join(projectName, resourceFile);
const xlfFile = new File({ path: newFilePath, contents: Buffer.from(xlf.toString(), 'utf-8') });
exports.createXlfFilesForIsl = createXlfFilesForIsl;
function pushXlfFiles(apiHostname, username, password) {
let tryGetPromises = [];
let updateCreatePromises = [];
return event_stream_1.through(function (file) {
const project = path.dirname(file.relative);
const fileName = path.basename(file.path);
const slug = fileName.substr(0, fileName.length - '.xlf'.length);
const credentials = `${username}:${password}`;
// Check if resource already exists, if not, then create it.
let promise = tryGetResource(project, slug, apiHostname, credentials);
promise.then(exists => {
if (exists) {
promise = updateResource(project, slug, file, apiHostname, credentials);
else {
promise = createResource(project, slug, file, apiHostname, credentials);
}, function () {
// End the pipe only after all the communication with Transifex API happened
Promise.all(tryGetPromises).then(() => {
Promise.all(updateCreatePromises).then(() => {
}).catch((reason) => { throw new Error(reason); });
}).catch((reason) => { throw new Error(reason); });
exports.pushXlfFiles = pushXlfFiles;
function getAllResources(project, apiHostname, username, password) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const credentials = `${username}:${password}`;
const options = {
hostname: apiHostname,
path: `/api/2/project/${project}/resources`,
auth: credentials,
method: 'GET'
const request = https.request(options, (res) => {
let buffer = [];
res.on('data', (chunk) => buffer.push(chunk));
res.on('end', () => {
if (res.statusCode === 200) {
let json = JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(buffer).toString());
if (Array.isArray(json)) {
resolve(json.map(o => o.slug));
reject(`Unexpected data format. Response code: ${res.statusCode}.`);
else {
reject(`No resources in ${project} returned no data. Response code: ${res.statusCode}.`);
request.on('error', (err) => {
reject(`Failed to query resources in ${project} with the following error: ${err}. ${options.path}`);
function findObsoleteResources(apiHostname, username, password) {
let resourcesByProject = Object.create(null);
resourcesByProject[extensionsProject] = [].concat(exports.externalExtensionsWithTranslations); // clone
return event_stream_1.through(function (file) {
const project = path.dirname(file.relative);
const fileName = path.basename(file.path);
const slug = fileName.substr(0, fileName.length - '.xlf'.length);
let slugs = resourcesByProject[project];
if (!slugs) {
resourcesByProject[project] = slugs = [];
}, function () {
const json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./build/lib/i18n.resources.json', 'utf8'));
let i18Resources = [...json.editor, ...json.workbench].map((r) => r.project + '/' + r.name.replace(/\//g, '_'));
let extractedResources = [];
for (let project of [workbenchProject, editorProject]) {
for (let resource of resourcesByProject[project]) {
if (resource !== 'setup_messages') {
extractedResources.push(project + '/' + resource);
if (i18Resources.length !== extractedResources.length) {
console.log(`[i18n] Obsolete resources in file 'build/lib/i18n.resources.json': JSON.stringify(${i18Resources.filter(p => extractedResources.indexOf(p) === -1)})`);
console.log(`[i18n] Missing resources in file 'build/lib/i18n.resources.json': JSON.stringify(${extractedResources.filter(p => i18Resources.indexOf(p) === -1)})`);
let promises = [];
for (let project in resourcesByProject) {
promises.push(getAllResources(project, apiHostname, username, password).then(resources => {
let expectedResources = resourcesByProject[project];
let unusedResources = resources.filter(resource => resource && expectedResources.indexOf(resource) === -1);
if (unusedResources.length) {
console.log(`[transifex] Obsolete resources in project '${project}': ${unusedResources.join(', ')}`);
return Promise.all(promises).then(_ => {
}).catch((reason) => { throw new Error(reason); });
exports.findObsoleteResources = findObsoleteResources;
function tryGetResource(project, slug, apiHostname, credentials) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const options = {
hostname: apiHostname,
path: `/api/2/project/${project}/resource/${slug}/?details`,
auth: credentials,
method: 'GET'
const request = https.request(options, (response) => {
if (response.statusCode === 404) {
else if (response.statusCode === 200) {
else {
reject(`Failed to query resource ${project}/${slug}. Response: ${response.statusCode} ${response.statusMessage}`);
request.on('error', (err) => {
reject(`Failed to get ${project}/${slug} on Transifex: ${err}`);
function createResource(project, slug, xlfFile, apiHostname, credentials) {
return new Promise((_resolve, reject) => {
const data = JSON.stringify({
'content': xlfFile.contents.toString(),
'name': slug,
'slug': slug,
'i18n_type': 'XLIFF'
const options = {
hostname: apiHostname,
path: `/api/2/project/${project}/resources`,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(data)
auth: credentials,
method: 'POST'
let request = https.request(options, (res) => {
if (res.statusCode === 201) {
log(`Resource ${project}/${slug} successfully created on Transifex.`);
else {
reject(`Something went wrong in the request creating ${slug} in ${project}. ${res.statusCode}`);
request.on('error', (err) => {
reject(`Failed to create ${project}/${slug} on Transifex: ${err}`);
* The following link provides information about how Transifex handles updates of a resource file:
* https://dev.befoolish.co/tx-docs/public/projects/updating-content#what-happens-when-you-update-files
function updateResource(project, slug, xlfFile, apiHostname, credentials) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const data = JSON.stringify({ content: xlfFile.contents.toString() });
const options = {
hostname: apiHostname,
path: `/api/2/project/${project}/resource/${slug}/content`,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(data)
auth: credentials,
method: 'PUT'
let request = https.request(options, (res) => {
if (res.statusCode === 200) {
let responseBuffer = '';
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
responseBuffer += chunk;
res.on('end', () => {
const response = JSON.parse(responseBuffer);
log(`Resource ${project}/${slug} successfully updated on Transifex. Strings added: ${response.strings_added}, updated: ${response.strings_added}, deleted: ${response.strings_added}`);
else {
reject(`Something went wrong in the request updating ${slug} in ${project}. ${res.statusCode}`);
request.on('error', (err) => {
reject(`Failed to update ${project}/${slug} on Transifex: ${err}`);
// cache resources
let _coreAndExtensionResources;
function pullCoreAndExtensionsXlfFiles(apiHostname, username, password, language, externalExtensions) {
if (!_coreAndExtensionResources) {
_coreAndExtensionResources = [];
// editor and workbench
const json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./build/lib/i18n.resources.json', 'utf8'));
// extensions
let extensionsToLocalize = Object.create(null);
glob.sync('.build/extensions/**/*.nls.json').forEach(extension => extensionsToLocalize[extension.split('/')[2]] = true);
glob.sync('.build/extensions/*/node_modules/vscode-nls').forEach(extension => extensionsToLocalize[extension.split('/')[2]] = true);
Object.keys(extensionsToLocalize).forEach(extension => {
_coreAndExtensionResources.push({ name: extension, project: extensionsProject });
if (externalExtensions) {
for (let resourceName in externalExtensions) {
_coreAndExtensionResources.push({ name: resourceName, project: extensionsProject });
return pullXlfFiles(apiHostname, username, password, language, _coreAndExtensionResources);
exports.pullCoreAndExtensionsXlfFiles = pullCoreAndExtensionsXlfFiles;
function pullSetupXlfFiles(apiHostname, username, password, language, includeDefault) {
let setupResources = [{ name: 'setup_messages', project: workbenchProject }];
if (includeDefault) {
setupResources.push({ name: 'setup_default', project: setupProject });
return pullXlfFiles(apiHostname, username, password, language, setupResources);
exports.pullSetupXlfFiles = pullSetupXlfFiles;
function pullXlfFiles(apiHostname, username, password, language, resources) {
const credentials = `${username}:${password}`;
let expectedTranslationsCount = resources.length;
let translationsRetrieved = 0, called = false;
return event_stream_1.readable(function (_count, callback) {
// Mark end of stream when all resources were retrieved
if (translationsRetrieved === expectedTranslationsCount) {
return this.emit('end');
if (!called) {
called = true;
const stream = this;
resources.map(function (resource) {
retrieveResource(language, resource, apiHostname, credentials).then((file) => {
if (file) {
stream.emit('data', file);
}).catch(error => { throw new Error(error); });
const limiter = new Limiter(NUMBER_OF_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS);
function retrieveResource(language, resource, apiHostname, credentials) {
return limiter.queue(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const slug = resource.name.replace(/\//g, '_');
const project = resource.project;
let transifexLanguageId = language.id === 'ps' ? 'en' : language.translationId || language.id;
const options = {
hostname: apiHostname,
path: `/api/2/project/${project}/resource/${slug}/translation/${transifexLanguageId}?file&mode=onlyreviewed`,
auth: credentials,
port: 443,
method: 'GET'
console.log('[transifex] Fetching ' + options.path);
let request = https.request(options, (res) => {
let xlfBuffer = [];
res.on('data', (chunk) => xlfBuffer.push(chunk));
res.on('end', () => {
if (res.statusCode === 200) {
resolve(new File({ contents: Buffer.concat(xlfBuffer), path: `${project}/${slug}.xlf` }));
else if (res.statusCode === 404) {
console.log(`[transifex] ${slug} in ${project} returned no data.`);
else {
reject(`${slug} in ${project} returned no data. Response code: ${res.statusCode}.`);
request.on('error', (err) => {
reject(`Failed to query resource ${slug} with the following error: ${err}. ${options.path}`);
function prepareI18nFiles() {
let parsePromises = [];
return event_stream_1.through(function (xlf) {
let stream = this;
let parsePromise = XLF.parse(xlf.contents.toString());
parsePromise.then(resolvedFiles => {
resolvedFiles.forEach(file => {
let translatedFile = createI18nFile(file.originalFilePath, file.messages);
}, function () {
.then(() => { this.queue(null); })
.catch(reason => { throw new Error(reason); });
exports.prepareI18nFiles = prepareI18nFiles;
function createI18nFile(originalFilePath, messages) {
let result = Object.create(null);
result[''] = [
'Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.',
'Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.',
'Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.'
for (let key of Object.keys(messages)) {
result[key] = messages[key];
let content = JSON.stringify(result, null, '\t');
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
content = content.replace(/\n/g, '\r\n');
return new File({
path: path.join(originalFilePath + '.i18n.json'),
contents: Buffer.from(content, 'utf8')
const i18nPackVersion = "1.0.0";
function pullI18nPackFiles(apiHostname, username, password, language, resultingTranslationPaths) {
return pullCoreAndExtensionsXlfFiles(apiHostname, username, password, language, exports.externalExtensionsWithTranslations)
.pipe(prepareI18nPackFiles(exports.externalExtensionsWithTranslations, resultingTranslationPaths, language.id === 'ps'));
exports.pullI18nPackFiles = pullI18nPackFiles;
function prepareI18nPackFiles(externalExtensions, resultingTranslationPaths, pseudo = false) {
let parsePromises = [];
let mainPack = { version: i18nPackVersion, contents: {} };
let extensionsPacks = {};
let errors = [];
return event_stream_1.through(function (xlf) {
let project = path.basename(path.dirname(xlf.relative));
let resource = path.basename(xlf.relative, '.xlf');
let contents = xlf.contents.toString();
let parsePromise = pseudo ? XLF.parsePseudo(contents) : XLF.parse(contents);
parsePromise.then(resolvedFiles => {
resolvedFiles.forEach(file => {
const path = file.originalFilePath;
const firstSlash = path.indexOf('/');
if (project === extensionsProject) {
let extPack = extensionsPacks[resource];
if (!extPack) {
extPack = extensionsPacks[resource] = { version: i18nPackVersion, contents: {} };
const externalId = externalExtensions[resource];
if (!externalId) { // internal extension: remove 'extensions/extensionId/' segnent
const secondSlash = path.indexOf('/', firstSlash + 1);
extPack.contents[path.substr(secondSlash + 1)] = file.messages;
else {
extPack.contents[path] = file.messages;
else {
mainPack.contents[path.substr(firstSlash + 1)] = file.messages;
}).catch(reason => {
}, function () {
.then(() => {
if (errors.length > 0) {
throw errors;
const translatedMainFile = createI18nFile('./main', mainPack);
resultingTranslationPaths.push({ id: 'vscode', resourceName: 'main.i18n.json' });
for (let extension in extensionsPacks) {
const translatedExtFile = createI18nFile(`extensions/${extension}`, extensionsPacks[extension]);
const externalExtensionId = externalExtensions[extension];
if (externalExtensionId) {
resultingTranslationPaths.push({ id: externalExtensionId, resourceName: `extensions/${extension}.i18n.json` });
else {
resultingTranslationPaths.push({ id: `vscode.${extension}`, resourceName: `extensions/${extension}.i18n.json` });
.catch((reason) => {
this.emit('error', reason);
exports.prepareI18nPackFiles = prepareI18nPackFiles;
function prepareIslFiles(language, innoSetupConfig) {
let parsePromises = [];
return event_stream_1.through(function (xlf) {
let stream = this;
let parsePromise = XLF.parse(xlf.contents.toString());
parsePromise.then(resolvedFiles => {
resolvedFiles.forEach(file => {
if (path.basename(file.originalFilePath) === 'Default' && !innoSetupConfig.defaultInfo) {
let translatedFile = createIslFile(file.originalFilePath, file.messages, language, innoSetupConfig);
}).catch(reason => {
this.emit('error', reason);
}, function () {
.then(() => { this.queue(null); })
.catch(reason => {
this.emit('error', reason);
exports.prepareIslFiles = prepareIslFiles;
function createIslFile(originalFilePath, messages, language, innoSetup) {
let content = [];
let originalContent;
if (path.basename(originalFilePath) === 'Default') {
originalContent = new TextModel(fs.readFileSync(originalFilePath + '.isl', 'utf8'));
else {
originalContent = new TextModel(fs.readFileSync(originalFilePath + '.en.isl', 'utf8'));
originalContent.lines.forEach(line => {
if (line.length > 0) {
let firstChar = line.charAt(0);
if (firstChar === '[' || firstChar === ';') {
if (line === '; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ English messages ***') {
content.push(`; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ ${innoSetup.defaultInfo.name} messages ***`);
else {
else {
let sections = line.split('=');
let key = sections[0];
let translated = line;
if (key) {
if (key === 'LanguageName') {
translated = `${key}=${innoSetup.defaultInfo.name}`;
else if (key === 'LanguageID') {
translated = `${key}=${innoSetup.defaultInfo.id}`;
else if (key === 'LanguageCodePage') {
translated = `${key}=${innoSetup.codePage.substr(2)}`;
else {
let translatedMessage = messages[key];
if (translatedMessage) {
translated = `${key}=${translatedMessage}`;
const basename = path.basename(originalFilePath);
const filePath = `${basename}.${language.id}.isl`;
return new File({
path: filePath,
contents: iconv.encode(Buffer.from(content.join('\r\n'), 'utf8').toString(), innoSetup.codePage)
function encodeEntities(value) {
let result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
let ch = value[i];
switch (ch) {
case '<':
case '>':
case '&':
return result.join('');
function decodeEntities(value) {
return value.replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>').replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
function pseudify(message) {
return '\uFF3B' + message.replace(/[aouei]/g, '$&$&') + '\uFF3D';