Alex Dima d729e50521 Fix standalone editor gulp scripts.
Tree Shaking:
- do not proceed with tree shaking when there are compilation errors
- load .d.ts files in the language service
- adopt TS 3.1.1 in symbol resolution
- use the real tsconfig.json / with "node" resolution

- fix issue where files were being looked for in out-build instead of out-editor-build
2018-10-10 11:09:29 +02:00

82 lines
3.6 KiB

// This file is adding references to various symbols which should not be removed via tree shaking
import { ServiceIdentifier } from './vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import { IContextViewService } from './vs/platform/contextview/browser/contextView';
import { IHighlight } from './vs/base/parts/quickopen/browser/quickOpenModel';
import { IWorkspaceContextService } from './vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace';
import { IEnvironmentService } from './vs/platform/environment/common/environment';
import { CountBadge } from './vs/base/browser/ui/countBadge/countBadge';
import { SimpleWorkerClient, create as create1 } from './vs/base/common/worker/simpleWorker';
import { create as create2 } from './vs/editor/common/services/editorSimpleWorker';
import { QuickOpenWidget } from './vs/base/parts/quickopen/browser/quickOpenWidget';
import { SyncDescriptor0, SyncDescriptor1, SyncDescriptor2, SyncDescriptor3, SyncDescriptor4, SyncDescriptor5, SyncDescriptor6, SyncDescriptor7, SyncDescriptor8 } from './vs/platform/instantiation/common/descriptors';
import { PolyfillPromise } from './vs/base/common/winjs.polyfill.promise';
import { DiffNavigator } from './vs/editor/browser/widget/diffNavigator';
import * as editorAPI from './vs/editor/editor.api';
(function () {
var a: any;
var b: any;
a = (<IContextViewService>b).layout; // IContextViewProvider
a = (<IWorkspaceContextService>b).getWorkspaceFolder; // IWorkspaceFolderProvider
a = (<IWorkspaceContextService>b).getWorkspace; // IWorkspaceFolderProvider
a = (<CountBadge>b).style; // IThemable
a = (<QuickOpenWidget>b).style; // IThemable
a = (<IEnvironmentService>b).userHome; // IUserHomeProvider
a = (<DiffNavigator>b).previous; // IDiffNavigator
a = (<ServiceIdentifier<any>>b).type;
a = (<IHighlight>b).start;
a = (<IHighlight>b).end;
a = (<SimpleWorkerClient<any>>b).getProxyObject; // IWorkerClient
a = create1;
a = create2;
// promise polyfill
a = PolyfillPromise.all;
a = PolyfillPromise.race;
a = PolyfillPromise.resolve;
a = PolyfillPromise.reject;
a = (<PolyfillPromise>b).then;
a = (<PolyfillPromise>b).catch;
// injection madness
a = (<SyncDescriptor0<any>>b).ctor;
a = (<SyncDescriptor0<any>>b).bind;
a = (<SyncDescriptor1<any, any>>b).ctor;
a = (<SyncDescriptor1<any, any>>b).bind;
a = (<SyncDescriptor1<any, any>>b).ctor;
a = (<SyncDescriptor1<any, any>>b).bind;
a = (<SyncDescriptor2<any, any, any>>b).ctor;
a = (<SyncDescriptor2<any, any, any>>b).bind;
a = (<SyncDescriptor3<any, any, any, any>>b).ctor;
a = (<SyncDescriptor3<any, any, any, any>>b).bind;
a = (<SyncDescriptor4<any, any, any, any, any>>b).ctor;
a = (<SyncDescriptor4<any, any, any, any, any>>b).bind;
a = (<SyncDescriptor5<any, any, any, any, any, any>>b).ctor;
a = (<SyncDescriptor5<any, any, any, any, any, any>>b).bind;
a = (<SyncDescriptor6<any, any, any, any, any, any, any>>b).ctor;
a = (<SyncDescriptor6<any, any, any, any, any, any, any>>b).bind;
a = (<SyncDescriptor7<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>>b).ctor;
a = (<SyncDescriptor7<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>>b).bind;
a = (<SyncDescriptor8<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>>b).ctor;
a = (<SyncDescriptor8<any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any, any>>b).bind;
// exported API
a = editorAPI.CancellationTokenSource;
a = editorAPI.Emitter;
a = editorAPI.KeyCode;
a = editorAPI.KeyMod;
a = editorAPI.Position;
a = editorAPI.Range;
a = editorAPI.Selection;
a = editorAPI.SelectionDirection;
a = editorAPI.MarkerSeverity;
a = editorAPI.MarkerTag;
a = editorAPI.Promise;
a = editorAPI.Uri;
a = editorAPI.Token;
a = editorAPI.editor;
a = editorAPI.languages;