Johannes Rieken 8ba046adbe
print heap stats instead of memory usage (#203959)
* print heap stats instead of memory usage

* ensure no hanging on to service


Co-authored-by: João Moreno <joao.moreno@microsoft.com>
2024-02-01 11:37:19 +01:00

660 lines
26 KiB

"use strict";
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Mangler = void 0;
const v8 = require("node:v8");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const process_1 = require("process");
const source_map_1 = require("source-map");
const ts = require("typescript");
const url_1 = require("url");
const workerpool = require("workerpool");
const staticLanguageServiceHost_1 = require("./staticLanguageServiceHost");
const buildfile = require('../../../src/buildfile');
class ShortIdent {
static _keywords = new Set(['await', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'class', 'const', 'continue', 'debugger',
'default', 'delete', 'do', 'else', 'export', 'extends', 'false', 'finally', 'for', 'function', 'if',
'import', 'in', 'instanceof', 'let', 'new', 'null', 'return', 'static', 'super', 'switch', 'this', 'throw',
'true', 'try', 'typeof', 'var', 'void', 'while', 'with', 'yield']);
static _alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890$_'.split('');
_value = 0;
constructor(prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
next(isNameTaken) {
const candidate = this.prefix + ShortIdent.convert(this._value);
if (ShortIdent._keywords.has(candidate) || /^[_0-9]/.test(candidate) || isNameTaken?.(candidate)) {
// try again
return this.next(isNameTaken);
return candidate;
static convert(n) {
const base = this._alphabet.length;
let result = '';
do {
const rest = n % base;
result += this._alphabet[rest];
n = (n / base) | 0;
} while (n > 0);
return result;
var FieldType;
(function (FieldType) {
FieldType[FieldType["Public"] = 0] = "Public";
FieldType[FieldType["Protected"] = 1] = "Protected";
FieldType[FieldType["Private"] = 2] = "Private";
})(FieldType || (FieldType = {}));
class ClassData {
fields = new Map();
constructor(fileName, node) {
// analyse all fields (properties and methods). Find usages of all protected and
// private ones and keep track of all public ones (to prevent naming collisions)
this.fileName = fileName;
this.node = node;
const candidates = [];
for (const member of node.members) {
if (ts.isMethodDeclaration(member)) {
// method `foo() {}`
else if (ts.isPropertyDeclaration(member)) {
// property `foo = 234`
else if (ts.isGetAccessor(member)) {
// getter: `get foo() { ... }`
else if (ts.isSetAccessor(member)) {
// setter: `set foo() { ... }`
else if (ts.isConstructorDeclaration(member)) {
// constructor-prop:`constructor(private foo) {}`
for (const param of member.parameters) {
if (hasModifier(param, ts.SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword)
|| hasModifier(param, ts.SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword)
|| hasModifier(param, ts.SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword)
|| hasModifier(param, ts.SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword)) {
for (const member of candidates) {
const ident = ClassData._getMemberName(member);
if (!ident) {
const type = ClassData._getFieldType(member);
this.fields.set(ident, { type, pos: member.name.getStart() });
static _getMemberName(node) {
if (!node.name) {
return undefined;
const { name } = node;
let ident = name.getText();
if (name.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName) {
if (name.expression.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) {
// unsupported: [Symbol.foo] or [abc + 'field']
// ['foo']
ident = name.expression.getText().slice(1, -1);
return ident;
static _getFieldType(node) {
if (hasModifier(node, ts.SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword)) {
return 2 /* FieldType.Private */;
else if (hasModifier(node, ts.SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword)) {
return 1 /* FieldType.Protected */;
else {
return 0 /* FieldType.Public */;
static _shouldMangle(type) {
return type === 2 /* FieldType.Private */
|| type === 1 /* FieldType.Protected */;
static makeImplicitPublicActuallyPublic(data, reportViolation) {
// A subtype can make an inherited protected field public. To prevent accidential
// mangling of public fields we mark the original (protected) fields as public...
for (const [name, info] of data.fields) {
if (info.type !== 0 /* FieldType.Public */) {
let parent = data.parent;
while (parent) {
if (parent.fields.get(name)?.type === 1 /* FieldType.Protected */) {
const parentPos = parent.node.getSourceFile().getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(parent.fields.get(name).pos);
const infoPos = data.node.getSourceFile().getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(info.pos);
reportViolation(name, `'${name}' from ${parent.fileName}:${parentPos.line + 1}`, `${data.fileName}:${infoPos.line + 1}`);
parent.fields.get(name).type = 0 /* FieldType.Public */;
parent = parent.parent;
static fillInReplacement(data) {
if (data.replacements) {
// already done
// fill in parents first
if (data.parent) {
data.replacements = new Map();
const isNameTaken = (name) => {
// locally taken
if (data._isNameTaken(name)) {
return true;
// parents
let parent = data.parent;
while (parent) {
if (parent._isNameTaken(name)) {
return true;
parent = parent.parent;
// children
if (data.children) {
const stack = [...data.children];
while (stack.length) {
const node = stack.pop();
if (node._isNameTaken(name)) {
return true;
if (node.children) {
return false;
const identPool = new ShortIdent('');
for (const [name, info] of data.fields) {
if (ClassData._shouldMangle(info.type)) {
const shortName = identPool.next(isNameTaken);
data.replacements.set(name, shortName);
// a name is taken when a field that doesn't get mangled exists or
// when the name is already in use for replacement
_isNameTaken(name) {
if (this.fields.has(name) && !ClassData._shouldMangle(this.fields.get(name).type)) {
// public field
return true;
if (this.replacements) {
for (const shortName of this.replacements.values()) {
if (shortName === name) {
// replaced already (happens wih super types)
return true;
if (isNameTakenInFile(this.node, name)) {
return true;
return false;
lookupShortName(name) {
let value = this.replacements.get(name);
let parent = this.parent;
while (parent) {
if (parent.replacements.has(name) && parent.fields.get(name)?.type === 1 /* FieldType.Protected */) {
value = parent.replacements.get(name) ?? value;
parent = parent.parent;
return value;
// --- parent chaining
addChild(child) {
this.children ??= [];
child.parent = this;
function isNameTakenInFile(node, name) {
const identifiers = node.getSourceFile().identifiers;
if (identifiers instanceof Map) {
if (identifiers.has(name)) {
return true;
return false;
const skippedExportMangledFiles = [
// Build
// Monaco
// Generated
// Module passed around as type
// entry points
buildfile.entrypoint('vs/server/node/server.main', []),
buildfile.entrypoint('vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main', []),
].flat().map(x => x.name),
const skippedExportMangledProjects = [
// Test projects
// These projects use webpack to dynamically rewrite imports, which messes up our mangling
const skippedExportMangledSymbols = [
// Don't mangle extension entry points
class DeclarationData {
constructor(fileName, node, fileIdents) {
this.fileName = fileName;
this.node = node;
// Todo: generate replacement names based on usage count, with more used names getting shorter identifiers
this.replacementName = fileIdents.next();
getLocations(service) {
if (ts.isVariableDeclaration(this.node)) {
// If the const aliases any types, we need to rename those too
const definitionResult = service.getDefinitionAndBoundSpan(this.fileName, this.node.name.getStart());
if (definitionResult?.definitions && definitionResult.definitions.length > 1) {
return definitionResult.definitions.map(x => ({ fileName: x.fileName, offset: x.textSpan.start }));
return [{
fileName: this.fileName,
offset: this.node.name.getStart()
shouldMangle(newName) {
const currentName = this.node.name.getText();
if (currentName.startsWith('$') || skippedExportMangledSymbols.includes(currentName)) {
return false;
// New name is longer the existing one :'(
if (newName.length >= currentName.length) {
return false;
// Don't mangle functions we've explicitly opted out
if (this.node.getFullText().includes('@skipMangle')) {
return false;
return true;
* TypeScript2TypeScript transformer that mangles all private and protected fields
* 1. Collect all class fields (properties, methods)
* 2. Collect all sub and super-type relations between classes
* 3. Compute replacement names for each field
* 4. Lookup rename locations for these fields
* 5. Prepare and apply edits
class Mangler {
allClassDataByKey = new Map();
allExportedSymbols = new Set();
constructor(projectPath, log = () => { }, config) {
this.projectPath = projectPath;
this.log = log;
this.config = config;
this.renameWorkerPool = workerpool.pool(path.join(__dirname, 'renameWorker.js'), {
maxWorkers: 1,
minWorkers: 'max'
async computeNewFileContents(strictImplicitPublicHandling) {
const service = ts.createLanguageService(new staticLanguageServiceHost_1.StaticLanguageServiceHost(this.projectPath));
// STEP:
// - Find all classes and their field info.
// - Find exported symbols.
const fileIdents = new ShortIdent('$');
const visit = (node) => {
if (this.config.manglePrivateFields) {
if (ts.isClassDeclaration(node) || ts.isClassExpression(node)) {
const anchor = node.name ?? node;
const key = `${node.getSourceFile().fileName}|${anchor.getStart()}`;
if (this.allClassDataByKey.has(key)) {
throw new Error('DUPE?');
this.allClassDataByKey.set(key, new ClassData(node.getSourceFile().fileName, node));
if (this.config.mangleExports) {
// Find exported classes, functions, and vars
if ((
// Exported class
&& hasModifier(node, ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword)
&& node.name) || (
// Exported function
&& ts.isSourceFile(node.parent)
&& hasModifier(node, ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword)
&& node.name && node.body // On named function and not on the overload
) || (
// Exported variable
&& hasModifier(node.parent.parent, ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword) // Variable statement is exported
&& ts.isSourceFile(node.parent.parent.parent))
// Disabled for now because we need to figure out how to handle
// enums that are used in monaco or extHost interfaces.
/* || (
// Exported enum
&& ts.isSourceFile(node.parent)
&& hasModifier(node, ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword)
&& !hasModifier(node, ts.SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword) // Don't bother mangling const enums because these are inlined
&& node.name
) {
if (isInAmbientContext(node)) {
this.allExportedSymbols.add(new DeclarationData(node.getSourceFile().fileName, node, fileIdents));
ts.forEachChild(node, visit);
for (const file of service.getProgram().getSourceFiles()) {
if (!file.isDeclarationFile) {
ts.forEachChild(file, visit);
this.log(`Done collecting. Classes: ${this.allClassDataByKey.size}. Exported symbols: ${this.allExportedSymbols.size}`);
// STEP: connect sub and super-types
const setupParents = (data) => {
const extendsClause = data.node.heritageClauses?.find(h => h.token === ts.SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword);
if (!extendsClause) {
// no EXTENDS-clause
const info = service.getDefinitionAtPosition(data.fileName, extendsClause.types[0].expression.getEnd());
if (!info || info.length === 0) {
// throw new Error('SUPER type not found');
if (info.length !== 1) {
// inherits from declared/library type
const [definition] = info;
const key = `${definition.fileName}|${definition.textSpan.start}`;
const parent = this.allClassDataByKey.get(key);
if (!parent) {
// throw new Error(`SUPER type not found: ${key}`);
for (const data of this.allClassDataByKey.values()) {
// STEP: make implicit public (actually protected) field really public
const violations = new Map();
let violationsCauseFailure = false;
for (const data of this.allClassDataByKey.values()) {
ClassData.makeImplicitPublicActuallyPublic(data, (name, what, why) => {
const arr = violations.get(what);
if (arr) {
else {
violations.set(what, [why]);
if (strictImplicitPublicHandling && !strictImplicitPublicHandling.has(name)) {
violationsCauseFailure = true;
for (const [why, whys] of violations) {
this.log(`WARN: ${why} became PUBLIC because of: ${whys.join(' , ')}`);
if (violationsCauseFailure) {
const message = 'Protected fields have been made PUBLIC. This hurts minification and is therefore not allowed. Review the WARN messages further above';
this.log(`ERROR: ${message}`);
throw new Error(message);
// STEP: compute replacement names for each class
for (const data of this.allClassDataByKey.values()) {
this.log(`Done creating class replacements`);
// STEP: prepare rename edits
this.log(`Starting prepare rename edits`);
const editsByFile = new Map();
const appendEdit = (fileName, edit) => {
const edits = editsByFile.get(fileName);
if (!edits) {
editsByFile.set(fileName, [edit]);
else {
const appendRename = (newText, loc) => {
appendEdit(loc.fileName, {
newText: (loc.prefixText || '') + newText + (loc.suffixText || ''),
offset: loc.textSpan.start,
length: loc.textSpan.length
const renameResults = [];
const queueRename = (fileName, pos, newName) => {
renameResults.push(Promise.resolve(this.renameWorkerPool.exec('findRenameLocations', [this.projectPath, fileName, pos]))
.then((locations) => ({ newName, locations })));
for (const data of this.allClassDataByKey.values()) {
if (hasModifier(data.node, ts.SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword)) {
fields: for (const [name, info] of data.fields) {
if (!ClassData._shouldMangle(info.type)) {
continue fields;
// TS-HACK: protected became public via 'some' child
// and because of that we might need to ignore this now
let parent = data.parent;
while (parent) {
if (parent.fields.get(name)?.type === 0 /* FieldType.Public */) {
continue fields;
parent = parent.parent;
const newName = data.lookupShortName(name);
queueRename(data.fileName, info.pos, newName);
for (const data of this.allExportedSymbols.values()) {
if (data.fileName.endsWith('.d.ts')
|| skippedExportMangledProjects.some(proj => data.fileName.includes(proj))
|| skippedExportMangledFiles.some(file => data.fileName.endsWith(file + '.ts'))) {
if (!data.shouldMangle(data.replacementName)) {
const newText = data.replacementName;
for (const { fileName, offset } of data.getLocations(service)) {
queueRename(fileName, offset, newText);
await Promise.all(renameResults).then((result) => {
for (const { newName, locations } of result) {
for (const loc of locations) {
appendRename(newName, loc);
await this.renameWorkerPool.terminate();
this.log(`Done preparing edits: ${editsByFile.size} files`);
// STEP: apply all rename edits (per file)
const result = new Map();
let savedBytes = 0;
for (const item of service.getProgram().getSourceFiles()) {
const { mapRoot, sourceRoot } = service.getProgram().getCompilerOptions();
const projectDir = path.dirname(this.projectPath);
const sourceMapRoot = mapRoot ?? (0, url_1.pathToFileURL)(sourceRoot ?? projectDir).toString();
// source maps
let generator;
let newFullText;
const edits = editsByFile.get(item.fileName);
if (!edits) {
// just copy
newFullText = item.getFullText();
else {
// source map generator
const relativeFileName = normalize(path.relative(projectDir, item.fileName));
const mappingsByLine = new Map();
// apply renames
edits.sort((a, b) => b.offset - a.offset);
const characters = item.getFullText().split('');
let lastEdit;
for (const edit of edits) {
if (lastEdit && lastEdit.offset === edit.offset) {
if (lastEdit.length !== edit.length || lastEdit.newText !== edit.newText) {
this.log('ERROR: Overlapping edit', item.fileName, edit.offset, edits);
throw new Error('OVERLAPPING edit');
else {
lastEdit = edit;
const mangledName = characters.splice(edit.offset, edit.length, edit.newText).join('');
savedBytes += mangledName.length - edit.newText.length;
// source maps
const pos = item.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(edit.offset);
let mappings = mappingsByLine.get(pos.line);
if (!mappings) {
mappings = [];
mappingsByLine.set(pos.line, mappings);
source: relativeFileName,
original: { line: pos.line + 1, column: pos.character },
generated: { line: pos.line + 1, column: pos.character },
name: mangledName
}, {
source: relativeFileName,
original: { line: pos.line + 1, column: pos.character + edit.length },
generated: { line: pos.line + 1, column: pos.character + edit.newText.length },
// source map generation, make sure to get mappings per line correct
generator = new source_map_1.SourceMapGenerator({ file: path.basename(item.fileName), sourceRoot: sourceMapRoot });
generator.setSourceContent(relativeFileName, item.getFullText());
for (const [, mappings] of mappingsByLine) {
let lineDelta = 0;
for (const mapping of mappings) {
generated: { line: mapping.generated.line, column: mapping.generated.column - lineDelta }
lineDelta += mapping.original.column - mapping.generated.column;
newFullText = characters.join('');
result.set(item.fileName, { out: newFullText, sourceMap: generator?.toString() });
this.log(`Done: ${savedBytes / 1000}kb saved, memory-usage: ${JSON.stringify(v8.getHeapStatistics())}`);
return result;
exports.Mangler = Mangler;
// --- ast utils
function hasModifier(node, kind) {
const modifiers = ts.canHaveModifiers(node) ? ts.getModifiers(node) : undefined;
return Boolean(modifiers?.find(mode => mode.kind === kind));
function isInAmbientContext(node) {
for (let p = node.parent; p; p = p.parent) {
if (ts.isModuleDeclaration(p)) {
return true;
return false;
function normalize(path) {
return path.replace(/\\/g, '/');
async function _run() {
const root = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..');
const projectBase = path.join(root, 'src');
const projectPath = path.join(projectBase, 'tsconfig.json');
const newProjectBase = path.join(path.dirname(projectBase), path.basename(projectBase) + '2');
fs.cpSync(projectBase, newProjectBase, { recursive: true });
const mangler = new Mangler(projectPath, console.log, {
mangleExports: true,
manglePrivateFields: true,
for (const [fileName, contents] of await mangler.computeNewFileContents(new Set(['saveState']))) {
const newFilePath = path.join(newProjectBase, path.relative(projectBase, fileName));
await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(newFilePath), { recursive: true });
await fs.promises.writeFile(newFilePath, contents.out);
if (contents.sourceMap) {
await fs.promises.writeFile(newFilePath + '.map', contents.sourceMap);
if (__filename === process_1.argv[1]) {
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map