2023-07-28 17:04:23 +01:00

34 lines
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { TSESTree } from '@typescript-eslint/experimental-utils';
import * as eslint from 'eslint';
function isCallExpression(node: TSESTree.Node): node is TSESTree.CallExpression {
return node.type === 'CallExpression';
function isFunctionExpression(node: TSESTree.Node): node is TSESTree.FunctionExpression {
return node.type.includes('FunctionExpression');
export = new class NoAsyncSuite implements eslint.Rule.RuleModule {
create(context: eslint.Rule.RuleContext): eslint.Rule.RuleListener {
function hasAsyncSuite(node: any) {
if (isCallExpression(node) && node.arguments.length >= 2 && isFunctionExpression(node.arguments[1]) && node.arguments[1].async) {
return context.report({
node: node as any,
message: 'suite factory function should never be async'
return {
['CallExpression[callee.name=/suite$/][arguments]']: hasAsyncSuite,