/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as fancyLog from 'fancy-log'; import * as ansiColors from 'ansi-colors'; const dtsv = '2'; const tsfmt = require('../../tsfmt.json'); const SRC = path.join(__dirname, '../../src'); export const RECIPE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, './monaco.d.ts.recipe'); const DECLARATION_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../../src/vs/monaco.d.ts'); function logErr(message: any, ...rest: any[]): void { fancyLog(ansiColors.yellow(`[monaco.d.ts]`), message, ...rest); } type SourceFileGetter = (moduleId: string) => ts.SourceFile | null; type TSTopLevelDeclaration = ts.InterfaceDeclaration | ts.EnumDeclaration | ts.ClassDeclaration | ts.TypeAliasDeclaration | ts.FunctionDeclaration | ts.ModuleDeclaration; type TSTopLevelDeclare = TSTopLevelDeclaration | ts.VariableStatement; function isDeclaration(a: TSTopLevelDeclare): a is TSTopLevelDeclaration { return ( a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration || a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration || a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration || a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration ); } function visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, visitor: (node: TSTopLevelDeclare) => boolean): void { let stop = false; let visit = (node: ts.Node): void => { if (stop) { return; } switch (node.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement: case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: stop = visitor(node); } if (stop) { return; } ts.forEachChild(node, visit); }; visit(sourceFile); } function getAllTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): TSTopLevelDeclare[] { let all: TSTopLevelDeclare[] = []; visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, (node) => { if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration) { let interfaceDeclaration = node; let triviaStart = interfaceDeclaration.pos; let triviaEnd = interfaceDeclaration.name.pos; let triviaText = getNodeText(sourceFile, { pos: triviaStart, end: triviaEnd }); if (triviaText.indexOf('@internal') === -1) { all.push(node); } } else { let nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile, node); if (nodeText.indexOf('@internal') === -1) { all.push(node); } } return false /*continue*/; }); return all; } function getTopLevelDeclaration(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, typeName: string): TSTopLevelDeclare | null { let result: TSTopLevelDeclare | null = null; visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, (node) => { if (isDeclaration(node) && node.name) { if (node.name.text === typeName) { result = node; return true /*stop*/; } return false /*continue*/; } // node is ts.VariableStatement if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf(typeName) >= 0) { result = node; return true /*stop*/; } return false /*continue*/; }); return result; } function getNodeText(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, node: { pos: number; end: number; }): string { return sourceFile.getFullText().substring(node.pos, node.end); } function hasModifier(modifiers: ts.NodeArray | undefined, kind: ts.SyntaxKind): boolean { if (modifiers) { for (let i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++) { let mod = modifiers[i]; if (mod.kind === kind) { return true; } } } return false; } function isStatic(member: ts.ClassElement | ts.TypeElement): boolean { return hasModifier(member.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword); } function isDefaultExport(declaration: ts.InterfaceDeclaration | ts.ClassDeclaration): boolean { return ( hasModifier(declaration.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword) && hasModifier(declaration.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword) ); } function getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, declaration: TSTopLevelDeclare, importName: string, usage: string[], enums: string[]): string { let result = getNodeText(sourceFile, declaration); if (declaration.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || declaration.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration) { let interfaceDeclaration = declaration; const staticTypeName = ( isDefaultExport(interfaceDeclaration) ? `${importName}.default` : `${importName}.${declaration.name!.text}` ); let instanceTypeName = staticTypeName; const typeParametersCnt = (interfaceDeclaration.typeParameters ? interfaceDeclaration.typeParameters.length : 0); if (typeParametersCnt > 0) { let arr: string[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < typeParametersCnt; i++) { arr.push('any'); } instanceTypeName = `${instanceTypeName}<${arr.join(',')}>`; } const members: ts.NodeArray = interfaceDeclaration.members; members.forEach((member) => { try { let memberText = getNodeText(sourceFile, member); if (memberText.indexOf('@internal') >= 0 || memberText.indexOf('private') >= 0) { result = result.replace(memberText, ''); } else { const memberName = (member.name).text; if (isStatic(member)) { usage.push(`a = ${staticTypeName}.${memberName};`); } else { usage.push(`a = (<${instanceTypeName}>b).${memberName};`); } } } catch (err) { // life.. } }); } result = result.replace(/export default /g, 'export '); result = result.replace(/export declare /g, 'export '); result = result.replace(/declare /g, ''); if (declaration.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration) { result = result.replace(/const enum/, 'enum'); enums.push(result); } return result; } function format(text: string, endl: string): string { const REALLY_FORMAT = false; text = preformat(text, endl); if (!REALLY_FORMAT) { return text; } // Parse the source text let sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile('file.ts', text, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, /*setParentPointers*/ true); // Get the formatting edits on the input sources let edits = (ts).formatting.formatDocument(sourceFile, getRuleProvider(tsfmt), tsfmt); // Apply the edits on the input code return applyEdits(text, edits); function countParensCurly(text: string): number { let cnt = 0; for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { if (text.charAt(i) === '(' || text.charAt(i) === '{') { cnt++; } if (text.charAt(i) === ')' || text.charAt(i) === '}') { cnt--; } } return cnt; } function repeatStr(s: string, cnt: number): string { let r = ''; for (let i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { r += s; } return r; } function preformat(text: string, endl: string): string { let lines = text.split(endl); let inComment = false; let inCommentDeltaIndent = 0; let indent = 0; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { let line = lines[i].replace(/\s$/, ''); let repeat = false; let lineIndent = 0; do { repeat = false; if (line.substring(0, 4) === ' ') { line = line.substring(4); lineIndent++; repeat = true; } if (line.charAt(0) === '\t') { line = line.substring(1); lineIndent++; repeat = true; } } while (repeat); if (line.length === 0) { continue; } if (inComment) { if (/\*\//.test(line)) { inComment = false; } lines[i] = repeatStr('\t', lineIndent + inCommentDeltaIndent) + line; continue; } if (/\/\*/.test(line)) { inComment = true; inCommentDeltaIndent = indent - lineIndent; lines[i] = repeatStr('\t', indent) + line; continue; } const cnt = countParensCurly(line); let shouldUnindentAfter = false; let shouldUnindentBefore = false; if (cnt < 0) { if (/[({]/.test(line)) { shouldUnindentAfter = true; } else { shouldUnindentBefore = true; } } else if (cnt === 0) { shouldUnindentBefore = /^\}/.test(line); } let shouldIndentAfter = false; if (cnt > 0) { shouldIndentAfter = true; } else if (cnt === 0) { shouldIndentAfter = /{$/.test(line); } if (shouldUnindentBefore) { indent--; } lines[i] = repeatStr('\t', indent) + line; if (shouldUnindentAfter) { indent--; } if (shouldIndentAfter) { indent++; } } return lines.join(endl); } function getRuleProvider(options: ts.FormatCodeSettings) { // Share this between multiple formatters using the same options. // This represents the bulk of the space the formatter uses. return (ts as any).formatting.getFormatContext(options); } function applyEdits(text: string, edits: ts.TextChange[]): string { // Apply edits in reverse on the existing text let result = text; for (let i = edits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let change = edits[i]; let head = result.slice(0, change.span.start); let tail = result.slice(change.span.start + change.span.length); result = head + change.newText + tail; } return result; } } function createReplacer(data: string): (str: string) => string { data = data || ''; let rawDirectives = data.split(';'); let directives: [RegExp, string][] = []; rawDirectives.forEach((rawDirective) => { if (rawDirective.length === 0) { return; } let pieces = rawDirective.split('=>'); let findStr = pieces[0]; let replaceStr = pieces[1]; findStr = findStr.replace(/[\-\\\{\}\*\+\?\|\^\$\.\,\[\]\(\)\#\s]/g, '\\$&'); findStr = '\\b' + findStr + '\\b'; directives.push([new RegExp(findStr, 'g'), replaceStr]); }); return (str: string) => { for (let i = 0; i < directives.length; i++) { str = str.replace(directives[i][0], directives[i][1]); } return str; }; } interface ITempResult { result: string; usageContent: string; enums: string; } function generateDeclarationFile(recipe: string, sourceFileGetter: SourceFileGetter): ITempResult | null { const endl = /\r\n/.test(recipe) ? '\r\n' : '\n'; let lines = recipe.split(endl); let result: string[] = []; let usageCounter = 0; let usageImports: string[] = []; let usage: string[] = []; let failed = false; usage.push(`var a: any;`); usage.push(`var b: any;`); const generateUsageImport = (moduleId: string) => { let importName = 'm' + (++usageCounter); usageImports.push(`import * as ${importName} from './${moduleId.replace(/\.d\.ts$/, '')}';`); return importName; }; let enums: string[] = []; let version: string | null = null; lines.forEach(line => { if (failed) { return; } let m0 = line.match(/^\/\/dtsv=(\d+)$/); if (m0) { version = m0[1]; } let m1 = line.match(/^\s*#include\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/); if (m1) { let moduleId = m1[1]; const sourceFile = sourceFileGetter(moduleId); if (!sourceFile) { logErr(`While handling ${line}`); logErr(`Cannot find ${moduleId}`); failed = true; return; } const importName = generateUsageImport(moduleId); let replacer = createReplacer(m1[2]); let typeNames = m1[3].split(/,/); typeNames.forEach((typeName) => { typeName = typeName.trim(); if (typeName.length === 0) { return; } let declaration = getTopLevelDeclaration(sourceFile, typeName); if (!declaration) { logErr(`While handling ${line}`); logErr(`Cannot find ${typeName}`); failed = true; return; } result.push(replacer(getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile, declaration, importName, usage, enums))); }); return; } let m2 = line.match(/^\s*#includeAll\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/); if (m2) { let moduleId = m2[1]; const sourceFile = sourceFileGetter(moduleId); if (!sourceFile) { logErr(`While handling ${line}`); logErr(`Cannot find ${moduleId}`); failed = true; return; } const importName = generateUsageImport(moduleId); let replacer = createReplacer(m2[2]); let typeNames = m2[3].split(/,/); let typesToExcludeMap: { [typeName: string]: boolean; } = {}; let typesToExcludeArr: string[] = []; typeNames.forEach((typeName) => { typeName = typeName.trim(); if (typeName.length === 0) { return; } typesToExcludeMap[typeName] = true; typesToExcludeArr.push(typeName); }); getAllTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile).forEach((declaration) => { if (isDeclaration(declaration) && declaration.name) { if (typesToExcludeMap[declaration.name.text]) { return; } } else { // node is ts.VariableStatement let nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile, declaration); for (let i = 0; i < typesToExcludeArr.length; i++) { if (nodeText.indexOf(typesToExcludeArr[i]) >= 0) { return; } } } result.push(replacer(getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile, declaration, importName, usage, enums))); }); return; } result.push(line); }); if (failed) { return null; } if (version !== dtsv) { if (!version) { logErr(`gulp watch restart required. 'monaco.d.ts.recipe' is written before versioning was introduced.`); } else { logErr(`gulp watch restart required. 'monaco.d.ts.recipe' v${version} does not match runtime v${dtsv}.`); } return null; } let resultTxt = result.join(endl); resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bURI\b/g, 'Uri'); resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bEvent resolver.getDeclarationSourceFile(moduleId); return _run(sourceFileGetter); } interface ILibMap { [libName: string]: string; } interface IFileMap { [fileName: string]: string; } class TypeScriptLanguageServiceHost implements ts.LanguageServiceHost { private readonly _libs: ILibMap; private readonly _files: IFileMap; private readonly _compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions; constructor(libs: ILibMap, files: IFileMap, compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions) { this._libs = libs; this._files = files; this._compilerOptions = compilerOptions; } // --- language service host --------------- getCompilationSettings(): ts.CompilerOptions { return this._compilerOptions; } getScriptFileNames(): string[] { return ( ([] as string[]) .concat(Object.keys(this._libs)) .concat(Object.keys(this._files)) ); } getScriptVersion(_fileName: string): string { return '1'; } getProjectVersion(): string { return '1'; } getScriptSnapshot(fileName: string): ts.IScriptSnapshot { if (this._files.hasOwnProperty(fileName)) { return ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(this._files[fileName]); } else if (this._libs.hasOwnProperty(fileName)) { return ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(this._libs[fileName]); } else { return ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(''); } } getScriptKind(_fileName: string): ts.ScriptKind { return ts.ScriptKind.TS; } getCurrentDirectory(): string { return ''; } getDefaultLibFileName(_options: ts.CompilerOptions): string { return 'defaultLib:es5'; } isDefaultLibFileName(fileName: string): boolean { return fileName === this.getDefaultLibFileName(this._compilerOptions); } } export function execute(): IMonacoDeclarationResult { let r = run3(new DeclarationResolver(new FSProvider())); if (!r) { throw new Error(`monaco.d.ts generation error - Cannot continue`); } return r; }