"use strict"; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.SwcTranspiler = exports.TscTranspiler = void 0; const swc = require("@swc/core"); const ts = require("typescript"); const threads = require("node:worker_threads"); const Vinyl = require("vinyl"); const node_os_1 = require("node:os"); function transpile(tsSrc, options) { const isAmd = /\n(import|export)/m.test(tsSrc); if (!isAmd && options.compilerOptions?.module === ts.ModuleKind.AMD) { // enforce NONE module-system for not-amd cases options = { ...options, ...{ compilerOptions: { ...options.compilerOptions, module: ts.ModuleKind.None } } }; } const out = ts.transpileModule(tsSrc, options); return { jsSrc: out.outputText, diag: out.diagnostics ?? [] }; } if (!threads.isMainThread) { // WORKER threads.parentPort?.addListener('message', (req) => { const res = { jsSrcs: [], diagnostics: [] }; for (const tsSrc of req.tsSrcs) { const out = transpile(tsSrc, req.options); res.jsSrcs.push(out.jsSrc); res.diagnostics.push(out.diag); } threads.parentPort.postMessage(res); }); } class OutputFileNameOracle { getOutputFileName; constructor(cmdLine, configFilePath) { this.getOutputFileName = (file) => { try { // windows: path-sep normalizing file = ts.normalizePath(file); if (!cmdLine.options.configFilePath) { // this is needed for the INTERNAL getOutputFileNames-call below... cmdLine.options.configFilePath = configFilePath; } const isDts = file.endsWith('.d.ts'); if (isDts) { file = file.slice(0, -5) + '.ts'; cmdLine.fileNames.push(file); } const outfile = ts.getOutputFileNames(cmdLine, file, true)[0]; if (isDts) { cmdLine.fileNames.pop(); } return outfile; } catch (err) { console.error(file, cmdLine.fileNames); console.error(err); throw new err; } }; } } class TranspileWorker { static pool = 1; id = TranspileWorker.pool++; _worker = new threads.Worker(__filename); _pending; _durations = []; constructor(outFileFn) { this._worker.addListener('message', (res) => { if (!this._pending) { console.error('RECEIVING data WITHOUT request'); return; } const [resolve, reject, files, options, t1] = this._pending; const outFiles = []; const diag = []; for (let i = 0; i < res.jsSrcs.length; i++) { // inputs and outputs are aligned across the arrays const file = files[i]; const jsSrc = res.jsSrcs[i]; const diag = res.diagnostics[i]; if (diag.length > 0) { diag.push(...diag); continue; } let SuffixTypes; (function (SuffixTypes) { SuffixTypes[SuffixTypes["Dts"] = 5] = "Dts"; SuffixTypes[SuffixTypes["Ts"] = 3] = "Ts"; SuffixTypes[SuffixTypes["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; })(SuffixTypes || (SuffixTypes = {})); const suffixLen = file.path.endsWith('.d.ts') ? 5 /* SuffixTypes.Dts */ : file.path.endsWith('.ts') ? 3 /* SuffixTypes.Ts */ : 0 /* SuffixTypes.Unknown */; // check if output of a DTS-files isn't just "empty" and iff so // skip this file if (suffixLen === 5 /* SuffixTypes.Dts */ && _isDefaultEmpty(jsSrc)) { continue; } const outBase = options.compilerOptions?.outDir ?? file.base; const outPath = outFileFn(file.path); outFiles.push(new Vinyl({ path: outPath, base: outBase, contents: Buffer.from(jsSrc), })); } this._pending = undefined; this._durations.push(Date.now() - t1); if (diag.length > 0) { reject(diag); } else { resolve(outFiles); } }); } terminate() { // console.log(`Worker#${this.id} ENDS after ${this._durations.length} jobs (total: ${this._durations.reduce((p, c) => p + c, 0)}, avg: ${this._durations.reduce((p, c) => p + c, 0) / this._durations.length})`); this._worker.terminate(); } get isBusy() { return this._pending !== undefined; } next(files, options) { if (this._pending !== undefined) { throw new Error('BUSY'); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._pending = [resolve, reject, files, options, Date.now()]; const req = { options, tsSrcs: files.map(file => String(file.contents)) }; this._worker.postMessage(req); }); } } class TscTranspiler { _onError; _cmdLine; static P = Math.floor((0, node_os_1.cpus)().length * .5); _outputFileNames; onOutfile; _workerPool = []; _queue = []; _allJobs = []; constructor(logFn, _onError, configFilePath, _cmdLine) { this._onError = _onError; this._cmdLine = _cmdLine; logFn('Transpile', `will use ${TscTranspiler.P} transpile worker`); this._outputFileNames = new OutputFileNameOracle(_cmdLine, configFilePath); } async join() { // wait for all penindg jobs this._consumeQueue(); await Promise.allSettled(this._allJobs); this._allJobs.length = 0; // terminate all worker this._workerPool.forEach(w => w.terminate()); this._workerPool.length = 0; } transpile(file) { if (this._cmdLine.options.noEmit) { // not doing ANYTHING here return; } const newLen = this._queue.push(file); if (newLen > TscTranspiler.P ** 2) { this._consumeQueue(); } } _consumeQueue() { if (this._queue.length === 0) { // no work... return; } // kinda LAZYily create workers if (this._workerPool.length === 0) { for (let i = 0; i < TscTranspiler.P; i++) { this._workerPool.push(new TranspileWorker(file => this._outputFileNames.getOutputFileName(file))); } } const freeWorker = this._workerPool.filter(w => !w.isBusy); if (freeWorker.length === 0) { // OK, they will pick up work themselves return; } for (const worker of freeWorker) { if (this._queue.length === 0) { break; } const job = new Promise(resolve => { const consume = () => { const files = this._queue.splice(0, TscTranspiler.P); if (files.length === 0) { // DONE resolve(undefined); return; } // work on the NEXT file // const [inFile, outFn] = req; worker.next(files, { compilerOptions: this._cmdLine.options }).then(outFiles => { if (this.onOutfile) { outFiles.map(this.onOutfile, this); } consume(); }).catch(err => { this._onError(err); }); }; consume(); }); this._allJobs.push(job); } } } exports.TscTranspiler = TscTranspiler; function _isDefaultEmpty(src) { return src .replace('"use strict";', '') .replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|([^\\:]|^)\/\/.*$/gm, '$1') .trim().length === 0; } class SwcTranspiler { _logFn; _onError; _cmdLine; onOutfile; _outputFileNames; _jobs = []; constructor(_logFn, _onError, configFilePath, _cmdLine) { this._logFn = _logFn; this._onError = _onError; this._cmdLine = _cmdLine; _logFn('Transpile', `will use SWC to transpile source files`); this._outputFileNames = new OutputFileNameOracle(_cmdLine, configFilePath); } async join() { const jobs = this._jobs.slice(); this._jobs.length = 0; await Promise.allSettled(jobs); } transpile(file) { if (this._cmdLine.options.noEmit) { // not doing ANYTHING here return; } const tsSrc = String(file.contents); const t1 = Date.now(); let options = SwcTranspiler._swcrcEsm; if (this._cmdLine.options.module === ts.ModuleKind.AMD) { const isAmd = /\n(import|export)/m.test(tsSrc); if (isAmd) { options = SwcTranspiler._swcrcAmd; } } else if (this._cmdLine.options.module === ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS) { options = SwcTranspiler._swcrcCommonJS; } this._jobs.push(swc.transform(tsSrc, options).then(output => { // check if output of a DTS-files isn't just "empty" and iff so // skip this file if (file.path.endsWith('.d.ts') && _isDefaultEmpty(output.code)) { return; } const outBase = this._cmdLine.options.outDir ?? file.base; const outPath = this._outputFileNames.getOutputFileName(file.path); this.onOutfile(new Vinyl({ path: outPath, base: outBase, contents: Buffer.from(output.code), })); this._logFn('Transpile', `swc took ${Date.now() - t1}ms for ${file.path}`); }).catch(err => { this._onError(err); })); } // --- .swcrc static _swcrcAmd = { exclude: '\.js$', jsc: { parser: { syntax: 'typescript', tsx: false, decorators: true }, target: 'es2022', loose: false, minify: { compress: false, mangle: false }, transform: { useDefineForClassFields: false, }, }, module: { type: 'amd', noInterop: true }, minify: false, }; static _swcrcCommonJS = { ...this._swcrcAmd, module: { type: 'commonjs', importInterop: 'none' } }; static _swcrcEsm = { ...this._swcrcAmd, module: { type: 'es6' } }; } exports.SwcTranspiler = SwcTranspiler; //# sourceMappingURL=transpiler.js.map