/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const ts = require("typescript"); const TYPESCRIPT_LIB_FOLDER = path.dirname(require.resolve('typescript/lib/lib.d.ts')); var ShakeLevel; (function (ShakeLevel) { ShakeLevel[ShakeLevel["Files"] = 0] = "Files"; ShakeLevel[ShakeLevel["InnerFile"] = 1] = "InnerFile"; ShakeLevel[ShakeLevel["ClassMembers"] = 2] = "ClassMembers"; })(ShakeLevel = exports.ShakeLevel || (exports.ShakeLevel = {})); function toStringShakeLevel(shakeLevel) { switch (shakeLevel) { case 0 /* Files */: return 'Files (0)'; case 1 /* InnerFile */: return 'InnerFile (1)'; case 2 /* ClassMembers */: return 'ClassMembers (2)'; } } exports.toStringShakeLevel = toStringShakeLevel; function printDiagnostics(diagnostics) { for (const diag of diagnostics) { let result = ''; if (diag.file) { result += `${diag.file.fileName}: `; } if (diag.file && diag.start) { let location = diag.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diag.start); result += `- ${location.line + 1},${location.character} - `; } result += JSON.stringify(diag.messageText); console.log(result); } } function shake(options) { const languageService = createTypeScriptLanguageService(options); const program = languageService.getProgram(); const globalDiagnostics = program.getGlobalDiagnostics(); if (globalDiagnostics.length > 0) { printDiagnostics(globalDiagnostics); throw new Error(`Compilation Errors encountered.`); } const syntacticDiagnostics = program.getSyntacticDiagnostics(); if (syntacticDiagnostics.length > 0) { printDiagnostics(syntacticDiagnostics); throw new Error(`Compilation Errors encountered.`); } const semanticDiagnostics = program.getSemanticDiagnostics(); if (semanticDiagnostics.length > 0) { printDiagnostics(semanticDiagnostics); throw new Error(`Compilation Errors encountered.`); } markNodes(languageService, options); return generateResult(languageService, options.shakeLevel); } exports.shake = shake; //#region Discovery, LanguageService & Setup function createTypeScriptLanguageService(options) { // Discover referenced files const FILES = discoverAndReadFiles(options); // Add fake usage files options.inlineEntryPoints.forEach((inlineEntryPoint, index) => { FILES[`inlineEntryPoint.${index}.ts`] = inlineEntryPoint; }); // Add additional typings options.typings.forEach((typing) => { const filePath = path.join(options.sourcesRoot, typing); FILES[typing] = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString(); }); // Resolve libs const RESOLVED_LIBS = {}; options.libs.forEach((filename) => { const filepath = path.join(TYPESCRIPT_LIB_FOLDER, filename); RESOLVED_LIBS[`defaultLib:${filename}`] = fs.readFileSync(filepath).toString(); }); const compilerOptions = ts.convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(options.compilerOptions, options.sourcesRoot).options; const host = new TypeScriptLanguageServiceHost(RESOLVED_LIBS, FILES, compilerOptions); return ts.createLanguageService(host); } /** * Read imports and follow them until all files have been handled */ function discoverAndReadFiles(options) { const FILES = {}; const in_queue = Object.create(null); const queue = []; const enqueue = (moduleId) => { if (in_queue[moduleId]) { return; } in_queue[moduleId] = true; queue.push(moduleId); }; options.entryPoints.forEach((entryPoint) => enqueue(entryPoint)); while (queue.length > 0) { const moduleId = queue.shift(); const dts_filename = path.join(options.sourcesRoot, moduleId + '.d.ts'); if (fs.existsSync(dts_filename)) { const dts_filecontents = fs.readFileSync(dts_filename).toString(); FILES[`${moduleId}.d.ts`] = dts_filecontents; continue; } const js_filename = path.join(options.sourcesRoot, moduleId + '.js'); if (fs.existsSync(js_filename)) { // This is an import for a .js file, so ignore it... continue; } let ts_filename; if (options.redirects[moduleId]) { ts_filename = path.join(options.sourcesRoot, options.redirects[moduleId] + '.ts'); } else { ts_filename = path.join(options.sourcesRoot, moduleId + '.ts'); } const ts_filecontents = fs.readFileSync(ts_filename).toString(); const info = ts.preProcessFile(ts_filecontents); for (let i = info.importedFiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const importedFileName = info.importedFiles[i].fileName; if (options.importIgnorePattern.test(importedFileName)) { // Ignore vs/css! imports continue; } let importedModuleId = importedFileName; if (/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(importedModuleId)) { importedModuleId = path.join(path.dirname(moduleId), importedModuleId); } enqueue(importedModuleId); } FILES[`${moduleId}.ts`] = ts_filecontents; } return FILES; } /** * A TypeScript language service host */ class TypeScriptLanguageServiceHost { constructor(libs, files, compilerOptions) { this._libs = libs; this._files = files; this._compilerOptions = compilerOptions; } // --- language service host --------------- getCompilationSettings() { return this._compilerOptions; } getScriptFileNames() { return ([] .concat(Object.keys(this._libs)) .concat(Object.keys(this._files))); } getScriptVersion(_fileName) { return '1'; } getProjectVersion() { return '1'; } getScriptSnapshot(fileName) { if (this._files.hasOwnProperty(fileName)) { return ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(this._files[fileName]); } else if (this._libs.hasOwnProperty(fileName)) { return ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(this._libs[fileName]); } else { return ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(''); } } getScriptKind(_fileName) { return ts.ScriptKind.TS; } getCurrentDirectory() { return ''; } getDefaultLibFileName(_options) { return 'defaultLib:lib.d.ts'; } isDefaultLibFileName(fileName) { return fileName === this.getDefaultLibFileName(this._compilerOptions); } } //#endregion //#region Tree Shaking var NodeColor; (function (NodeColor) { NodeColor[NodeColor["White"] = 0] = "White"; NodeColor[NodeColor["Gray"] = 1] = "Gray"; NodeColor[NodeColor["Black"] = 2] = "Black"; })(NodeColor || (NodeColor = {})); function getColor(node) { return node.$$$color || 0 /* White */; } function setColor(node, color) { node.$$$color = color; } function nodeOrParentIsBlack(node) { while (node) { const color = getColor(node); if (color === 2 /* Black */) { return true; } node = node.parent; } return false; } function nodeOrChildIsBlack(node) { if (getColor(node) === 2 /* Black */) { return true; } for (const child of node.getChildren()) { if (nodeOrChildIsBlack(child)) { return true; } } return false; } function markNodes(languageService, options) { const program = languageService.getProgram(); if (!program) { throw new Error('Could not get program from language service'); } if (options.shakeLevel === 0 /* Files */) { // Mark all source files Black program.getSourceFiles().forEach((sourceFile) => { setColor(sourceFile, 2 /* Black */); }); return; } const black_queue = []; const gray_queue = []; const sourceFilesLoaded = {}; function enqueueTopLevelModuleStatements(sourceFile) { sourceFile.forEachChild((node) => { if (ts.isImportDeclaration(node)) { if (!node.importClause && ts.isStringLiteral(node.moduleSpecifier)) { setColor(node, 2 /* Black */); enqueueImport(node, node.moduleSpecifier.text); } return; } if (ts.isExportDeclaration(node)) { if (node.moduleSpecifier && ts.isStringLiteral(node.moduleSpecifier)) { setColor(node, 2 /* Black */); enqueueImport(node, node.moduleSpecifier.text); } return; } if (ts.isExpressionStatement(node) || ts.isIfStatement(node) || ts.isIterationStatement(node, true) || ts.isExportAssignment(node)) { enqueue_black(node); } if (ts.isImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) { if (/export/.test(node.getFullText(sourceFile))) { // e.g. "export import Severity = BaseSeverity;" enqueue_black(node); } } }); } function enqueue_gray(node) { if (nodeOrParentIsBlack(node) || getColor(node) === 1 /* Gray */) { return; } setColor(node, 1 /* Gray */); gray_queue.push(node); } function enqueue_black(node) { const previousColor = getColor(node); if (previousColor === 2 /* Black */) { return; } if (previousColor === 1 /* Gray */) { // remove from gray queue gray_queue.splice(gray_queue.indexOf(node), 1); setColor(node, 0 /* White */); // add to black queue enqueue_black(node); // // move from one queue to the other // black_queue.push(node); // setColor(node, NodeColor.Black); return; } if (nodeOrParentIsBlack(node)) { return; } const fileName = node.getSourceFile().fileName; if (/^defaultLib:/.test(fileName) || /\.d\.ts$/.test(fileName)) { setColor(node, 2 /* Black */); return; } const sourceFile = node.getSourceFile(); if (!sourceFilesLoaded[sourceFile.fileName]) { sourceFilesLoaded[sourceFile.fileName] = true; enqueueTopLevelModuleStatements(sourceFile); } if (ts.isSourceFile(node)) { return; } setColor(node, 2 /* Black */); black_queue.push(node); if (options.shakeLevel === 2 /* ClassMembers */ && (ts.isMethodDeclaration(node) || ts.isMethodSignature(node) || ts.isPropertySignature(node) || ts.isGetAccessor(node) || ts.isSetAccessor(node))) { const references = languageService.getReferencesAtPosition(node.getSourceFile().fileName, node.name.pos + node.name.getLeadingTriviaWidth()); if (references) { for (let i = 0, len = references.length; i < len; i++) { const reference = references[i]; const referenceSourceFile = program.getSourceFile(reference.fileName); if (!referenceSourceFile) { continue; } const referenceNode = getTokenAtPosition(referenceSourceFile, reference.textSpan.start, false, false); if (ts.isMethodDeclaration(referenceNode.parent) || ts.isPropertyDeclaration(referenceNode.parent) || ts.isGetAccessor(referenceNode.parent) || ts.isSetAccessor(referenceNode.parent)) { enqueue_gray(referenceNode.parent); } } } } } function enqueueFile(filename) { const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(filename); if (!sourceFile) { console.warn(`Cannot find source file ${filename}`); return; } enqueue_black(sourceFile); } function enqueueImport(node, importText) { if (options.importIgnorePattern.test(importText)) { // this import should be ignored return; } const nodeSourceFile = node.getSourceFile(); let fullPath; if (/(^\.\/)|(^\.\.\/)/.test(importText)) { fullPath = path.join(path.dirname(nodeSourceFile.fileName), importText) + '.ts'; } else { fullPath = importText + '.ts'; } enqueueFile(fullPath); } options.entryPoints.forEach(moduleId => enqueueFile(moduleId + '.ts')); // Add fake usage files options.inlineEntryPoints.forEach((_, index) => enqueueFile(`inlineEntryPoint.${index}.ts`)); let step = 0; const checker = program.getTypeChecker(); while (black_queue.length > 0 || gray_queue.length > 0) { ++step; let node; if (step % 100 === 0) { console.log(`${step}/${step + black_queue.length + gray_queue.length} (${black_queue.length}, ${gray_queue.length})`); } if (black_queue.length === 0) { for (let i = 0; i < gray_queue.length; i++) { const node = gray_queue[i]; const nodeParent = node.parent; if ((ts.isClassDeclaration(nodeParent) || ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(nodeParent)) && nodeOrChildIsBlack(nodeParent)) { gray_queue.splice(i, 1); black_queue.push(node); setColor(node, 2 /* Black */); i--; } } } if (black_queue.length > 0) { node = black_queue.shift(); } else { // only gray nodes remaining... break; } const nodeSourceFile = node.getSourceFile(); const loop = (node) => { const [symbol, symbolImportNode] = getRealNodeSymbol(checker, node); if (symbolImportNode) { setColor(symbolImportNode, 2 /* Black */); } if (symbol && !nodeIsInItsOwnDeclaration(nodeSourceFile, node, symbol)) { for (let i = 0, len = symbol.declarations.length; i < len; i++) { const declaration = symbol.declarations[i]; if (ts.isSourceFile(declaration)) { // Do not enqueue full source files // (they can be the declaration of a module import) continue; } if (options.shakeLevel === 2 /* ClassMembers */ && (ts.isClassDeclaration(declaration) || ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(declaration))) { enqueue_black(declaration.name); for (let j = 0; j < declaration.members.length; j++) { const member = declaration.members[j]; const memberName = member.name ? member.name.getText() : null; if (ts.isConstructorDeclaration(member) || ts.isConstructSignatureDeclaration(member) || ts.isIndexSignatureDeclaration(member) || ts.isCallSignatureDeclaration(member) || memberName === 'toJSON' || memberName === 'toString' || memberName === 'dispose' // TODO: keeping all `dispose` methods || /^_(.*)Brand$/.test(memberName || '') // TODO: keeping all members ending with `Brand`... ) { enqueue_black(member); } } // queue the heritage clauses if (declaration.heritageClauses) { for (let heritageClause of declaration.heritageClauses) { enqueue_black(heritageClause); } } } else { enqueue_black(declaration); } } } node.forEachChild(loop); }; node.forEachChild(loop); } } function nodeIsInItsOwnDeclaration(nodeSourceFile, node, symbol) { for (let i = 0, len = symbol.declarations.length; i < len; i++) { const declaration = symbol.declarations[i]; const declarationSourceFile = declaration.getSourceFile(); if (nodeSourceFile === declarationSourceFile) { if (declaration.pos <= node.pos && node.end <= declaration.end) { return true; } } } return false; } function generateResult(languageService, shakeLevel) { const program = languageService.getProgram(); if (!program) { throw new Error('Could not get program from language service'); } let result = {}; const writeFile = (filePath, contents) => { result[filePath] = contents; }; program.getSourceFiles().forEach((sourceFile) => { const fileName = sourceFile.fileName; if (/^defaultLib:/.test(fileName)) { return; } const destination = fileName; if (/\.d\.ts$/.test(fileName)) { if (nodeOrChildIsBlack(sourceFile)) { writeFile(destination, sourceFile.text); } return; } let text = sourceFile.text; let result = ''; function keep(node) { result += text.substring(node.pos, node.end); } function write(data) { result += data; } function writeMarkedNodes(node) { if (getColor(node) === 2 /* Black */) { return keep(node); } // Always keep certain top-level statements if (ts.isSourceFile(node.parent)) { if (ts.isExpressionStatement(node) && ts.isStringLiteral(node.expression) && node.expression.text === 'use strict') { return keep(node); } if (ts.isVariableStatement(node) && nodeOrChildIsBlack(node)) { return keep(node); } } // Keep the entire import in import * as X cases if (ts.isImportDeclaration(node)) { if (node.importClause && node.importClause.namedBindings) { if (ts.isNamespaceImport(node.importClause.namedBindings)) { if (getColor(node.importClause.namedBindings) === 2 /* Black */) { return keep(node); } } else { let survivingImports = []; for (const importNode of node.importClause.namedBindings.elements) { if (getColor(importNode) === 2 /* Black */) { survivingImports.push(importNode.getFullText(sourceFile)); } } const leadingTriviaWidth = node.getLeadingTriviaWidth(); const leadingTrivia = sourceFile.text.substr(node.pos, leadingTriviaWidth); if (survivingImports.length > 0) { if (node.importClause && node.importClause.name && getColor(node.importClause) === 2 /* Black */) { return write(`${leadingTrivia}import ${node.importClause.name.text}, {${survivingImports.join(',')} } from${node.moduleSpecifier.getFullText(sourceFile)};`); } return write(`${leadingTrivia}import {${survivingImports.join(',')} } from${node.moduleSpecifier.getFullText(sourceFile)};`); } else { if (node.importClause && node.importClause.name && getColor(node.importClause) === 2 /* Black */) { return write(`${leadingTrivia}import ${node.importClause.name.text} from${node.moduleSpecifier.getFullText(sourceFile)};`); } } } } else { if (node.importClause && getColor(node.importClause) === 2 /* Black */) { return keep(node); } } } if (shakeLevel === 2 /* ClassMembers */ && (ts.isClassDeclaration(node) || ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) && nodeOrChildIsBlack(node)) { let toWrite = node.getFullText(); for (let i = node.members.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const member = node.members[i]; if (getColor(member) === 2 /* Black */ || !member.name) { // keep method continue; } let pos = member.pos - node.pos; let end = member.end - node.pos; toWrite = toWrite.substring(0, pos) + toWrite.substring(end); } return write(toWrite); } if (ts.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) { // Do not go inside functions if they haven't been marked return; } node.forEachChild(writeMarkedNodes); } if (getColor(sourceFile) !== 2 /* Black */) { if (!nodeOrChildIsBlack(sourceFile)) { // none of the elements are reachable => don't write this file at all! return; } sourceFile.forEachChild(writeMarkedNodes); result += sourceFile.endOfFileToken.getFullText(sourceFile); } else { result = text; } writeFile(destination, result); }); return result; } //#endregion //#region Utils /** * Returns the node's symbol and the `import` node (if the symbol resolved from a different module) */ function getRealNodeSymbol(checker, node) { const getPropertySymbolsFromContextualType = ts.getPropertySymbolsFromContextualType; const getContainingObjectLiteralElement = ts.getContainingObjectLiteralElement; const getNameFromPropertyName = ts.getNameFromPropertyName; // Go to the original declaration for cases: // // (1) when the aliased symbol was declared in the location(parent). // (2) when the aliased symbol is originating from an import. // function shouldSkipAlias(node, declaration) { if (node.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) { return false; } if (node.parent === declaration) { return true; } switch (declaration.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportClause: case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration: return true; case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier: return declaration.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.NamedImports; default: return false; } } if (!ts.isShorthandPropertyAssignment(node)) { if (node.getChildCount() !== 0) { return [null, null]; } } const { parent } = node; let symbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(node); let importNode = null; // If this is an alias, and the request came at the declaration location // get the aliased symbol instead. This allows for goto def on an import e.g. // import {A, B} from "mod"; // to jump to the implementation directly. if (symbol && symbol.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.Alias && shouldSkipAlias(node, symbol.declarations[0])) { const aliased = checker.getAliasedSymbol(symbol); if (aliased.declarations) { // We should mark the import as visited importNode = symbol.declarations[0]; symbol = aliased; } } if (symbol) { // Because name in short-hand property assignment has two different meanings: property name and property value, // using go-to-definition at such position should go to the variable declaration of the property value rather than // go to the declaration of the property name (in this case stay at the same position). However, if go-to-definition // is performed at the location of property access, we would like to go to definition of the property in the short-hand // assignment. This case and others are handled by the following code. if (node.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ShorthandPropertyAssignment) { symbol = checker.getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol(symbol.valueDeclaration); } // If the node is the name of a BindingElement within an ObjectBindingPattern instead of just returning the // declaration the symbol (which is itself), we should try to get to the original type of the ObjectBindingPattern // and return the property declaration for the referenced property. // For example: // import('./foo').then(({ b/*goto*/ar }) => undefined); => should get use to the declaration in file "./foo" // // function bar(onfulfilled: (value: T) => void) { //....} // interface Test { // pr/*destination*/op1: number // } // bar(({pr/*goto*/op1})=>{}); if (ts.isPropertyName(node) && ts.isBindingElement(parent) && ts.isObjectBindingPattern(parent.parent) && (node === (parent.propertyName || parent.name))) { const name = getNameFromPropertyName(node); const type = checker.getTypeAtLocation(parent.parent); if (name && type) { if (type.isUnion()) { const prop = type.types[0].getProperty(name); if (prop) { symbol = prop; } } else { const prop = type.getProperty(name); if (prop) { symbol = prop; } } } } // If the current location we want to find its definition is in an object literal, try to get the contextual type for the // object literal, lookup the property symbol in the contextual type, and use this for goto-definition. // For example // interface Props{ // /*first*/prop1: number // prop2: boolean // } // function Foo(arg: Props) {} // Foo( { pr/*1*/op1: 10, prop2: false }) const element = getContainingObjectLiteralElement(node); if (element) { const contextualType = element && checker.getContextualType(element.parent); if (contextualType) { const propertySymbols = getPropertySymbolsFromContextualType(element, checker, contextualType, /*unionSymbolOk*/ false); if (propertySymbols) { symbol = propertySymbols[0]; } } } } if (symbol && symbol.declarations) { return [symbol, importNode]; } return [null, null]; } /** Get the token whose text contains the position */ function getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position, allowPositionInLeadingTrivia, includeEndPosition) { let current = sourceFile; outer: while (true) { // find the child that contains 'position' for (const child of current.getChildren()) { const start = allowPositionInLeadingTrivia ? child.getFullStart() : child.getStart(sourceFile, /*includeJsDoc*/ true); if (start > position) { // If this child begins after position, then all subsequent children will as well. break; } const end = child.getEnd(); if (position < end || (position === end && (child.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken || includeEndPosition))) { current = child; continue outer; } } return current; } }