/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; const gulp = require('gulp'); const filter = require('gulp-filter'); const es = require('event-stream'); const gulptslint = require('gulp-tslint'); const gulpeslint = require('gulp-eslint'); const tsfmt = require('typescript-formatter'); const tslint = require('tslint'); const VinylFile = require('vinyl'); const vfs = require('vinyl-fs'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const pall = require('p-all'); const task = require('./lib/task'); /** * Hygiene works by creating cascading subsets of all our files and * passing them through a sequence of checks. Here are the current subsets, * named according to the checks performed on them. Each subset contains * the following one, as described in mathematical notation: * * all ⊃ eol ⊇ indentation ⊃ copyright ⊃ typescript */ const all = [ '*', 'build/**/*', 'extensions/**/*', 'scripts/**/*', 'src/**/*', 'test/**/*', '!**/node_modules/**' ]; const indentationFilter = [ '**', // except specific files '!ThirdPartyNotices.txt', '!LICENSE.{txt,rtf}', '!LICENSES.chromium.html', '!**/LICENSE', '!src/vs/nls.js', '!src/vs/nls.build.js', '!src/vs/css.js', '!src/vs/css.build.js', '!src/vs/loader.js', '!src/vs/base/common/insane/insane.js', '!src/vs/base/common/marked/marked.js', '!src/vs/base/node/terminateProcess.sh', '!src/vs/base/node/cpuUsage.sh', '!test/assert.js', // except specific folders '!test/automation/out/**', '!test/smoke/out/**', '!extensions/vscode-api-tests/testWorkspace/**', '!extensions/vscode-api-tests/testWorkspace2/**', '!build/monaco/**', '!build/win32/**', // except multiple specific files '!**/package.json', '!**/yarn.lock', '!**/yarn-error.log', // except multiple specific folders '!**/codicon/**', '!**/fixtures/**', '!**/lib/**', '!extensions/**/out/**', '!extensions/**/snippets/**', '!extensions/**/syntaxes/**', '!extensions/**/themes/**', '!extensions/**/colorize-fixtures/**', // except specific file types '!src/vs/*/**/*.d.ts', '!src/typings/**/*.d.ts', '!extensions/**/*.d.ts', '!**/*.{svg,exe,png,bmp,scpt,bat,cmd,cur,ttf,woff,eot,md,ps1,template,yaml,yml,d.ts.recipe,ico,icns}', '!build/{lib,tslintRules,download}/**/*.js', '!build/**/*.sh', '!build/azure-pipelines/**/*.js', '!build/azure-pipelines/**/*.config', '!**/Dockerfile', '!**/Dockerfile.*', '!**/*.Dockerfile', '!**/*.dockerfile', '!extensions/markdown-language-features/media/*.js' ]; const copyrightFilter = [ '**', '!**/*.desktop', '!**/*.json', '!**/*.html', '!**/*.template', '!**/*.md', '!**/*.bat', '!**/*.cmd', '!**/*.ico', '!**/*.icns', '!**/*.xml', '!**/*.sh', '!**/*.txt', '!**/*.xpm', '!**/*.opts', '!**/*.disabled', '!**/*.code-workspace', '!**/*.js.map', '!**/promise-polyfill/polyfill.js', '!build/**/*.init', '!resources/linux/snap/snapcraft.yaml', '!resources/linux/snap/electron-launch', '!resources/win32/bin/code.js', '!resources/completions/**', '!extensions/markdown-language-features/media/highlight.css', '!extensions/html-language-features/server/src/modes/typescript/*', '!extensions/*/server/bin/*', '!src/vs/editor/test/node/classification/typescript-test.ts', '!scripts/code-web.js' ]; const eslintFilter = [ 'src/**/*.js', 'build/gulpfile.*.js', '!src/vs/loader.js', '!src/vs/css.js', '!src/vs/nls.js', '!src/vs/css.build.js', '!src/vs/nls.build.js', '!src/**/insane.js', '!src/**/marked.js', '!**/test/**' ]; const tslintBaseFilter = [ '!**/fixtures/**', '!**/typings/**', '!**/node_modules/**', '!extensions/typescript-basics/test/colorize-fixtures/**', '!extensions/vscode-api-tests/testWorkspace/**', '!extensions/vscode-api-tests/testWorkspace2/**', '!extensions/**/*.test.ts', '!extensions/html-language-features/server/lib/jquery.d.ts' ]; const tslintCoreFilter = [ 'src/**/*.ts', 'test/**/*.ts', '!extensions/**/*.ts', '!test/automation/**', '!test/smoke/**', ...tslintBaseFilter ]; const tslintExtensionsFilter = [ 'extensions/**/*.ts', '!src/**/*.ts', '!test/**/*.ts', 'test/automation/**/*.ts', ...tslintBaseFilter ]; const tslintHygieneFilter = [ 'src/**/*.ts', 'test/**/*.ts', 'extensions/**/*.ts', ...tslintBaseFilter ]; const copyrightHeaderLines = [ '/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------', ' * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.', ' * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.', ' *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/' ]; gulp.task('eslint', () => { return vfs.src(all, { base: '.', follow: true, allowEmpty: true }) .pipe(filter(eslintFilter)) .pipe(gulpeslint('src/.eslintrc')) .pipe(gulpeslint.formatEach('compact')) .pipe(gulpeslint.failAfterError()); }); gulp.task('tslint', () => { return es.merge([ // Core: include type information (required by certain rules like no-nodejs-globals) vfs.src(all, { base: '.', follow: true, allowEmpty: true }) .pipe(filter(tslintCoreFilter)) .pipe(gulptslint.default({ rulesDirectory: 'build/lib/tslint', program: tslint.Linter.createProgram('src/tsconfig.json') })) .pipe(gulptslint.default.report({ emitError: true })), // Exenstions: do not include type information vfs.src(all, { base: '.', follow: true, allowEmpty: true }) .pipe(filter(tslintExtensionsFilter)) .pipe(gulptslint.default({ rulesDirectory: 'build/lib/tslint' })) .pipe(gulptslint.default.report({ emitError: true })) ]).pipe(es.through()); }); function checkPackageJSON(actualPath) { const actual = require(path.join(__dirname, '..', actualPath)); const rootPackageJSON = require('../package.json'); for (let depName in actual.dependencies) { const depVersion = actual.dependencies[depName]; const rootDepVersion = rootPackageJSON.dependencies[depName]; if (!rootDepVersion) { // missing in root is allowed continue; } if (depVersion !== rootDepVersion) { this.emit('error', `The dependency ${depName} in '${actualPath}' (${depVersion}) is different than in the root package.json (${rootDepVersion})`); } } } const checkPackageJSONTask = task.define('check-package-json', () => { return gulp.src('package.json') .pipe(es.through(function() { checkPackageJSON.call(this, 'remote/package.json'); checkPackageJSON.call(this, 'remote/web/package.json'); })); }); gulp.task(checkPackageJSONTask); function hygiene(some) { let errorCount = 0; const productJson = es.through(function (file) { const product = JSON.parse(file.contents.toString('utf8')); if (product.extensionsGallery) { console.error('product.json: Contains "extensionsGallery"'); errorCount++; } this.emit('data', file); }); const indentation = es.through(function (file) { const lines = file.contents.toString('utf8').split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); file.__lines = lines; lines .forEach((line, i) => { if (/^\s*$/.test(line)) { // empty or whitespace lines are OK } else if (/^[\t]*[^\s]/.test(line)) { // good indent } else if (/^[\t]* \*/.test(line)) { // block comment using an extra space } else { console.error(file.relative + '(' + (i + 1) + ',1): Bad whitespace indentation'); errorCount++; } }); this.emit('data', file); }); const copyrights = es.through(function (file) { const lines = file.__lines; for (let i = 0; i < copyrightHeaderLines.length; i++) { if (lines[i] !== copyrightHeaderLines[i]) { console.error(file.relative + ': Missing or bad copyright statement'); errorCount++; break; } } this.emit('data', file); }); const formatting = es.map(function (file, cb) { tsfmt.processString(file.path, file.contents.toString('utf8'), { verify: false, tsfmt: true, // verbose: true, // keep checkJS happy editorconfig: undefined, replace: undefined, tsconfig: undefined, tsconfigFile: undefined, tslint: undefined, tslintFile: undefined, tsfmtFile: undefined, vscode: undefined, vscodeFile: undefined }).then(result => { let original = result.src.replace(/\r\n/gm, '\n'); let formatted = result.dest.replace(/\r\n/gm, '\n'); if (original !== formatted) { console.error("File not formatted. Run the 'Format Document' command to fix it:", file.relative); errorCount++; } cb(null, file); }, err => { cb(err); }); }); const tslintConfiguration = tslint.Configuration.findConfiguration('tslint.json', '.'); const tslintOptions = { fix: false, formatter: 'json' }; const tsLinter = new tslint.Linter(tslintOptions); const tsl = es.through(function (file) { const contents = file.contents.toString('utf8'); tsLinter.lint(file.relative, contents, tslintConfiguration.results); this.emit('data', file); }); let input; if (Array.isArray(some) || typeof some === 'string' || !some) { input = vfs.src(some || all, { base: '.', follow: true, allowEmpty: true }); } else { input = some; } const productJsonFilter = filter('product.json', { restore: true }); const result = input .pipe(filter(f => !f.stat.isDirectory())) .pipe(productJsonFilter) .pipe(process.env['BUILD_SOURCEVERSION'] ? es.through() : productJson) .pipe(productJsonFilter.restore) .pipe(filter(indentationFilter)) .pipe(indentation) .pipe(filter(copyrightFilter)) .pipe(copyrights); let typescript = result .pipe(filter(tslintHygieneFilter)) .pipe(formatting); if (!process.argv.some(arg => arg === '--skip-tslint')) { typescript = typescript.pipe(tsl); } const javascript = result .pipe(filter(eslintFilter)) .pipe(gulpeslint('src/.eslintrc')) .pipe(gulpeslint.formatEach('compact')) .pipe(gulpeslint.failAfterError()); let count = 0; return es.merge(typescript, javascript) .pipe(es.through(function (data) { count++; if (process.env['TRAVIS'] && count % 10 === 0) { process.stdout.write('.'); } this.emit('data', data); }, function () { process.stdout.write('\n'); const tslintResult = tsLinter.getResult(); if (tslintResult.failures.length > 0) { for (const failure of tslintResult.failures) { const name = failure.getFileName(); const position = failure.getStartPosition(); const line = position.getLineAndCharacter().line; const character = position.getLineAndCharacter().character; console.error(`${name}:${line + 1}:${character + 1}:${failure.getFailure()}`); } errorCount += tslintResult.failures.length; } if (errorCount > 0) { this.emit('error', 'Hygiene failed with ' + errorCount + ' errors. Check \'build/gulpfile.hygiene.js\'.'); } else { this.emit('end'); } })); } function createGitIndexVinyls(paths) { const cp = require('child_process'); const repositoryPath = process.cwd(); const fns = paths.map(relativePath => () => new Promise((c, e) => { const fullPath = path.join(repositoryPath, relativePath); fs.stat(fullPath, (err, stat) => { if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') { // ignore deletions return c(null); } else if (err) { return e(err); } cp.exec(`git show :${relativePath}`, { maxBuffer: 2000 * 1024, encoding: 'buffer' }, (err, out) => { if (err) { return e(err); } c(new VinylFile({ path: fullPath, base: repositoryPath, contents: out, stat })); }); }); })); return pall(fns, { concurrency: 4 }) .then(r => r.filter(p => !!p)); } gulp.task('hygiene', task.series(checkPackageJSONTask, () => hygiene())); // this allows us to run hygiene as a git pre-commit hook if (require.main === module) { const cp = require('child_process'); process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => { console.log('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise', p, 'reason:', reason); process.exit(1); }); if (process.argv.length > 2) { hygiene(process.argv.slice(2)).on('error', err => { console.error(); console.error(err); process.exit(1); }); } else { cp.exec('git diff --cached --name-only', { maxBuffer: 2000 * 1024 }, (err, out) => { if (err) { console.error(); console.error(err); process.exit(1); return; } const some = out .split(/\r?\n/) .filter(l => !!l); if (some.length > 0) { console.log('Reading git index versions...'); createGitIndexVinyls(some) .then(vinyls => new Promise((c, e) => hygiene(es.readArray(vinyls)) .on('end', () => c()) .on('error', e))) .catch(err => { console.error(); console.error(err); process.exit(1); }); } }); } }