/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as eslint from 'eslint'; import { join } from 'path'; export = new class ApiProviderNaming implements eslint.Rule.RuleModule { readonly meta: eslint.Rule.RuleMetaData = { messages: { amdX: 'Use `import type` for import declarations, use `amdX#importAMDNodeModule` for import expressions' } }; create(context: eslint.Rule.RuleContext): eslint.Rule.RuleListener { const modules = new Set(); try { const { dependencies, optionalDependencies } = require(join(__dirname, '../package.json')); const all = Object.keys(dependencies).concat(Object.keys(optionalDependencies)); for (const key of all) { modules.add(key); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw e; } const checkImport = (node: any) => { if (node.type !== 'Literal' || typeof node.value !== 'string') { return; } if (node.parent.importKind === 'type') { return; } if (!modules.has(node.value)) { return; } context.report({ node, messageId: 'amdX' }); } return { ['ImportExpression Literal']: checkImport, ['ImportDeclaration Literal']: checkImport }; } };