/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*eslint-env mocha*/ /*global define,run*/ var assert = require('assert'); var path = require('path'); var glob = require('glob'); var istanbul = require('istanbul'); var i_remap = require('remap-istanbul/lib/remap'); var jsdom = require('jsdom-no-contextify'); var minimatch = require('minimatch'); var fs = require('fs'); var vm = require('vm'); var TEST_GLOB = '**/test/**/*.test.js'; var optimist = require('optimist') .usage('Run the Code tests. All mocha options apply.') .describe('build', 'Run from out-build').boolean('build') .describe('run', 'Run a single file').string('run') .describe('coverage', 'Generate a coverage report').boolean('coverage') .describe('only-monaco-editor', 'Run only monaco editor tests').boolean('only-monaco-editor') .describe('forceLoad', 'Force loading').boolean('forceLoad') .describe('browser', 'Run tests in a browser').boolean('browser') .alias('h', 'help').boolean('h') .describe('h', 'Show help'); var argv = optimist.argv; if (argv.help) { optimist.showHelp(); process.exit(1); } var out = argv.build ? 'out-build' : 'out'; var loader = require('../' + out + '/vs/loader'); var src = path.join(path.dirname(__dirname), out); function main() { process.on('uncaughtException', function (e) { console.error(e.stack || e); }); var loaderConfig = { nodeRequire: require, nodeMain: __filename, baseUrl: path.join(path.dirname(__dirname), 'src'), paths: { 'vs': `../${ out }/vs`, 'lib': `../${ out }/lib`, 'bootstrap': `../${ out }/bootstrap` }, catchError: true }; if (argv.coverage) { var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter(); var seenSources = {}; loaderConfig.nodeInstrumenter = function (contents, source) { seenSources[source] = true; if (minimatch(source, TEST_GLOB)) { return contents; } return instrumenter.instrumentSync(contents, source); }; process.on('exit', function (code) { if (code !== 0) { return; } if (argv.forceLoad) { var allFiles = glob.sync(out + '/vs/**/*.js'); allFiles = allFiles.map(function(source) { return path.join(__dirname, '..', source); }); allFiles = allFiles.filter(function(source) { if (seenSources[source]) { return false; } if (minimatch(source, TEST_GLOB)) { return false; } if (/fixtures/.test(source)) { return false; } return true; }); allFiles.forEach(function(source, index) { var contents = fs.readFileSync(source).toString(); contents = instrumenter.instrumentSync(contents, source); var stopAt = contents.indexOf('}\n__cov'); stopAt = contents.indexOf('}\n__cov', stopAt + 1); var str = '(function() {' + contents.substr(0, stopAt + 1) + '});'; var r = vm.runInThisContext(str, source); r.call(global); }); } let remapIgnores = /\b((winjs\.base)|(marked)|(raw\.marked)|(nls)|(css))\.js$/; var remappedCoverage = i_remap(global.__coverage__, { exclude: remapIgnores }).getFinalCoverage(); // The remapped coverage comes out with broken paths var toUpperDriveLetter = function(str) { if (/^[a-z]:/.test(str)) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1); } return str; }; var toLowerDriveLetter = function(str) { if (/^[A-Z]:/.test(str)) { return str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.substr(1); } return str; }; var REPO_PATH = toUpperDriveLetter(path.join(__dirname, '..')); var fixPath = function(brokenPath) { var startIndex = brokenPath.indexOf(REPO_PATH); if (startIndex === -1) { return toLowerDriveLetter(brokenPath); } return toLowerDriveLetter(brokenPath.substr(startIndex)); }; var finalCoverage = {}; for (var entryKey in remappedCoverage) { var entry = remappedCoverage[entryKey]; entry.path = fixPath(entry.path); finalCoverage[fixPath(entryKey)] = entry; } var collector = new istanbul.Collector(); collector.add(finalCoverage); var coveragePath = path.join(path.dirname(__dirname), '.build', 'coverage'); var reportTypes = []; if (argv.run || argv.runGlob) { // single file running coveragePath += '-single'; reportTypes = ['lcovonly']; } else { reportTypes = ['json', 'lcov', 'html']; } var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter(null, coveragePath); reporter.addAll(reportTypes); reporter.write(collector, true, function () {}); }); } loader.config(loaderConfig); global.define = loader; global.document = jsdom.jsdom(''); global.self = global.window = global.document.parentWindow; global.Element = global.window.Element; global.HTMLElement = global.window.HTMLElement; global.Node = global.window.Node; global.navigator = global.window.navigator; global.XMLHttpRequest = global.window.XMLHttpRequest; var didErr = false; var write = process.stderr.write; process.stderr.write = function (data) { didErr = didErr || !!data; write.apply(process.stderr, arguments); }; var loadFunc = null; if (argv.runGlob) { loadFunc = cb => { const doRun = tests => { const modulesToLoad = tests.map(test => { if (path.isAbsolute(test)) { test = path.relative(src, path.resolve(test)); } return test.replace(/(\.js)|(\.d\.ts)|(\.js\.map)$/, ''); }); define(modulesToLoad, () => cb(null), cb); }; glob(argv.runGlob, { cwd: src }, function (err, files) { doRun(files); }); }; } else if (argv.run) { var tests = (typeof argv.run === 'string') ? [argv.run] : argv.run; var modulesToLoad = tests.map(function(test) { return path.relative(src, path.resolve(test)).replace(/(\.js)|(\.d\.ts)|(\.js\.map)$/, ''); }); loadFunc = cb => { define(modulesToLoad, () => cb(null), cb); }; } else if (argv['only-monaco-editor']) { loadFunc = function(cb) { glob(TEST_GLOB, { cwd: src }, function (err, files) { var modulesToLoad = files.map(function (file) { return file.replace(/\.js$/, ''); }); modulesToLoad = modulesToLoad.filter(function(module) { if (/^vs\/workbench\//.test(module)) { return false; } // platform tests drag in the workbench. // see https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/commit/12eaba2f64c69247de105c3d9c47308ac6e44bc9 // and cry a little if (/^vs\/platform\//.test(module)) { return false; } return !/(\/|\\)node(\/|\\)/.test(module); }); console.log(JSON.stringify(modulesToLoad, null, '\t')); define(modulesToLoad, function () { cb(null); }, cb); }); }; } else { loadFunc = function(cb) { glob(TEST_GLOB, { cwd: src }, function (err, files) { var modulesToLoad = files.map(function (file) { return file.replace(/\.js$/, ''); }); define(modulesToLoad, function () { cb(null); }, cb); }); }; } loadFunc(function(err) { if (err) { console.error(err); return process.exit(1); } process.stderr.write = write; if (!argv.run && !argv.runGlob) { // set up last test suite('Loader', function () { test('should not explode while loading', function () { assert.ok(!didErr, 'should not explode while loading'); }); }); } // report failing test for every unexpected error during any of the tests var unexpectedErrors = []; suite('Errors', function () { test('should not have unexpected errors in tests', function () { if (unexpectedErrors.length) { unexpectedErrors.forEach(function (stack) { console.error(''); console.error(stack); }); assert.ok(false); } }); }); // replace the default unexpected error handler to be useful during tests loader(['vs/base/common/errors'], function(errors) { errors.setUnexpectedErrorHandler(function (err) { let stack = (err && err.stack) || (new Error().stack); unexpectedErrors.push((err && err.message ? err.message : err) + '\n' + stack); }); // fire up mocha run(); }); }); } if (process.argv.some(function (a) { return /^--browser/.test(a); })) { require('./browser'); } else { main(); }