{ "displayName": "Git", "description": "Git SCM Integration", "command.clone": "Clone", "command.init": "Initialize Repository", "command.loadRepo": "Load Repo", "command.close": "Close Repository", "command.refresh": "Refresh", "command.openChange": "Open Changes", "command.openFile": "Open File", "command.openHEADFile": "Open File (HEAD)", "command.stage": "Stage Changes", "command.stageAll": "Stage All Changes", "command.stageSelectedRanges": "Stage Selected Ranges", "command.revertSelectedRanges": "Revert Selected Ranges", "command.stageChange": "Stage Change", "command.revertChange": "Revert Change", "command.unstage": "Unstage Changes", "command.unstageAll": "Unstage All Changes", "command.unstageSelectedRanges": "Unstage Selected Ranges", "command.clean": "Discard Changes", "command.cleanAll": "Discard All Changes", "command.commit": "Commit", "command.commitStaged": "Commit Staged", "command.commitStagedSigned": "Commit Staged (Signed Off)", "command.commitStagedAmend": "Commit Staged (Amend)", "command.commitAll": "Commit All", "command.commitAllSigned": "Commit All (Signed Off)", "command.commitAllAmend": "Commit All (Amend)", "command.undoCommit": "Undo Last Commit", "command.checkout": "Checkout to...", "command.branch": "Create Branch...", "command.deleteBranch": "Delete Branch...", "command.renameBranch": "Rename Branch...", "command.merge": "Merge Branch...", "command.createTag": "Create Tag", "command.fetch": "Fetch", "command.pull": "Pull", "command.pullRebase": "Pull (Rebase)", "command.pullFrom": "Pull from...", "command.push": "Push", "command.pushTo": "Push to...", "command.pushWithTags": "Push With Tags", "command.sync": "Sync", "command.syncRebase": "Sync (Rebase)", "command.publish": "Publish Branch", "command.showOutput": "Show Git Output", "command.ignore": "Add File to .gitignore", "command.stashIncludeUntracked": "Stash (Include Untracked)", "command.stash": "Stash", "command.stashPop": "Pop Stash...", "command.stashPopLatest": "Pop Latest Stash", "config.enabled": "Whether git is enabled", "config.path": "Path to the git executable", "config.autoRepositoryDetection": "Whether repositories should be automatically detected", "config.autorefresh": "Whether auto refreshing is enabled", "config.autofetch": "Whether auto fetching is enabled", "config.enableLongCommitWarning": "Whether long commit messages should be warned about", "config.confirmSync": "Confirm before synchronizing git repositories", "config.countBadge": "Controls the git badge counter. `all` counts all changes. `tracked` counts only the tracked changes. `off` turns it off.", "config.checkoutType": "Controls what type of branches are listed when running `Checkout to...`. `all` shows all refs, `local` shows only the local branches, `tags` shows only tags and `remote` shows only remote branches.", "config.ignoreLegacyWarning": "Ignores the legacy Git warning", "config.ignoreMissingGitWarning": "Ignores the warning when Git is missing", "config.ignoreLimitWarning": "Ignores the warning when there are too many changes in a repository", "config.defaultCloneDirectory": "The default location where to clone a git repository", "config.enableSmartCommit": "Commit all changes when there are no staged changes.", "config.enableCommitSigning": "Enables commit signing with GPG.", "config.discardAllScope": "Controls what changes are discarded by the `Discard all changes` command. `all` discards all changes. `tracked` discards only tracked files. `prompt` shows a prompt dialog every time the action is run.", "config.decorations.enabled": "Controls if Git contributes colors and badges to the explorer and the open editors view.", "config.promptToSaveFilesBeforeCommit": "Controls whether Git should check for unsaved files before committing.", "config.showInlineOpenFileAction": "Controls whether to show an inline Open File action in the Git changes view.", "config.showPushSuccessNotification": "Controls whether to show a notification when a push is successful.", "config.inputValidation": "Controls when to show commit message input validation.", "config.detectSubmodules": "Controls whether to automatically detect git submodules.", "colors.added": "Color for added resources.", "config.detectSubmodulesLimit": "Controls the limit of git submodules detected.", "config.alwaysSignOff": "Controls the signoff flag for all commits", "config.ignoredRepositories": "List of git repositories to ignore", "colors.modified": "Color for modified resources.", "colors.deleted": "Color for deleted resources.", "colors.untracked": "Color for untracked resources.", "colors.ignored": "Color for ignored resources.", "colors.conflict": "Color for resources with conflicts.", "colors.submodule": "Color for submodule resources." }