/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; //@ts-check const es = require('event-stream'); const gulp = require('gulp'); const path = require('path'); const fancyLog = require('fancy-log'); const ansiColors = require('ansi-colors'); const cp = require('child_process'); const { tmpdir } = require('os'); const { promises: fs, existsSync, mkdirSync, rmSync } = require('fs'); const task = require('./lib/task'); const watcher = require('./lib/watch'); const { debounce } = require('./lib/util'); const createReporter = require('./lib/reporter').createReporter; const root = 'cli'; const rootAbs = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', root); const src = `${root}/src`; const targetCliPath = path.join(root, 'target', 'debug', process.platform === 'win32' ? 'code.exe' : 'code'); const platformOpensslDirName = process.platform === 'win32' ? ( process.arch === 'arm64' ? 'arm64-windows-static-md' : 'x64-windows-static-md') : process.platform === 'darwin' ? ( process.arch === 'arm64' ? 'arm64-osx' : 'x64-osx') : (process.arch === 'arm64' ? 'arm64-linux' : process.arch === 'arm' ? 'arm-linux' : 'x64-linux'); const platformOpensslDir = path.join(rootAbs, 'openssl', 'package', 'out', platformOpensslDirName); const hasLocalRust = (() => { /** @type boolean | undefined */ let result = undefined; return () => { if (result !== undefined) { return result; } try { const r = cp.spawnSync('cargo', ['--version']); result = r.status === 0; } catch (e) { result = false; } return result; }; })(); const debounceEsStream = (fn, duration = 100) => { let handle = undefined; let pending = []; const sendAll = (pending) => (event, ...args) => { for (const stream of pending) { pending.emit(event, ...args); } }; return es.map(function (_, callback) { console.log('defer'); if (handle !== undefined) { clearTimeout(handle); } handle = setTimeout(() => { handle = undefined; const previous = pending; pending = []; fn() .on('error', sendAll('error')) .on('data', sendAll('data')) .on('end', sendAll('end')); }, duration); pending.push(this); }); }; const compileFromSources = (callback) => { const proc = cp.spawn('cargo', ['--color', 'always', 'build'], { cwd: root, stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'], env: existsSync(platformOpensslDir) ? { OPENSSL_DIR: platformOpensslDir, ...process.env } : process.env }); /** @type Buffer[] */ const stdoutErr = []; proc.stdout.on('data', d => stdoutErr.push(d)); proc.stderr.on('data', d => stdoutErr.push(d)); proc.on('error', callback); proc.on('exit', code => { if (code !== 0) { callback(Buffer.concat(stdoutErr).toString()); } else { callback(); } }); }; const acquireBuiltOpenSSL = (callback) => { const untar = require('gulp-untar'); const gunzip = require('gulp-gunzip'); const dir = path.join(tmpdir(), 'vscode-openssl-download'); mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true }); cp.spawnSync( process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm', ['pack', '@vscode/openssl-prebuilt'], { stdio: ['ignore', 'ignore', 'inherit'], cwd: dir } ); gulp.src('*.tgz', { cwd: dir }) .pipe(gunzip()) .pipe(untar()) .pipe(gulp.dest(`${root}/openssl`)) .on('error', callback) .on('end', () => { rmSync(dir, { recursive: true, force: true }); callback(); }); }; const compileWithOpenSSLCheck = (/** @type import('./lib/reporter').IReporter */ reporter) => es.map((_, callback) => { compileFromSources(err => { if (!err) { // no-op } else if (err.toString().includes('Could not find directory of OpenSSL installation') && !existsSync(platformOpensslDir)) { fancyLog(ansiColors.yellow(`[cli]`), 'OpenSSL libraries not found, acquiring prebuilt bits...'); acquireBuiltOpenSSL(err => { if (err) { callback(err); } else { compileFromSources(err => { if (err) { reporter(err.toString()); } callback(null, ''); }); } }); } else { reporter(err.toString()); } callback(null, ''); }); }); const warnIfRustNotInstalled = () => { if (!hasLocalRust()) { fancyLog(ansiColors.yellow(`[cli]`), 'No local Rust install detected, compilation may fail.'); fancyLog(ansiColors.yellow(`[cli]`), 'Get rust from: https://rustup.rs/'); } }; const compileCliTask = task.define('compile-cli', () => { warnIfRustNotInstalled(); const reporter = createReporter('cli'); return gulp.src(`${root}/Cargo.toml`) .pipe(compileWithOpenSSLCheck(reporter)) .pipe(reporter.end(true)); }); const watchCliTask = task.define('watch-cli', () => { warnIfRustNotInstalled(); return watcher(`${src}/**`, { read: false }) .pipe(debounce(compileCliTask)); }); gulp.task(compileCliTask); gulp.task(watchCliTask);