/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as es from 'event-stream'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as gulp from 'gulp'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as monacodts from './monaco-api'; import * as nls from './nls'; import { createReporter } from './reporter'; import * as util from './util'; import * as fancyLog from 'fancy-log'; import * as ansiColors from 'ansi-colors'; import * as os from 'os'; import ts = require('typescript'); import * as File from 'vinyl'; import * as task from './task'; import { Mangler } from './mangle/index'; import { RawSourceMap } from 'source-map'; import { gulpPostcss } from './postcss'; const watch = require('./watch'); // --- gulp-tsb: compile and transpile -------------------------------- const reporter = createReporter(); function getTypeScriptCompilerOptions(src: string): ts.CompilerOptions { const rootDir = path.join(__dirname, `../../${src}`); const options: ts.CompilerOptions = {}; options.verbose = false; options.sourceMap = true; if (process.env['VSCODE_NO_SOURCEMAP']) { // To be used by developers in a hurry options.sourceMap = false; } options.rootDir = rootDir; options.baseUrl = rootDir; options.sourceRoot = util.toFileUri(rootDir); options.newLine = /\r\n/.test(fs.readFileSync(__filename, 'utf8')) ? 0 : 1; return options; } function createCompile(src: string, build: boolean, emitError: boolean, transpileOnly: boolean | { swc: boolean }) { const tsb = require('./tsb') as typeof import('./tsb'); const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps') as typeof import('gulp-sourcemaps'); const projectPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../', src, 'tsconfig.json'); const overrideOptions = { ...getTypeScriptCompilerOptions(src), inlineSources: Boolean(build) }; if (!build) { overrideOptions.inlineSourceMap = true; } const compilation = tsb.create(projectPath, overrideOptions, { verbose: false, transpileOnly: Boolean(transpileOnly), transpileWithSwc: typeof transpileOnly !== 'boolean' && transpileOnly.swc }, err => reporter(err)); function pipeline(token?: util.ICancellationToken) { const bom = require('gulp-bom') as typeof import('gulp-bom'); const tsFilter = util.filter(data => /\.ts$/.test(data.path)); const isUtf8Test = (f: File) => /(\/|\\)test(\/|\\).*utf8/.test(f.path); const isRuntimeJs = (f: File) => f.path.endsWith('.js') && !f.path.includes('fixtures'); const isCSS = (f: File) => f.path.endsWith('.css') && !f.path.includes('fixtures'); const noDeclarationsFilter = util.filter(data => !(/\.d\.ts$/.test(data.path))); const postcssNesting = require('postcss-nesting'); const input = es.through(); const output = input .pipe(util.$if(isUtf8Test, bom())) // this is required to preserve BOM in test files that loose it otherwise .pipe(util.$if(!build && isRuntimeJs, util.appendOwnPathSourceURL())) .pipe(util.$if(isCSS, gulpPostcss([postcssNesting()], err => reporter(String(err))))) .pipe(tsFilter) .pipe(util.loadSourcemaps()) .pipe(compilation(token)) .pipe(noDeclarationsFilter) .pipe(util.$if(build, nls.nls())) .pipe(noDeclarationsFilter.restore) .pipe(util.$if(!transpileOnly, sourcemaps.write('.', { addComment: false, includeContent: !!build, sourceRoot: overrideOptions.sourceRoot }))) .pipe(tsFilter.restore) .pipe(reporter.end(!!emitError)); return es.duplex(input, output); } pipeline.tsProjectSrc = () => { return compilation.src({ base: src }); }; pipeline.projectPath = projectPath; return pipeline; } export function transpileTask(src: string, out: string, swc: boolean): task.StreamTask { const task = () => { const transpile = createCompile(src, false, true, { swc }); const srcPipe = gulp.src(`${src}/**`, { base: `${src}` }); return srcPipe .pipe(transpile()) .pipe(gulp.dest(out)); }; task.taskName = `transpile-${path.basename(src)}`; return task; } export function compileTask(src: string, out: string, build: boolean, options: { disableMangle?: boolean } = {}): task.StreamTask { const task = () => { if (os.totalmem() < 4_000_000_000) { throw new Error('compilation requires 4GB of RAM'); } const compile = createCompile(src, build, true, false); const srcPipe = gulp.src(`${src}/**`, { base: `${src}` }); const generator = new MonacoGenerator(false); if (src === 'src') { generator.execute(); } // mangle: TypeScript to TypeScript let mangleStream = es.through(); if (build && !options.disableMangle) { let ts2tsMangler = new Mangler(compile.projectPath, (...data) => fancyLog(ansiColors.blue('[mangler]'), ...data), { mangleExports: true, manglePrivateFields: true }); const newContentsByFileName = ts2tsMangler.computeNewFileContents(new Set(['saveState'])); mangleStream = es.through(async function write(data: File & { sourceMap?: RawSourceMap }) { type TypeScriptExt = typeof ts & { normalizePath(path: string): string }; const tsNormalPath = (ts).normalizePath(data.path); const newContents = (await newContentsByFileName).get(tsNormalPath); if (newContents !== undefined) { data.contents = Buffer.from(newContents.out); data.sourceMap = newContents.sourceMap && JSON.parse(newContents.sourceMap); } this.push(data); }, async function end() { // free resources (await newContentsByFileName).clear(); this.push(null); (ts2tsMangler) = undefined; }); } return srcPipe .pipe(mangleStream) .pipe(generator.stream) .pipe(compile()) .pipe(gulp.dest(out)); }; task.taskName = `compile-${path.basename(src)}`; return task; } export function watchTask(out: string, build: boolean): task.StreamTask { const task = () => { const compile = createCompile('src', build, false, false); const src = gulp.src('src/**', { base: 'src' }); const watchSrc = watch('src/**', { base: 'src', readDelay: 200 }); const generator = new MonacoGenerator(true); generator.execute(); return watchSrc .pipe(generator.stream) .pipe(util.incremental(compile, src, true)) .pipe(gulp.dest(out)); }; task.taskName = `watch-${path.basename(out)}`; return task; } const REPO_SRC_FOLDER = path.join(__dirname, '../../src'); class MonacoGenerator { private readonly _isWatch: boolean; public readonly stream: NodeJS.ReadWriteStream; private readonly _watchedFiles: { [filePath: string]: boolean }; private readonly _fsProvider: monacodts.FSProvider; private readonly _declarationResolver: monacodts.DeclarationResolver; constructor(isWatch: boolean) { this._isWatch = isWatch; this.stream = es.through(); this._watchedFiles = {}; const onWillReadFile = (moduleId: string, filePath: string) => { if (!this._isWatch) { return; } if (this._watchedFiles[filePath]) { return; } this._watchedFiles[filePath] = true; fs.watchFile(filePath, () => { this._declarationResolver.invalidateCache(moduleId); this._executeSoon(); }); }; this._fsProvider = new class extends monacodts.FSProvider { public readFileSync(moduleId: string, filePath: string): Buffer { onWillReadFile(moduleId, filePath); return super.readFileSync(moduleId, filePath); } }; this._declarationResolver = new monacodts.DeclarationResolver(this._fsProvider); if (this._isWatch) { fs.watchFile(monacodts.RECIPE_PATH, () => { this._executeSoon(); }); } } private _executeSoonTimer: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; private _executeSoon(): void { if (this._executeSoonTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(this._executeSoonTimer); this._executeSoonTimer = null; } this._executeSoonTimer = setTimeout(() => { this._executeSoonTimer = null; this.execute(); }, 20); } private _run(): monacodts.IMonacoDeclarationResult | null { const r = monacodts.run3(this._declarationResolver); if (!r && !this._isWatch) { // The build must always be able to generate the monaco.d.ts throw new Error(`monaco.d.ts generation error - Cannot continue`); } return r; } private _log(message: any, ...rest: any[]): void { fancyLog(ansiColors.cyan('[monaco.d.ts]'), message, ...rest); } public execute(): void { const startTime = Date.now(); const result = this._run(); if (!result) { // nothing really changed return; } if (result.isTheSame) { return; } fs.writeFileSync(result.filePath, result.content); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(REPO_SRC_FOLDER, 'vs/editor/common/standalone/standaloneEnums.ts'), result.enums); this._log(`monaco.d.ts is changed - total time took ${Date.now() - startTime} ms`); if (!this._isWatch) { this.stream.emit('error', 'monaco.d.ts is no longer up to date. Please run gulp watch and commit the new file.'); } } } function generateApiProposalNames() { let eol: string; try { const src = fs.readFileSync('src/vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionsApiProposals.ts', 'utf-8'); const match = /\r?\n/m.exec(src); eol = match ? match[0] : os.EOL; } catch { eol = os.EOL; } const pattern = /vscode\.proposed\.([a-zA-Z\d]+)\.d\.ts$/; const versionPattern = /^\s*\/\/\s*version\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*$/mi; const proposals = new Map(); const input = es.through(); const output = input .pipe(util.filter((f: File) => pattern.test(f.path))) .pipe(es.through((f: File) => { const name = path.basename(f.path); const match = pattern.exec(name); if (!match) { return; } const proposalName = match[1]; const contents = f.contents.toString('utf8'); const versionMatch = versionPattern.exec(contents); const version = versionMatch ? versionMatch[1] : undefined; proposals.set(proposalName, { proposal: `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vscode/main/src/vscode-dts/vscode.proposed.${proposalName}.d.ts`, version: version ? parseInt(version) : undefined }); }, function () { const names = [...proposals.keys()].sort(); const contents = [ '/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------', ' * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.', ' * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.', ' *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/', '', '// THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY.', '', 'const _allApiProposals = {', `${names.map(proposalName => { const proposal = proposals.get(proposalName)!; return `\t${proposalName}: {${eol}\t\tproposal: '${proposal.proposal}',${eol}${proposal.version ? `\t\tversion: ${proposal.version}${eol}` : ''}\t}`; }).join(`,${eol}`)}`, '};', 'export const allApiProposals = Object.freeze<{ [proposalName: string]: Readonly<{ proposal: string; version?: number }> }>(_allApiProposals);', 'export type ApiProposalName = keyof typeof _allApiProposals;', '', ].join(eol); this.emit('data', new File({ path: 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionsApiProposals.ts', contents: Buffer.from(contents) })); this.emit('end'); })); return es.duplex(input, output); } const apiProposalNamesReporter = createReporter('api-proposal-names'); export const compileApiProposalNamesTask = task.define('compile-api-proposal-names', () => { return gulp.src('src/vscode-dts/**') .pipe(generateApiProposalNames()) .pipe(gulp.dest('src')) .pipe(apiProposalNamesReporter.end(true)); }); export const watchApiProposalNamesTask = task.define('watch-api-proposal-names', () => { const task = () => gulp.src('src/vscode-dts/**') .pipe(generateApiProposalNames()) .pipe(apiProposalNamesReporter.end(true)); return watch('src/vscode-dts/**', { readDelay: 200 }) .pipe(util.debounce(task)) .pipe(gulp.dest('src')); });