parameters: - name: NPM_REGISTRY displayName: "Custom NPM Registry" type: string default: "" - name: NPM_ARCH type: string default: x64 - name: VSCODE_ARCH type: string default: x64 steps: - task: NodeTool@0 inputs: versionSource: fromFile versionFilePath: .nvmrc nodejsMirror: - template: ./distro/download-distro.yml - task: AzureKeyVault@1 displayName: "Azure Key Vault: Get Secrets" inputs: azureSubscription: "vscode-builds-subscription" KeyVaultName: vscode-build-secrets SecretsFilter: "github-distro-mixin-password" - powershell: | . build/azure-pipelines/win32/exec.ps1 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" exec { npm config set registry "${{ parameters.NPM_REGISTRY }}" --location=project } # npm >v7 deprecated the `always-auth` config option, refs npm/cli@72a7eeb # following is a workaround for yarn to send authorization header # for GET requests to the registry. exec { Add-Content -Path .npmrc -Value "always-auth=true" } exec { yarn config set registry "${{ parameters.NPM_REGISTRY }}" } condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.NODE_MODULES_RESTORED, 'true'), ne('${{ parameters.NPM_REGISTRY }}', 'none')) displayName: Setup NPM & Yarn - task: npmAuthenticate@0 inputs: workingFile: .npmrc condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.NODE_MODULES_RESTORED, 'true'), ne('${{ parameters.NPM_REGISTRY }}', 'none')) displayName: Setup NPM Authentication - powershell: | . build/azure-pipelines/win32/exec.ps1 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" exec { node build/setup-npm-registry.js "${{ parameters.NPM_REGISTRY }}" } condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.NODE_MODULES_RESTORED, 'true'), ne('${{ parameters.NPM_REGISTRY }}', 'none')) displayName: Setup NPM Registry - pwsh: | $includes = @' { 'target_defaults': { 'conditions': [ ['OS=="win"', { 'msvs_configuration_attributes': { 'SpectreMitigation': 'Spectre' }, 'msvs_settings': { 'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'AdditionalOptions': [ '/Zi', '/FS' ], }, 'VCLinkerTool': { 'AdditionalOptions': [ '/profile' ] } } }] ] } } '@ if (!(Test-Path "~/.gyp")) { mkdir "~/.gyp" } echo $includes > "~/.gyp/include.gypi" displayName: Create include.gypi - powershell: | . build/azure-pipelines/win32/exec.ps1 . build/azure-pipelines/win32/retry.ps1 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" retry { exec { yarn --frozen-lockfile --check-files } } env: PLAYWRIGHT_SKIP_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD: 1 GITHUB_TOKEN: "$(github-distro-mixin-password)" CHILD_CONCURRENCY: 1 displayName: Install dependencies - script: node build/azure-pipelines/distro/mixin-npm displayName: Mixin distro node modules - script: node build/azure-pipelines/distro/mixin-quality displayName: Mixin distro quality env: VSCODE_QUALITY: stable - powershell: yarn compile displayName: Compile - powershell: yarn gulp "vscode-symbols-win32-${{ parameters.VSCODE_ARCH }}" env: GITHUB_TOKEN: "$(github-distro-mixin-password)" displayName: Download Symbols - task: BinSkim@4 inputs: InputType: "Basic" Function: "analyze" TargetPattern: "guardianGlob" AnalyzeIgnorePdbLoadError: true AnalyzeTargetGlob: '$(agent.builddirectory)\scanbin\**.dll;$(agent.builddirectory)\scanbin\**.exe;$(agent.builddirectory)\scanbin\**.node' AnalyzeLocalSymbolDirectories: '$(agent.builddirectory)\scanbin\VSCode-win32-${{ parameters.VSCODE_ARCH }}\pdb' - task: CopyFiles@2 displayName: 'Collect Symbols for API Scan' inputs: SourceFolder: $(Agent.BuildDirectory) Contents: 'scanbin\**\*.pdb' TargetFolder: '$(agent.builddirectory)\symbols' flattenFolders: true condition: succeeded() # - task: APIScan@2 # inputs: # softwareFolder: $(agent.builddirectory)\scanbin # softwareName: 'vscode-client' # softwareVersionNum: '1' # symbolsFolder: 'SRV*http://symweb;$(agent.builddirectory)\symbols' # isLargeApp: false # toolVersion: 'Latest' # displayName: Run ApiScan # condition: succeeded() # env: # AzureServicesAuthConnectionString: $(apiscan-connectionstring) - task: PublishSecurityAnalysisLogs@3 inputs: ArtifactName: CodeAnalysisLogs ArtifactType: Container PublishProcessedResults: false AllTools: true