/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as es from 'event-stream'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as glob from 'glob'; import * as gulp from 'gulp'; import * as path from 'path'; import { Stream } from 'stream'; import * as File from 'vinyl'; import * as vsce from 'vsce'; import { createStatsStream } from './stats'; import * as util2 from './util'; import assign = require('object-assign'); import remote = require('gulp-remote-src'); const flatmap = require('gulp-flatmap'); const vzip = require('gulp-vinyl-zip'); const filter = require('gulp-filter'); const rename = require('gulp-rename'); const util = require('gulp-util'); const buffer = require('gulp-buffer'); const json = require('gulp-json-editor'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const webpackGulp = require('webpack-stream'); const root = path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..')); export function fromLocal(extensionPath: string, sourceMappingURLBase?: string): Stream { let result = es.through(); vsce.listFiles({ cwd: extensionPath, packageManager: vsce.PackageManager.Yarn }).then(fileNames => { const files = fileNames .map(fileName => path.join(extensionPath, fileName)) .map(filePath => new File({ path: filePath, stat: fs.statSync(filePath), base: extensionPath, contents: fs.createReadStream(filePath) as any })); const filesStream = es.readArray(files); // check for a webpack configuration files, then invoke webpack // and merge its output with the files stream. also rewrite the package.json // file to a new entry point const pattern = path.join(extensionPath, '/**/extension.webpack.config.js'); const webpackConfigLocations = (glob.sync(pattern, { ignore: ['**/node_modules'] })); if (webpackConfigLocations.length) { const packageJsonFilter = filter(f => { if (path.basename(f.path) === 'package.json') { // only modify package.json's next to the webpack file. // to be safe, use existsSync instead of path comparison. return fs.existsSync(path.join(path.dirname(f.path), 'extension.webpack.config.js')); } return false; }, { restore: true }); const patchFilesStream = filesStream .pipe(packageJsonFilter) .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(json(data => { // hardcoded entry point directory! data.main = data.main.replace('/out/', /dist/); return data; })) .pipe(packageJsonFilter.restore); const webpackStreams = webpackConfigLocations.map(webpackConfigPath => { const webpackDone = (err, stats) => { util.log(`Bundled extension: ${util.colors.yellow(path.join(path.basename(extensionPath), path.relative(extensionPath, webpackConfigPath)))}...`); if (err) { result.emit('error', err); } const { compilation } = stats; if (compilation.errors.length > 0) { result.emit('error', compilation.errors.join('\n')); } if (compilation.warnings.length > 0) { result.emit('error', compilation.warnings.join('\n')); } }; const webpackConfig = { ...require(webpackConfigPath), ...{ mode: 'production' } }; let relativeOutputPath = path.relative(extensionPath, webpackConfig.output.path); return webpackGulp(webpackConfig, webpack, webpackDone) .pipe(es.through(function (data) { data.stat = data.stat || {}; data.base = extensionPath; this.emit('data', data); })) .pipe(es.through(function (data: File) { // source map handling: // * rewrite sourceMappingURL // * save to disk so that upload-task picks this up if (sourceMappingURLBase) { const contents = (data.contents).toString('utf8'); data.contents = Buffer.from(contents.replace(/\n\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/gm, function (_m, g1) { return `\n//# sourceMappingURL=${sourceMappingURLBase}/extensions/${path.basename(extensionPath)}/${relativeOutputPath}/${g1}`; }), 'utf8'); if (/\.js\.map$/.test(data.path)) { if (!fs.existsSync(path.dirname(data.path))) { fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(data.path)); } fs.writeFileSync(data.path, data.contents); } } this.emit('data', data); })); }); es.merge(...webpackStreams, patchFilesStream) // .pipe(es.through(function (data) { // // debug // console.log('out', data.path, data.contents.length); // this.emit('data', data); // })) .pipe(result); } else { filesStream.pipe(result); } }).catch(err => result.emit('error', err)); return result.pipe(createStatsStream(path.basename(extensionPath), true)); } function error(err: any): Stream { const result = es.through(); setTimeout(() => result.emit('error', err)); return result; } const baseHeaders = { 'X-Market-Client-Id': 'VSCode Build', 'User-Agent': 'VSCode Build', 'X-Market-User-Id': '291C1CD0-051A-4123-9B4B-30D60EF52EE2', }; export function fromMarketplace(extensionName: string, version: string): Stream { const filterType = 7; const value = extensionName; const criterium = { filterType, value }; const criteria = [criterium]; const pageNumber = 1; const pageSize = 1; const sortBy = 0; const sortOrder = 0; const flags = 0x1 | 0x2 | 0x80; const assetTypes = ['Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage']; const filters = [{ criteria, pageNumber, pageSize, sortBy, sortOrder }]; const body = JSON.stringify({ filters, assetTypes, flags }); const headers: any = assign({}, baseHeaders, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json;api-version=3.0-preview.1', 'Content-Length': body.length }); const options = { base: 'https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery', requestOptions: { method: 'POST', gzip: true, headers, body: body } }; return remote('/extensionquery', options) .pipe(flatmap((stream, f) => { const rawResult = f.contents.toString('utf8'); const result = JSON.parse(rawResult); const extension = result.results[0].extensions[0]; if (!extension) { return error(`No such extension: ${extension}`); } const metadata = { id: extension.extensionId, publisherId: extension.publisher, publisherDisplayName: extension.publisher.displayName }; const extensionVersion = extension.versions.filter(v => v.version === version)[0]; if (!extensionVersion) { return error(`No such extension version: ${extensionName} @ ${version}`); } const asset = extensionVersion.files.filter(f => f.assetType === 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage')[0]; if (!asset) { return error(`No VSIX found for extension version: ${extensionName} @ ${version}`); } util.log('Downloading extension:', util.colors.yellow(`${extensionName}@${version}`), '...'); const options = { base: asset.source, requestOptions: { gzip: true, headers: baseHeaders } }; return remote('', options) .pipe(flatmap(stream => { const packageJsonFilter = filter('package.json', { restore: true }); return stream .pipe(vzip.src()) .pipe(filter('extension/**')) .pipe(rename(p => p.dirname = p.dirname.replace(/^extension\/?/, ''))) .pipe(packageJsonFilter) .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(json({ __metadata: metadata })) .pipe(packageJsonFilter.restore); })); })); } interface IPackageExtensionsOptions { /** * Set to undefined to package all of them. */ desiredExtensions?: string[]; sourceMappingURLBase?: string; } const excludedExtensions = [ 'vscode-api-tests', 'vscode-colorize-tests', 'ms-vscode.node-debug', 'ms-vscode.node-debug2', ]; const builtInExtensions: { name: string, version: string, repo: string; }[] = require('../builtInExtensions.json'); export function packageExtensionsStream(opts?: IPackageExtensionsOptions): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { opts = opts || {}; const localExtensionDescriptions = (glob.sync('extensions/*/package.json')) .map(manifestPath => { const extensionPath = path.dirname(path.join(root, manifestPath)); const extensionName = path.basename(extensionPath); return { name: extensionName, path: extensionPath }; }) .filter(({ name }) => excludedExtensions.indexOf(name) === -1) .filter(({ name }) => opts.desiredExtensions ? opts.desiredExtensions.indexOf(name) >= 0 : true) .filter(({ name }) => builtInExtensions.every(b => b.name !== name)); const localExtensions = es.merge(...localExtensionDescriptions.map(extension => { return fromLocal(extension.path, opts.sourceMappingURLBase) .pipe(rename(p => p.dirname = `extensions/${extension.name}/${p.dirname}`)); })); const localExtensionDependencies = gulp.src('extensions/node_modules/**', { base: '.' }); const marketplaceExtensions = es.merge( ...builtInExtensions .filter(({ name }) => opts.desiredExtensions ? opts.desiredExtensions.indexOf(name) >= 0 : true) .map(extension => { return fromMarketplace(extension.name, extension.version) .pipe(rename(p => p.dirname = `extensions/${extension.name}/${p.dirname}`)); }) ); return es.merge(localExtensions, localExtensionDependencies, marketplaceExtensions) .pipe(util2.setExecutableBit(['**/*.sh'])) .pipe(filter(['**', '!**/*.js.map'])); }