/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as path from 'path'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import { through, readable, ThroughStream } from 'event-stream'; import File = require('vinyl'); import * as Is from 'is'; import * as xml2js from 'xml2js'; import * as glob from 'glob'; import * as https from 'https'; import * as gulp from 'gulp'; var util = require('gulp-util'); var iconv = require('iconv-lite'); const NUMBER_OF_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS = 1; function log(message: any, ...rest: any[]): void { util.log(util.colors.green('[i18n]'), message, ...rest); } export interface Language { id: string; // laguage id, e.g. zh-tw, de transifexId?: string; // language id used in transifex, e.g zh-hant, de (optional, if not set, the id is used) folderName?: string; // language specific folder name, e.g. cht, deu (optional, if not set, the id is used) } export interface InnoSetup { codePage: string; //code page for encoding (http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=langoptionssection) defaultInfo?: { name: string; // inno setup language name id: string; // locale identifier (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd318693.aspx) }; } export const defaultLanguages: Language[] = [ { id: 'zh-tw', folderName: 'cht', transifexId: 'zh-hant' }, { id: 'zh-cn', folderName: 'chs', transifexId: 'zh-hans' }, { id: 'ja', folderName: 'jpn' }, { id: 'ko', folderName: 'kor' }, { id: 'de', folderName: 'deu' }, { id: 'fr', folderName: 'fra' }, { id: 'es', folderName: 'esn' }, { id: 'ru', folderName: 'rus' }, { id: 'it', folderName: 'ita' } ]; // languages requested by the community to non-stable builds export const extraLanguages: Language[] = [ { id: 'pt-br', folderName: 'ptb' }, { id: 'hu', folderName: 'hun' }, { id: 'tr', folderName: 'trk' } ]; export const pseudoLanguage: Language = { id: 'pseudo', folderName: 'pseudo', transifexId: 'pseudo' }; interface Map { [key: string]: V; } interface Item { id: string; message: string; comment: string; } export interface Resource { name: string; project: string; } interface ParsedXLF { messages: Map; originalFilePath: string; language: string; } interface LocalizeInfo { key: string; comment: string[]; } module LocalizeInfo { export function is(value: any): value is LocalizeInfo { let candidate = value as LocalizeInfo; return Is.defined(candidate) && Is.string(candidate.key) && (Is.undef(candidate.comment) || (Is.array(candidate.comment) && candidate.comment.every(element => Is.string(element)))); } } interface BundledFormat { keys: Map<(string | LocalizeInfo)[]>; messages: Map; bundles: Map; } module BundledFormat { export function is(value: any): value is BundledFormat { if (Is.undef(value)) { return false; } let candidate = value as BundledFormat; let length = Object.keys(value).length; return length === 3 && Is.defined(candidate.keys) && Is.defined(candidate.messages) && Is.defined(candidate.bundles); } } interface ValueFormat { message: string; comment: string[]; } interface PackageJsonFormat { [key: string]: string | ValueFormat; } module PackageJsonFormat { export function is(value: any): value is PackageJsonFormat { if (Is.undef(value) || !Is.object(value)) { return false; } return Object.keys(value).every(key => { let element = value[key]; return Is.string(element) || (Is.object(element) && Is.defined(element.message) && Is.defined(element.comment)); }); } } interface ModuleJsonFormat { messages: string[]; keys: (string | LocalizeInfo)[]; } module ModuleJsonFormat { export function is(value: any): value is ModuleJsonFormat { let candidate = value as ModuleJsonFormat; return Is.defined(candidate) && Is.array(candidate.messages) && candidate.messages.every(message => Is.string(message)) && Is.array(candidate.keys) && candidate.keys.every(key => Is.string(key) || LocalizeInfo.is(key)); } } interface BundledExtensionHeaderFormat { id: string; type: string; hash: string; outDir: string; } interface BundledExtensionFormat { [key: string]: { messages: string[]; keys: (string | LocalizeInfo)[]; }; } export class Line { private buffer: string[] = []; constructor(private indent: number = 0) { if (indent > 0) { this.buffer.push(new Array(indent + 1).join(' ')); } } public append(value: string): Line { this.buffer.push(value); return this; } public toString(): string { return this.buffer.join(''); } } class TextModel { private _lines: string[]; constructor(contents: string) { this._lines = contents.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); } public get lines(): string[] { return this._lines; } } export class XLF { private buffer: string[]; private files: Map; constructor(public project: string) { this.buffer = []; this.files = Object.create(null); } public toString(): string { this.appendHeader(); for (let file in this.files) { this.appendNewLine(``, 2); for (let item of this.files[file]) { this.addStringItem(item); } this.appendNewLine('', 2); } this.appendFooter(); return this.buffer.join('\r\n'); } public addFile(original: string, keys: (string | LocalizeInfo)[], messages: string[]) { if (keys.length !== messages.length) { throw new Error(`Unmatching keys(${keys.length}) and messages(${messages.length}).`); } this.files[original] = []; let existingKeys = new Set(); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { let key = keys[i]; let realKey: string; let comment: string; if (Is.string(key)) { realKey = key; comment = undefined; } else if (LocalizeInfo.is(key)) { realKey = key.key; if (key.comment && key.comment.length > 0) { comment = key.comment.map(comment => encodeEntities(comment)).join('\r\n'); } } if (!realKey || existingKeys.has(realKey)) { continue; } existingKeys.add(realKey); let message: string = encodeEntities(messages[i]); this.files[original].push({ id: realKey, message: message, comment: comment }); } } private addStringItem(item: Item): void { if (!item.id || !item.message) { throw new Error(`No item ID or value specified: ${JSON.stringify(item)}`); } this.appendNewLine(``, 4); this.appendNewLine(`${item.message}`, 6); if (item.comment) { this.appendNewLine(`${item.comment}`, 6); } this.appendNewLine('', 4); } private appendHeader(): void { this.appendNewLine('', 0); this.appendNewLine('', 0); } private appendFooter(): void { this.appendNewLine('', 0); } private appendNewLine(content: string, indent?: number): void { let line = new Line(indent); line.append(content); this.buffer.push(line.toString()); } static parse = function (xlfString: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let parser = new xml2js.Parser(); let files: { messages: Map, originalFilePath: string, language: string }[] = []; parser.parseString(xlfString, function (err, result) { if (err) { reject(new Error(`XLF parsing error: Failed to parse XLIFF string. ${err}`)); } const fileNodes: any[] = result['xliff']['file']; if (!fileNodes) { reject(new Error(`XLF parsing error: XLIFF file does not contain "xliff" or "file" node(s) required for parsing.`)); } fileNodes.forEach((file) => { const originalFilePath = file.$.original; if (!originalFilePath) { reject(new Error(`XLF parsing error: XLIFF file node does not contain original attribute to determine the original location of the resource file.`)); } const language = file.$['target-language']; if (!language) { reject(new Error(`XLF parsing error: XLIFF file node does not contain target-language attribute to determine translated language.`)); } let messages: Map = {}; const transUnits = file.body[0]['trans-unit']; transUnits.forEach(unit => { const key = unit.$.id; if (!unit.target) { return; // No translation available } const val = unit.target.toString(); if (key && val) { messages[key] = decodeEntities(val); } else { reject(new Error(`XLF parsing error: XLIFF file does not contain full localization data. ID or target translation for one of the trans-unit nodes is not present.`)); } }); files.push({ messages: messages, originalFilePath: originalFilePath, language: language.toLowerCase() }); }); resolve(files); }); }); }; } export interface ITask { (): T; } interface ILimitedTaskFactory { factory: ITask>; c: (value?: T | Thenable) => void; e: (error?: any) => void; } export class Limiter { private runningPromises: number; private outstandingPromises: ILimitedTaskFactory[]; constructor(private maxDegreeOfParalellism: number) { this.outstandingPromises = []; this.runningPromises = 0; } queue(factory: ITask>): Promise { return new Promise((c, e) => { this.outstandingPromises.push({ factory, c, e }); this.consume(); }); } private consume(): void { while (this.outstandingPromises.length && this.runningPromises < this.maxDegreeOfParalellism) { const iLimitedTask = this.outstandingPromises.shift(); this.runningPromises++; const promise = iLimitedTask.factory(); promise.then(iLimitedTask.c).catch(iLimitedTask.e); promise.then(() => this.consumed()).catch(() => this.consumed()); } } private consumed(): void { this.runningPromises--; this.consume(); } } function sortLanguages(languages: Language[]): Language[] { return languages.sort((a: Language, b: Language): number => { return a.id < b.id ? -1 : (a.id > b.id ? 1 : 0); }); } function stripComments(content: string): string { /** * First capturing group matches double quoted string * Second matches single quotes string * Third matches block comments * Fourth matches line comments */ var regexp: RegExp = /("(?:[^\\\"]*(?:\\.)?)*")|('(?:[^\\\']*(?:\\.)?)*')|(\/\*(?:\r?\n|.)*?\*\/)|(\/{2,}.*?(?:(?:\r?\n)|$))/g; let result = content.replace(regexp, (match, m1, m2, m3, m4) => { // Only one of m1, m2, m3, m4 matches if (m3) { // A block comment. Replace with nothing return ''; } else if (m4) { // A line comment. If it ends in \r?\n then keep it. let length = m4.length; if (length > 2 && m4[length - 1] === '\n') { return m4[length - 2] === '\r' ? '\r\n' : '\n'; } else { return ''; } } else { // We match a string return match; } }); return result; } function escapeCharacters(value: string): string { var result: string[] = []; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { var ch = value.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '\'': result.push('\\\''); break; case '"': result.push('\\"'); break; case '\\': result.push('\\\\'); break; case '\n': result.push('\\n'); break; case '\r': result.push('\\r'); break; case '\t': result.push('\\t'); break; case '\b': result.push('\\b'); break; case '\f': result.push('\\f'); break; default: result.push(ch); } } return result.join(''); } function processCoreBundleFormat(fileHeader: string, languages: Language[], json: BundledFormat, emitter: ThroughStream) { let keysSection = json.keys; let messageSection = json.messages; let bundleSection = json.bundles; let statistics: Map = Object.create(null); let total: number = 0; let defaultMessages: Map> = Object.create(null); let modules = Object.keys(keysSection); modules.forEach((module) => { let keys = keysSection[module]; let messages = messageSection[module]; if (!messages || keys.length !== messages.length) { emitter.emit('error', `Message for module ${module} corrupted. Mismatch in number of keys and messages.`); return; } let messageMap: Map = Object.create(null); defaultMessages[module] = messageMap; keys.map((key, i) => { total++; if (typeof key === 'string') { messageMap[key] = messages[i]; } else { messageMap[key.key] = messages[i]; } }); }); let languageDirectory = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'i18n'); let sortedLanguages = sortLanguages(languages); sortedLanguages.forEach((language) => { if (process.env['VSCODE_BUILD_VERBOSE']) { log(`Generating nls bundles for: ${language.id}`); } statistics[language.id] = 0; let localizedModules: Map = Object.create(null); let languageFolderName = language.folderName || language.id; let cwd = path.join(languageDirectory, languageFolderName, 'src'); modules.forEach((module) => { let order = keysSection[module]; let i18nFile = path.join(cwd, module) + '.i18n.json'; let messages: Map = null; if (fs.existsSync(i18nFile)) { let content = stripComments(fs.readFileSync(i18nFile, 'utf8')); messages = JSON.parse(content); } else { if (process.env['VSCODE_BUILD_VERBOSE']) { log(`No localized messages found for module ${module}. Using default messages.`); } messages = defaultMessages[module]; statistics[language.id] = statistics[language.id] + Object.keys(messages).length; } let localizedMessages: string[] = []; order.forEach((keyInfo) => { let key: string = null; if (typeof keyInfo === 'string') { key = keyInfo; } else { key = keyInfo.key; } let message: string = messages[key]; if (!message) { if (process.env['VSCODE_BUILD_VERBOSE']) { log(`No localized message found for key ${key} in module ${module}. Using default message.`); } message = defaultMessages[module][key]; statistics[language.id] = statistics[language.id] + 1; } localizedMessages.push(message); }); localizedModules[module] = localizedMessages; }); Object.keys(bundleSection).forEach((bundle) => { let modules = bundleSection[bundle]; let contents: string[] = [ fileHeader, `define("${bundle}.nls.${language.id}", {` ]; modules.forEach((module, index) => { contents.push(`\t"${module}": [`); let messages = localizedModules[module]; if (!messages) { emitter.emit('error', `Didn't find messages for module ${module}.`); return; } messages.forEach((message, index) => { contents.push(`\t\t"${escapeCharacters(message)}${index < messages.length ? '",' : '"'}`); }); contents.push(index < modules.length - 1 ? '\t],' : '\t]'); }); contents.push('});'); emitter.queue(new File({ path: bundle + '.nls.' + language.id + '.js', contents: new Buffer(contents.join('\n'), 'utf-8') })); }); }); Object.keys(statistics).forEach(key => { let value = statistics[key]; log(`${key} has ${value} untranslated strings.`); }); sortedLanguages.forEach(language => { let stats = statistics[language.id]; if (Is.undef(stats)) { log(`\tNo translations found for language ${language.id}. Using default language instead.`); } }); } export function processNlsFiles(opts: { fileHeader: string; languages: Language[] }): ThroughStream { return through(function (this: ThroughStream, file: File) { let fileName = path.basename(file.path); if (fileName === 'nls.metadata.json') { let json = null; if (file.isBuffer()) { json = JSON.parse((file.contents).toString('utf8')); } else { this.emit('error', `Failed to read component file: ${file.relative}`); return; } if (BundledFormat.is(json)) { processCoreBundleFormat(opts.fileHeader, opts.languages, json, this); } } this.queue(file); }); } const editorProject: string = 'vscode-editor', workbenchProject: string = 'vscode-workbench', extensionsProject: string = 'vscode-extensions', setupProject: string = 'vscode-setup'; export function getResource(sourceFile: string): Resource { let resource: string; if (/^vs\/platform/.test(sourceFile)) { return { name: 'vs/platform', project: editorProject }; } else if (/^vs\/editor\/contrib/.test(sourceFile)) { return { name: 'vs/editor/contrib', project: editorProject }; } else if (/^vs\/editor/.test(sourceFile)) { return { name: 'vs/editor', project: editorProject }; } else if (/^vs\/base/.test(sourceFile)) { return { name: 'vs/base', project: editorProject }; } else if (/^vs\/code/.test(sourceFile)) { return { name: 'vs/code', project: workbenchProject }; } else if (/^vs\/workbench\/parts/.test(sourceFile)) { resource = sourceFile.split('/', 4).join('/'); return { name: resource, project: workbenchProject }; } else if (/^vs\/workbench\/services/.test(sourceFile)) { resource = sourceFile.split('/', 4).join('/'); return { name: resource, project: workbenchProject }; } else if (/^vs\/workbench/.test(sourceFile)) { return { name: 'vs/workbench', project: workbenchProject }; } throw new Error(`Could not identify the XLF bundle for ${sourceFile}`); } export function createXlfFilesForCoreBundle(): ThroughStream { return through(function (this: ThroughStream, file: File) { const basename = path.basename(file.path); if (basename === 'nls.metadata.json') { if (file.isBuffer()) { const xlfs: Map = Object.create(null); const json: BundledFormat = JSON.parse((file.contents as Buffer).toString('utf8')); for (let coreModule in json.keys) { const projectResource = getResource(coreModule); const resource = projectResource.name; const project = projectResource.project; const keys = json.keys[coreModule]; const messages = json.messages[coreModule]; if (keys.length !== messages.length) { this.emit('error', `There is a mismatch between keys and messages in ${file.relative} for module ${coreModule}`); return; } else { let xlf = xlfs[resource]; if (!xlf) { xlf = new XLF(project); xlfs[resource] = xlf; } xlf.addFile(`src/${coreModule}`, keys, messages); } } for (let resource in xlfs) { const xlf = xlfs[resource]; const filePath = `${xlf.project}/${resource.replace(/\//g, '_')}.xlf`; const xlfFile = new File({ path: filePath, contents: new Buffer(xlf.toString(), 'utf8') }); this.queue(xlfFile); } } else { this.emit('error', new Error(`File ${file.relative} is not using a buffer content`)); return; } } else { this.emit('error', new Error(`File ${file.relative} is not a core meta data file.`)); return; } }); } export function createXlfFilesForExtensions(): ThroughStream { let counter: number = 0; let folderStreamEnded: boolean = false; let folderStreamEndEmitted: boolean = false; return through(function (this: ThroughStream, extensionFolder: File) { const folderStream = this; const stat = fs.statSync(extensionFolder.path); if (!stat.isDirectory()) { return; } let extensionName = path.basename(extensionFolder.path); if (extensionName === 'node_modules') { return; } counter++; let _xlf: XLF; function getXlf() { if (!_xlf) { _xlf = new XLF(extensionsProject); } return _xlf; } gulp.src([`./extensions/${extensionName}/package.nls.json`, `./extensions/${extensionName}/**/nls.metadata.json`]).pipe(through(function (file: File) { if (file.isBuffer()) { const buffer: Buffer = file.contents as Buffer; const basename = path.basename(file.path); if (basename === 'package.nls.json') { const json: PackageJsonFormat = JSON.parse(buffer.toString('utf8')); const keys = Object.keys(json); const messages = keys.map((key) => { const value = json[key]; if (Is.string(value)) { return value; } else if (value) { return value.message; } else { return `Unknown message for key: ${key}`; } }); getXlf().addFile(`extensions/${extensionName}/package`, keys, messages); } else if (basename === 'nls.metadata.json') { const json: BundledExtensionFormat = JSON.parse(buffer.toString('utf8')); const relPath = path.relative(`./extensions/${extensionName}`, path.dirname(file.path)); for (let file in json) { const fileContent = json[file]; getXlf().addFile(`extensions/${extensionName}/${relPath}/${file}`, fileContent.keys, fileContent.messages); } } else { this.emit('error', new Error(`${file.path} is not a valid extension nls file`)); return; } } }, function () { if (_xlf) { let xlfFile = new File({ path: path.join(extensionsProject, extensionName + '.xlf'), contents: new Buffer(_xlf.toString(), 'utf8') }); folderStream.queue(xlfFile); } this.queue(null); counter--; if (counter === 0 && folderStreamEnded && !folderStreamEndEmitted) { folderStreamEndEmitted = true; folderStream.queue(null); } })); }, function () { folderStreamEnded = true; if (counter === 0) { folderStreamEndEmitted = true; this.queue(null); } }); } export function createXlfFilesForIsl(): ThroughStream { return through(function (this: ThroughStream, file: File) { let projectName: string, resourceFile: string; if (path.basename(file.path) === 'Default.isl') { projectName = setupProject; resourceFile = 'setup_default.xlf'; } else { projectName = workbenchProject; resourceFile = 'setup_messages.xlf'; } let xlf = new XLF(projectName), keys: string[] = [], messages: string[] = []; let model = new TextModel(file.contents.toString()); let inMessageSection = false; model.lines.forEach(line => { if (line.length === 0) { return; } let firstChar = line.charAt(0); switch (firstChar) { case ';': // Comment line; return; case '[': inMessageSection = '[Messages]' === line || '[CustomMessages]' === line; return; } if (!inMessageSection) { return; } let sections: string[] = line.split('='); if (sections.length !== 2) { throw new Error(`Badly formatted message found: ${line}`); } else { let key = sections[0]; let value = sections[1]; if (key.length > 0 && value.length > 0) { keys.push(key); messages.push(value); } } }); const originalPath = file.path.substring(file.cwd.length + 1, file.path.split('.')[0].length).replace(/\\/g, '/'); xlf.addFile(originalPath, keys, messages); // Emit only upon all ISL files combined into single XLF instance const newFilePath = path.join(projectName, resourceFile); const xlfFile = new File({ path: newFilePath, contents: new Buffer(xlf.toString(), 'utf-8') }); this.queue(xlfFile); }); } export function pushXlfFiles(apiHostname: string, username: string, password: string): ThroughStream { let tryGetPromises = []; let updateCreatePromises = []; return through(function (this: ThroughStream, file: File) { const project = path.dirname(file.relative); const fileName = path.basename(file.path); const slug = fileName.substr(0, fileName.length - '.xlf'.length); const credentials = `${username}:${password}`; // Check if resource already exists, if not, then create it. let promise = tryGetResource(project, slug, apiHostname, credentials); tryGetPromises.push(promise); promise.then(exists => { if (exists) { promise = updateResource(project, slug, file, apiHostname, credentials); } else { promise = createResource(project, slug, file, apiHostname, credentials); } updateCreatePromises.push(promise); }); }, function () { // End the pipe only after all the communication with Transifex API happened Promise.all(tryGetPromises).then(() => { Promise.all(updateCreatePromises).then(() => { this.queue(null); }).catch((reason) => { throw new Error(reason); }); }).catch((reason) => { throw new Error(reason); }); }); } function tryGetResource(project: string, slug: string, apiHostname: string, credentials: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const options = { hostname: apiHostname, path: `/api/2/project/${project}/resource/${slug}/?details`, auth: credentials, method: 'GET' }; const request = https.request(options, (response) => { if (response.statusCode === 404) { resolve(false); } else if (response.statusCode === 200) { resolve(true); } else { reject(`Failed to query resource ${project}/${slug}. Response: ${response.statusCode} ${response.statusMessage}`); } }); request.on('error', (err) => { reject(`Failed to get ${project}/${slug} on Transifex: ${err}`); }); request.end(); }); } function createResource(project: string, slug: string, xlfFile: File, apiHostname: string, credentials: any): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = JSON.stringify({ 'content': xlfFile.contents.toString(), 'name': slug, 'slug': slug, 'i18n_type': 'XLIFF' }); const options = { hostname: apiHostname, path: `/api/2/project/${project}/resources`, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(data) }, auth: credentials, method: 'POST' }; let request = https.request(options, (res) => { if (res.statusCode === 201) { log(`Resource ${project}/${slug} successfully created on Transifex.`); } else { reject(`Something went wrong in the request creating ${slug} in ${project}. ${res.statusCode}`); } }); request.on('error', (err) => { reject(`Failed to create ${project}/${slug} on Transifex: ${err}`); }); request.write(data); request.end(); }); } /** * The following link provides information about how Transifex handles updates of a resource file: * https://dev.befoolish.co/tx-docs/public/projects/updating-content#what-happens-when-you-update-files */ function updateResource(project: string, slug: string, xlfFile: File, apiHostname: string, credentials: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = JSON.stringify({ content: xlfFile.contents.toString() }); const options = { hostname: apiHostname, path: `/api/2/project/${project}/resource/${slug}/content`, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(data) }, auth: credentials, method: 'PUT' }; let request = https.request(options, (res) => { if (res.statusCode === 200) { res.setEncoding('utf8'); let responseBuffer: string = ''; res.on('data', function (chunk) { responseBuffer += chunk; }); res.on('end', () => { const response = JSON.parse(responseBuffer); log(`Resource ${project}/${slug} successfully updated on Transifex. Strings added: ${response.strings_added}, updated: ${response.strings_added}, deleted: ${response.strings_added}`); resolve(); }); } else { reject(`Something went wrong in the request updating ${slug} in ${project}. ${res.statusCode}`); } }); request.on('error', (err) => { reject(`Failed to update ${project}/${slug} on Transifex: ${err}`); }); request.write(data); request.end(); }); } // cache resources let _buildResources: Resource[]; export function pullBuildXlfFiles(apiHostname: string, username: string, password: string, language: Language): NodeJS.ReadableStream { if (!_buildResources) { _buildResources = []; // editor and workbench const json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./build/lib/i18n.resources.json', 'utf8')); _buildResources.push(...json.editor); _buildResources.push(...json.workbench); // extensions let extensionsToLocalize = Object.create(null); glob.sync('./extensions/**/*.nls.json', ).forEach(extension => extensionsToLocalize[extension.split('/')[2]] = true); glob.sync('./extensions/*/node_modules/vscode-nls', ).forEach(extension => extensionsToLocalize[extension.split('/')[2]] = true); Object.keys(extensionsToLocalize).forEach(extension => { _buildResources.push({ name: extension, project: 'vscode-extensions' }); }); } return pullXlfFiles(apiHostname, username, password, language, _buildResources); } export function pullSetupXlfFiles(apiHostname: string, username: string, password: string, language: Language, includeDefault: boolean): NodeJS.ReadableStream { let setupResources = [{ name: 'setup_messages', project: 'vscode-workbench' }]; if (includeDefault) { setupResources.push({ name: 'setup_default', project: 'vscode-setup' }); } return pullXlfFiles(apiHostname, username, password, language, setupResources); } function pullXlfFiles(apiHostname: string, username: string, password: string, language: Language, resources: Resource[]): NodeJS.ReadableStream { const credentials = `${username}:${password}`; let expectedTranslationsCount = resources.length; let translationsRetrieved = 0, called = false; return readable(function (count, callback) { // Mark end of stream when all resources were retrieved if (translationsRetrieved === expectedTranslationsCount) { return this.emit('end'); } if (!called) { called = true; const stream = this; resources.map(function (resource) { retrieveResource(language, resource, apiHostname, credentials).then((file: File) => { if (file) { stream.emit('data', file); } translationsRetrieved++; }).catch(error => { throw new Error(error); }); }); } callback(); }); } const limiter = new Limiter(NUMBER_OF_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS); function retrieveResource(language: Language, resource: Resource, apiHostname, credentials): Promise { return limiter.queue(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const slug = resource.name.replace(/\//g, '_'); const project = resource.project; const transifexLanguageId = language.transifexId || language.id; const options = { hostname: apiHostname, path: `/api/2/project/${project}/resource/${slug}/translation/${transifexLanguageId}?file&mode=onlyreviewed`, auth: credentials, port: 443, method: 'GET' }; let request = https.request(options, (res) => { let xlfBuffer: Buffer[] = []; res.on('data', (chunk: Buffer) => xlfBuffer.push(chunk)); res.on('end', () => { if (res.statusCode === 200) { resolve(new File({ contents: Buffer.concat(xlfBuffer), path: `${project}/${slug}.xlf` })); } else if (res.statusCode === 404) { console.log(`${slug} in ${project} returned no data.`); resolve(null); } else { reject(`${slug} in ${project} returned no data. Response code: ${res.statusCode}.`); } }); }); request.on('error', (err) => { reject(`Failed to query resource ${slug} with the following error: ${err}. ${options.path}`); }); request.end(); })); } export function prepareI18nFiles(): ThroughStream { let parsePromises: Promise[] = []; return through(function (this: ThroughStream, xlf: File) { let stream = this; let parsePromise = XLF.parse(xlf.contents.toString()); parsePromises.push(parsePromise); parsePromise.then( resolvedFiles => { resolvedFiles.forEach(file => { let translatedFile = createI18nFile(file.originalFilePath, file.messages); stream.queue(translatedFile); }); } ); }, function () { Promise.all(parsePromises) .then(() => { this.queue(null); }) .catch(reason => { throw new Error(reason); }); }); } function createI18nFile(originalFilePath: string, messages: any): File { let result = Object.create(null); result[''] = [ '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------', 'Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.', 'Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.', '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------', 'Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.' ]; for (let key of Object.keys(messages)) { result[key] = messages[key]; } let content = JSON.stringify(result, null, '\t').replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); return new File({ path: path.join(originalFilePath + '.i18n.json'), contents: new Buffer(content, 'utf8') }); } interface I18nPack { version: string; contents: { [path: string]: Map; }; } const i18nPackVersion = "1.0.0"; export function pullI18nPackFiles(apiHostname: string, username: string, password: string, language: Language): NodeJS.ReadableStream { return pullBuildXlfFiles(apiHostname, username, password, language).pipe(prepareI18nPackFiles()); } export function prepareI18nPackFiles() { let parsePromises: Promise[] = []; let mainPack: I18nPack = { version: i18nPackVersion, contents: {} }; let extensionsPacks: Map = {}; return through(function (this: ThroughStream, xlf: File) { let stream = this; let parsePromise = XLF.parse(xlf.contents.toString()); parsePromises.push(parsePromise); parsePromise.then( resolvedFiles => { resolvedFiles.forEach(file => { const path = file.originalFilePath; const firstSlash = path.indexOf('/'); const firstSegment = path.substr(0, firstSlash); if (firstSegment === 'src') { mainPack.contents[path.substr(firstSlash + 1)] = file.messages; } else if (firstSegment === 'extensions') { const secondSlash = path.indexOf('/', firstSlash + 1); const secondSegment = path.substring(firstSlash + 1, secondSlash); if (secondSegment) { let extPack = extensionsPacks[secondSegment]; if (!extPack) { extPack = extensionsPacks[secondSegment] = { version: i18nPackVersion, contents: {} }; } extPack.contents[path.substr(secondSlash + 1)] = file.messages; } else { console.log('Unknown second segment ' + path); } } else { console.log('Unknown first segment ' + path); } }); } ); }, function () { Promise.all(parsePromises) .then(() => { const translatedMainFile = createI18nFile('./main', mainPack); this.queue(translatedMainFile); for (let extension in extensionsPacks) { const translatedExtFile = createI18nFile(`./extensions/${extension}`, extensionsPacks[extension]); this.queue(translatedExtFile); } this.queue(null); }) .catch(reason => { throw new Error(reason); }); }); } export function prepareIslFiles(language: Language, innoSetupConfig: InnoSetup): ThroughStream { let parsePromises: Promise[] = []; return through(function (this: ThroughStream, xlf: File) { let stream = this; let parsePromise = XLF.parse(xlf.contents.toString()); parsePromises.push(parsePromise); parsePromise.then( resolvedFiles => { resolvedFiles.forEach(file => { if (path.basename(file.originalFilePath) === 'Default' && !innoSetupConfig.defaultInfo) { return; } let translatedFile = createIslFile(file.originalFilePath, file.messages, language, innoSetupConfig); stream.queue(translatedFile); }); } ); }, function () { Promise.all(parsePromises) .then(() => { this.queue(null); }) .catch(reason => { throw new Error(reason); }); }); } function createIslFile(originalFilePath: string, messages: Map, language: Language, innoSetup: InnoSetup): File { let content: string[] = []; let originalContent: TextModel; if (path.basename(originalFilePath) === 'Default') { originalContent = new TextModel(fs.readFileSync(originalFilePath + '.isl', 'utf8')); } else { originalContent = new TextModel(fs.readFileSync(originalFilePath + '.en.isl', 'utf8')); } originalContent.lines.forEach(line => { if (line.length > 0) { let firstChar = line.charAt(0); if (firstChar === '[' || firstChar === ';') { if (line === '; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ English messages ***') { content.push(`; *** Inno Setup version 5.5.3+ ${innoSetup.defaultInfo.name} messages ***`); } else { content.push(line); } } else { let sections: string[] = line.split('='); let key = sections[0]; let translated = line; if (key) { if (key === 'LanguageName') { translated = `${key}=${innoSetup.defaultInfo.name}`; } else if (key === 'LanguageID') { translated = `${key}=${innoSetup.defaultInfo.id}`; } else if (key === 'LanguageCodePage') { translated = `${key}=${innoSetup.codePage.substr(2)}`; } else { let translatedMessage = messages[key]; if (translatedMessage) { translated = `${key}=${translatedMessage}`; } } } content.push(translated); } } }); const basename = path.basename(originalFilePath); const filePath = `${basename}.${language.id}.isl`; return new File({ path: filePath, contents: iconv.encode(new Buffer(content.join('\r\n'), 'utf8'), innoSetup.codePage) }); } function encodeEntities(value: string): string { var result: string[] = []; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { var ch = value[i]; switch (ch) { case '<': result.push('<'); break; case '>': result.push('>'); break; case '&': result.push('&'); break; default: result.push(ch); } } return result.join(''); } function decodeEntities(value: string): string { return value.replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/&/g, '&'); }