2017-12-06. Merged in translations from Transifex.

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Ye 2017-12-06 17:21:27 -08:00
parent 0f008a6531
commit cd9d9390fc
275 changed files with 1265 additions and 221 deletions

View file

@ -4,5 +4,7 @@
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"cssserver.name": "CSS 语言服务器"
"cssserver.name": "CSS 语言服务器",
"folding.start": "折叠区域开始",
"folding.end": "折叠区域结束"

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"cloning": "正在克隆 GIT 存储库...",
"openrepo": "打开存储库",
"proposeopen": "是否要打开已克隆存储库?",
"init": "选择用于初始化 Git 储存库的工作区文件夹",
"init repo": "初始化存储库",
"create repo": "初始化存储库",
"are you sure": "将在“{0}”中创建 Git 存储库。确定要继续吗?",

View file

@ -4,5 +4,7 @@
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"htmlserver.name": "HTML 语言服务器"
"htmlserver.name": "HTML 语言服务器",
"folding.start": "折叠区域开始",
"folding.end": "折叠区域结束"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"previewTitle": "预览 {0}",
"onPreviewStyleLoadError": "无法加载“markdown.styles”{0}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"preview.securityMessage.text": "已禁用此文档中的部分内容",
"preview.securityMessage.title": "已禁用此 Markdown 预览中的可能不安全的内容。更改 Markdown 预览安全设置以允许不安全内容或启用脚本。",
"preview.securityMessage.label": "已禁用内容安全警告"

View file

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
"mMergeAllWindows": "合并所有窗口",
"miToggleDevTools": "切换开发人员工具(&&T)",
"miAccessibilityOptions": "辅助功能选项(&&O)",
"miReportIssues": "报告问题(&&I)",
"miReportIssue": "使用英文报告问题(&&I)",
"miWelcome": "欢迎使用(&&W)",
"miInteractivePlayground": "交互式演练场(&&I)",
"miDocumentation": "文档(&&D)",

View file

@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
"links": "控制编辑器是否应检测链接并使它们可被点击",
"colorDecorators": "控制编辑器是否显示内联颜色修饰器和颜色选取器。",
"codeActions": "启用代码操作小灯泡提示",
"selectionClipboard": "控制是否支持 Linux 主剪贴板。",
"sideBySide": "控制 Diff 编辑器以并排或内联形式显示差异",
"ignoreTrimWhitespace": "控制差异编辑器是否将对前导空格或尾随空格的更改显示为差异",
"renderIndicators": "控制差异编辑器是否为已添加/删除的更改显示 +/- 指示符号",
"selectionClipboard": "控制是否支持 Linux 主剪贴板。"
"renderIndicators": "控制差异编辑器是否为已添加/删除的更改显示 +/- 指示符号"

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"experimentalApis": "启用扩展程序实验性 api 功能。",
"disableExtensions": "禁用所有已安装的扩展。",
"disableGPU": "禁用 GPU 硬件加速。",
"ps": "打印进程使用情况和诊断信息。",
"status": "打印进程使用情况和诊断信息。",
"version": "打印版本。",
"help": "打印使用情况。",
"usage": "使用情况",

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"installingOutdatedExtension": "您已安装此扩展的新版程序。是否要使用旧版覆盖?",
"override": "覆盖",
"cancel": "取消",
"notFoundCopatible": "无法安装。找不到与 VS Code 当前版本 ({1}) 兼容的扩展“{0}”。",
"notFoundCompatible": "无法安装。找不到与 VS Code 当前版本 ({1}) 兼容的扩展“{0}”。",
"quitCode": "无法安装,因为此扩展的一个过时实例仍在运行。请先完全重启 VS Code再重新安装。",
"exitCode": "无法安装,因为此扩展的一个过时实例仍在运行。请先完全重启 VS Code再重新安装。",
"notFoundCompatibleDependency": "无法安装。找不到与 VS Code 当前版本 ({1}) 兼容的依赖扩展“{0}”。",

View file

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "在打开被解析为指定语言的文件时发出的激活事件。",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "在调用指定命令时发出的激活事件。",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "在用户准备调试或准备设置调试配置时发出的激活事件。",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebugInitialConfigurations": "在需要创建 \"launch.json\" 文件 (且需要调用 provideDebugConfigurations 的所有方法) 时发出的激活事件。",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebugResolve": "在将要启动具有特定类型的调试会话 (且需要调用相应的 resolveDebugConfiguration 方法) 时发出的激活事件。",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.workspaceContains": "在打开至少包含一个匹配指定 glob 模式的文件的文件夹时发出的激活事件。",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onView": "在指定视图被展开时发出的激活事件。",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.star": "在 VS Code 启动时发出的激活事件。为确保良好的最终用户体验,请仅在其他激活事件组合不适用于你的情况时,才在扩展中使用此事件。",

View file

@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
"inputBoxBorder": "输入框边框。",
"inputBoxActiveOptionBorder": "输入字段中已激活选项的边框颜色。",
"inputPlaceholderForeground": "输入框中占位符的前景色。",
"inputValidationInfoBackground": "严重性为信息时输入验证的背景色。",
"inputValidationInfoBackground": "输入验证结果为信息级别时的背景色。",
"inputValidationInfoBorder": "严重性为信息时输入验证的边框颜色。",
"inputValidationWarningBackground": "严重性为警告时输入验证的背景色。",
"inputValidationWarningBackground": "输入验证结果为警告级别时的背景色。",
"inputValidationWarningBorder": "严重性为警告时输入验证的边框颜色。",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "严重性为错误时输入验证的背景色。",
"inputValidationErrorBackground": "输入验证结果为错误级别时的背景色。",
"inputValidationErrorBorder": "严重性为错误时输入验证的边框颜色。",
"dropdownBackground": "下拉列表背景色。",
"dropdownForeground": "下拉列表前景色。",

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"openRecent": "打开最近的文件…",
"quickOpenRecent": "快速打开最近的文件…",
"closeMessages": "关闭通知消息",
"reportIssues": "报告问题",
"reportIssueInEnglish": "使用英文报告问题",
"reportPerformanceIssue": "报告性能问题",
"keybindingsReference": "键盘快捷方式参考",
"openDocumentationUrl": "文档",
@ -52,5 +52,20 @@
"displayLanguage": "定义 VSCode 的显示语言。",
"doc": "请参阅 {0},了解支持的语言列表。",
"restart": "更改此值需要重启 VSCode。",
"fail.createSettings": "无法创建“{0}”({1})。"
"fail.createSettings": "无法创建“{0}”({1})。",
"openLogsFolder": "打开日志文件夹",
"showLogs": "显示日志...",
"mainProcess": "主进程",
"sharedProcess": "共享进程",
"rendererProcess": "渲染器进程",
"extensionHost": "扩展主机",
"selectProcess": "选择进程",
"setLogLevel": "设置日志级别",
"trace": "跟踪",
"debug": "调试",
"info": "信息",
"warn": "警告",
"err": "错误",
"critical": "关键",
"off": "关闭"

View file

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
"view": "查看",
"help": "帮助",
"file": "文件",
"workspaces": "工作区",
"developer": "开发者",
"workspaces": "工作区",
"showEditorTabs": "控制打开的编辑器是否显示在选项卡中。",
"workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "显示文件名。当启用选项卡且在同一组内有两个相同名称的文件时,将添加每个文件路径中可以用于区分的部分。在选项卡被禁用且编辑器活动时,将显示相对于工作区文件夹的路径。",
"workbench.editor.labelFormat.short": "在文件的目录名之后显示文件名。",
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
"workbench.fontAliasing.none": "禁用字体平滑。将显示边缘粗糙、有锯齿的文字。",
"swipeToNavigate": "使用三指横扫在打开的文件之间导航",
"workbenchConfigurationTitle": "工作台",
"windowConfigurationTitle": "窗口",
"window.openFilesInNewWindow.on": "文件将在新窗口中打开",
"window.openFilesInNewWindow.off": "文件将在该文件的文件夹打开的窗口中打开,或在上一个活动窗口中打开",
"window.openFilesInNewWindow.default": "文件将在该文件的文件夹打开的窗口中打开,或在上一个活动窗口中打开,除非通过平台或从查找程序(仅限 macOS)打开",
@ -68,7 +69,6 @@
"autoDetectHighContrast": "如果已启用,将自动更改为高对比度主题;如果 Windows 正在使用高对比度主题,则当离开 Windows 高对比度主题时会更改为深色主题。",
"titleBarStyle": "调整窗口标题栏的外观。更改需要在完全重启后才能应用。",
"window.nativeTabs": "\n启用macOS Sierra窗口选项卡。请注意更改需要完全重新启动程序才能生效。如果配置此选项本机选项卡将禁用自定义标题栏样式。",
"windowConfigurationTitle": "窗口",
"zenModeConfigurationTitle": "Zen 模式",
"zenMode.fullScreen": "控制打开 Zen Mode 是否也会将工作台置于全屏模式。",
"zenMode.hideTabs": "控制打开 Zen 模式是否也会隐藏工作台选项卡。",

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"editConditionalBreakpoint": "编辑断点...",
"functionBreakpointsNotSupported": "此调试类型不支持函数断点",
"functionBreakpointPlaceholder": "要断开的函数",
"functionBreakPointInputAriaLabel": "键入函数断点"

View file

@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
"openExplorerOnEnd": "调试会话结束时自动打开资源管理器视图",
"inlineValues": "调试时,在编辑器中显示变量值内联",
"hideActionBar": "控制是否应该隐藏浮点调试操作栏",
"never": "在状态栏中不再显示调试",
"always": "始终在状态栏中显示调试",
"onFirstSessionStart": "仅于第一次启动调试后在状态栏中显示调试",
"showInStatusBar": "控制何时显示调试状态栏",
"openDebug": "控制是否在调试会话开始时打开调试侧边栏面板。",
"launch": "全局的调试启动配置。应用作跨工作区共享的 \"launch.json\" 的替代。"

View file

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
"breakpointAdded": "已添加断点,行 {0}, 文件 {1}",
"breakpointRemoved": "已删除断点,行 {0},文件 {1}",
"compoundMustHaveConfigurations": "复合项必须拥有 \"configurations\" 属性集,才能启动多个配置。",
"configMissing": "\"launch.json\" 中缺少配置“{0}”。",
"debugRequestNotSupported": "所选调试配置的属性“{0}”的值“{1}”不受支持。",
"debugRequesMissing": "所选的调试配置缺少属性“{0}”。",
"debugTypeNotSupported": "配置的类型“{0}”不受支持。",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"ratedByUsers": "评价来自 {0} 位用户"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"selectAndStartDebug": "单击停止分析。"

View file

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@
"extensionsCommands": "管理扩展",
"galleryExtensionsCommands": "安装库扩展",
"extension": "扩展",
"runtimeExtension": "正在运行的扩展",
"extensions": "扩展",
"view": "查看",
"developer": "开发者",
"extensionsConfigurationTitle": "扩展",
"extensionsAutoUpdate": "自动更新扩展",
"extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "忽略推荐的扩展"
"extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "如果设置为 \"true\",将不再显示扩展建议的通知。"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"starActivation": "已于启动时激活",
"workspaceContainsGlobActivation": "已激活,因为工作区中存在与 {0} 匹配的文件",
"workspaceContainsFileActivation": "已激活,因为工作区中存在文件 {0}",
"languageActivation": "已激活,因为您打开了 {0} 文件",
"workspaceGenericActivation": "已于 {0} 时激活",
"errors": "{0} 个未捕获的错误",
"extensionsInputName": "正在运行的扩展",
"showRuntimeExtensions": "显示正在运行的扩展",
"reportExtensionIssue": "报告问题",
"extensionHostProfileStart": "开始分析扩展主机",
"extensionHostProfileStop": "停止分析扩展主机",
"saveExtensionHostProfile": "保存扩展主机分析文件"

View file

@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
"openEditors": "打开的编辑器",
"openEditosrSection": "打开的编辑器部分",
"treeAriaLabel": "打开的编辑器: 活动文件列表",
"dirtyCounter": "{0} 个未保存"
"dirtyCounter": "{0} 个未保存",
"saveAll": "全部保存",
"closeAllUnmodified": "关闭未更改",
"closeAll": "全部关闭",
"compareWithSaved": "与已保存文件比较",
"close": "关闭",
"closeOthers": "关闭其他"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"prof.message": "已成功创建描述文件。",
"prof.detail": "请创建问题并手动附加以下文件:\n{0}",
"prof.restartAndFileIssue": "创建问题并重启",
"prof.restart": "重启",
"prof.thanks": "感谢您的帮助。",
"prof.detail.restart": "需要重新启动才能继续使用“{0}”。再次感谢您的贡献。"

View file

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
"replaceInFiles": "在文件中替换",
"replaceInFilesWithSelectedText": "在文件中替换所选文本",
"RefreshAction.label": "刷新",
"collapse": "折叠",
"ClearSearchResultsAction.label": "清除搜索结果",
"CollapseDeepestExpandedLevelAction.label": "全部折叠",
"ClearSearchResultsAction.label": "清除",
"FocusNextSearchResult.label": "聚焦下一搜索结果",
"FocusPreviousSearchResult.label": "聚焦上一搜索结果",
"RemoveAction.label": "消除",

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"termEntryAriaLabel": "{0},终端选取器",
"termCreateEntryAriaLabel": "{0},新建终端",
"'workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "$(plus) 新建集成终端",
"workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "$(plus) 新建集成终端",
"noTerminalsMatching": "没有匹配的终端",
"noTerminalsFound": "没有打开终端"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"message": "$(zap) 正在分析扩展主机..."

View file

@ -9,5 +9,6 @@
"extensionHostProcess.crash": "扩展宿主意外终止。",
"extensionHostProcess.unresponsiveCrash": "扩展宿主因没有响应而被终止。",
"overwritingExtension": "使用扩展程序 {1} 覆盖扩展程序 {0}。",
"extensionUnderDevelopment": "正在 {0} 处加载开发扩展程序"
"extensionUnderDevelopment": "正在 {0} 处加载开发扩展程序",
"extensionCache.invalid": "扩展在磁盘上已被修改。请重新加载窗口。"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"previewTitle": "預覽 [0]",
"onPreviewStyleLoadError": "無法載入 markdown.style' 樣式:{0}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"preview.securityMessage.text": "此文件中的部分內容已停用",
"preview.securityMessage.title": "Markdown 預覽中已停用可能不安全或不安全的內容。請將 Markdown 預覽的安全性設定變更為允許不安全內容,或啟用指令碼",
"preview.securityMessage.label": "內容已停用安全性警告"

View file

@ -155,7 +155,6 @@
"mMergeAllWindows": "合併所有視窗",
"miToggleDevTools": "切換開發人員工具(&&T)",
"miAccessibilityOptions": "協助工具選項(&&O)",
"miReportIssues": "回報問題(&&I)",
"miWelcome": "歡迎使用(&&W)",
"miInteractivePlayground": "Interactive Playground(&&I)",
"miDocumentation": "文件(&&D)",

View file

@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
"links": "控制編輯器是否應偵測連結且讓它可點擊",
"colorDecorators": "控制編輯器是否應轉譯內嵌色彩裝飾項目與色彩選擇器。",
"codeActions": "啟用程式動作燈泡提示",
"selectionClipboard": "控制是否應支援 Linux 主要剪貼簿。",
"sideBySide": "控制 Diff 編輯器要並排或內嵌顯示差異",
"ignoreTrimWhitespace": "控制 Diff 編輯器是否將開頭或尾端空白字元的變更顯示為差異",
"renderIndicators": "控制 Diff 編輯器是否要為新增的/移除的變更顯示 +/- 標記",
"selectionClipboard": "控制是否應支援 Linux 主要剪貼簿。"
"renderIndicators": "控制 Diff 編輯器是否要為新增的/移除的變更顯示 +/- 標記"

View file

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
"newWindow": "強制執行 Code 的新執行個體。",
"performance": "在已啟用 'Developer: Startup Performance' 命令的情況下開始。",
"prof-startup": "啟動時執行 CPU 分析工具",
"inspect-extensions": "允許對擴充功能進行除錯和分析。檢查開發工具的連接 uri。",
"inspect-brk-extensions": "允許對擴展主機在啟動後暫停擴充功能進行除錯和分析。檢查開發工具中的連接 uri。",
"reuseWindow": "強制在最近使用的視窗中開啟檔案或資料夾。",
"userDataDir": "指定保留使用者資料的目錄,這在以根目錄身分執行時有用。",
"verbose": "列印詳細資訊輸出 (表示 --wait)。",
@ -24,6 +26,7 @@
"experimentalApis": "為延伸模組啟用建議的 API 功能。",
"disableExtensions": "停用所有已安裝的擴充功能。",
"disableGPU": "停用 GPU 硬體加速。",
"status": "列印進程使用方式和診斷資訊。",
"version": "列印版本。",
"help": "列印使用方式。",
"usage": "使用方式",

View file

@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"notCompatibleDownload": "無法安裝,因為找不到相容於 VS Code 目前版本 '{0}' 的擴充功能。"

View file

@ -6,7 +6,13 @@
"invalidManifest": "擴充功能無效: package.json 不是 JSON 檔案。",
"restartCodeLocal": "請先重新啟動 Code再重新安裝 {0}。",
"installingOutdatedExtension": "已安裝此擴充功能的較新版本。是否要使用舊版本覆蓋此項?",
"override": "覆寫",
"cancel": "取消",
"notFoundCompatible": "無法安裝,因為找不到相容於 VS Code 目前版本 '{1}' 的擴充功能 '{0}'。",
"quitCode": "無法安裝因為有過時的擴充功能仍在運行。請在重新安裝前退出並啟動 VS Code。",
"exitCode": "無法安裝因為有過時的擴充功能仍在運行。請在重新安裝前退出並啟動 VS Code。",
"notFoundCompatibleDependency": "無法安裝,因為找不到相容於 VS Code 目前版本 '{1}' 的相依擴充功能 '{0}'。",
"uninstallDependeciesConfirmation": "只要將 '{0}' 解除安裝,或要包含其相依性?",
"uninstallOnly": "只有",
"uninstallAll": "全部",

View file

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "當指定語言檔案開啟時激發該事件",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "當指定的命令被調用時激發該事件",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "當使用者正要開始偵錯或是設定偵錯組態時激發該事件",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebugInitialConfigurations": "需要建立 \"launch.json\" 來觸發啟動事件 (並且需要呼叫所有 provideDebugConfigurations 方法)。",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.workspaceContains": "當開啟指定的文件夾包含glob模式匹配的文件時激發該事件",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onView": "當指定的檢視被擴展時激發該事件",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.star": "當VS Code啟動時激發該事件,為了確保最好的使用者體驗,當您的擴充功能沒有其他組合作業時,請激活此事件.",

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"openRecent": "開啟最近使用的檔案...",
"quickOpenRecent": "快速開啟最近使用的檔案...",
"closeMessages": "關閉通知訊息",
"reportIssues": "回報問題",
"reportIssueInEnglish": "回報問題",
"reportPerformanceIssue": "回報效能問題",
"keybindingsReference": "鍵盤快速鍵參考",
"openDocumentationUrl": "文件",
@ -52,5 +52,9 @@
"displayLanguage": "定義 VSCode 的顯示語言。",
"doc": "如需支援的語言清單,請參閱 {0}。",
"restart": "改變設定值後需要重新啟動 VSCode.",
"fail.createSettings": "無法建立 '{0}' ({1})。"
"fail.createSettings": "無法建立 '{0}' ({1})。",
"debug": "偵錯",
"info": "資訊",
"warn": "警告",
"err": "錯誤"

View file

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
"view": "檢視",
"help": "說明",
"file": "檔案",
"workspaces": "工作區",
"developer": "開發人員",
"workspaces": "工作區",
"showEditorTabs": "控制已開啟的編輯器是否應顯示在索引標籤中。",
"workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "顯示檔案名稱。當啟用索引標籤,且同一個群組中有兩個檔案同名時,就會新增各個檔案路徑具有識別度的的區段。當停用索引標籤時,若編輯器在使用中,就會顯示與工作區資料夾相關的路徑。",
"workbench.editor.labelFormat.short": "顯示檔案的名稱,並在名稱後接著該檔案的目錄名稱。",
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
"workbench.fontAliasing.none": "禁用字體平滑.文字將會顯示鋸齒狀與鋒利的邊緣.",
"swipeToNavigate": "利用三指水平撥動在開啟的檔案間瀏覽。",
"workbenchConfigurationTitle": "工作台",
"windowConfigurationTitle": "視窗",
"window.openFilesInNewWindow.on": "檔案會在新視窗中開啟",
"window.openFilesInNewWindow.off": "檔案會在開啟了檔案資料夾的視窗,或在上一個使用中的視窗中開啟",
"window.openFilesInNewWindow.default": "除非從擴充座或 Finder 中開啟,否則檔案會在開啟了檔案資料夾的視窗,或在上一個使用中的視窗中開啟 (僅限 macOS)",
@ -66,7 +67,6 @@
"autoDetectHighContrast": "若啟用,如果 Windows 使用高對比佈景主題,就會自動變更為高對比佈景主題,切換掉 Windows 高對比佈景主題時則變更為深色佈景主題。",
"titleBarStyle": "調整視窗標題列的外觀。變更需要完整重新啟動才會套用。",
"window.nativeTabs": "啟用 macOS Sierra 視窗索引標籤。請注意需要完全重新啟動才能套用變更,並且完成設定後原始索引標籤將會停用自訂標題列樣式。",
"windowConfigurationTitle": "視窗",
"zenModeConfigurationTitle": "Zen Mode",
"zenMode.fullScreen": "控制開啟 Zen Mode 是否也會將 Workbench 轉換為全螢幕模式。",
"zenMode.hideTabs": "控制開啟 Zen Mode 是否也會隱藏 Workbench 索引標籤。",

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"editConditionalBreakpoint": "編輯中斷點...",
"functionBreakpointsNotSupported": "此偵錯類型不支援函式中斷點",
"functionBreakpointPlaceholder": "要中斷的函式",
"functionBreakPointInputAriaLabel": "輸入函式中斷點"

View file

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
"breakpointAdded": "已新增中斷點,行 {0},檔案 {1}",
"breakpointRemoved": "已移除中斷點,行 {0},檔案 {1}",
"compoundMustHaveConfigurations": "複合必須設有 \"configurations\" 屬性,才能啟動多個組態。",
"configMissing": "'launch.json' 中遺漏組態 '{0}'。",
"debugRequestNotSupported": "在選取的偵錯組態中,屬性 `{0}` 具有不支援的值 '{1}'。",
"debugRequesMissing": "所選的偵錯組態遺漏屬性 '{0}'。",
"debugTypeNotSupported": "不支援設定的偵錯類型 '{0}'。",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"extension": "擴充功能",
"extensions": "擴充功能",
"view": "檢視",
"developer": "開發人員",
"extensionsConfigurationTitle": "擴充功能",
"extensionsAutoUpdate": "自動更新擴充功能",
"extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "忽略延伸模組建議"
"extensionsAutoUpdate": "自動更新擴充功能"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"reportExtensionIssue": "回報問題"

View file

@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
"openEditors": "已開啟的編輯器",
"openEditosrSection": "開放式編輯器區段",
"treeAriaLabel": "開啟的編輯器: 使用中檔案的清單",
"dirtyCounter": "{0} 未儲存"
"dirtyCounter": "{0} 未儲存",
"saveAll": "全部儲存",
"closeAllUnmodified": "關閉未變更的檔案",
"closeAll": "全部關閉",
"compareWithSaved": "與已儲存的檔案比較",
"close": "關閉",
"closeOthers": "關閉其他"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"prof.message": "已成功建立設定檔。",
"prof.detail": "請建立問題,並手動附加下列檔案:\n{0}",
"prof.restartAndFileIssue": "建立問題並重新啟動",
"prof.restart": "重新啟動",
"prof.thanks": "感謝您的協助",
"prof.detail.restart": "需要重新啟動才能夠繼續使用'{0}.再次感謝您的回饋."

View file

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
"replaceInFiles": "檔案中取代",
"replaceInFilesWithSelectedText": "在檔案中取代為選取的文字",
"RefreshAction.label": "重新整理",
"collapse": "摺疊",
"ClearSearchResultsAction.label": "清除搜尋結果",
"CollapseDeepestExpandedLevelAction.label": "全部摺疊",
"ClearSearchResultsAction.label": "清除",
"FocusNextSearchResult.label": "聚焦於下一個搜尋結果",
"FocusPreviousSearchResult.label": "聚焦於上一個搜尋結果",
"RemoveAction.label": "關閉",

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"termEntryAriaLabel": "{0} , 終端機選擇器",
"termCreateEntryAriaLabel": "{0},建立新的終端機",
"'workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "$(plus) 建立新的整合式終端機",
"workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "$(plus) 建立新的整合式終端機",
"noTerminalsMatching": "無相符的終端機",
"noTerminalsFound": "無開啟的終端機"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
"selectTheme.label": "色彩佈景主題",
"themes.category.light": "淺色主題",
"themes.category.dark": "深色主題",
"themes.category.hc": "高對比主題",
"installColorThemes": "安裝其他的色彩佈景主題...",
"themes.selectTheme": "選取色彩主題(上/下鍵預覽)",
"selectIconTheme.label": "檔案圖示佈景主題",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"previewTitle": "Vorschau von {0}",
"onPreviewStyleLoadError": "'markdown.styles' konnte nicht geladen werden: {0}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"preview.securityMessage.text": "In diesem Dokument wurden einige Inhalte deaktiviert.",
"preview.securityMessage.title": "Potenziell unsichere Inhalte wurden in der Markdown-Vorschau deaktiviert. Ändern Sie die Sicherheitseinstellung der Markdown-Vorschau, um unsichere Inhalte zuzulassen oder Skripts zu aktivieren.",
"preview.securityMessage.label": "Sicherheitswarnung Inhalt deaktiviert"

View file

@ -155,7 +155,6 @@
"mMergeAllWindows": "Alle Fenster zusammenführen",
"miToggleDevTools": "&&Entwicklertools umschalten",
"miAccessibilityOptions": "&&Optionen für erleichterte Bedienung",
"miReportIssues": "&&Probleme melden",
"miWelcome": "&&Willkommen",
"miInteractivePlayground": "&&Interactive Spielwiese",
"miDocumentation": "&&Dokumentation",

View file

@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
"links": "Steuert, ob der Editor Links erkennen und anklickbar machen soll",
"colorDecorators": "Steuert, ob der Editor die Inline-Farbdecorators und die Farbauswahl rendern soll.",
"codeActions": "Ermöglicht die Code-Aktion \"lightbulb\"",
"selectionClipboard": "Steuert, ob die primäre Linux-Zwischenablage unterstützt werden soll.",
"sideBySide": "Steuert, ob der Diff-Editor das Diff nebeneinander oder inline anzeigt.",
"ignoreTrimWhitespace": "Steuert, ob der Diff-Editor Änderungen in führenden oder nachgestellten Leerzeichen als Diffs anzeigt.",
"renderIndicators": "Steuert, ob der Diff-Editor die Indikatoren \"+\" und \"-\" für hinzugefügte/entfernte Änderungen anzeigt.",
"selectionClipboard": "Steuert, ob die primäre Linux-Zwischenablage unterstützt werden soll."
"renderIndicators": "Steuert, ob der Diff-Editor die Indikatoren \"+\" und \"-\" für hinzugefügte/entfernte Änderungen anzeigt."

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "Faltung rekursiv aufheben",
"foldAction.label": "Falten",
"foldRecursivelyAction.label": "Rekursiv falten",
"foldAllBlockComments.label": "Alle Blockkommentare falten",
"foldAllAction.label": "Alle falten",
"unfoldAllAction.label": "Alle auffalten",
"foldLevelAction.label": "Faltebene {0}"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"notCompatibleDownload": "Kann nicht heruntergeladen werden, da die Erweiterung, die mit der aktuellen VS Code Version '{0}' kompatibel ist, nicht gefunden werden kann. "

View file

@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
"invalidManifest": "Die Erweiterung ist ungültig: \"package.json\" ist keine JSON-Datei.",
"restartCodeLocal": "Bitte starten Sie Code vor der Neuinstallation von {0} neu.",
"override": "Überschreiben",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Kann nicht installiert werden, da die abhängige Erweiterung '{0}', die mit der aktuellen VS Code Version '{1}' kompatibel ist, nicht gefunden werden kann. ",
"uninstallDependeciesConfirmation": "Möchten Sie nur \"{0}\" oder auch die zugehörigen Abhängigkeiten deinstallieren?",
"uninstallOnly": "Nur",
"uninstallAll": "Alle",

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"openRecent": "Zuletzt benutzt...",
"quickOpenRecent": "Zuletzt benutzte schnell öffnen...",
"closeMessages": "Benachrichtigungs-E-Mail schließen",
"reportIssues": "Probleme melden",
"reportIssueInEnglish": "Problem melden",
"reportPerformanceIssue": "Leistungsproblem melden",
"keybindingsReference": "Referenz für Tastenkombinationen",
"openDocumentationUrl": "Dokumentation",
@ -52,5 +52,9 @@
"displayLanguage": "Definiert die Anzeigesprache von VSCode.",
"doc": "Unter {0} finden Sie eine Liste der unterstützten Sprachen.",
"restart": "Das Ändern dieses Wertes erfordert einen Neustart von VSCode.",
"fail.createSettings": "{0} ({1}) kann nicht erstellt werden."
"fail.createSettings": "{0} ({1}) kann nicht erstellt werden.",
"debug": "Debuggen",
"info": "Info",
"warn": "Warnung",
"err": "Fehler"

View file

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
"view": "Anzeigen",
"help": "Hilfe",
"file": "Datei",
"workspaces": "Arbeitsbereiche",
"developer": "Entwickler",
"workspaces": "Arbeitsbereiche",
"showEditorTabs": "Steuert, ob geöffnete Editoren auf Registerkarten angezeigt werden sollen.",
"workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "Zeigt den Namen der Datei. Wenn Registerkarten aktiviert sind und zwei Dateien in einer Gruppe den gleichen Namen haben, werden die unterscheidenden Abschnitte der Pfade jeder Datei hinzugefügt. Wenn die Registerkarten deaktiviert sind, wird der Pfad relativ zum Arbeitsbereich-Ordner angezeigt, wenn der Editor aktiv ist. ",
"workbench.editor.labelFormat.short": "Den Namen der Datei anzeigen, gefolgt von dessen Verzeichnisnamen.",
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
"workbench.fontAliasing.none": "Deaktiviert die Schriftartglättung. Text wird mit gezackten scharfen Kanten dargestellt.",
"swipeToNavigate": "Hiermit navigieren Sie per waagrechtem Wischen mit drei Fingen zwischen geöffneten Dateien.",
"workbenchConfigurationTitle": "Workbench",
"windowConfigurationTitle": "Fenster",
"window.openFilesInNewWindow.on": "Dateien werden in einem neuen Fenster geöffnet.",
"window.openFilesInNewWindow.off": "Dateien werden im Fenster mit dem geöffneten Dateiordner oder im letzten aktiven Fenster geöffnet.",
"window.openFilesInNewWindow.default": "Dateien werden im Fenster mit dem geöffneten Dateiordner oder im letzten aktiven Fenster geöffnet, sofern sie nicht über das Dock oder den Finder geöffnet werden (nur MacOS).",
@ -66,7 +67,6 @@
"autoDetectHighContrast": "Ist diese Option aktiviert, erfolgt automatisch ein Wechsel zu einem Design mit hohem Kontrast, wenn Windows ein Design mit hohem Kontrast verwendet, und zu einem dunklen Design, wenn Sie für Windows kein Design mit hohem Kontrast mehr verwenden.",
"titleBarStyle": "Passt das Aussehen der Titelleiste des Fensters an. Zum Anwenden der Änderungen ist ein vollständiger Neustart erforderlich.",
"window.nativeTabs": "Aktiviert MacOS Sierra-Fensterregisterkarten. Beachten Sie, dass zum Übernehmen von Änderungen ein vollständiger Neustart erforderlich ist und durch ggf. konfigurierte native Registerkarten ein benutzerdefinierter Titelleistenstil deaktiviert wird.",
"windowConfigurationTitle": "Fenster",
"zenModeConfigurationTitle": "Zen-Modus",
"zenMode.fullScreen": "Steuert, ob die Workbench durch das Aktivieren des Zen-Modus in den Vollbildmodus wechselt.",
"zenMode.hideTabs": "Steuert, ob die Workbench-Registerkarten durch Aktivieren des Zen-Modus ebenfalls ausgeblendet werden.",

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"editConditionalBreakpoint": "Haltepunkt bearbeiten...",
"functionBreakpointsNotSupported": "Funktionshaltepunkte werden von diesem Debugtyp nicht unterstützt.",
"functionBreakpointPlaceholder": "Funktion mit Haltepunkt",
"functionBreakPointInputAriaLabel": "Geben Sie den Funktionshaltepunkt ein."

View file

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
"breakpointAdded": "Der Haltepunkt wurde hinzugefügt. Zeile {0}, Datei \"{1}\".",
"breakpointRemoved": "Der Haltepunkt wurde entfernt. Zeile {0}, Datei \"{1}\".",
"compoundMustHaveConfigurations": "Für den Verbund muss das Attribut \"configurations\" festgelegt werden, damit mehrere Konfigurationen gestartet werden können.",
"configMissing": "Konfiguration \"{0}\" fehlt in \"launch.json\".",
"debugRequestNotSupported": "Das Attribut \"{0}\" hat in der ausgewählten Debugkonfiguration den nicht unterstützten Wert \"{1}\".",
"debugRequesMissing": "Das Attribut \"{0}\" fehlt in der ausgewählten Debugkonfiguration.",
"debugTypeNotSupported": "Der konfigurierte Debugtyp \"{0}\" wird nicht unterstützt.",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"extension": "Erweiterung",
"extensions": "Erweiterungen",
"view": "Anzeigen",
"developer": "Entwickler",
"extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Erweiterungen",
"extensionsAutoUpdate": "Erweiterungen automatisch aktualisieren",
"extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "Erweiterungsempfehlungen ignorieren"
"extensionsAutoUpdate": "Erweiterungen automatisch aktualisieren"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"reportExtensionIssue": "Problem melden"

View file

@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
"openEditors": "Geöffnete Editoren",
"openEditosrSection": "Abschnitt \"Geöffnete Editoren\"",
"treeAriaLabel": "Geöffnete Editoren: Liste der aktiven Dateien",
"dirtyCounter": "{0} nicht gespeichert"
"dirtyCounter": "{0} nicht gespeichert",
"saveAll": "Alle speichern",
"closeAllUnmodified": "Nicht geänderte schließen",
"closeAll": "Alle schließen",
"compareWithSaved": "Mit gespeicherter Datei vergleichen",
"close": "Schließen",
"closeOthers": "Andere schließen"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"prof.message": "Profile wurden erfolgreich erstellt.",
"prof.detail": "Erstellen Sie ein Problem, und fügen Sie die folgenden Dateien manuell an:\n{0}",
"prof.restartAndFileIssue": "Problem erstellen und neu starten",
"prof.restart": "Neu starten",
"prof.thanks": "Danke für Ihre Hilfe.",
"prof.detail.restart": "Ein abschließender Neustart ist erforderlich um '{0}' nutzen zu können. Danke für Ihre Hilfe."

View file

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
"replaceInFiles": "In Dateien ersetzen",
"replaceInFilesWithSelectedText": "In Dateien mit ausgewähltem Text ersetzen",
"RefreshAction.label": "Aktualisieren",
"collapse": "Zuklappen",
"ClearSearchResultsAction.label": "Suchergebnisse löschen",
"CollapseDeepestExpandedLevelAction.label": "Alle zuklappen",
"ClearSearchResultsAction.label": "Löschen",
"FocusNextSearchResult.label": "Fokus auf nächstes Suchergebnis",
"FocusPreviousSearchResult.label": "Fokus auf vorheriges Suchergebnis",
"RemoveAction.label": "Schließen",

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"termEntryAriaLabel": "{0}, Terminalauswahl",
"termCreateEntryAriaLabel": "{0}, neues Terminal erstellen",
"'workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "$(plus) Neues integriertes Terminal erstellen",
"workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "$(plus) Neues integriertes Terminal erstellen",
"noTerminalsMatching": "Keine übereinstimmenden Terminals",
"noTerminalsFound": "Keine geöffneten Terminals"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.

View file

@ -4,5 +4,7 @@
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"cssserver.name": "Servidor de lenguaje CSS"
"cssserver.name": "Servidor de lenguaje CSS",
"folding.start": "Inicio de la región plegable",
"folding.end": "Fin de la región plegable"

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"cloning": "Clonando el repositorio GIT...",
"openrepo": "Abrir repositorio",
"proposeopen": "¿Desea abrir el repositorio clonado?",
"init": "Seleccione una carpeta de área de trabajo en la que inicializar el repositorio de git",
"init repo": "Inicializar el repositorio",
"create repo": "Inicializar el repositorio",
"are you sure": "Esto creará un repositorio Git en '{0}'. ¿Está seguro de que desea continuar?",

View file

@ -4,5 +4,7 @@
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"htmlserver.name": "Servidor de lenguaje HTML"
"htmlserver.name": "Servidor de lenguaje HTML",
"folding.start": "Inicio de la región plegable",
"folding.end": "Fin de la región plegable"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"previewTitle": "Vista Previa {0}",
"onPreviewStyleLoadError": "No se pudo cargar 'markdown.styles': {0}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"preview.securityMessage.text": "Se ha deshabilitado parte del contenido de este documento",
"preview.securityMessage.title": "Se ha deshabilitado el contenido potencialmente inseguro en la previsualización de Markdown. Para permitir el contenido inseguro o habilitar scripts cambie la configuración de la previsualización de Markdown",
"preview.securityMessage.label": "Alerta de seguridad de contenido deshabilitado"

View file

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
"mMergeAllWindows": "Fusionar todas las ventanas",
"miToggleDevTools": "&&Alternar herramientas de desarrollo",
"miAccessibilityOptions": "&&Opciones de accesibilidad",
"miReportIssues": "&&Notificar problemas",
"miReportIssue": "&&Notificar problema",
"miWelcome": "&&Bienvenido",
"miInteractivePlayground": "Área de juegos &&interactiva",
"miDocumentation": "&&Documentación",

View file

@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
"links": "Controla si el editor debe detectar enlaces y hacerlos cliqueables",
"colorDecorators": "Controla si el editor debe representar el Selector de colores y los elementos Decorator de color en línea.",
"codeActions": "Permite que el foco de acción del código",
"selectionClipboard": "Controla si el portapapeles principal de Linux debe admitirse.",
"sideBySide": "Controla si el editor de diferencias muestra las diferencias en paralelo o alineadas.",
"ignoreTrimWhitespace": "Controla si el editor de diferencias muestra los cambios de espacio inicial o espacio final como diferencias.",
"renderIndicators": "Controla si el editor de diff muestra indicadores +/- para cambios agregados/quitados",
"selectionClipboard": "Controla si el portapapeles principal de Linux debe admitirse."
"renderIndicators": "Controla si el editor de diff muestra indicadores +/- para cambios agregados/quitados"

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"experimentalApis": "Habilita características de API propuestas para una extensión.",
"disableExtensions": "Deshabilite todas las extensiones instaladas.",
"disableGPU": "Deshabilita la aceleración de hardware de GPU.",
"ps": "Imprimir el uso del proceso y la información de diagnóstico.",
"status": "Imprimir el uso del proceso y la información de diagnóstico.",
"version": "Versión de impresión.",
"help": "Imprima el uso.",
"usage": "Uso",

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"installingOutdatedExtension": "Una versión más nueva de esta extensión ya está instalada. ¿Desea anular esto con la versión anterior?",
"override": "Anular",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"notFoundCopatible": "No se puede instalar porque no se encuentra la extensión '{0}' compatible con la versión actual '{1}' del VS Code.",
"notFoundCompatible": "No se puede instalar porque no se encuentra la extensión '{0}' compatible con la versión actual '{1}' del VS Code.",
"quitCode": "No se puede instalar porque todavía se está ejecutando una instancia obsoleta de la extensión. Por favor, salga e inicie el VS Code antes de volver a instalarlo.\n",
"exitCode": "No se puede instalar porque todavía se está ejecutando una instancia obsoleta de la extensión. Por favor, salga e inicie VS Code antes de volver a instalarlo.",
"notFoundCompatibleDependency": "No se puede instalar porque no se encuentra la extensión dependiente '{0}' compatible con la versión actual '{1}' del VS Code.",

View file

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que se abre un archivo que se resuelve en el idioma especificado.",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que se invoca el comando especificado.",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que un usuario está a punto de iniciar la depuración o cada vez que está a punto de configurar las opciones de depuración.",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebugInitialConfigurations": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que se necesite crear un \"launch.json\" (y se necesite llamar a todos los métodos provideDebugConfigurations).",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebugResolve": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que esté a punto de ser iniciada una sesión de depuración con el tipo específico (y se necesite llamar al método resolveDebugConfiguration correspondiente).",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.workspaceContains": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que se abre una carpeta que contiene al menos un archivo que coincide con el patrón global especificado.",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.onView": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que se expande la vista especificada.",
"vscode.extension.activationEvents.star": "Un evento de activación emitido al inicio de VS Code. Para garantizar una buena experiencia para el usuario final, use este evento de activación en su extensión solo cuando no le sirva ninguna otra combinación de eventos de activación en su caso.",

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"openRecent": "Abrir Reciente...",
"quickOpenRecent": "Abrir Reciente Rapidamente...",
"closeMessages": "Cerrar mensajes de notificación",
"reportIssues": "Notificar problemas",
"reportIssueInEnglish": "Notificar problema",
"reportPerformanceIssue": "Notificar problema de rendimiento",
"keybindingsReference": "Referencia de métodos abreviados de teclado",
"openDocumentationUrl": "Documentación",
@ -52,5 +52,20 @@
"displayLanguage": "Define el lenguaje para mostrar de VSCode.",
"doc": "Consulte {0} para obtener una lista de idiomas compatibles.",
"restart": "Al cambiar el valor se requiere reiniciar VSCode.",
"fail.createSettings": "No se puede crear '{0}' ({1})."
"fail.createSettings": "No se puede crear '{0}' ({1}).",
"openLogsFolder": "Abrir carpeta de registros",
"showLogs": "Mostrar registros...",
"mainProcess": "Principal",
"sharedProcess": "Compartido",
"rendererProcess": "Renderizador",
"extensionHost": "Host de extensión",
"selectProcess": "Seleccionar proceso",
"setLogLevel": "Establecer nivel de registro",
"trace": "Seguimiento",
"debug": "Depurar",
"info": "Información",
"warn": "Advertencia",
"err": "Error",
"critical": "Crítico",
"off": "Apagado"

View file

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
"view": "Ver",
"help": "Ayuda",
"file": "Archivo",
"workspaces": "Áreas de trabajo",
"developer": "Desarrollador",
"workspaces": "Áreas de trabajo",
"showEditorTabs": "Controla si los editores abiertos se deben mostrar o no en pestañas.",
"workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "Mostrar el nombre del archivo. Cuando están habilitadas las pestañas y dos archivos tienen el mismo nombre en un grupo se agregan las secciones de distinguinshing de ruta de cada archivo. Cuando se desactivan las pestañas, se muestra la ruta de acceso relativa a la carpeta de trabajo si el editor está activo.",
"workbench.editor.labelFormat.short": "Mostrar el nombre del archivo seguido de su nombre de directorio.",
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
"workbench.fontAliasing.none": "Deshabilita el suavizado de fuentes. El texto se muestra con bordes nítidos irregulares.",
"swipeToNavigate": "Navegar entre achivos abiertos utlizando la pulsación de tres dedos para deslizar horizontalmante.",
"workbenchConfigurationTitle": "Área de trabajo",
"windowConfigurationTitle": "Ventana",
"window.openFilesInNewWindow.on": "Los archivos se abrirán en una nueva ventana",
"window.openFilesInNewWindow.off": "Los archivos se abrirán en la ventana con la carpeta de archivos abierta o en la última ventana activa",
"window.openFilesInNewWindow.default": "Los archivos se abrirán en la ventana con la carpeta de los archivos abierta o en la última ventana activa a menos que se abran mediante el Dock o el Finder (solo macOS)",
@ -68,7 +69,6 @@
"autoDetectHighContrast": "Si está habilitado, se cambiará automáticamente al tema de contraste alto si Windows utiliza un tema de contraste alto, y al tema oscuro si cambia desde un tema de contraste alto de Windows.",
"titleBarStyle": "Ajuste la apariencia de la barra de título de la ventana. Se debe realizar un reinicio completo para aplicar los cambios.",
"window.nativeTabs": "Habilita las fichas de ventana en macOS Sierra. Note que los cambios requieren que reinicie el equipo y las fichas nativas deshabilitan cualquier estilo personalizado que haya configurado.",
"windowConfigurationTitle": "Ventana",
"zenModeConfigurationTitle": "Modo zen",
"zenMode.fullScreen": "Controla si activar el modo Zen pone también el trabajo en modo de pantalla completa.",
"zenMode.hideTabs": "Controla si la activación del modo zen también oculta las pestañas del área de trabajo.",

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"editConditionalBreakpoint": "Editar punto de interrupción...",
"functionBreakpointsNotSupported": "Este tipo de depuración no admite puntos de interrupción en funciones",
"functionBreakpointPlaceholder": "Función donde interrumpir",
"functionBreakPointInputAriaLabel": "Escribir punto de interrupción de función"

View file

@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
"openExplorerOnEnd": "Abrir automáticamente la vista del explorador al final de una sesión de depuración",
"inlineValues": "Mostrar valores de variable en línea en el editor durante la depuración",
"hideActionBar": "Controla si debe ocultarse la barra flotante de acciones de depuración",
"never": "Nunca mostrar debug en la barra de estado",
"always": "Siempre mostrar debug en la barra de estado",
"onFirstSessionStart": "Mostrar debug en la barra de estado solamente después del primero uso de debug",
"showInStatusBar": "Controla cuando se debe mostrar la barra de estado de depuración",
"openDebug": "Controla si el viewlet de depuración debería abrirse al inicio de la sesión de depuración.",
"launch": "Configuración de lanzamiento para depuración global. Debe utilizarse como una alternativa a “launch.json” en espacios de trabajo compartidos."

View file

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
"breakpointAdded": "Punto de interrupción agregado, línea {0}, archivo {1}",
"breakpointRemoved": "Punto de interrupción quitado, línea {0}, archivo {1}",
"compoundMustHaveConfigurations": "El compuesto debe tener configurado el atributo \"configurations\" a fin de iniciar varias configuraciones.",
"configMissing": "La configuración \"{0}\" falta en \"launch.json\".",
"debugRequestNotSupported": "El atributo '{0}' tiene un valor no admitido '{1}' en la configuración de depuración seleccionada.",
"debugRequesMissing": "El atributo '{0}' está ausente en la configuración de depuración elegida. ",
"debugTypeNotSupported": "El tipo de depuración '{0}' configurado no es compatible.",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"ratedByUsers": "Calificado por {0} usuarios"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"selectAndStartDebug": "Haga clic aquí para detener la generación de perfiles."

View file

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@
"extensionsCommands": "Administrar extensiones",
"galleryExtensionsCommands": "Instalar extensiones de la galería",
"extension": "Extensión",
"runtimeExtension": "Extensiones en ejecución",
"extensions": "Extensiones",
"view": "Ver",
"developer": "Desarrollador",
"extensionsConfigurationTitle": "Extensiones",
"extensionsAutoUpdate": "Actualizar extensiones automáticamente",
"extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "No tener en cuenta las recomendaciones de extensión."
"extensionsIgnoreRecommendations": "Si se pone en true, las notificaciones para las recomendaciones de la extensión dejarán de aparecer."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"starActivation": "Activado al inicio",
"workspaceContainsGlobActivation": "Activado porque un archivo que coincide con {0} existe en su área de trabajo",
"workspaceContainsFileActivation": "Activado porque el archivo {0} existe en su área de trabajo",
"languageActivation": "Activado porque abrió un archivo {0}",
"workspaceGenericActivation": "Activado en {0}",
"errors": "{0} errores no detectados",
"extensionsInputName": "Extensiones en ejecución",
"showRuntimeExtensions": "Mostrar extensiones en ejecución",
"reportExtensionIssue": "Notificar problema",
"extensionHostProfileStart": "Iniciar perfil del host de extensiones",
"extensionHostProfileStop": "Detener perfil del host de extensiones",
"saveExtensionHostProfile": "Guardar perfil del host de extensiones"

View file

@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
"openEditors": "Editores abiertos",
"openEditosrSection": "Sección Editores abiertos",
"treeAriaLabel": "Editores abiertos: lista de archivos activos",
"dirtyCounter": "{0} sin guardar"
"dirtyCounter": "{0} sin guardar",
"saveAll": "Guardar todos",
"closeAllUnmodified": "Cerrar los que no se han modificado",
"closeAll": "Cerrar todo",
"compareWithSaved": "Comparar con el guardado",
"close": "Cerrar",
"closeOthers": "Cerrar otros"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"prof.message": "Los perfiles se crearon correctamente.",
"prof.detail": "Cree un problema y asóciele manualmente los siguientes archivos: {0}",
"prof.restartAndFileIssue": "Crear problema y reiniciar",
"prof.restart": "Reiniciar",
"prof.thanks": "Gracias por ayudarnos.",
"prof.detail.restart": "Se necesita un reinicio final para continuar utilizando '{0}'. De nuevo, gracias por su aportación."

View file

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
"replaceInFiles": "Reemplazar en archivos",
"replaceInFilesWithSelectedText": "Reemplazar en archivos con el texto seleccionado",
"RefreshAction.label": "Actualizar",
"collapse": "Contraer",
"ClearSearchResultsAction.label": "Borrar resultados de la búsqueda",
"CollapseDeepestExpandedLevelAction.label": "Contraer todo",
"ClearSearchResultsAction.label": "Borrar",
"FocusNextSearchResult.label": "Centrarse en el siguiente resultado de la búsqueda",
"FocusPreviousSearchResult.label": "Centrarse en el anterior resultado de la búsqueda",
"RemoveAction.label": "Despedir",

View file

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
"termEntryAriaLabel": "{0}, selector de terminal",
"termCreateEntryAriaLabel": "{0}, crear nueva terminal",
"'workbench.action.terminal.newplus": "$(plus) crear nueva Terminal integrada",
"noTerminalsMatching": "No hay terminales coincidentes",
"noTerminalsFound": "No hay terminales abiertos"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
"selectTheme.label": "Tema de color",
"themes.category.light": "temas claros",
"themes.category.dark": "temas oscuros",
"themes.category.hc": "temas de alto contraste",
"installColorThemes": "Instalar temas de color adicionales...",
"themes.selectTheme": "Seleccione el tema de color (flecha arriba/abajo para vista previa)",
"selectIconTheme.label": "Tema de icono de archivo",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.

View file

@ -9,5 +9,6 @@
"extensionHostProcess.crash": "El host de extensiones finalizó inesperadamente.",
"extensionHostProcess.unresponsiveCrash": "Se terminó el host de extensiones porque no respondía.",
"overwritingExtension": "Sobrescribiendo la extensión {0} con {1}.",
"extensionUnderDevelopment": "Cargando la extensión de desarrollo en {0}"
"extensionUnderDevelopment": "Cargando la extensión de desarrollo en {0}",
"extensionCache.invalid": "Las extensiones han sido modificadas en disco. Por favor, vuelva a cargar la ventana."

View file

@ -4,5 +4,7 @@
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"cssserver.name": "Serveur de langage CSS"
"cssserver.name": "Serveur de langage CSS",
"folding.start": "Début de la région repliable",
"folding.end": "Fin de la région repliable"

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"cloning": "Clonage du dépôt git...",
"openrepo": "Ouvrir le dépôt",
"proposeopen": "Voulez-vous ouvrir le dépôt cloné ?",
"init": "Choisir le dossier despace de travail dans lequel initialiser le dépôt git",
"init repo": "Initialiser le dépôt",
"create repo": "Initialiser le dépôt",
"are you sure": "Ceci va créer un dépôt Git dans '{0}'. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?",

View file

@ -4,5 +4,7 @@
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"htmlserver.name": "Serveur de langage HTML"
"htmlserver.name": "Serveur de langage HTML",
"folding.start": "Début de la région repliable",
"folding.end": "Fin de la région repliable"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"previewTitle": "Prévisualiser {0}",
"onPreviewStyleLoadError": "Impossible de charger 'markdown.styles' : {0}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"preview.securityMessage.text": "Du contenu a été désactivé dans ce document",
"preview.securityMessage.title": "Le contenu potentiellement dangereux ou précaire a été désactivé dans laperçu du format markdown. Modifier le paramètre de sécurité Aperçu Markdown afin dautoriser les contenus non sécurisés ou activer les scripts",
"preview.securityMessage.label": "Avertissement de sécurité de contenu désactivé"

View file

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
"mMergeAllWindows": "Fusionner toutes les fenêtres",
"miToggleDevTools": "Activer/désactiver les ou&&tils de développement",
"miAccessibilityOptions": "&&Options d'accessibilité",
"miReportIssues": "S&&ignaler les problèmes",
"miReportIssue": "Signaler un problème",
"miWelcome": "&&Bienvenue",
"miInteractivePlayground": "Terrain de jeu &&interactif",
"miDocumentation": "&&Documentation",

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more