Use more explicit state for TS server states

Try to prevent the tracked server state from getting into weird invalid states and make the state more explicit
This commit is contained in:
Matt Bierner 2019-01-11 11:35:51 -08:00
parent 2b0cee0eba
commit 6682006c8b

View file

@ -34,6 +34,42 @@ export interface TsDiagnostics {
readonly diagnostics: Proto.Diagnostic[];
namespace ServerState {
export const enum Type {
export const None = new class { readonly type = Type.None; };
export class Running {
readonly type = Type.Running;
public readonly server: TypeScriptServer,
* API version obtained from the version picker after checking the corresponding path exists.
public readonly apiVersion: API,
* Version reported by currently-running tsserver.
public tsserverVersion: string | undefined,
) { }
export class Errored {
readonly type = Type.Errored;
public readonly error: Error,
) { }
export type State = typeof None | Running | Errored;
export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements ITypeScriptServiceClient {
private static readonly WALK_THROUGH_SNIPPET_SCHEME_COLON = `${fileSchemes.walkThroughSnippet}:`;
@ -49,23 +85,13 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
public readonly logger: Logger = new Logger();
private readonly typescriptServerSpawner: TypeScriptServerSpawner;
private forkedTsServer: TypeScriptServer | null;
private lastError: Error | null;
private serverState: ServerState.State = ServerState.None;
private lastStart: number;
private numberRestarts: number;
private isRestarting: boolean = false;
private loadingIndicator = new ServerInitializingIndicator();
public readonly telemetryReporter: TelemetryReporter;
* API version obtained from the version picker after checking the corresponding path exists.
private _apiVersion: API;
* Version reported by currently-running tsserver.
private _tsserverVersion: string | undefined;
public readonly bufferSyncSupport: BufferSyncSupport;
public readonly diagnosticsManager: DiagnosticsManager;
@ -87,8 +113,6 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
this._onReady!.promise = p;
this.forkedTsServer = null;
this.lastError = null;
this.numberRestarts = 0;
this._configuration = TypeScriptServiceConfiguration.loadFromWorkspace();
@ -96,8 +120,6 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
this.pluginPathsProvider = new TypeScriptPluginPathsProvider(this._configuration);
this.versionPicker = new TypeScriptVersionPicker(this.versionProvider, this.workspaceState);
this._apiVersion = API.defaultVersion;
this._tsserverVersion = undefined;
this.tracer = new Tracer(this.logger);
this.bufferSyncSupport = new BufferSyncSupport(this, allModeIds);
@ -116,7 +138,7 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
if (this.forkedTsServer) {
if (this.serverState.type === ServerState.Type.Running) {
if (this._configuration.checkJs !== oldConfiguration.checkJs
|| this._configuration.experimentalDecorators !== oldConfiguration.experimentalDecorators
) {
@ -129,7 +151,14 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
}, this, this._disposables);
this.telemetryReporter = this._register(new TelemetryReporter(() => this._tsserverVersion || this._apiVersion.versionString));
this.telemetryReporter = this._register(new TelemetryReporter(() => {
if (this.serverState.type === ServerState.Type.Running) {
if (this.serverState.tsserverVersion) {
return this.serverState.tsserverVersion;
return this.apiVersion.versionString;
this.typescriptServerSpawner = new TypeScriptServerSpawner(this.versionProvider, this.logDirectoryProvider, this.pluginPathsProvider, this.logger, this.telemetryReporter, this.tracer);
@ -147,22 +176,21 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
if (this.forkedTsServer) {
if (this.serverState.type === ServerState.Type.Running) {
public restartTsServer(): void {
if (this.forkedTsServer) {
if (this.serverState.type === ServerState.Type.Running) {'Killing TS Server');
this.isRestarting = true;
this.forkedTsServer = this.startService(true);
this.serverState = this.startService(true);
private readonly _onTsServerStarted = this._register(new vscode.EventEmitter<API>());
@ -193,7 +221,10 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
public readonly onSurveyReady = this._onSurveyReady.event;
public get apiVersion(): API {
return this._apiVersion;
if (this.serverState.type === ServerState.Type.Running) {
return this.serverState.apiVersion;
return API.defaultVersion;
public onReady(f: () => void): Promise<void> {
@ -212,30 +243,30 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
this.telemetryReporter.logTelemetry(eventName, properties);
private service(): TypeScriptServer | null {
if (this.forkedTsServer) {
return this.forkedTsServer;
private service(): TypeScriptServer {
if (this.serverState.type === ServerState.Type.Running) {
return this.serverState.server;
if (this.lastError) {
throw this.lastError;
if (this.serverState.type === ServerState.Type.Errored) {
throw this.serverState.error;
if (this.forkedTsServer) {
return this.forkedTsServer;
const newState = this.startService();
if (newState.type === ServerState.Type.Running) {
return newState.server;
throw new Error('Could not create TS service');
public ensureServiceStarted() {
if (!this.forkedTsServer) {
if (this.serverState.type !== ServerState.Type.Running) {
private token: number = 0;
private startService(resendModels: boolean = false): TypeScriptServer | null {
private startService(resendModels: boolean = false): ServerState.State {
if (this.isDisposed) {
return null;
return ServerState.None;
let currentVersion = this.versionPicker.currentVersion;
@ -248,13 +279,13 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
currentVersion = this.versionPicker.currentVersion;
this._apiVersion = this.versionPicker.currentVersion.version || API.defaultVersion;
const apiVersion = this.versionPicker.currentVersion.version || API.defaultVersion;
this.lastError = null;
let mytoken = ++this.token;
const handle = this.typescriptServerSpawner.spawn(currentVersion, this.configuration, this.pluginManager);
this.serverState = new ServerState.Running(handle, apiVersion, undefined);
this.lastStart =;
handle.onError((err: Error) => {
@ -267,7 +298,7 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
vscode.window.showErrorMessage(localize('serverExitedWithError', 'TypeScript language server exited with error. Error message is: {0}', err.message ||;
this.lastError = err;
this.serverState = new ServerState.Errored(err);
this.error('TSServer errored with error.', err);
if (handle.tsServerLogFile) {
this.error(`TSServer log file: ${handle.tsServerLogFile}`);
@ -282,7 +313,6 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
handle.onExit((code: any) => {
@ -317,16 +347,15 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
handle.onEvent(event => this.dispatchEvent(event));
this.forkedTsServer = handle;;
if (this._apiVersion.gte(API.v300)) {
if (apiVersion.gte(API.v300)) {
this.loadingIndicator.startedLoadingProject(undefined /* projectName */);
return handle;
return this.serverState;
public onVersionStatusClicked(): Thenable<void> {
@ -372,7 +401,7 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
return false;
if (!this.forkedTsServer || !this.forkedTsServer.tsServerLogFile) {
if (this.serverState.type !== ServerState.Type.Running || !this.serverState.server.tsServerLogFile) {
'TS Server has not started logging.'));
@ -380,7 +409,7 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
try {
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('revealFileInOS', vscode.Uri.file(this.forkedTsServer.tsServerLogFile));
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('revealFileInOS', vscode.Uri.file(this.serverState.server.tsServerLogFile));
return true;
} catch {
@ -437,10 +466,8 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
id: MessageAction;
this.forkedTsServer = null;
if (!restart) {
} else {
this.serverState = ServerState.None;
if (restart) {
const diff = - this.lastStart;
let startService = true;
@ -464,7 +491,6 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
} else if (diff < 60 * 1000 /* 1 Minutes */) {
this.lastStart =;
prompt = vscode.window.showWarningMessage<MyMessageItem>(
@ -490,7 +516,7 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
public normalizedPath(resource: vscode.Uri): string | undefined {
if (this._apiVersion.gte(API.v213)) {
if (this.apiVersion.gte(API.v213)) {
if (resource.scheme === fileSchemes.walkThroughSnippet || resource.scheme === fileSchemes.untitled) {
const dirName = path.dirname(resource.path);
const fileName = this.inMemoryResourcePrefix + path.basename(resource.path);
@ -524,11 +550,11 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
private get inMemoryResourcePrefix(): string {
return this._apiVersion.gte(API.v270) ? '^' : '';
return this.apiVersion.gte(API.v270) ? '^' : '';
public toResource(filepath: string): vscode.Uri {
if (this._apiVersion.gte(API.v213)) {
if (this.apiVersion.gte(API.v213)) {
if (filepath.startsWith(TypeScriptServiceClient.WALK_THROUGH_SNIPPET_SCHEME_COLON) || (filepath.startsWith(fileSchemes.untitled + ':'))
) {
let resource = vscode.Uri.parse(filepath);
@ -694,7 +720,9 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
if (telemetryData.telemetryEventName === 'projectInfo') {
this._tsserverVersion = properties['version'];
if (this.serverState.type === ServerState.Type.Running) {
this.serverState = new ServerState.Running(this.serverState.server, this.serverState.apiVersion, properties['version']);
/* __GDPR__
@ -711,13 +739,9 @@ export default class TypeScriptServiceClient extends Disposable implements IType
this.logTelemetry(telemetryData.telemetryEventName, properties);
private resetClientVersion() {
this._apiVersion = API.defaultVersion;
this._tsserverVersion = undefined;
private configurePlugin(pluginName: string, configuration: {}): any {
if (this._apiVersion.gte(API.v314)) {
if (this.apiVersion.gte(API.v314)) {
this.executeWithoutWaitingForResponse('configurePlugin', { pluginName, configuration });