Add documentation for proposed configuration api

This commit is contained in:
Sandeep Somavarapu 2017-06-29 16:36:43 +02:00
parent 3019249628
commit 173a9bf807

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@ -33,10 +33,81 @@ declare module 'vscode' {
export namespace workspace {
* Get a configuration object.
* When a section-identifier is provided only that part of the configuration
* is returned. Dots in the section-identifier are interpreted as child-access,
* like `{ myExt: { setting: { doIt: true }}}` and `getConfiguration('myExt.setting').get('doIt') === true`.
* When a resource is provided, only configuration scoped to that resource
* is returned.
* If editor is opened with `no folders` then returns the global configuration.
* If editor is opened with `folders` then returns the configuration from the folder in which the resource belongs to.
* If resource does not belongs to any opened folders, then returns the workspace configuration.
* @param section A dot-separated identifier.
* @param resource A resource for which configuration is asked
* @return The full workspace configuration or a subset.
export function getConfiguration2(section?: string, resource?: Uri): WorkspaceConfiguration2;
* Represents the workspace configuration.
* The workspace configuration is a merged view of
* - Default configuration
* - Global configuration
* - Workspace configuration (if available)
* - Folder configuration of the [resource](#workspace.getConfiguration2) (if requested and available)
* **Global configuration** comes from User Settings and shadows Defaults.
* **Workspace configuration** comes from the `.vscode` folder of the first [workspace folders](#workspace.workspaceFolders)
* and shadows Globals configuration.
* **Folder configurations** comes from the `.vscode` folder of the [workspace folders](#workspace.workspaceFolders).
* Requested resource determines which folder configuration to pick. Folder configuration shodows Workspace configuration.
* *Note:* Workspace and Folder configurations contains settings from `launch.json` and `tasks.json` files. Their basename will be
* part of the section identifier. The following snippets shows how to retrieve all configurations
* from `launch.json`:
* ```ts
* // launch.json configuration
* const config = workspace.getConfiguration('launch', workspace.workspaceFolders[1]);
* // retrieve values
* const values = config.get('configurations');
* ```
export interface WorkspaceConfiguration2 extends WorkspaceConfiguration {
* Retrieve all information about a configuration setting. A configuration value
* often consists of a *default* value, a global or installation-wide value,
* a workspace-specific value and a folder-specific value.
* The *effective* value (returned by [`get`](#WorkspaceConfiguration.get))
* is computed like this: `defaultValue` overwritten by `globalValue`,
* `globalValue` overwritten by `workspaceValue`. `workspaceValue` overwritten by `folderValue`.
* *Note:* The configuration name must denote a leaf in the configuration tree
* (`editor.fontSize` vs `editor`) otherwise no result is returned.
* @param section Configuration name, supports _dotted_ names.
* @return Information about a configuration setting or `undefined`.
inspect<T>(section: string): { key: string; defaultValue?: T; globalValue?: T; workspaceValue?: T, folderValue?: T } | undefined;
>>>>>>> Add documentation for proposed configuration api
export namespace window {
export function sampleFunction(): Thenable<any>;