2018-06-08 19:37:04 +01:00

26 lines
575 B

' 26 lines 10 code 13 comments 3 blanks
' /**
' * @member difference
' * @memberof module:rodash
' * @instance
' * @description Return a new array of items from the first which are not in the second.
' * @param {Array} first
' * @param {Array} second
' * @example
REM * difference = _.difference([1,2], [2])
REM * ' => [1]
REM */
Function rodash_difference_(first, second)
result = []
for each f in first
result.push(f) 'Push array
for each s in second
if m.equal(s,f) then result.pop()
end for
end for
return result
End Function