#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e if [ "$1" = "--full" ]; then FILE=$2 FULL=true else FILE=$1 FULL=false fi echo 'Tokei Benchmarking Tool' if [ $FULL = true ]; then REQUIRED='cloc, tokei, loc, hyperfine, and scc' else REQUIRED='tokei, and hyperfine' fi echo "The use of this tool requires $REQUIRED to be installed and available in your PATH variable." echo 'Please enter the path you would like to benchmark:' if [ -z ${FILE+x} ]; then read input else input=$FILE fi hyperfine --version echo "old tokei: $(tokei --version)" if [ $FULL = true ]; then scc --version loc --version echo "cloc: $(cloc --version)" fi cargo build --release if [ $FULL = true ]; then hyperfine -w 5 "target/release/tokei $input" \ "tokei $input" \ "scc $input" \ "loc $input" \ "cloc $input" else hyperfine -w 10 -m 50 "target/release/tokei $input" \ "tokei $input" fi