
98 lines
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* react-no-unbound-dispatcher-props
* This custom tslint rule is highly specific to GitHub Desktop and attempts
* to prevent errors caused by passing unbound dispatcher methods as callbacks
* to components.
* Example
* <Resizable onReset={this.props.dispatcher.resetSidebarWidth} />
* The example above will fail at runtime because the resetSidebarWidth method
* is invoked with the `this` context not set to the dispatcher instance. The
* solution is to wrap the dispatcher callback in a bound instance method and
* passing that to the component in question.
* private handleReset = () => { this.props.dispatcher.resetSidebarWidth }
* ...
* <Resizable onReset={this.handleReset} />
import * as ts from 'typescript'
import * as Lint from 'tslint/lib/lint'
export class Rule extends Lint.Rules.AbstractRule {
public apply(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): Lint.RuleFailure[] {
if (sourceFile.languageVariant === ts.LanguageVariant.JSX) {
return this.applyWithWalker(new ReactNoUnboundDispatcherPropsWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions()))
} else {
return []
// The walker takes care of all the work.
class ReactNoUnboundDispatcherPropsWalker extends Lint.RuleWalker {
protected visitJsxElement(node: ts.JsxElement): void {
protected visitJsxSelfClosingElement(node: ts.JsxSelfClosingElement): void {
* Visit the node and apply the rule about ensuring the dispatcher is bound.
* JsxOpeningLikeElement encompasses both self-closing and regular elements
private visitJsxOpeningLikeElement(node: ts.JsxOpeningLikeElement): void {
// create violations if the listener is a reference to a class method that was not bound to 'this' in the constructor
node.attributes.forEach(attributeLikeElement => {
if (attributeLikeElement.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute) { return }
// This is some weak sauce, why doesn't JsxAttribute specify a literal kind
// so that it can be narrowed automatically?
const attribute: ts.JsxAttribute = <ts.JsxAttribute>attributeLikeElement
// This means that the attribute is an inferred boolean true value. See:
if (!attribute.initializer) { return }
// This likely means that the attribute is a string literal
// ie <foo className='foo' />
if (attribute.initializer.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.JsxExpression) { return }
const jsxExpression: ts.JsxExpression = attribute.initializer
// We only care about property accesses, direct method invocation on
// dispatcher is still okay. This excludes things like
// <A foo={1} />, <B foo={this.method()} />, <C foo={{ foo: 'bar' }} etc.
if (!jsxExpression.expression || jsxExpression.expression.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression) {
const propAccess: ts.PropertyAccessExpression = <ts.PropertyAccessExpression>jsxExpression.expression
const propAccessText = propAccess.getText()
if (/^this\.props\.dispatcher\./.test(propAccessText)) {
const start = propAccess.getStart()
const width = propAccess.getWidth()
const error = `Use of unbound dispatcher method: ${propAccessText}.`
const explanation = 'Consider extracting the method call to a bound instance method.'
const message = `${error} ${explanation}`
this.addFailure(this.createFailure(start, width, message))